
One Piece King (Full Version)

The flesh-piercing One Piece hit Luffy’s ship. A journey of saying no with the body but honestly following the boat began. Have a duel plate. Five monster card slots can have five demon fruit abilities at the same time, and then assist magic cards, trap cards, equipment cards... "This distorted world, let my'flower grower' subvert it!"

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415 Chs

One Piece Chapter 292

In other words, even those with natural fruit ability can only rely on their physical strength to resist injury.

Just ask if you are afraid?

It is worth mentioning that killing someone in the duel field did not activate the growth attribute of [Sandu no Crane Puppet], perhaps because it failed to absorb the true vitality.

At the same time, Lan Ye learned that after matching Tina, the body elementalization of'tail beastization' would not be caught by the domineering armed color!

It seems that the essence of'tail beastization' is really just sand, not the ability of natural fruit, and will not be bound by the rules of the One Piece world.

This BUG is big.

However, the attack is really passable.

Inferior to elemental attacks such as flame, magma, and freezing, it has natural attribute advantages.

Therefore, during this period of time, Lan Ye didn't develop the ability to control sand, but his tricks to beat the disgusting person began to slip away.

As for his opponent, naturally, he was stubborn in his heart.

Hit it, stab in panic.

Don't fight, people put a lump of'weak' sand on your face, no matter how good your temper is, you can't help it.

After three days of training like this, the opponents changed one by one, and Lan Ye was depressed for the first time.

It's obviously a purple card, how come you feel so weak?

When Lan Ye was struggling with the problem, the mirror clone outside directly confided this depression to Robin.

In this regard, Robin, who has stayed with Klockdal for three years, really has a few good suggestions.

"Klockdal's own strength, aura is not prominent in one-to-one, his horror lies in the scale. Sandstorms, quicksand burial, sand flow flooding, etc., rely on quantity.

The destructive single skills such as the Desert Sword are also based on comprehending the sword intent.

Krokdal, but a master swordsman, is like Sauron, a sword master who understands the intent of the sword, even a great sword master, but he abandons the sword in order not to rely on weapons other than abilities. Hope that the rustle fruit ability awakens.

Therefore, Robin's suggestion to Lan Ye is: consider the ability of sand control to large-scale range skills and auxiliary skills. In terms of single skills, it can be matched with other abilities, such as sword intent + sand control = desert sword.

Robin's suggestion, after Lan Ye thought thoughtfully for a long time, came to a conclusion.

In the duel arena, he is afraid that he will not have the opportunity to exercise a wide range of sand control skills, but this is nothing more than just like sea water, winning by quantity.

What Lan Ye considers is the combination of its own ability and sand control in a small range or even a single attack.

In terms of the combination of monomers, Lan Ye first thought of the air bomb of repelling force.

Even with the current Lan Ye's ability, it takes a while for air bombs to accumulate air, but if the'bullet' is replaced from air to sand...

Like repelling bullets, it is instantaneous, and there is no target that can hit outside the scope of repulsive force. The most important thing is a mass bullet, which can cause more destructive power.

After several simulations, Lan Ye directly defined the model of the'sand bullet' as a three-centimeter javelin.

The first centimeter is the warhead, which is a cone with a diameter of five millimeters, and the last two centimeters are the body. Hold the center of gravity so that the warhead does not deviate too much.

In terms of destructive power, Lan Ye uses his own mirror image clone as an example, which is powerful enough to shatter the body-protecting dragon scales.

You know, the standard navy guns can only leave a white spot on the dragon scales of Blue Night.

Effective distance, within the 222.7 meters of Repulsion, the hit rate is close to 100%. If the finger does not hit the neck within 450 meters, the body can be hit within 600 meters, and vision cannot be maintained no matter how far away.

After all, your eyesight is limited, so you can't use this skill as a sniper rifle.

This skill, Lan Ye is clearly a'sand bullet' (idiot?).

On top of the sand bullet, there is an upgrade skill, that is the'sand bullet machine gun'.

He doesn't need to reload bullets manually, he relies entirely on his mind.

Lan Ye tried with the mirror clone (mirrored clone: ​​MMP). If it bursts with full force, it can reach 10 rounds per second shooting. If the mirror clone does not turn on the repulsion sensor, it will be destroyed in 30 seconds. Strip off the partial dragon scales, and then bullets into the flesh, bloody.

It's useless even if you turn your back. Under the control of the repulsive force, the sand bullet can travel in an arc.

A bullet that will turn a corner, just ask if you are afraid?

If the sand bomb is within 100 meters, Lan Ye can also manipulate the sand bomb that has been shot into the mirrored body to explode, and the fine sand will damage the internal organs a second time.

Even if Chopper saw the tiny sands, he shook his head straight.

It's too difficult to take out.

At the same time, it feels too painful.

Tsk tsk, this is also cruel to own mirror clone.

The mirror avatar was relieved on the spot, and the pain used was returned to the body without reservation.

That's sour and refreshing.

Lan Ye knelt on the spot, clutching her chest-the internal organs all over her body were as hot as fire.

At that time, there were only two thoughts in the mirror division of mind and body.


Two: Did you put sulfuric acid on every piece of sand? How hot it hurts!

After kneeling down in pain, Lan Ye also faintly understood why the sand would be hot and painful.

During the flight, the outer layer of the sand bomb rubbed against the air to generate a lot of heat, and the hot sand exploded in the body and was embedded in the internal organs, just like the pebbles grilled sausage, it was sizzling.

Relying on this trick, Lan Ye now directly turned from an anti-injury killer into a fire-covering hand in the duel field.

The meeting is'suddenly' for ten seconds.

If you dodge completely quickly, or if your defense is strong enough to resist, we will enter new tricks to ponder the time.

Lan Ye flew directly to the sky, remotely controlling a mass of sand to paste your face, waist, and stomach, trying to develop new tricks.

It's just that the new tricks are not something you can think about with just a slap of your head.

It was not until seven days later that the three of Lan Ye logged on to Lulujia Island, and he also developed a new trick called'Sand Bomb'.

Then, Lan Ye had to temporarily suspend the development time of happy new tricks, and started to do business.

The long-awaited revolutionary army, are you still on Lulujia Island?

My Lan Ye, come to you!