
One Piece: King of the World

The mortal kings did not dare meet my gaze, and the Admiral would bow his body in my presence. Why, you ask? Because I was born noble, standing above all living beings. Luffy wants to become the Pirate King? That is a fantasy. Send him straight to Impel Down. Dragon wants to challenge Mariejois? Impossible. Send him for ideological reformation. For 800 years, the world has been beneath our feet, and it will remain so for a thousand more. I am a god walking among mortals. If this world must change, then it is god who will lead that change. Everything under the sun is trampled beneath the hooves of the Celestial Dragons! "I am the King of the World!" — Donquixote Claudius. ______________________________________ This is a TL Raw: 海贼:世界之王 Support me on patreon for 30+ Advanced chapters: patreon.com/Blownleaves

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54 Chs

Chapter 44: The Five Elders

Mariejois' port was bustling with activity as several Marine warships slowly made their way to berth. Claudius, however, wasn't in any rush to disembark. Instead, he sat back, leisurely flipping through a newspaper with a smirk on his face.

The headlines grabbed his attention. "Navy Headquarters Kills the Infamous Pirate John and Engages in Battle with Golden Lion Shiki in the New World." Claudius chuckled to himself and said, "Well, that's one way to get people's attention."

Standing nearby Nia smiled. "Your Highness's identity has also been mentioned in the news, but fortunately, Sengoku and the others know how to keep things under control. They didn't publish your photo."

Even though the news of Claudius was spreading, it seemed the Marines had made sure to keep his face out of the papers. Nia, ever loyal, was relieved to see her master's name gaining fame without compromising his security.

Stussy, who stood on the other side, spoke up. "I know Morgans, the bird-man who runs the World Economy News Paper. He's just recently come into contact with the World Government. Without approval, he wouldn't have dared to print anything about your Highness."

The World Economy News Paper, owned by the ambitious bird-man Morgans, had been around for a while, but it never used to be a major player in the media landscape. However, once Morgans established ties with the World Government, his paper started getting first access to some of the most crucial stories, and its influence grew rapidly. Morgans knew where his bread was buttered and was quick to keep certain things quiet when necessary, all in the name of maintaining his newfound government connections.

"I must admit," Claudius said thoughtfully, "he's done a remarkable job turning that paper around in just two years. It's on the path to dominating the newspaper industry."

In the years to come, Claudius knew Morgans would develop the World Economy News Paper into a global powerhouse, wielding influence that could secretly sway world events. Morgans wasn't just a newsman—he was a kingmaker, pushing stories that could alter the balance of power, as he did with Luffy's rise as the "Fifth Emperor," which was, in fact, largely due to Morgans hyping him up.

Of course, Claudius also understood that while Morgans was useful to the World Government now, there might come a time when his influence grew too dangerous. But for now, Morgans was just a pawn in a much larger game. "I'll deal with him when the time comes," Claudius mused to himself. "No need to rush."

For now, Morgans had played up Claudius' role in John's death, even exaggerating the incident with Shiki. He made sure everyone knew Shiki was injured by Claudius, and the paper even claimed the scar on Shiki's face would be a lasting reminder of his defeat.

Thanks to Morgans' embellishment, Claudius' name was starting to spread across the world.

Meanwhile, high in the skies above the New World, Shiki himself was fuming as he read the newspaper. His forehead veins bulged in fury. "Damn it! That brat was Celestial Dragons?!" Shiki growled, crushing the paper in his hands. "Sengoku called him 'Your Highness,' but how did a Celestial Dragon manage to injure me?!"

Shiki's fingers brushed against the scar on his cheek. It would leave a permanent mark a reminder of the day he was humiliated by a so-called "trash" Celestial Dragon. The thought that his reputation had been tarnished, not by a top Marine but by someone from the pampered class of Celestial Dragons, made him boil with rage.

"Donquixote Claudius," Shiki hissed, his voice filled with venom. "You'd better pray we never cross paths again. Your royal status won't save you from me next time."

While Shiki stewed in his anger, elsewhere in the City of Water, the Pirate King himself, Gol D. Roger, was laughing uproariously as he read the same headline.

"Ahahaha! Shiki, of all people, got himself hurt by a Celestial Dragon?!" Roger's laughter echoed through the room. "I didn't see that one coming."

"Now that name sounds familiar," Roger continued, still chuckling. "Donquixote Claudius…where have I heard it before?"

Rayleigh, sitting nearby, glanced up and smirked. "Of course it sounds familiar. We ran into him on Sabaody Archipelago about five years ago, remember?"

Recognition dawned on Roger's face. "That's right! He was that interesting Celestial Dragon kid. I even thought about inviting him to join us back then!"

"Haha, you really should have, Captain," said Scopper Gaban, joining the conversation. "Imagine the look on Shiki's face if we had!"

Roger thought about it for a moment, then grinned. "Yeah, I should've tied him up and brought him along. He definitely had potential."

Rayleigh leaned back, taking a sip from his drink. "He was a strange one, alright. I could tell back then that he wasn't like the other Celestial Dragons. And now, five years later, he's managed to injure the Golden Lion. This era is really starting to heat up."

Roger's eyes gleamed with excitement. "That's why we can't waste any more time! The Oro Jackson will be ready soon, and when it is, we'll conquer this sea once and for all! Hahaha!"

Back in the New World, aboard a massive ship resembling a white whale, the infamous Whitebeard, Edward Newgate, was also reading the headlines.

"Shiki got himself in trouble again, eh?" Whitebeard said with a wide grin, tossing the newspaper aside.

His young crew member, Marco, raised an eyebrow. "I don't believe for a second that Shiki was injured by a Celestial Dragon. No way. This is probably just the World Government adding a little flair to make themselves look good."

Diamond Jozu nodded in agreement. "Yeah, the idea of a Celestial Dragon fighting is hard to swallow."

Whitebeard wasn't too concerned. "It doesn't matter who did it. The important thing is Shiki took a hit. He's been getting too cocky lately, taking down Ochoku and John. I wouldn't be surprised if I was next on his list."

Marco's eyes lit up. "Then why not strike first, Pops? We could take him out and be done with it."

Whitebeard waved a dismissive hand. "Nah, I'm not interested in ruling the seas like Shiki or the others. Let him come if he wants a fight. I'll sink him if he does, but until then, I'm not going looking for trouble."

Unlike Shiki, Big Mom, or Kaido, Whitebeard had no ambition to rule the seas. He simply wanted to live freely and protect his "sons." But even though he wasn't chasing the throne, his confidence in his own power was unshakable.

As Whitebeard dismissed the idea of hunting Shiki, many of the other powerful pirates across the world who read the news had similar reactions. They either scoffed at the idea of a Celestial Dragon being a threat or dismissed it as government propaganda.

Back at Mariejois, Sengoku was leading Claudius off the warship, making their way through the port. As they walked, Sengoku turned to Claudius and said, "The Five Elders have summoned you as well. They want to meet you."

Claudius raised an eyebrow, surprised. "Me? They want to meet me?"

Sengoku nodded. "Yes. They were quite clear about it. I believe it's related to your... recent activities."

Claudius smirked, "So, the lowest of the Celestial Dragons is being called to meet the highest? Must be because of all the noise we caused with Shiki."

"Indeed," Sengoku said with a smile. "You've caught their attention. Frankly, I'd be interested in meeting you too, if I were them."

Sengoku knew the Five Elders well enough to understand their curiosity. Most Celestial Dragons were content to live off their status, but Claudius was different. He had shown potential something rare among the so-called "gods."

Five Elders likely saw in Claudius an opportunity a way to reshape the world's perception of Celestial Dragons, to show that not all of them were entitled, lazy, or corrupt. Claudius could become the "face" of a new kind of Celestial Dragon one who was capable, competent, and strong.

And that, Sengoku thought, was an opportunity the Five Elders would not want to miss.

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