
One Piece Ghost's Greed: The Mercenary's Rule

In the lawless expanse of the Grand Line, whispers abound of a figure known only as Ghost. Reincarnated from another realm, Ghost is a mercenary whose sole allegiance is to his insatiable greed and lust for power. With a heart as cold as the ocean depths, Ghost prowls the shadows of pirate-infested ports, taking contracts that promise untold riches, no matter the moral cost. He is known for his ruthless efficiency, cunning tactics, and a willingness to do whatever it takes to line his pockets with gold. Ghost's reputation spreads like wildfire, painting him as a figure of both fear and admiration among the underworld. His actions are driven solely by selfish ambition, guided by the Mercenary's Rule: "No contract is too dark, no deed too vile, as long as the price is right." "Ghost's Greed: The Mercenary's Rule" is a tale of darkness and avarice, where one man's relentless pursuit of wealth and power leads him down a treacherous path of deceit and betrayal in the unforgiving world of piracy.

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4 Chs

Celestial Dragon Assassinated

In the East Sea, a commotion stirred as a Celestial Dragon arrived to collect taxes from various kingdoms along the coast. The royal luxury ship of the Celestial Dragon sailed gracefully across the waters, adorned with opulent decorations befitting its master's status. The Celestial Dragon himself was a portly and unattractive figure, his expression growing increasingly irritated with each passing moment.

"How much longer must I endure this inconvenience?" he grumbled to his bodyguard, a fearsome-looking man who stood nearby with a respectful bow. "Master, just one more hour, and we shall arrive at our destination," the bodyguard assured him, trying to appease his master's impatience.

As the ship continued its journey, a sudden disturbance disrupted the tense atmosphere. A bullet whizzed past the Celestial Dragon's head, causing his fat cheeks to quiver in shock. Before anyone could react, the Celestial Dragon's head erupted in a spray of blood and brain matter, sending his body collapsing to the deck in a grotesque heap.

Pandemonium ensued among the guards on the ship, their shouts and cries mixing with the sounds of crashing waves. The bullet had been fired with such speed and precision that none could see where it had come from. Smoker, the head bodyguard tasked with protecting the Celestial Dragon, felt a chill run down his spine as he scanned the chaos around him.

Amidst the chaos, a once-beaten slave, now free from his tormentor's grip, stood with a serene smile on his face. "Finally, I can die in peace," he whispered, his eyes closing as he embraced the release of death. The guards, realizing the gravity of the situation, scrambled to contact the navy headquarters for reinforcements and to identify the mysterious assailant.

Fear gripped every soul on the ship, knowing that failure to protect the Celestial Dragon meant certain death. Even Smoker, usually composed and resolute, found himself frozen in indecision, unsure of how to proceed.

The Next Day--------

The news of the Celestial Dragon's assassination reverberated like thunder across the Grand Line, sending shockwaves through the hearts of citizens and pirates alike. The morning papers carried the grim tale of a daring strike against one of the World Government's most revered figures. Marco, with a smile, handed the newspaper to Whitebeard, whose weathered eyes scanned the headlines with a mix of surprise and concern.

"Seems there's a lion's cub stirring up trouble in the East Sea," muttered Whitebeard, his deep voice carrying a weight of foreboding. The thought of such audacity in the face of the World Government's power was both intriguing and unsettling.

Meanwhile, deep within the heart of Onigashima, Kaido, the indomitable Beast Pirate, received word of the assassination from King, his trusted right-hand man. A wicked grin spread across Kaido's face as he let out a booming laugh that echoed through the island. "Worororororo! Now this is getting interesting!" he bellowed, relishing the chaos that was sure to follow.

King, ever stoic behind his mask, couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. For years, he harbored a deep-seated hatred for the Celestial Dragons and their oppressive rule. The news of their downfall brought a rare glimmer of contentment to his eyes, hidden from view.

On the other side of the seas, aboard the Red Hair Pirates' ship, Shanks studied the newspaper with a thoughtful expression. "This will cause quite a commotion in the East Sea," he remarked, his sharp eyes scanning the headlines. "Beckman, set sail for the East. We may need to intervene if things escalate."

Meanwhile, deep within his hidden fortress among the clouds, Golden Lion Shiki, a figure of unparalleled power and cunning, sat in his opulent chamber. As he perused the news of the Celestial Dragon's demise, a rare grin tugged at the corners of his lips. "Hmph, looks like there's someone more daring than me, the Golden Lion," he mused with a mix of amusement and admiration. However, a flicker of concern crossed his mind. "I hope you won't meet an untimely end, whoever you are," he muttered, acknowledging the peril that now shadowed the daring assassin.

On the island stronghold of Baldigo, Dragon, the enigmatic leader of the Revolutionary Army, received word of the assassination. His expression remained inscrutable, a mask of calm calculation as he absorbed the news. "Hero," he spoke softly to Belo Betty, his trusted ally, "we seek individuals who challenge the Dragons and the tyranny they represent. Dive deeper into this incident find this hero and make him join us at any cost tell him we will protect him."

 In Amazon Lily, Boa Hancock received word of the assassination with a mixture of shock and delight. Her admiration for the perpetrator, whoever they might be, grew as she imagined the sheer audacity of the deed.

In Dressrosa, the enigmatic Doflamingo chuckled darkly as he read the news. "Kehahaha! Finally, someone had the guts to challenge the Dragons. This will be an interesting turn of events," he mused, his mind already spinning with plans and schemes.

As the news spread, chaos erupted across the Grand Line. The once tranquil East Sea became a battleground, swarming with Navy ships and CP agents hunting down pirates with ruthless efficiency. Kizaru, the admiral known for his blinding speed, took charge of the manhunt, his golden light cutting through the darkness of the criminal underworld.

Back at Navy headquarters, Garp, the legendary Vice Admiral, couldn't help but chuckle at the turn of events. However, his laughter subsided as Sengoku reminded him of Luffy's recent exploits. "Garp, isn't Luffy your grandson? We've already informed Kizaru about him. He won't be harmed," reassured Sengoku, knowing the delicate balance of power that hung in the air.

Amidst the chaos, Kuzan, the former admiral with a heart of ice, sat in contemplation. The news of the assassination stirred old memories and regrets, casting a shadow over his usually calm demeanor.

Below the surface, those responsible for guarding the Celestial Dragon faced swift and brutal retribution. Even Smoker, the steadfast Marine captain, was not exempt from the consequences of failure he is imprisoned in Impel Down 6th layer Eternal Hell.

Sengoku turned to Kuzan, urging him to maintain control amidst the storm of emotions and actions. Kuzan nodded silently, his mind already racing with thoughts of what was to come.

Meanwhile, on Loguetown, Tashigi, overwhelmed by the weight of responsibility, lay on the floor of her office, tears of frustration and sorrow staining her cheeks. With Smoker gone, she was left to manage the Navy branch and navigate the turbulent waters of the aftermath.

As the World Government scrambled to restore order, they announced a staggering bounty of 3 billion for any individual who could bring the assassin to justice. Alongside the bounty came the promise of absolution for past crimes and the coveted rank of Nobel or even a King if the assassin is caught alive within a Legal Kingdom—an offer that sparked a frenzy of activity and speculation among pirates and Marines alike.

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