
One Piece: I'm Celestial Dragon

Our friend woke up in a luxurious room and found a screen in front of him informing him: 【Congratulations, you have become a Celestial Dragon.】 He found himself in a world where most Celestial Dragons do nothing but indulge in pleasure and carelessness, under the assumption that they are the center of the world and nothing can topple them from their throne. Armed with his knowledge and leveraging wealth and power, Ryoko carves his path in a world governed by power and schemes towards the pinnacle of the world. .................................................. I do not own any of the characters from the One Piece anime or manga, except for the original character I created. I do not allow anyone to publish my novel on any website whatsoever, nor take my personal effort ________________________________________________________________________ Support me at paypal If you can. ________________________________________________________________________ my Instagram : mus.ouka Contact and inquiries, and adding thoughts and images

Musouka · Komik
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50 Chs

Chapter 36: Digesting the Gains

In the morning of the next day, sunlight streamed through the wide windows of Ryoko's palace, casting a soft golden glow on the marble floor. Ryoko sat in his office, surrounded by rare paintings and artifacts, waiting for Victor and Yami, who had returned from their latest missions.

After Yami's return from the meeting with Red Skull and the conclusion of their new alliance, he went with Victor to the private meeting room inside the Long Hand building, where they were greeted by a scene filled with maps and drawings indicating areas and names known only to Ryoko.

Ryoko looked at Victor and Yami and nodded for them to sit.

Ryoko (calmly and confidently): "I know things are moving fast. So, let's start by summarizing what you've done. Tell me everything in detail."

Victor (with a small smile): "Sir, we managed to secure the support of the small Celestial Dragons group.

 The meeting went as planned, and they showed their willingness to cooperate after we explained the benefits they could achieve.

 We seamlessly integrated them into the Long Hand network. 

The organization is running better than we expected and have gained complete control over the auction house in addition to improving the information system."

Ryoko (inquiring): "And did they show any doubts or objections?"

Victor (thoughtfully): "Saint Blacker was a bit reserved, but he was convinced after we presented them with clear guarantees about their position and role in the new alliance. 

Everyone wants stability after that period of losses."

Ryoko (focusing): "Good. These four, Blakir, Rogner, Manuel, and Goldmil, were part of the opposing faction, right? And now they're with us. 

How are things going in their auction house?"

Victor (confidently): "Things are improving rapidly, We've expanded the operations of the auction house and made improvements to their information system. 

They are now able to gather valuable information that puts them ahead in the competition."

Ryoko (with approval): "That's what's needed. Controlling information is the key to success in Mariejois. 

But, did you face any challenges in guiding them?"

Victor (seriously): "The biggest challenge was integrating them into our organizational structure without arousing suspicion. 

But they showed excellent cooperation, and we implemented new protocols to ensure the confidentiality of our operations."

Ryoko (thoughtfully): "We must remain cautious. In such an environment, loyalty can be fragile. 

Keep monitoring their performance and ensure their commitment remains firm."

He then looked at Yami and said: "It seems you have something to tell me."

Yami (enthusiastically): "We strengthened our alliance with Red Skull. 

They agreed to provide us with information about black market movements, which will enable us to anticipate competitors' next steps and plan better.

Although they were initially reserved, I am confident this partnership will grow stronger."

Ryoko (thoughtfully): "Good, but remember that success is unmeasured only by victories, but by the ability to maintain gains and turn them into lasting influence. 

We must continue improving our network and should take this opportunity to further solidify our alliances."

Victor (following up): "Speaking of alliances, we have an upcoming meeting with Saint kendall today. 

It's aimed at discussing the project of producing enhancers and selling them to the wealthy. 

If we can merge our resources with this project, we can achieve significant gains and greatly increase our influence."

Ryoko (confidently): "So, let's fine-tune the details of the meeting. 

I will need knowing everything I can about kendall's project, how it works, who its main clients are, and what its weaknesses are. 

We need entering this partnership from a position of strength."

After finishing their discussions, the time came for the awaited meeting with Saint kendall, one of Ryoko's prominent new allies. 

kendall entered the hall with a majestic presence, reflecting his status and power in Mariejois. 

Ryoko stood up to welcome him, and the two exchanged polite greetings.

kendall (with a friendly smile): "Ryoko, I'm pleased to see you. It seems you've accomplished a lot since we last met."

Ryoko (calmly): "Thanks to our cooperation, kendall. But let's discuss your new project. 

I heard you were planning to produce unique enhancers and sell them to the wealthy."

kendall (confidently): "Exactly. The idea is to develop enhancers that grant users extraordinary strength for limited periods. 

The market for these products is large, and the demand is always increasing, especially among nobles and merchants looking for an edge in their confrontations."

Ryoko (thinking deeply): "But what about the side effects? We have to be careful in dealing with such products.

If something harmful spreads, our reputation could be greatly affected."

kendall (reassuringly): "We've conducted extensive experiments to ensure the enhancers are safe. Yes, there are some minor side effects, but we're constantly working to improve the formula. Quality and safety are our priorities."

Ryoko (inquiring): "And what about the market? Have you started identifying potential buyers?"

kendall (confidently): "Yes, we have a list of clients ready to pay generously for these enhancers. 

These people are constantly competing and want to excel at any cost. But we'll start with a limited release to test the market."

Ryoko (positively): "Very good. I will support this project on the condition that we ensure the quality exceeds everything else.

I don't want any issues with clients due to products with negative effects."

kendall (agreeing): "Of course. We will continuously monitor updates, and I'll send you reports on the project's developments."

They exchanged conversations about more details, such as how to distribute the enhancers, marketing strategies, and plans to expand the project's scope to include new areas. 

Ryoko was interested in identifying new locations for distributing the products and attracting more clients from outside Mariejois, which would provide them with a wide network of influence and profit.

As the meeting concluded, Ryoko and kendall exchanged glances, both aware that their cooperation promised great gains, but challenges were also present. 

Ryoko had to balance the strength of kendall's project with the challenges they faced in the market, to ensure achieving the desired results without risking their interests.

Ryoko (with a firm voice): "kendall, I want us to be prepared for all possibilities. If we encounter any obstacles, we must move quickly to overcome them. Cooperation is what binds us, but we must always have a contingency plan."

kendall(positively): "I completely agree with you. We will always be on standby and won't let any opportunity slip away. This project will be a model of successful collaboration between us."

Ryoko returned after the meeting to reconvene with Victor and Yami, where he was studying with them the expected outcomes of kendall's project and how to maximize its benefits in expanding his network of influence. 

The dialogue among them was enriching, as they exchanged ideas on how to improve their strategies and increase their impact in both the black market and the noble society alike.

Victor (deep in thought): " sir Ryoko, with these new alliances and projects, we need to strengthen our defenses as well. 

Some factions will be unhappy with what we're achieving, and they may attempt intervening."

Ryoko (confidently): "I know that. We will reinforce security and conduct additional training for our personnel.

We will also look for new allies who can provide support if we face any threats."

Yami (positively): "We have the resources and the men, and we must be ready for any attack.

We will ensure that every step we take is meticulously planned."

Everyone left, and Ryoko remained alone in the room. 

He took a moment to reflect on all he had achieved recently:

Alliance with Red Skull: Led to increased influence in the black market and opened new horizons for acquiring resources and information.

Integration of the Small Nobles Group: Expanded the reach of the Long Hand and added high efficiency to the network.

Control over the Auction House: Transformed it into a major center for trade and information, increasing the power of the alliance and eliminating competitors.

Partnership with Saint kendall: Will provide a steady and diverse income, as well as an opportunity to expand into the luxury products and enhancers market for the wealthy.

The most important in his view is the collapse of the opposing faction: After repeated defeats, the opposing faction no longer holds any significant power, allowing Ryoko to firmly establish his footing and strengthen his influence. 

He did not forget his alliance with Miosgard, the Gu family, and some information organizations.

With all these gains, armed with his new allies and strategic intelligence, and aware that the future holds more opportunities and risks alike, he was ready to face any upcoming challenges.

 "Picture of Saint kendall in the comment.")

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