
One Piece King (Full Version)

The flesh-piercing One Piece hit Luffy’s ship. A journey of saying no with the body but honestly following the boat began. Have a duel plate. Five monster card slots can have five demon fruit abilities at the same time, and then assist magic cards, trap cards, equipment cards... "This distorted world, let my'flower grower' subvert it!"

RAR_BLANK · Derivasi dari karya
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415 Chs

One Piece Chapter 344

This kind of talent, can you sum it up with the word'talent'?

This is no longer partiality, it's just a good mother-in-law!

Those who have no talents like Lan Ye can only rely on the system, they are raised by Waste Lan.

Like Luffy, who has no talent or system and relies on the protagonist's aura, that is forced by Oda Dashui.

And like Usopp...probably raised by a stepmother.

It may also grow freely.


The mirror avatar shook his head-mother's, it was abnormal again.

Seeing a large number of arrows slapped like a sea wave, the mirror clone chose to release its own big move!

That is--

Mirror clone·Remove! !


The mirror avatar exploded on the spot, turning into a little starlight and dissipating in the air, all the arrows naturally shot into the air, perfectly avoiding this carpet-like attack.

Robin on the side was also a little relieved when he saw this.

Fortunately, the mirror clone came back. If it were the main body, it might not be so easy to solve.

As for themselves...

With Kerla, a revolutionary army present, and others like him are women, there is no need to worry about safety at all.

Mirroring the clone to relieve yourself is indeed a good way to avoid hurting the peace of both parties.


The other end.

Leaning on the big rhinoceros as a shield, Lan Ye was taken aback for a while after receiving the memory flow of the mirror clone. He looked at the big rhinoceros under him strangely, and asked:

"I said, your mission turned out to be to capture the second princess Aisha! How could you let her run away?"

"Huh-what's the shit? If it weren't for you to stop, I would have grabbed the hairy girl, and finally squatted to her, we are endless!" The big rhino said gruffly.

When Lan Ye heard the words, she shrugged, and continued to use gravity to firmly stick herself to the back of the rhinoceros, behind which was the tight protection of the original sand current.

The raindrop-like arrows around can only fall on the big rhinoceros. With the help of the airflow, the powerful arrow that can cut the first layer of the mirror clone's dragon scales can only shoot a white spot on the big rhino's skin. .

The skin is really not as thick!

As for how it evolved into what it is now, it will be a long story short...ah no, it will be a long story.


Lan Ye had planned to sneak around the big rhinoceros slowly, waiting for the mirror avatar to return to 2V1, but didn't want anyone to put Lengjian in the dark, and almost didn't provoke Lan Ye--the most hated people who put Lengjian in the background.

But after thinking about it, he also understood who put these cold arrows.

For reasons that he didn't want to hurt his peace and there was no way to persuade this group of people for the time being, Lan Ye adhered directly to the big rhino's back, using this guy as a shield, in line with the idea that he could use his brain and never do it.

The defensive power of Essence Sand is still very strong, even without Lan Ye's urging, the'Guardian of Sand' can provide a perfect defense for Lan Ye.

It did not live up to Lan Ye's training during this period.

Seeing that they were unable to attack the blue night, the aboriginals of Arendale naturally turned their arrows one after another, and shot them fiercely at the slow-moving rhino.

I don't want this guy to be really thick-skinned. Even the eyes with the weakest defensive power, when people close their eyelids, these arrows that can split the dragon scales are nothing to do with the rhino.

Not even tickles.

Thus, there is the above scene.

Although the big rhino looks a little stupid, its strength is outrageous, relying on its own heavy defense, staring at the arrow rain step by step like a walk, retreating in the direction of the chase.

Lan Ye didn't take the opportunity to hit the big rhinoceros, and gave him an "inch sniper" or "weird force".

Do not know why.

Although Lan Ye prevented the Big Rhino from catching Aisha, the Big Rhino did not have any hostility towards Lan Ye. When he attacked Lan Ye before, he also saw Hunter Xinxi's intention to vent his anger too much.

A very strange phenomenon.

When Lan Ye was thinking about the problem, the big rhinoceros was also drifting away. After the Arundale aborigines also chased for a while, seeing that there was nothing to do with the two of them, most of them dispersed.

The big rhinoceros ran for a long distance before stopping, and the huge body gradually shrank, and finally turned into a strong white young man with a height of two meters.

As for the blue night...

Benyuan Shazi wrapped him like a yellow silkworm pupa. The white young man's ears were attached to the yellow silkworm pupa, and the sound of gentle breathing could still be heard faintly.

This is asleep!

The white young man scratched his tousled hair without getting angry, and turned and left.

Until the white youth disappeared, the yellow silkworm chrysalis remained silent.

Lan Ye really seemed to be asleep.

Accompanied by the singing of birds and cicadas in the forest, an hour passed without knowing it.

A heavy footstep sounded abruptly.

The footsteps slowly approached. Not long after, a huge tiger head appeared in the distance, and his body undulated towards Lan Ye's position.

However, this tiger is very strange.

The whole body is full of vigor, even the most basic vitality is not a trace, but it is entangled with a faint life of death.

When the tiger got close, the truth immediately became clear.

It turned out that under the tiger, a person was holding the tiger, step by step, holding the three-meter-high tiger, to the side of the yellow silkworm chrysalis sleeping peacefully in the blue night.


The big tiger was heavily thrown down, the ground trembled, and all the bird singing and cicada chanting around disappeared, and it should have been scared away.

The figure holding the tiger also showed the deity.