
One Piece : God of the Rinnegan

“They call themselves Gods ; yet still they depend on the protection of those they deem lesser for their safety . A true God is the epitome of strength without equal. And they shall learn one day who the true god of this world is “ ———-

Gs9Gosohard · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs



# Notes ( A fully armed marine soldier is worth 10 Doriki)

"Pirates are evil ."

"The marines are righteous ."

"These terms have always changed throughout the course of history . Children who have never seen peace and children who have never seen war , have different values!"

"Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong and what's right . This very place is neutral ground !"

"Justice will prevail they say !!"

"And indeed it will . But whoever wins the war becomes justice."

"And I do not intend to lose "


Four and a half days later

Nanohana, Alabasta Kingdom

"Finally" Came a sigh from the Captain.

Being at sea for too long does make one appreciate land no matter if it's a barren desert like this one. Though the presence of the large port city of Nanohana up a head does have a unique beauty about it .

Seeing and experiencing different cultures and peoples is a surely a perk of being within the marines . The ability to travel and adventure across the world surely reduces the boredom of being a marine at times.

"Phew! It really is hot out here . It's a good thing we loaded up with extra water ." Spike stated as he wiped sweat off his forehead.

'Darn right it is. The drought has really taken its toll on this country ' Gyro thought at Spike's words.

"Kenshin take some of the men and see if you can acquire more water for our journey further inland . And see if you can get a detailed map of the kingdom from a police post or an army outpost, the one we have seems to be rather far behind. "

"Some of these damn world government Cartographers have become useless now a days . I wonder when this map was last updated." Spike cursed

" lieutenant Spike " Gyro spoke

"Captain?" He answered

"It seems like there are pirates loitering here. Before continuing along with our mission we'll arrest those we can catch and find before moving out and leave the camels ."

" Just gather enough supplies and enough water to serve … 2000 people per say perhaps even more there are people within this country further inland dying of thirst and hunger we'll help all those we can along the way to the capital."Gyro finished

His dark shades obscuring the brightness of the sun from his eyes while also preventing them from future public view . Civilians who saw his eyes have a tendency to get anxious some even outright scared.

"As you wish sir . " Spike answered without question while smiling at his captain's sense of chivalry and compassion .

"And wipe that smile off your face " Gyro stated knowing why he was smirking .

"Kenshin take squad 3 and patrol the east . Spike take squad 2 and go west . I'll be taking the northern side and since we're at the southern end of the port City Squad 4 will patrol here and the remaining men shall guard the ship. Now get to it"

'I wonder if I'll get to meet the star of the show himself ?' He mused in excitement.

Straw hat Luffy

—— —— ——

"Damn !"

"Is that …?"

"It can't be!"

"That woman why is she here?"

"Oi zoro is something wrong ?"Nami questioned as she saw the swordsman acting nervously strange.

"It's her" came his hushed reply as he hid behind a barrel .

"Her who ?" Asked Usopp


"Oi,Tashigi " came a call from smoker as he threw down two men off his shoulders onto the ground

"Captain smoker !" she answered nervously

"A couple of pirate wannabes . They started mouthing off and dancing in front of me . I cleaned up their act " The marine captain voiced with derision

"Even though we are in this far off place . You're vigilance against pirates is as relentless as ever." The swordswoman commented with a smile

"If you have time to waste talking . Why don't you get the country's royal army to take this trash away ?"

"Yes, sir !" She gave a salute

"There's been no news of Straw hat Luffy landing in this place yet.But don't let down your guard! He'll show up here sooner or later . " Her superior stated

"I'll contact Captain Gyro and see if he can reinforce some of our patrols and cut off all escape routes , though the man seems to already be a step ahead of us there . " smoker pointed out as he and tashigi now watched as pirates ran by them a few meters away in an nearby alley followed by a dozen of marines from Gyro's ship with their Senior Lieutenant leading the charge.

"Smoker…" Nami states in trepidation

"Wasn't he the marine captain in loguetown?" She continued but in a hushed tone .

"That means ….! "Usopp realized

"Could it be that he chased after us all the way from loguetown? "

"Looks that way " zoro added as sweat rolled down this forehead

'Not only were the marines from loguetown here , but other marines that were more dangerous than the smoke devil fruit user were now on Alabasta.'

'He could never forget that face even as his days as a bounty hunter were over and it had been about a year and a half since he saw the man, but he couldn't forget Zacharias Spike or Deadshot amongst pirates and criminals. '

'And if he's here then that means that damnable Captain was here as well. The man was not someone to mess with . The white Death was a name well known within the grand line and four blues amongst criminals , pirates and bounty hunters alike '

"We need to leave this city and quickly!" Zoro urged

"We need to gather the others and set sail to our next destination as fast as possible "

"He's here ! The White death is here !"

"Who's that zoro ?" Nami asked curiously

'Of course they won't know him' he sighed.

"He's a marine that I encountered a few years back . A benevolent man and one of the strongest marines i've ever managed to come across ."

"But his benevolence had a limit " zoro spoke again and this time darkly than before making Nami and Usopp nervous.

" There was a time I saw him torture a pirate captain with a bounty of 60 million through unknown means .

"At that time I was also chasing said pirate captain's bounty

1 and a half year a go ….

Grand line unknown location

" Captain Fabius Bile! Charged with . Murder, looting , rape, Robbery, assault, arson and piracy. You recently robbed a merchant vessel carrying over 200 million berries.You also dispatched the marine escorts protecting said mercantile vessel and taking all the funds with you "

"But here you are penny less merely a week after committing your criminal act . And there's no where in hell you could've spent so much money in such a short period of time . So I suspect like the pirate you are , you took some and hid the rest somewhere. And I'll ask you only once . Where is it ? "

"It's between the legs of that cunt of a mother of yours marine!" The pirate captain spat giving a sinister grin even within the grim situation he was in.

Gyro went stoic at the man , the silence made the tension within the air palpable and it became even tenser than it was previously before.

Lifting him by the neck . Gyro had the two hundred pound pirate dangling off the ground while slowly choking.

"I think you'll find telling the truth your only option of freedom here , at least freedom from going to the worst prison imaginable and though you might've reserved yourself for death you'll find that impossible while around me . "

"You will suffer everyday and you shall beg for mercy , but I'll give you a chance ,speak the truth now and you may die without pain that I promise you . "

"F-f***k you !" Were the words he managed to sputter through his chokehold.

'Reading his mind won't work and trying another time after so many failures will only prove useless . The people of this world don't possess chakra so to use a technique that requires chakra to be inhabited within a vessel to a cellular level will only waste time now . ' He thought deeply

'The only path useful for interrogation now outside of genjutsu which he had no knowledge of using would be the Naraka path but the damnable man might resist fearing the king of hell and lie .'

'And lying within the king of hell's presence will kill him without prevention.'

'But there is a chance that he might crack .I'll have to take that risk '

"So be it then pirate scum"

Appearing from the ground unbeknownst to the marines present came the king of hell . The deity that rules over life and death. One who wields the Rinnegan is able to call upon this deity for various purposes, possessing authority over it through the power of the Six Paths.As it possesses the Rinnegan in its own eyes, the user is able to see anything the King of Hell sees.

"Lying now is futile . Where have you hidden all the money you stole ?"

The man seeing the creature of death appearing out of nowhere behind his captor . Bile squirmed even more within Gyro's hand .

"W-What is this !? release me !!" He cried out

"You have no right to make demands here " Gyro chastised.

And for all his efforts to free himself from the marines grip the bulging man eventually entered a state of paralysis his eyes sagging and his previous resistance now fading away to reveal a catatonic state.

out of his mouth came a muscle, a muscle that closely resembled the appearance of a human tongue . But in truth , it was the mans soul.

And out of the king of hell's mouth came a hand that gripped onto the man's soul just waiting to pull it out .

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