
One Piece: I'm in love with an Emo Girl

A rather overpowered boy reincarnated in the One Piece world, adamant on staying away from the pirate and marine life ends up embracing the pirate life due to his one and only weakness... an emo girl. OC x Trafalgar Lami (female Law) Disclaimer, I don't own anything this is a simple work of fiction with no lucrative goal in mind. If owners of cover pic wants me to take it down let me know.

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Chapter 3 - Heart Pirates

Chapter 3

Don't take this work of fiction too seriously. I'm just writing for fun.


As the years passed, the dynamic of the group remained relatively unchanged. I was still the strongest and most feared among us, while the others had grown significantly stronger but never reached my level of natural talent.

I continued to put no effort into my training, simply enjoying life through activities like fishing, hunting, and having fun. Unlike other reincarnators who dedicated their newfound chance to rigorous training, I chose to live life leisurely. Being a procrastinator in my past life, I saw no reason for a drastic change or a desire to work harder than strictly necessary.

On the other hand, the rest of the group were committed to their training as if their lives depended on it.

Lami's D. Clan blood seemed to respond to the call of the sea, her unwavering will to become a pirate and her sights set on killing Doflamingo and becoming the King of the Pirates.

(A/N: Similar to Big Mom, she refers to the title as King, not Queen of the Pirates.)

Her determination spread to the rest of our small group, with Bepo immediately following her and Ryuji deciding to tag along once he grew bored of our leisurely island life.

This led to a rather awkward situation as Lami and her newly formed Heart Pirates kept pestering me to join their crew. However, I was not willing to do so, as all I wished for was peace and quiet.

Obtaining the latter became increasingly challenging as the Heart Pirates chased me all over the island, pestering and even begging me, particularly Bepo, to join their crew. My only reprieve came when they boarded their wooden vessel and embarked on various pirate adventures.

When the Heart Pirates returned from one of their many journeys over the past couple of years, the island inhabitants, as always, threw a welcoming party with flowing booze and lively music throughout the town.

True to my nature, I joined the party, determined to enjoy life to the fullest. I indulged myself, singing, dancing, and reveling in the festivity.


The next day, I woke up in a surprisingly good mood, finding a familiar naked back in my arms. The Heart Pirates' Jolly Roger was tattooed in the middle of it.

Lami and I had been a couple for a while now, our relationship developing naturally over time. From childhood enemies to teenage crushes, we had eventually become lovers.

However, it was the first time we had taken our exploration of the opposite sex to this level.

As I sensed her stirring in my arms, waking up, I traced my finger along the small of her back.

"Good morning," I whispered.

"Morning to you too," she replied in her usual brash manner.

"So, have you thought about what I asked you yesterday?" she inquired, stretching and turning around to face me, revealing her tattooed cleavage.

"I can't remember much, to be honest. I drank a little too much yesterday," I replied, struggling to recall the previous night's events, with only bits and pieces coming to mind.

"I had convinced you to join my crew in exchange for sex," she said.

"Even if I were drunk, I would have refused," I dismissed immediately.

"You're right," she conceded, disappointed.

"That's why I'll ask you one last time: join my crew, or I'll have to force you," Lami said with a serious tone, rising from the bed in all her naked glory, her numerous tattoos adorning her pearly white skin.

"And how will you force me?" I asked, amusement lacing my voice. She had become stronger during her pirating voyages, but she still remained weaker than me.

Putting on a white tank top and some jeans, she turned to stare at me, her golden eyes dead serious. "As you know, I'm a doctor—a really good one."

I nodded in acknowledgment but remained confused.

"So, when I say I'm pregnant with your child, I'm not lying," she said flatly.

In an instant, the peace and quiet I had been striving for came crashing down. 'A child! All of my free time, spent lazing around, would be consumed by that beast. Taking care of a child would consume 18 years of my life.' The mere thought filled my empty heart with dread.

With a mischievous smile, Lami continued to observe my panicked expression.

"Now, you have two options. The first is to join my crew, which will make me take this Plan B pill, and we can forget about this pregnancy. The second is if you refuse to join my crew. In that case, I'll bring this child into the world and go on an adventure, leaving you to care for our offspring," Lami finished.