
One Piece King (Full Version)

The flesh-piercing One Piece hit Luffy’s ship. A journey of saying no with the body but honestly following the boat began. Have a duel plate. Five monster card slots can have five demon fruit abilities at the same time, and then assist magic cards, trap cards, equipment cards... "This distorted world, let my'flower grower' subvert it!"

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415 Chs

One Piece Chapter 49

With three crisp sounds, Sauron smashed the three sickles that attacked Lan Ye one by one. Lan Ye put down his floating body when "seeing this" and complained to Sauron who was protecting him. :

"Hey, you blocked me."

"Little devil, don't take an inch!" A word # popped out of Sauron's forehead, "I'm telling you..."

"If you don't let the mice go, they will run away."

"Damn it! You're waiting!"



Seeing that the cruel words he put had no effect on Lan Ye, Sauron, who was out of shape, angrily glanced at the word Hedao on his mouth.

He was thinking, since his mouth can't escape him, how about hacking this nasty guy to death without the knife on his mouth!

Hmm, great idea!

Lan Ye naturally didn't know the "evil" thoughts in Sauron's heart. When Sauron stepped aside, Eric had already ran out of his 50-meter attack range.

But well... Eric has indeed ran the effective attack distance, but isn't there a target close at hand beside him.

Without thinking at all, Lan Ye used Wu Kong to adjust his position slightly to ensure that he, Sauron, and Eric were in a straight line. Under Sauron's pale threat, all the repulsion accumulated in the repulsion protection circle was sent.


After a muffled sound, Sauron rushed out of the 50-meter range of his repulsion induction coil.

Lan Ye opened his eyes subconsciously, just to see a little star twinkling.

"Uh...it seems to be using too much force."

Scratching his head, he flew to catch up with Eric, who hadn't ran far, and didn't attack, just hanging 30 meters above him.

It won't be good to knock Sauron into the air and grab his experience baby.

After all, he is a man who has no shortage of experienced babies!


On the shore of the Lost Island, the raft brought Long Ye, Lu Fei and others to a safe landing. The hemp rope was already firmly tied to the stern of the boat to leave. Lu Fei turned and searched for the traces of Sauron and Lan Ye.

Time to retreat.

Needless to say, the way to retreat is to extend the arm and grab it.

However, Lu Fei obviously did not expect that there would be a "flying disaster", and suddenly a cloud of green fell directly on him and landed perfectly and safely.

"But... damn it!" The group of green suddenly jumped from Luffy, and all he didn't even think about was jumping off the boat and rushing towards the island: "Blue night! I must kill you!"


A hand was successfully placed on Sauron, who was defenseless on his back, and...


This time, Sauron's "perfect" face landed on the golden merri's pole.

Afraid to disfigure.

"But... damn it! I must hack you two to death one day!" Sauron threatened weakly.

After landing abnormally twice in a row, he said that he wanted to hack another one more person.

I am afraid that this is a flag which is basically impossible to achieve.

Luffy's resentment towards Sauron, except for the sentence "Sorry, Sauron", he no longer pays attention to it. There is no trace of apology at all, and he also knows how to stretch his guilty rubber hand towards Lan Ye, who is hanging behind Eric. go.

Naturally, Lan Ye refused wholeheartedly, even if the young master flies to Gunkanjima, don't take your express train!

Without hesitation, the repulsive force knocked it into the air, Lan Ye touched his chin, and felt that Sauron would not have the energy to brush the experienced baby Eric, so let him take care of him.

Thinking like this, Lan Ye immediately speeded up to the sky above Eric. Before the other party hadn't reacted, Wukong's repulsion layer suddenly exploded with a powerful repulsive force, directly pressing Eric, who was still running. On the floor, friction with inertia.

Well, there is nothing wrong with rubbing on the floor.

In terms of ability, Lan Ye really belongs to the restraint of Eric's Scythe Fruit. The latter's attacks require the movement of the limbs to perform the basic sickle slash, but... if it is covered by Lan Ye's repulsion range, this looks like The over-indulgence guy must be unable to lift even one finger.

Those with devil fruit abilities who can't use their abilities are just like ordinary people.

Holding two gravitational forces in both hands, Lan Ye slowly relaxes the repulsive force under her feet to lower her figure, while the gravitational force of her hands is firmly set on the boulders on both sides, ensuring that she drops her figure while exerting on Eric. The pressure will not be reduced by a minute.

If it increases, there is no way to control too much.

Hanging three meters above Eric, Lan Ye said, "Hey, purple-haired sissy, do you want to surrender?"

Eric: "..."

Lan Ye: "Oh, it's pretty stiff, I'll show you something nice." The repulsive force under his feet increased.

Eric: "..."

Lan Ye: "Tsk tsk, yes, you have a backbone. I appreciate it, but I don't know if your bones are so hard." The repulsion increased again, as if there was a cracking sound coming out of Eric's body.

Eric: "..."

Lan Ye: "Tsk tsk, I will take your hard breath, well, I will give you a good one."

With that, Lan Ye took out the magic card and stared behind Eric, but hesitated in his heart.

Speaking of which, he hasn't really killed anyone yet.

The first time he killed a mermaid, it was not strictly a human being, and he killed it by accident both times. His original intention was not to kill.

In the duel, Lan Ye couldn't see any messy scenes, and when he decided the victory or defeat, he teleported back to reality by himself.

Therefore, Lan Ye was actually a little hesitant about killing Eric.

In other words, he was not so daring to wipe out a living life.

When Lan Ye was hesitating, Sauron, who didn't know when he jumped out of the boat and rushed over, mocked with disdain:

"Hey, kid. You've pressed him into the soil like this, and he's already fortune-telling if he doesn't suffocate to death. How do you answer your question?"

Blue night: "..."

So, is it my pot?