
One Piece King (Full Version)

The flesh-piercing One Piece hit Luffy’s ship. A journey of saying no with the body but honestly following the boat began. Have a duel plate. Five monster card slots can have five demon fruit abilities at the same time, and then assist magic cards, trap cards, equipment cards... "This distorted world, let my'flower grower' subvert it!"

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415 Chs

One Piece Chapter 82

No way, even if he tried his best to save, the 20,000 health points were still exhausted like a waterfall, but in three minutes, there was only a thousand health points left.

This is because he just maintains the consumption of the power of the two dragons, without opening the dragon wings.

It can be seen how much consumption of Longhua's ability is.

Just when Lan Ye was feeling emotional, Sanji over there also walked towards Lan Ye, and lighted his arm to Lan Ye and nodded slightly.

The damage and wounds of his clothes disappeared.

There is a high probability that the person killed before Lan Ye did not really die, and it is very likely that he still remembers that he was killed by Lan Ye "for no reason" once...

Hey, I really don't know if it is good news or bad news.

"Lan Ye, I have to say that your ability is really weird." Sanji still looked surprised. "It's called a card fruit, isn't it? It can extend so many abilities that I want to get a devil fruit. Have a good time!"

"With our abilities, Devil Fruit is still very likely to be obtained, but I don't know what type of abilities you want." Lan Ye didn't care.

Sanji is already very strong. It is not a big problem to eat or not eat Devil Fruit, but it will add a weak point of fear of sea water.

But it is not a big problem.

Maybe he will have a solution in the future.

For Lan Ye's words, Sanji smiled non-committal. He didn't continue to say anything, but he was once again entangled by the fascinating Luffy.

This guy is still thinking about elephant tuna.

It is also rare that he didn't even eat the elephant tuna by himself for half an hour after Sanji disappeared.

Hmm... Lan Ye thinks that it is very likely that Luffy is a single cell, but he also knows that no matter what the ingredients are, it will be more delicious after Sanji's treatment.

Simply ignoring Sanji's "seeking for help" gaze, Lan Ye disappeared in place again.

Fifty consecutive victories are already in sight, just work harder, and maybe you can get a red card reward today~

After defeating the two animal fruit abilities again, the troubled Sanji finally compromised in half and made a special barbecue for Luffy, filling Luffy's mouth with a lot of meat.

Although it is not the elephant tuna of the heart, as long as it is Meat Luffy, there is no resistance, so it is also a big meal with open arms.

In the middle of the meal, Lan Ye noticed that the guy Sauron was still lost.

Even if he is swimming back and forth around Twin Capes, this guy can still disappear magically!

For this reason, Lan Ye deliberately flew over the surrounding kilometer range, but still couldn't find the trace of this guy.

The ghost knows where he swam!

Fortunately, at Lan Ye's request, he had taken Xue away before, so he didn't have to worry about losing his life.

Lan Ye didn't look for it in the end, opened a bottle of wine and put it on the shore to see if he could catch a drunkard.

This is the same as using meat to fish for Luffy.

Sure enough, everyone was eating dinner and Nami, who had read the book, told about the island's magnetic field and the recording pointer. At this time, Sauron returned.

I also bought one, get two free, and left a man and a woman on the shore, motionless, probably in a coma.

If Sauron was dead, he wouldn't bring it.

"Oh, I can smell the scent of wine a long way away, Guru... Guru... Ha, good wine!"

Usopp: "...Is it really caught? Sauron, your "so far" is afraid that there will be a distance of tens of thousands of meters..."

Although I knew Sauron's good wine in the past, I really didn't know that good wine had such a use.

"Oh, you didn't die in the sea, the green algae head." Daily Yi from Sanji.

Sauron naturally wouldn't admit it anymore, and the two started to talk again. Of course, Sauron didn't delay eating, and he would all enter Luffy's belly later.

Lan Ye, who had already eaten almost, put down his food, and came to a man and a woman who had been left unconscious by Sauron.

There are two young men and women.

The young male wears a golden crown on his head and has Nami-like orange hair. Only the exposed half of his cheek is tattooed with a "9" tattoo.

When he saw this guy, Lan Ye immediately turned his gaze to the young female on the other side.

She was lying face down on the ground, with long waist-length aqua-blue hair covering her graceful figure. Although she did not see her face, Lan Ye confirmed the identity of the other party for the first time.

This girl is Miss. Wednesday of the Baroque Work Club and is also the princess Vivi of Alabastan. The male youth next to her is her companion Mr.9, a guy who has low strength but values ​​her partner.

Lan Ye was very surprised.

Actually meeting these two guys in this way.

Kneeling down, Lan Ye hesitated for a while, and finally gave up her plan to reach Weiwei, and fumbled on Mr.9 instead.

Not long after, a record pointer was touched.

"Tsk, what a pity, what happened to you."

Putting the record pointer into his arms, Lan Ye shook his head in a pity, and then glanced at Weiwei who was on the side.

Hey, do you want to search her body too?

What if there is something good?

Hmm...it seems possible.

Is it search? Still search? Still search?

Hi, so tangled!



"Mmei Wind" rewards 500 starting coins.

66,Boom! It hurts to look at

In the end, Lan Ye still didn't attack Weiwei.

This is also a poor child, working hard for his country, and as a princess of a country, he comes undercover for his people.

The future will definitely be a patriotic queen.

"Tsk, search for the queen, why the more you think about it, the more you think you should do a good search now?"