
One Piece: Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Ken Kaneki

Note: while in the current chapters, mc looks like the cover. Another note: The summary I've written is shit, so try the first chapter Instead. ........................................................................................................................... ken, lived alone with only anime as his emotional support.. when he was on his anime marathon, He suddenly gets transported .... he decides to live this life without any rules, being truly free!

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5 Chs


Please tell me If you think there is any advice you could give to me about this chapter in the comments, It helps in making better chapters .


"Should we go then?", Ken looked at Ace, who then just looked towards the way Porchemy came in, Sabo had a sweat-drop on his temple, he knew once they fight against Porchemy, the Blujam Pirates would definitely come after them, but it wasn't like their situation was any better now, Ace already did the deed.

All three of them started running towards the Gray Terminal, which wasn't far from where they were at.

"will you be able to fight without any weapons?" Sabo looked at Ken in confusion, while Ace and Sabo had their Iconic metal pipes, Ken was barehanded, They also don't know if Ken was strong enough to fight against pirates.

"I'll be alright, I only know how to fight with my body.", Ken sweat-dropped while saying that, Suddenly, when they just entered the grey terminal, they heard a loud screaming noise, it sounded like a kid was screaming due to pain...,The faces of everyone in the grey terminal looked as if they felt pity towards the kid, even though all of them were criminals.

Ace and Sabo had their eyes wide open, guilt and anger on their faces, Ken had a cold sweat down his head, fear and anger on his face. All three of them ran, Ace and Sabo Broke a hole through the wooden wall.

A kid was tied up and was hanging through the roof like a punching bag, his clothes splashed with his own blood. His body full of bruises and cuts. 

"Ace! and Sabo!" one of the underlings looked at them in fear, Sabo and Ace were famous for being notorious and 'strong'.

"Ace!" luffy turned his face towards them with a smile, which he was barely able to make. Ace and Sabo rushed at the pirates In-front of them, Ken stood there without moving, his eyes frozen, memories of what he saw in the anime came to him, 'How can someone beat up a child this much.., If this is what it feels in reality, then how worse are people like blackbeard and Akainu?...', He suddenly snapped out of it because of the sound of pirates screaming in pain.

Sabo was taking care of underlings like a breeze, Ace was fighting against Porchemy but it looked like Ace was getting pushed back.

"Yeah I forgot, freedom isn't so easy to attain in this world, especially for pirates.....", Ken suddenly felt an Instinct inside of him, He ran towards an Underling, Porchemy just looked at ken and smirked, "your friend looks dumb, as if he could fight without any weapons.", Ace had a sweat on his face, he clenched his teeth in anger.

The underling pirate looked at Ken with a smirk, He swung his sword at Ken, Ken didn't slow down, tilted his upper body perfectly avoiding the strike, without wasting a second he jumped and grabbed the shoulder of the pirate, he then swung while circling the pirate and hit his elbow on the pirate's neck, making the later fall unconscious on the ground, Porchemy shifted his attention from Ace for a moment, which gave ace an opening.

The remainder of the fight was pretty easy because of the extra hard hit that Ace got in, Sabo untied luffy and then they fled towards the forest. 'Kaneki's fighting style is all about mastery over your body's instincts, fighting with pure wild instincts, The more I practice the better I'll get!'.

After a few minutes~

Luffy had bandages all over his body, Ace's forehead and arm's were bandage on the other hand Sabo and Ken had no Injuries.

"It *hick* was *hick* really scary" luffy was crying, he was still traumatize, "Shut up!, I don't like people who scream like a girl!" Ace shouted at Luffy, Even though Ace was acting mean to luffy Ken knew he was just a little untrusting of people, he didn't show his worry quickly, but he changed after he got to know luffy more.

Luffy zipped his lips the next second, which surprised Sabo and Ace. "You *sob* helped me,*sob* thanks", luffy cried again which made Ace angry again. Ken just stood on the side watching Ace and Luffy talk. Sabo stopped ace saying luffy was just being thankful.

It looked like things were sorted out, and luffy and Ace looked back to normal. But this was the moment they became real friends.

"Well the one who asked us to help you was this guy" Sabo looked at Ken while saying that, Luffy also looked at Ken, "Thanks for helping me!", Ken just sweated at that as he was pulled into their bickering by Sabo, who just snickered while watching this, 

"The ones who fought were Ace and Sabo, I didn't do anything.", Ken rubbed the back of his head while saying that.

"Anyway guys you know that Bluejam will come after us 4, right?"-Sabo, All three nodded

"And If they attack me while I'm sleeping here, I could die.", Sabo had a smile even though he was serious

"you'd be dead..."-Ace, 

"Yeah, you'd be dead"-Luffy

"Then hear my plan!"-Sabo


next day morning~

"how are there 4 of you!", Dadan , who just now noticed four kids instead of two sleeping, was angry with both luffy and Ace.

"huh, Thanks for having me!", Sabo gave an innocent smile which melted Dadan.

"Yeah same!", Ken tried replicating that same smile, Dadan had a soft spot for kids after all, Dadan just Sighed and smiled.

After some time at the cliff where Ken had first entered this world~

Ken, Ace, Sabo and Luffy were standing around the cliff, when, Sabo broke the silence, "Hey, Thanks for helping us earlier", Sabo looked at Ken with a smile.

"Yeah!, you never told me your name!"-Luffy

Ace just looked at Ken with Interest.

"Ken.", Ken just smiled at Sabo.

"Ken, huh..., You were amazing back there, I didn't know you could move like that.", Sabo smiled with admiration in his eyes, 

"I'm strong too!"-Luffy

"As if, you cry like a girl!"-Ace snickered, Everyone laughed....Including Luffy.


Ken who knew about the problems that were to come was in his thoughts sitting at the peak of the cliff, while Sabo was standing behind him, Ace and Luffy were just Bickering.

'Bluejam will only catch us if he is hired by Sabo's Parents. So we can't let Sabo get discovered, I can try, but I can't force Sabo, that's not my style, What's Important is Sabo doesn't get blasted by that Celestial Dragon', Ken nodded to himself.

"What are you thinking about Ken?", Sabo stood while supporting himself on a metal pipe,

"oh, nothing", Ken just relaxed and smiled

Ken, Ace, Luffy and Sabo then fought amongst each-other everyday, "start!"-Sabo Luffy and Ken ran towards eachother, Luffy stretched his arm but it didn't hit Ken, Ken swiftly punched Luffy making him fall.

"Alright, it's over."-Sabo

"I wanna fight more!"-Luffy

"Everyone gets 150 fights everyday, "-Sabo

Ace was only a little stronger than Sabo, And Ken was growing rapidly, Luffy as the youngest was leagues below all three of them, Ken was even stronger than Luffy by a little margin, while in terms of dexterity Ken was far above Luffy, but wasn't near Ace or Sabo.

when in the city, All four of them would wear a moustache and a wig, so even If Luffy messes up everything, Sabo wouldn't be found out, Also, they didn't use Sabo's noble medal, Sabo told them that he found it on street and that they could use it to eat, but Ken strongly opposed, Saying, They could just pay, they had lots of money now because of Ken's ability to just make things disappear, nobody could even suspect them this way. 
