
One Piece : God of the Rinnegan

“They call themselves Gods ; yet still they depend on the protection of those they deem lesser for their safety . A true God is the epitome of strength without equal. And they shall learn one day who the true god of this world is “ ———-

Gs9Gosohard · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Fire fist Ace

A man often meets his fate on the path he takes to avoid .


"Heya zoro !" Luffy called out as he glimpsed his right hand man hiding behind a wall in the nearby distance.

Unlucky as he was , Zoro and eventually the others went wide eyed and slack jawed by their captain's moronic behavior .

"You idiot don't lead them here!"Usopp blared as he tried to shew his dull headed captain away due to him being pursued by marines.

"Oh ! So thats where you guys are!?" Luffy stated obliviously , clearly not hearing usopp's words.

"There's the Straw Hat crew over there !" Shouted a marine closely behind in pursuit of Luffy.

"So, what should we do now !?"Usopp questioned anxiously as he glimpsed again to see the marines draw even closer

"We have to run obviously " came nami in a matter of factly tone.

"Hurry to the ship everyone!" vivi urged as she threw a sack over her shoulder, now ready for escape .

"Hey you! Stop!" The marine squad leader called out.

"Don't let them escape !" Declared another marine .

"Fall back. Straw hat is mine ! " said the newly arrived smoker as he ran between his men , eventually sprinting pass them and onwards towards luffy.

"Captain !! " the navy soldiers uttered simultaneously in surprise.

"Yikes . Here he comes !" luffy nervously observed as he glimpsed back in mid sprint to see smoker once again chasing him like he did at logue town.

"Yaa!!! He's getting closer!!" He cried out comically .

"White blow !" Smoker declared as his fist flew towards luffy rapidly in a trail of dense white smoke.

"There's no escape !" smoke smirked, seeing the straw hat picking up speed knowing he was still bound to be caught no matter how fast he ran .

"Heat haze!"

Clashing against his fist of smoke a wall of flame stopped the marine's power which was in pursuit.

And like ropes around a pole , the orange threads of flame swirled around the air before converging and vanishing to reveal a man , said man being none other than fire fist ace , the user of the flame flame devil fruit and a member of the notorious Whitbeard pirates . One of the four stongest and most powerful pirates crew within the new world.

"Give it up " Ace states knowingly.

"You may be smoke but I'm fire . A fight between your power and mine will never end " he continued

At his words smoker's face began to sour .

"Ace?!" Stammered luffy

"You haven't change a bit .luffy " the flame flame user turned his head to say while smiling

"You ate a devil fruit ? " Luffy asked in surprise , not only because of him seeing his brother after a long while but at the discovery of his new power.

"Yep! The flame flame fruit " Came ace's quick response

"Captain smoker we're securing the perimeter " A marine stated as more navy soldiers poured into the area and began to surround the pirate group

"Anyways we can't chat like this . I'll catch up with you guys later ! Just run " Ace advised as he readied himself to clash with smoker and his contingent of marines.

"But ace " luffy called out .

"Luffy , I'll hold these guys off just go ! "

Luffy nodded without hesitation , and knowing the strength of his older brother he knew he would be fine .

"Guys lets go !" Luffy coerced before running off with his crew following in tow .

"I don't get it why are you helping strawhat?" Smoker inquired while glaring at ace who made his prey escape.

"It's natural for a big brother to care about his bungling kid brother " came ace's reply while giving the man a wolfing grin .

"What? Brother ?You mean to say strawhat luffy…? Smoker quizzed as if he couldn't believe what his ears we're hearing.


'I knew my eyes hadn't deceived me . It's definitely him ' the ugly looking man thought as he watched Gyro speak with a civilian woman in the distance.

And suddenly, before he could even blink , the man vanished making the lady he was previously talking to shocked as well .

"You were spying on me little rat ? I wonder why ?"

'Impossible!!! It's him! He was just over there a second ago ' the mercenary dreaded as he heard a voice behind him voiced .

Frozen in fear and unable to turn around to face the man he was unsuccessfully spying . He started to sweat profusely ,and it wasn't because of the midday heat .

"Are you are apart of it ? Apart of those who work to instigate war here ? Are you with the baroque works organization?"

The trembling man remained silent .

His teeth began to rattle and his body began to shake even more as the name baroque works was brought up.

"I see . So perhaps I am right? Silence can give answers if you know how to interpret it correctly?"

"You're coming with me " Gyro said, knocking the man out with a single chop to the neck making him drop to the ground as if he was lifeless.

'The man didn't even resist , was he that afraid ? ' Gyro mused


His den den mushi suddenly rang off in his pocket

"Hmm? "


"Who could this be now ?"


"Captain Gyro speaking" he answered

"Captain" Came spikes voice through the communication device , he sounded a bit anxious yet he spoke calmly hiding all hints of concern from his voice.

"Fire fist ace is in the city and currently near my position , a little bit far north west of the city square almost to the outskirts , and as even we speak he and smoker are clashing right now" the marine lieutenant reported.

"Portgas D . Ace?"

"Yes , Gyro its him" Spike confirmed

"I'm on my way , stand by and observe we know how dangerous Portgas D Ace can be so don't engage . If we were to fight here then perhaps the entire city might be destroyed . " Gyro finished

"As you wish. I didn't want to fight the man anyways . Too much of a headache." Spike chuckled.

"Of course he is . Anything which you cant defeat is a headache"Gyro mocked , hanging up instantly before Spike could even counter with a reply .

'Shameless punk' he thought in jest

Picking up the mercenary he previously knocked out gyro uttered one word before vanishing into thin air .




"Fire and smoke are parallel. But it is clear who is stronger here white hunter smoker" Ace derides

"We shall see about that " the smoke user pronounced as he flew at him readying a punch to deliver to aces face which managed to only phase through the flame user.

"You rely too much on your devil fruit smoker !" Came a voice from above before said speaker landed amidst the two logia users.

"Portgas D Ace it's been a while ."

"Gyro " ace replied as he grinned and readied himself for a true fight as flames emerged from his shoulders and hands.

"Smoker you might wanna dress back "

"Huh?! This ain't your fight Gyro !" smoker grunted

"And it ain't yours neither"


Tiger, snake , rat , rat , snake ( hand seals )

"Water style : Water shockwave !"


And as he said it , spurting from his mouth came a 15 feet wave of water that threatened to swallow the flame user, but ace was no weakling .

"Flame wall !!" Ace countered as he sent a torrent of orange flame to meet the oncoming water wave .



The entire area was now covered in dense obscuring steam

'Let's see if your colors of observation are as great as you state ace ' Gyro thought smugly as he saw the pirates position through the smoke with his Rinnegan.


Disappearing again and appearing in front of the pirate . Gyro coated his fist with Haki and delivered a blow towards ace who narrowly crossed his arms to block it but was still flung out of the steam and into the nearby desert a hundred meters away.

Using compressed fire in the color of blue flames which emerged from his arms . Ace righted himself after being thrust away by the force of Gyro's punch his feet now touching down softly upon the dessert sand .

"As strong as ever Gyro . " Ace grinned and stated as he rubbed his wrists where the punch landed .

"Indeed , and I grow stronger by the day " Gyro added smiling darkly

"And you ? Who knows?" Gyro shrugged.

" And still ad arrogant as always " Ace chuckled

"Why don't we leave this fight for another time ? " Ace bargained

"I have someplace to be and you know it will end the same like last time my flames shall over come your little water spittle and you know this " Ace finished .

'So you feel you , and so I've always wanted you to think ' Gyro mused .

" Indeed , but I've never given my all when fighting you. A magician never reveal his secrets after all . But perhaps right now I might show you something new " Gyro grinned wolfishly

" Ahahaha! I always felt like you were holding back . I wonder why . You don't dare see me as a weakling?" Ace chuckled

"Bring it then marine!"

'He has no idea . No idea of what I'm truly capable of . No one does , neither pirates nor marines or even the World Government. '

'Strong devil fruit or not , those powers of his makes him vulnerable to water jutsu which I've always exploited, but not so much to capture the brat much less kill him , and as it relates to haki it seems we're both at the same level though my training will put me on top eventually. And plus his role in the future was already destined to be so I there was never a reason to critically wound the man so like always he needed to find some way to let him escape once again . '

"You gonna stand there all day and stare ? If so then I'll attack first! "Ace uttered

"Fire Fist!!" The flame user bellowed as a large

Flame in the shape of a fist barreled down towards Gyro .

Doing another set of hand seals quicker than the flame fist could hit its mark the marine captain spoke.

"Water Style : Giant water wall !!"

Gyro once again spurted a torrent of liquid from his mouth but this time the wave surrounded him instead of going after his opponent like last .

Fire and Water clashed against each other , the two elements cancelled each other out releasing a great pillar of steam covering the entire barren area.

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