
One Piece: Kadon Max

Military Veteran and weapon enthusiast, Jack Lang, served in many wars and mastered the art of killing. He had his hobbies like any other man, he enjoyed gaming and anime on the weekends, he especially enjoyed One Piece but was severely disappointed in the Navy for its weakness and corruption. After dying in the battle for London during WW3, he woke up in the arms of Garp, and across from him was a baby with black hair. Author's Notes: There will be no wishes, systems, or cheats.

DaoistfGosi3 · Komik
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1 Chs

The First Year

He had his eyes closed but he already knew several things, he had reincarnated and he was in One Piece.

He heard Garp call out his and Ace's names several times, his new name was Kadon but somehow he knew that he wasn't related to the baby across from him, so that begs the question... who the hell are his parents.

Being reincarnated was easy for him to believe since he had always believed reincarnation was real.

Days passed by, Garp dropped Ace of at Dadan's place before taking him somewhere else, he was currently laying in Garp's arms on a Navy Galleon in the middle of the ocean.

A navy grunt ran towards them, "Vice Admiral Garp, we'll be arriving at headquarters in a few minutes", then quickly runs back to his position.

Garp looks down at the bundle of chubbiness in his arms, "I wonder what your mother would think if she knew that i planned on raising you to join the Navy", he lets out a hearty laugh.

Six months passed quickly and Garp was true to his words, he dropped Kadon of at an orphanage near the Navy HQ, the teachers and nannies there were retired navy officers.

Garp would regularly visit once a month, while others treated him as a walking legend but to Kadon he was just a cuddly old man that liked to give hugs.

Very few things worth noting happened in these past months, he could crawl with the occasional stumble and wobble.

He found out that he was at Marineford, he previously didn't know as he spent most of the time asleep while traveling with Garp.

There wasn't much for him to do besides eat, sleep, and poop. he spent the remainder of his time meditating in his crib, he knew that there was no way to train Haoshoku Haki, you either were born with it or you weren't.

He also decided that Busoshoku Haki should be left until he had full control of his body, he decided to train his mind and body to acquire Kenbunshoku Haki.

Kenbunshoku Haki grants the user access to a type of extrasensory perception, granting them several abilities such as Presence Sensing, Strength Sensing, Emotion Sensing, Intent Sensing, and those are just the basic abilities that it grants the wielder.

Months passed yet again and he had his first birthday, which was quite fun. Garp bought a cake and brought a few of his colleagues to meet a boy that he considered family.

Over these months he had a decent amount of luck learning Kenbunshoku Haki, Presence Sensing had lit up his mind, he hadn't figured out how to use the other abilities but the one he had unlocked was going to be immensely helpful to his future.

Presence Sensing allows the user to sense the aura of other living beings even if they are concealed from view or extremely far away.

[Author's Note: Here is a link for those of you that would like a highly detailed description of this Haki... https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Haki/Kenbunshoku_Haki]

He hadn't fully unlocked or mastered the Haki ability in any way but when he closed his eyes, he could sense those close to him.

He decided to do nothing else but train this ability for the next three years while still acting like a child in front of others.

[Author's Note: Short Chapter, Please leave a comment on how you feel about this sort of story, there will be no cheats, wishes, or godly gifts... also no harem]