
One Piece King (Full Version)

The flesh-piercing One Piece hit Luffy’s ship. A journey of saying no with the body but honestly following the boat began. Have a duel plate. Five monster card slots can have five demon fruit abilities at the same time, and then assist magic cards, trap cards, equipment cards... "This distorted world, let my'flower grower' subvert it!"

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415 Chs

One Piece Chapter 354

With these lessons learned, the weaker people are very aware of the current affairs and do not resist, and are obediently taken away.

Repeated so many times, the match was successfully completed on the scene, and the pairs were taken into the wilderness, hidden on the horizon.

It wasn't until everyone left that the bridge that connected the big rock to the coast slowly sank into the sea and was submerged by waves.

Waiting for the arrival of the next batch of personnel.


Under Yi Lusi's leadership, Lan Ye walked with him for a full hour before he saw the outline of a city.

It's just a sight, it's not here.

As the saying goes, Wangshan ran to death. Without knowing the specific size of the city, there is a wilderness around it without a reference, so it is impossible to know how many roads there is to get there.

Lan Ye couldn't bear to walk down so slowly, it was a little dark without seeing it?

Therefore, he took a few steps quickly, and walked with Yi Lusi, confidently saying:

"It's time for an introduction."

Yi Lusi glanced at Lan Ye in surprise, as if wondering why he could be like a prophet.

Lan Ye naturally saw Yi Lusi's thoughts, but in order to maintain the image of'Jace', he did not take the initiative to explain.

Yi Lusi didn't question this either, but he really opened his mouth and slowly said the reason for the matter.

The beginning and the end that seemed confusing before was finally revealed.

That is...



"Wind Chime Voiceless Listening Movement" rewards 1,000 starting coins.


Tired of heart, the recent spring season, the workload is a bit heavy, and I feel a little bit unable to open my eyes.

4000 offered, the waste blue really can't stand it, and I have to go home from get off work to wash and sleep.

Good night, sweet dreams.

300,Come on!

The aborigines of Arendale, the group of people called the forest elves by Blue Night, do not have a high status in Arendale.

But that is only relative to Ambala.

In this country, Ambala is the king recognized by Queen Arendale, and he keeps his promises.


The people of the Ambala Pirates Group had no way to gain the approval of the forest elves.

Not even respect.

Probably because the folk customs of this country are too sturdy.

The supremacy of the kingship cannot be violated, but under the kingship, Arundale believes in absolute power.

Ambala is the king, they can only surrender helplessly, if you from the Ambala Pirates group, if you are greedy for their beauty and desires?

Yes you can.

Let's fight first. If I win, I'll follow you naturally. If I can't win...

Did you see those pig heads before?

That's the end.

It is very sad that in any large-scale pirate group, it is impossible for everyone to be strong-the forest elves are indeed blessed, and the combat power of any one can easily be one enemy ten.


Except for a small number of capable members of the Anbala Pirates, who have won favor by defeating the forest elves by their abilities, the other members of the Ambara Pirates can only sigh with excitement—no, even too much. I didn't dare to look in my eyes.

Otherwise, you will be caught, and a duel will be inevitable.

For such folk customs, the dictator Ambala was furious. At that time, he had not received the support of the dragon people. He killed a full 10,000 forest elves, but still couldn't make these forest elves change their minds.

It's too stubborn!


It is precisely because of the discovery of this nature to admit death that Ambala thought of taking the line of the dragon people, and with the assistance of the dragon people, to control Arundale and become the king of Arundale.

Since then.

What about the forest elves?

You have killed 10,000 and no one has succumbed. You can't kill them all, right?


Ambala thought of a compromise.

As long as the members of the Ambala Pirates who landed on Arendale Island, the forest elves must choose one to marry and become a nominal couple with them.

As for whom to listen to between husband and wife? Are you happy after marriage? Is it sexual happiness after marriage?

Ambala said he would not care about it at all.

The country has given a wife with big breasts, hips, long legs, and a pretty face, and you can only rely on you for the rest.

As a condition of promise, Ambala offered to let the forest elves choose at least two men, and the other one who was not selected must take them with an arrow.

Even so.

The forest elves were also unwilling to agree, but Queen Aiana, who did not want them to stand up, agreed on behalf of the forest elves.

The matter is so fixed.


At the beginning, everyone disembarked and flew in a wave of head-on fires.