
One Piece King (Full Version)

The flesh-piercing One Piece hit Luffy’s ship. A journey of saying no with the body but honestly following the boat began. Have a duel plate. Five monster card slots can have five demon fruit abilities at the same time, and then assist magic cards, trap cards, equipment cards... "This distorted world, let my'flower grower' subvert it!"

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415 Chs

One Piece Chapter 355

As for the outside world about the low status of the forest elves in Arendale and that Ambala used them as slaves, these are just rumors.

It was Ambala deliberately.

Otherwise, let other pirates know that coming to this country is very likely to become a "rule wife", I am afraid that many pirates will not come to take refuge.


Arendale is really'friendly' to the strong.

Take Ambala, for example, he has married more than a hundred forest elves. If other strong men can'convince' their own wives, it is not a dream to hug left and right.

In Allendale, the right to speak only depends on who has the big fist.


It's impossible to go to bed, let alone do some shy things.

The explanation provided by Yi Lusi ends here.

After Lan Ye heard this, she was silent for a while.

Those who come up with a'marriage policy' should not be underestimated!

Only one move.

Not only allows his subordinates to be able to stare at the forest elves, and put an end to the final possibility of their riots. It also allows the arrogant and domineering pirates' subordinates to be cleaned up and obedient, without worrying about their lack of control and making trouble.

The most important thing is that after the selection of the forest elves, there are basically no soft-footed shrimps that actually join Allendale.

At least ordinary naval soldiers can easily defeat them.

This strategy kills three birds with one stone.

"I just don't know whether Ambala figured it out by himself or he has a military adviser by his side."

When thinking about the key, Yi Lusi also came to the city with Lan Ye.

There are a total of seven cities in Arendale, and the city they are going to enter is specially built for the placement of new members.

It occupies half the size of Alba, the capital of Alabasta, enough to accommodate 500,000 people for a normal life, and has a huge training place.

There are three hundred training grounds alone.

After leading Lan Ye to a room, Yi Lusi left a piece of bad news before leaving.

After the recruits arrive, they will train in this unnamed recruit city for at least one year before they can go out - during this period, Yi Lusi will be Lan Ye's instructor.

After that, Yi Lusi left.

Although in Arendale's law, she is Lan Ye's wife now, she has no idea of ​​sharing the bed with Lan Ye.

Lan Ye understands.

This year, I am afraid that the forest elves have evaluated their other half.

If the other party passed by, it would not be unacceptable to reluctantly marry.

If you can't get past it... Then change to the next one.

"I really want to squeeze out the full value of these forest elves, and use their nature to resist contact with men. Soldiers who have been hard-trained with one enemy and three are definitely okay. They are in a tacit understanding with their'wife'. Aspects have also been cultivated."

"Thunderclouds and Divine Archers are compatible with melee combat. With these two alone, even if the navy comes to a million people, Arendale will eat even the bones and scum."

"Interesting, interesting, I don't know what else is interesting behind."

Standing at the door and thinking for a long time, Lan Ye was not intimidated by the strength that Arundale showed--just to be so energetic.

The stronger Arendale is, the more terrifying the achievements and prestige that Blue Night will obtain after conquering it.

Quickly accumulate fame and gain the right to speak in the revolutionary army as soon as possible. Why not do it?

As for failure?

It doesn't exist!

In Lan Ye's dictionary, there are no such two words.


One night passed.

There was no one in this room of 100 square meters from the beginning to the end.

I don't know if it is the standard equipment that everyone has, or the privilege of Yi Lusi.

But there is no need to huddle with the pirates, Lan Ye is happy too.

It's always hard to resist people thousands of miles away with a sullen face.

When the genius was bright, footsteps finally came outside the door.

During sleep, Lan Ye immediately opened his eyes, and habitually took out his phone to check the time.

Five o'clock in the morning.

This is the rhythm of morning training.

Helplessly leaving his warm crib, Lan Ye turned a black face to the door, just as Yi Lusi pushed in.

Seeing Lan Ye's appearance, Yi Lusi was taken aback, then relieved.

According to the information,'Jace' is a person who has a strong sense of getting up. He was not a lone ranger before, because he was disturbed in sleep but he hacked to death no fewer than double-digit companions.

Facing a black blue night, Yi Lusi said with her soft accent:

"Let's go, if you don't really want to stay here for a year, you won't be able to hide from the first day of training."

A clear color flashed in Lan Ye's eyes, his face still gloomy, and his eyes signaled Yi Lusi to lead the way.

Yi Lusi didn't care, and left first, Lan Ye slowly hung behind the opponent, looking around curiously.

They were all the same as the house they lived in, and one after another people walked out of the room one after another.

The new pirates who arrived yesterday had the same blue night faces, with more or less negative emotions, and occasionally a few still cursed in the room and didn't want to get up.

The consequences can be imagined, he was beaten severely by his own'coach bride', and then dragged away by twisting the collar.

In the crowd, there are more unfamiliar faces.