
One Piece: King of the World

The mortal kings did not dare meet my gaze, and the Admiral would bow his body in my presence. Why, you ask? Because I was born noble, standing above all living beings. Luffy wants to become the Pirate King? That is a fantasy. Send him straight to Impel Down. Dragon wants to challenge Mariejois? Impossible. Send him for ideological reformation. For 800 years, the world has been beneath our feet, and it will remain so for a thousand more. I am a god walking among mortals. If this world must change, then it is god who will lead that change. Everything under the sun is trampled beneath the hooves of the Celestial Dragons! "I am the King of the World!" — Donquixote Claudius. ______________________________________ This is a TL Raw: 海贼:世界之王 Support me on patreon for 30+ Advanced chapters: patreon.com/Blownleaves

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54 Chs

Chapter 54: Massacre the City!

Of course, Claudius had no intention of leaving that guy intact. After freezing him into an ice sculpture, Claudius casually tapped his scabbard against the man's chest. A crisp *crack* echoed, and in an instant, the guy shattered into countless pieces. The ground was covered in broken shards, and not a single drop of blood could be seen.

Seeing this, Gion was visibly surprised and muttered, "Ice powers? Is this like Kuzan's ice?"

Kuzan, the wielder of the Logia-type Frozen Fruit, was well-known for his ice abilities. Watching Claudius freeze a man to pieces with just a gesture, Gion couldn't help but be taken aback.

Vice Admiral Tsuru, however, narrowed her eyes and studied the remains. "No, this isn't Kuzan's ice. Kuzan's power freezes people solid, but this... this is far more lethal. His ability seems different from Kuzan's, but I'm not sure how."

Though Tsuru didn't fully understand it, she was right. Kuzan's ability freezes the exterior, encasing people in ice, but it doesn't usually kill them instantly—strong individuals like Whitebeard or Doflamingo could even break free from it.

Claudius's freezing power, on the other hand, worked differently. His liquid nitrogen froze from the inside out, rapidly absorbing all the surrounding heat, making it far more deadly. The result? A person reduced to fragile shards with no chance of survival.

However, while Claudius's ability was more lethal, it had its limitations. His freezing wasn't as fast as Kuzan's. Kuzan could freeze an entire sea in the blink of an eye, while Claudius couldn't. Kuzan could also control the degree of freezing, even leaving someone alive after being encased in ice. Claudius's liquid nitrogen had no such control—once it was used, the damage was irreversible, with no possibility of melting someone back to life.

As the realization of what had just happened settled in, panic spread among the remaining people of Birka. One woman, her voice trembling with fear, screamed, "Demons! These wingless people are demons! They killed the envoy! Somebody, kill them!"

Claudius stood there, holding the boy Enel in one hand, his expression thoughtful. He murmured, "It's true… no snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible."

If Enel had experienced even a sliver of warmth or kindness during the darkest moments of his life, perhaps he wouldn't grow up to resent and destroy all of Birka in the future. But the cruelty of the priests and the onlookers had darkened his heart beyond repair.

Before Claudius could dwell further on his thoughts, a few of the remaining priests reacted, their anger boiling over. One of them, face twisted with fury, raised his hand and fired a shot at Claudius.

"No! Protect His Highness!" Tsuru's voice rang out sharply.

The bullet passed right through Claudius, leaving him unharmed thanks to his elementalized body. But now, this situation was no longer just a case of casual retaliation, it had escalated into something far more serious.

"Damn it," Tsuru muttered, knowing exactly what this meant. Marines quickly moved to form a protective circle around Claudius.

Claudius glanced at the bullet hole left in the wall behind him, a wicked smile creeping across his face. "Vice Admiral Tsuru, what do you think?"

Though Tsuru's expression remained one of frustration, she couldn't ignore the shift in tone. Claudius had stopped calling her "Sister Tsuru" and had reverted to her formal title of "Vice Admiral." She understood immediately what that meant.

With a sigh, Tsuru nodded. "These fools dared to attack a Celestial Dragon. That's a crime punishable by death."

Claudius smirked. Tsuru's words gave him the justification he needed. Even if what he had done earlier was seen as protecting himself, shooting at a Celestial Dragon—no matter the outcome was an unforgivable offense.

"Hmph, exactly. These bastards had the audacity to shoot at me. In the name of Claudius, I condemn them to death!" Claudius declared coldly.

Before anyone could react, Claudius's voice boomed across the crowd. "I am Donquixote Claudius, the noblest of Celestial Dragons, a descendant of the Creator, a god among men. You wretched fools dared to slander me, call me a 'wingless demon,' and even fired upon me. There is no forgiveness. In my name, I sentence all of Birka to death!"

The people of Birka stared at him, confused. While they had some knowledge of the world below, they had little understanding of what it meant to defy a Celestial Dragon. But they were about to learn the hard way.

Tsuru's expression shifted, but in the end, she said nothing. Claudius had given them no choice. These people had brought this upon themselves when they cursed and attacked him. There was no turning back now.

Claudius raised his arm, stretching it toward the sky, and quietly muttered, "Death Field—God's Punishment."

As his words echoed in the air, Tsuru couldn't see any visible change, though she felt a strange gust of wind pass by. More importantly, she sensed an overwhelming surge of energy radiating from Claudius.

"What kind of power is this?" Tsuru muttered, frowning.

Before she could figure it out, the people standing five meters beyond the Marines began clutching their throats, gasping for air. Their faces flushed red as they struggled to breathe, collapsing to the ground in agony.

This invisible force spread outward in waves, sweeping across the city. Ten meters, fifty meters, a hundred meters… No one could escape. The panic spread, but it was futile. The people who tried to run away fell just as quickly as those who stood frozen in fear, their bodies writhing as the life was choked out of them.

Gion, watching in horror, muttered, "What… what is this power?"

Even the birds in the sky were not spared. One by one, they dropped like stones, as if death itself had taken hold of everything in the area.

Crocodile, who had been observing from the side, glanced at Claudius. "God's punishment, huh?"

Indeed, this was Claudius's ultimate move his version of an island-destroying technique. As a Logia user, he had to have an attack on par with the destructive powers of other top-tier Logia users like Kuzan, Sakazuki, and Kizaru. While their powers were flashy and devastating, Claudius's approach was more subtle, yet equally deadly. His attack suffocated everything in its path, draining the air and life from any living being that relied on oxygen.

Within moments, the once-bustling city of Birka was deathly silent. No birds chirped, no animals stirred. The people, animals, and even insects had been wiped out by suffocation. The entire island had fallen under the weight of Claudius's power.

While Tsuru felt a pang of guilt for the lives lost, she couldn't say she objected. Defending Celestial Dragons was one of the Marines' highest responsibilities. Birka had made itself an enemy of the World Government, and in that context, they had done what was necessary.

Besides, she thought, Marines have done worse with Buster Calls.

"Your Highness," Tsuru began hesitantly, "now that the city is gone, I suppose our mission is a failure."

Claudius, glancing at the lifeless island, shrugged. "Maybe, but I have a feeling that when we reach the next island, they'll be more willing to talk. Especially after hearing about what happened to Birka."

Tsuru couldn't argue with that logic. What was done was done.

"Oh, by the way," Claudius added with a sly grin, "I'm sure Birka has some valuable resources lying around. It would be a shame to leave it all behind. Let's nationalize it, shall we? Hahaha!"

Crocodile shot Claudius a sideways glance. "You sound more like a pirate than a noble."

Claudius laughed. "What? If they hadn't provoked me, I wouldn't have bothered with them. Consider this the price they paid for their arrogance. Besides, if we take their resources, it strengthens us and helps protect the seas. It's all in the name of peace, after all."

To say something so self-serving right after wiping out an island… Only someone as brazen as Claudius could do that with a straight face.

Tsuru smiled wryly. "His Highness has a point. Originally, we came to explore Sky Island technology. Let's not waste the opportunity. Gion, search the temple."

"Understood!" Gion replied, immediately heading off to follow Claudius's orders.

Before she left, though, she hesitated and asked, "It's safe to go out now, right?"

Claudius chuckled. "Don't worry. My power's dissipated, but the air might still be a little thin for a bit. Give it some time, and everything will return to normal."

With that reassurance, Gion left to carry out the search.

Claudius turned his attention to the young boy still in his arms, smiling gently. "So, kid, what's your name?"

The boy, Enel, looked up at him with wide eyes. Though he didn't fully understand what had happened, one thing was clear—this man had saved him from the people who had tormented him his entire life. To others, Claudius might have seemed like a demon, but to Enel, he was an angel sent from the gods to deliver him from his suffering.

"My name is Enel," the boy whispered, his voice barely audible.

Claudius smiled warmly. "Enel, huh? A strong name. Well, Enel, you're with me now."

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