
One Piece King (Full Version)

The flesh-piercing One Piece hit Luffy’s ship. A journey of saying no with the body but honestly following the boat began. Have a duel plate. Five monster card slots can have five demon fruit abilities at the same time, and then assist magic cards, trap cards, equipment cards... "This distorted world, let my'flower grower' subvert it!"

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415 Chs

One Piece Chapter 245

Thinking of this, Chen Lianggui couldn't help speeding up his pace, preparing to go back to the'home' surrounded by the patriarch, to prevent his last'principal' from running away.

He who was chanting'turning the book' didn't notice at all. In the port behind him, there was a purple light shining up, and in a blink of an eye he was close to his back, swallowing all the surrounding land.

Naturally, Chen Lianggui, who was devoted to selling his wife and turning over his books, was also swallowed.

Rumble! ! !

A loud noise like a crack in the ground came at this time. The purple beam of light shot directly into the sky, and after it broke through to an altitude of nearly 700 meters, it slowly dissipated.

Along with the purple beam of light, all the land, water, and...the gambler in the area disappeared.

I believe that without him, his wife will have a better life.

At least they will not be sold as slaves.

At the top of the purple beam of light, a handful of sand flows surging, condensing Krokdal's head first, his shocked face follows the hollow of the purple beam of light, and the other end of the purple beam of light-keep punching The blue nights of action are opposite each other.

After Lan Ye closed his fist, he stroked Krokdahl's neck, compared to his mouth—

"Leave things with you first, and I will ask you to borrow them later!"

What to borrow?

Naturally, Krokodall's item is on the top of the head.

Krokodall had a sullen face and did not answer. He stared at the arrogant blue night until the backflow of the sea filled the gap, forming a small whirlpool at the port.

boom! boom! boom! ...

There was a roar, and it was Yuyan that was collapsing.

Yuyan was built on the magical glass hemisphere under the sea. Now the glass hemisphere has been destroyed and Yuyan has become rootless duckweed. It is normal for it to collapse.

Without a trace of nostalgia, Krocdal turned and flew away.

The role of Yuyan is just to converge a lot of financial resources for oneself and support the smooth implementation of the "ideal township plan".

Now that the success is imminent, it can be regarded as a successful retreat.


In other words, this rain feast has no value.

Soon, he will not only own this country, but also the'Pluto', one of the three ancient weapons. What do you want?

Shortly after Krokdal's departure, several heads appeared in the vortex of the harbor.

It's Lan Ye and a few people.

Nami was hugged by Lan Ye, without the slightest amount of sea water.

Sanji Luffy with his left hand and Mr. 3 with his right hand, although he was wet all over, saved his life.

Sauron was dragging Small, not teammate Usopp.

So Usopp is more pitiful. No one cares about him now following the whirlpool, and being able to float to the surface is already a great force.

Lan Ye put down the intact Nami, and turned around compassionately to rescue Usopp, but didn't want Nami to still tightly circle his neck.

"Why, still want to run?" Nami said in a dangerous tone.

"Ahem... that's not it, if I don't save people, Usopp will..."

"Huh, isn't it just saving people." Nami snorted, "Sanji, leave it to you."

"Hi~ Miss Nami!"


Sanji, who was originally jealous, wanted to come up and talk to Lan Ye, but after hearing Nami's'request', he plunged into the sea without hesitation.

Nami raised her brows: "What reason do you have to say?"

Blue night: "..."

"Suddenly there is no reason. Let's talk about it. Why don't you say hello to me about your sudden departure? Is it because of the virus?"

"It's okay, the time is more urgent, so..." Lan Ye said haha.

"The virus has nothing to do with you. After all, you are not a professional doctor..." Nami would explain.

"Hey, Sauron, how did you save the navy?" Lan Ye changed the subject abruptly.

have to.

Said it was not for this reason.

However, Nami couldn't force her too tightly, she could only let go of her hand and looked at Sauron who was'released' for Luffy.

When you step on your chest, Luffy will spit out the water he drank, just like a fountain, which is quite fun.

"It's so annoying, I'm not willing." Sauron looked impatient, "He was hanging on me half-dead and forced me to save him."

Nami shrugged and said casually:

"Forget it, if you save it, you will be saved. After all, you have also fought before. Now the top priority is to rush to Albana... Where are Vivi and Chopper?"

"Ah, they should go to prepare transportation." Lan Ye took the conversation, but his eyes were fixed on Small.

He is thinking about a problem.

Smogg was a student of Zefa, and was rebellious, but as a navy, he often violated orders.

In the future, Zefa will be able to rebel against the navy, so can this guy who is full of rebellious factors also instigate it?

Don't look at Smogg's weakness now...

Hmm...the future seems to be very weak.

But that was his poor development of his abilities.

There is no low-level ability, only those who can't develop it.

Brain holes are both power.

In his previous life, he had read a copy of "The Pirate's Smog General", which was about being reborn as Smogg. The ability development was called omnipotent.

I heard that the author is still a fat man.