
One Piece : Kaizoku-Ō

Roronoa Zoro, after being smacked by Warlord of the Sea Bartholomew Kuma, flies to a faraway land, and unknown terrain. A land of ninjas, where bizzare plots are being woven, and he must get back to his fellow crewmates as soon as possible. Read on to find out how the events unfold. ~~~~~~~~~~~ So, uh, yes. One day i woke up, and i thought, what if Gol. D. Roger was there at Marineford? On that day?

Yami_No_Kami_ · Komik
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46 Chs

Pilot .

Segment 1

It has been two days. Two whole days flying through the sky.But time went really fast, just like me.An eagle even excreted on me, or should I say, tried to do so.The huge paw-shaped bubble protects me from all obstacles, including the fierce wind howling against me.

I myself am extremely wounded, from the fight with the Shichibukai, Bartholomew Kuma at the Sabaody Archipelago, where I was separated from my friends. I can barely maintain my consciousness, always dozing off even with my highest efforts to stay awake.

I wonder what happened to my captain, Luffy and the rest of my friends. I can solemnly say that that was definitely not the end of the Straw Hat Pirates, even though we were ambushed by a Navy Admiral, a Warlord of the Sea, and a group of heavy-artillery Pacifistas.

And then I went to sleep again .

The next time I woke up, I didn't know where I was, or how long it had been since I was last awake. My vision is blurred, with black dots dancing over my eyes.My whole body is numb, and I cant even register the pain.But I know that I am severely wounded, and even doubted if I could get back to my normal self one day. But I will live.I swore I would.For Kuina, for Luffy and for myself. I swore that I would become the strongest swordsman in the world.But now, I have a different problem. I have to reunite with Luffy ASAP.

I first survey my surroundings. I see a table on my right, on which lies bandages and other medical equipment.On my left is a window, showing that this room lies on the first floor.The room itself is very compact and small, and gives off an air of mush and parchment, of course excluding the heavy smell of sanitary perfume.It is a lodge, obviously by the look of it. I next inspect myself, though I am barely able to.I am covered in bandages, but even though the layering is thick, it is tinted with blood.

The door suddenly opens and a young women around her late-20's walks in. "At last, you've woken up. Did you know how much convincing I had to do to even try to keep you alive?" Says she. "Who are you?" "Hi. I'm Shizune. I'm the one who treated you, after we found you half dead beside the road." "What happened? I don't remember anything.." "Of course you don't. You were already under severe concussion when we found you."

(Written in italic(s), indicating the thoughts of Shizune, apprentice of Tsunade Senju)

Phew..even if he doesn't remember, I remember vividly. How much difficulty I had in persuading Tsunade-sama .let me recall everything. Me, Tsunade-sama, and Tonton were departing from the earlier city, having lost again after gambling in a casino, one famous for its quality.We had just lost another 2000 ryō, and Tsunade-sama was fuming after the incident, being overdrunk with sake.

She was furious, and swore that she would win the bet at the next town( and so did she).Tonton, the sad pig, had to withstand her temper.

We were still walking along the winding path, still subjected to Tsunade-sama's anger, though a little subdued, when we saw that the green grass beside the countryside had been damaged severely. I could clearly make out a paw-print of a bear, around which the damage had been inflicted. Upon further inspection, we found a man, in his early 20's, lying there, in the centre of the paw-print. He was severely wounded, and would eventually die, if not tended to carefully.His left eye had a slash mark, downright vertical in the centre, and it looked different from the others, being obviously older.

I concluded that the paw-print was left by a summoned animal, though Tsunade-sama didn't believe so, for reasons unknown.

I decided to help the man.

Tsunade-sama refused.

I tried to explain to her why we should rescue him. And how rescuing him will help me in my practical studies, which have not been implemented for a reasonable amount of time.Then I try various tactics ,but none of them work.At last I manage to persuade and end this controversy by telling Tsunade-sama that we could force the man to pay us money in exchange for treating him.

But keep in mind, I have absolutely no intent to do so. And the only reason Tsunade-sama agreed to this vulgar deal was because she was heavily drunk, and was not able to make rational decisions.

I then carried the man for miles together, fully aware that the lodge manager might not allow heavily injured people like this. But when we reached there, the manager let him stay, after know that one of the Legendary Sannin, Tsunade-sama, had come to stay in his hotel.

After that, Tsunade-sama went to gamble, and I said that I would meet up with her after buying medical supplies for treating the man. Almost a week has passed since then, and this is the first time I saw this man awake.

Now, I narrated everything in detail to the guy, hoping that he wouldn't pass out again. He didn't interrupt me, and listened to everything carefully. When I asked him what chain of events had happened to him to make him end in such a sorry state, he replied " The Warlord of the Sea, Bartholomew Kuma, used his devil fruit power to separate me from my other crew members. He made me fly across the sky in a giant paw-shaped bubble till you found me there."

I didn't even care to ask anymore.

If he didn't want to tell me, I don't want to force anything out of him.I told him that he can start to walk tomorrow, and to not exert himself or move anywhere far from the lodge when he does so. Then I went back to give some onigiri to Tsunade-sama, thinking about this incident..