
One Piece King (Full Version)

The flesh-piercing One Piece hit Luffy’s ship. A journey of saying no with the body but honestly following the boat began. Have a duel plate. Five monster card slots can have five demon fruit abilities at the same time, and then assist magic cards, trap cards, equipment cards... "This distorted world, let my'flower grower' subvert it!"

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415 Chs

One Piece Chapter 184

Damn, this guy lost one of his precious control cards before winning it.

Seeing that Valbo was about to swallow three people at the time, Lan Ye had a chance to stop him from swallowing three and then save one or two, but the one he had swallowed was no way.

After eating Nami's big loss, who knows that in addition to synthesis, does Valbo possess abilities such as'digestion','absorption', and'fusion'?

What if by any chance?

Therefore, in order to be sure, Lan Ye let Valbo swallow three people, and then used a magic card.

A magic card that has a decisive effect against those with unnatural fruit abilities.


Card: [Narcotic]

Level: [Red]

Category: [Magic Card]

Effect: Make a target lose nerve mobility for five minutes.

Note: Do not use this card on machines, because they have no nerves to be paralyzed.


It can be said that even if the first-rate power such as White Beard comes, this card can be knocked down with one move.

I have to be obediently quiet for five minutes.

It's a pity to use it on this Valbo who is eating and waiting to die.

But Lan Ye couldn't help it. There was no other way around the situation at the time.

It didn't matter that Lan Ye's face appeared later, it was teasing Cammon and the others to play.

But now, the countdown is one minute and thirty seconds left, Lan Ye should wonder how to take out the three of Sauron when Valbo's thinking stopped.

After thinking about it, Lan Ye pulled Valbo up from the ground with a gravitational rope, letting it hang in the air in front of him, and then the speed of the five dragons turned on, and the shadow of his hands appeared.


Because the interval between consecutive blows is too short, the sound of boxing is so short that it is a continuous muffled sound.

Under the ravages of Lan Ye, Valbo was hung fat and beaten for three seconds before he subconsciously spit out a bunch of green things.

Who is not Sauron?

And because of the [Paralysis] Magic Card, Valbo still kept his mouth open after spitting out Sauron, and Sanji wriggled out of Valbo's mouth just like a caterpillar. The rope on his body broke free directly, and most of his body plunged into Valbo's mouth and hugged Weiwei out.

From the perspective of Sanji sneaking into Valbo's mouth without hesitation, even in his stomach, he can still feel information from the outside world.

After waiting to untie Weiwei, Sanji and Sauron locked on Valbo with unanimous eyes, the strong murderous intent was not concealed at all.

Tsk tsk, it can be seen how unpleasant they were getting along before.

"Ahem, that... he can't kill now, if you are really uncomfortable, just beat him up." Lan Ye reminded.

When Sauron and Sanji heard this, this was the only way to put away the murderous gaze and turn to Lan Ye.

"Why can't you kill?" Sauron's brows were twisted together, "You don't know his bad deeds, as a king, for..."

"Are you an idiot?" Sanji said unceremoniously. "Lan Ye said that he can't kill now, not that he can't kill!"

"Asshole! Who is an idiot, you sex kappa?" Sauron immediately shifted his target.

"Of course it means that you have a green algae head, why, you are not satisfied?"

"Damn, I want to fight you!"

"Come on, who is afraid of whom!"




The two of Sauron froze each other again, and Wei Wei, who was relieved, looked at Lan Ye worriedly.

"Lan Ye, killing a king will be wanted by the world government, you..."

Lan Ye shrugged indifferently.

"Now anyway, the navy has offered a reward, and there is no difference between 10 million or 50 million."

Simply put, there is no worries about debt.

Weiwei had something to say, Lan Ye didn't want to listen to her preaching, turned around and took out a bundle of twine from the dimensional space, and tied it up firmly.

As he was about to plug his mouth, Valbo just woke up, and immediately opened his mouth and shouted:

"Damn untouchable, do you know what you're doing? Killing the king is killing the king. It's not rebellious. You're going to be hanged! It's going to be...uuuu..."

Valbo didn't threaten a few words yet, but was gagged by Lan Ye honestly and unceremoniously.

Looked at the time.

Four minutes and fifty seconds.

Sure enough, after all, it is a red card. Depending on the physique of different people, the effective time is uncertain.

"Oh, I'm not a citizen of Magnetic Drum Island. I can't say killing the king. At most, I'm assassinating the king to raise the bounty."

He retorted, Lan Ye turned his head and looked at Chopper, who was still fighting Kamon and Jesma.

Chopper had already gnawed down the Rambo ball, and the seven forms changed, so that the two of Kammon who had planned to release the water were instantly stunned and tired of defense.

No matter what, Chopper is a reindeer, or mutated. In terms of strength, it is much stronger than the two domineering guys, Carmon and Jesma, and has seven forms of changes, hitting both of them. Ordinary people are still light and relaxed, not as reluctant as in the original drama.

After the three-minute time limit for the Rambo ball was reached, Kamon and Jesma were also slumped to the ground with blue noses and swollen faces.

Chopper was still cruel and didn't kill them both.

Seeing this, Lan Ye threw out two bundles of twine to Weiwei, motioning her to tie them up, and she picked up the depressed Chopper.

"Thank you Lan Ye, but I...I...I can't do it, I'm really sorry."

"I'm sorry, you just need to be responsible for selling cuteness, and you can just leave it to us for fighting or something." Lan Ye smiled indifferently, and severely ravaged Chopper.