
One Piece King (Full Version)

The flesh-piercing One Piece hit Luffy’s ship. A journey of saying no with the body but honestly following the boat began. Have a duel plate. Five monster card slots can have five demon fruit abilities at the same time, and then assist magic cards, trap cards, equipment cards... "This distorted world, let my'flower grower' subvert it!"

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415 Chs

One Piece Chapter 204

"But... But Lan Ye, you... You also... only wear a little?" Lu Fei asked tremblingly.

Lan Ye looked down at herself.

The upper body is a short-sleeved T-shirt simulated by Dragon Wing, and the lower body is still Sanji trousers.

No more than Luffy.

But well, Lan Ye didn't really feel cold yet.

Except that the dragon scales isolate the temperature to a certain extent, he uses a repulsive defensive circle on his body surface to isolate the wind, snow and cold molecules in the air, just like avoiding water droplets in the sea.

Therefore, he is not cold.

This is the micro-manipulation he has just learned recently.

Glancing at Luffy who was shivering and shrank into a ball, Lan Ye reluctantly raised his hand and flicked it lightly, a group of repulsive forces shot out of his fingers, slapped Luffy's whole person into the castle fiercely.

Well, it's in the middle of the red heart, very much!

After photographing Luffy back, Lan Ye followed him into the castle and closed the gate easily.

After communicating with the snowbirds, Lan Ye had moved the snowbird's nest to the castle a few days ago.

Otherwise, the gate is always open. The castle is not built for nothing. What if it gets cold to Nami.

After closing the door, Luffy, who was shot flying, also angrily killed.

Lan Ye glanced at his remaining life value, silently estimated it in his heart, and looked up at Sauron and the others who planned to watch the battle without intervening.

The next moment, Lan Ye suddenly disappeared in place, and his right fist hit Luffy's stomach fiercely, hitting him into a full-string slingshot with the word'C'.


Although Luffy stayed a little bit, his fighting consciousness was not weak. After being attacked, his upper body immediately contracted, intending to entangle the blue night and restrict his movement speed.

It is a pity that he has not yet attached Lan Ye, but he was noticed by Lan Ye's repulsion protection circle, and the latter repulsion will take it to the side.

Luffy is about to be knocked into the air, Lan Ye's right fist turned into a palm, grabbed Luffy's belly, lifted it over his head and waved it fiercely, just like the wind and hot wheel, Luffy was thrown away. Venus.

Temporarily controlling Luffy, Lan Ye's more energy is controlling the repulsive force of his body, a large amount of air current surging around him, and disappearing all over him.

The blue night in the eyes of Sauron and Sanzhi became more and more dangerous.

This shows that Lan Ye is accumulating an attack that they can't see.

This kind of attack, the two people only know about repelling bombs, air bombs, and air explosive bombs, but the sense of danger given to them at this time is far more powerful than the most powerful air explosive bomb.

Sauron and Sanji couldn't help but glance at each other.

This trick, if Luffy were hit head-on, it might really be fatal!

Could it be that Lan Ye moved really?

Just when the two of them were hesitant to intervene, Lan Ye over there had already thrown out the Hot Wheels in his hand, and at the same time pointed his left hand towards Luffy.

next moment.

Luffy flying upside down, a lot of blood spattered up and down all over his body, sprinkled on the ground along the way, and then slammed on the wall. The blood slowly flowed down the wall, but Luffy didn't want to slip off. Signs.

He was inlaid on the wall.

The bloody scene is like a slaughterhouse.

The severe pain hit, Luffy couldn't help but exhale in pain, but did not try to pull himself off the wall.

Even if he is a rubber man, he will lose too much blood and will be fatigued.

Sauron and others trembled in their hearts.

Damn, Lan Ye is really going to kill Luffy, right?

Sauron and Sanji immediately jumped down from the stairs, blocking them between Lu Fei and Lan Ye. Sanji went straight to the road and flew away, while Sauron held Hedao with his hand and stared at Lan Ye.

For fear that Lan Ye would really run away, he would kill Luffy again.

It's not that the two can't believe Lan Ye, the scene is too tragic, the blood is spilled on the floor of more than 20 meters long, the ghost knows whether Luffy is still alive?

Over there, Sanji was still thinking about how to pull Luffy off the wall. Luffy was soaked in blood, there was really no way to start.

Lan Ye, who was staring at Sauron closely, had already moved forward, flying towards the road step by step, and at the same time, it was also approaching Sauron step by step.

Sauron's hand holding Hedao Yiwen tightened tighter, and his eyes shot sharply at Lan Ye, trying to warn him to stop.

However, Lan Ye turned a blind eye, pulling into the distance step by step.

Both Usopp and Weiwei upstairs covered their mouths tightly, for fear that they would irritate Sauron and Lan Ye because of the sound.

If this fight again, it will really fall out!

However, Usopp was so worried about Luffy.

Wan Jiufei died, so who would listen to him bragging?

Therefore, after catching a glimpse of Chopper, who looked like usual, Usopp couldn't help but whispered:

"Chopper, although we are not partners yet, please go down and take a look at Luffy. The amount of bleeding, I'm afraid it will..."

"The amount of bleeding seems scary, but in fact Lan Ye is very measured. His attacks are all about cutting through Luffy's skin. With Luffy's physique, the bleeding will soon be stopped. And the amount of bleeding is not enough. One-third of the body is not life-threatening at all. At most, the whole body is weak, but it looks a little scary."

Although Chopper answered, but the tone of the words contained a trace of dissatisfaction.

It seemed that he was very dissatisfied with Usopp who suspected Lan Ye, thinking that Lan Ye would kill Luffy with a heavy hand.

Obviously Lan Ye is very measured! ?

But he didn't want to think about it, except that he was a medical student.

Just after Chopper's explanation, when Usopp and Weiwei breathed a sigh of relief, underneath, Lan Ye and Sauron, who clasped the word and said, were only three meters apart.

Is in Sauron's best attack range.

The blue veins on his arm were all violent, showing that he was holding the knife hard, and he gritted his teeth and wanted to pull the knife to prevent Lan Ye from continuing to approach Luffy, but he had to restrain his desire to draw the knife.

If this knife is pulled out, then the rift between Lan Ye and the Straw Hat Pirate Group really can't be made up.

This is something that Sauron and others would never want to see.

Although he wanted to'hack to death' Lan Ye's heart, it was second only to'hack to death' Sanji on the ship, but he would never choose now.