
Chapter 63

[Next day]

The giants bonded Brook's ship onto theirs, and we started going towards Thriller Bark.

On the way there, Brook told us about Moria's powers and the weakness of those zombies.

"Robert, how much salt do we have?" asked Sabo

"We ha-"

"Not happening."

"What's not happening, Ken?" asked Sabo

"We aren't going to use lowly tactics to beat our opponents."

"Why do you have to make things always so difficult for us?" asked Ace

I smiled

"Because I love torturing you guys."

"I knew it! You sadistic bastard!" screamed Deuce

"Hahaha, sucks to be you guys."



Deuce appeared on my left side and tried to kick me on my head, but I grabbed his leg before he hit me.

I smirked.

"What should I do with you now?"

He started sweating.

"W...wait! I'm sorry! Please let me go."



I kicked his other leg, making him fall down. I let go of his leg and stomped on his stomach.


"Stand up."

"Then take your damn foot off of me!"

I used more force.


"What did you say? I couldn't hear you well?"

"Tsk. Shigan!"

He tried to hit me on my leg, but I managed to jump away in time. He stood up and got into a fighting position.

"Oh, it looks like you've grown some balls."

"Come at me, you bastard."

'He looks like he wants to go all out. But we have a fight coming up, so I'll just fight him some other time.'

I put my hands up in the air.

"Fine, I give up. You're stronger than me."

"Huh?" x16

Everyone was shocked that I gave up like that.

Deuce smirked.

"Hahaha, did you become scared of me? I don't blame you tho. My power terrifies even myself." said Deuce

I clenched my fist.

I glared at Deuce.

"Big words for someone who is about to die."

He completely froze.


I was about to teach that idiot a lesson when Robert called me.

"What is it? Can't you see that I'm busy?"

"We arrived at our destination!"

I looked behind me and saw an island that is actually a massive ship.

I looked at Deuce.

"You're lucky. The next time, I'll make sure that you'll never talk again."


He fell back on his ass. He's completely soaked in sweat.

We arrived in front of a big gate that looks like a mouth.

"I'm not expecting it to open up, so who feels like taking a go at it?"

Before anyone could say anything, the gate started opening. When it was completely open, Laffitte appeared beside me.

"You're too perfect, Laffitte."

"Thank you, Captain."

"Hahaha, you're not even being humble about it. But it's not like you need to be. Alright guys, let's go in."

The three ships entered thriller bark, and we docked our ships at the dock.

We got onto the island.

"What's our plan, Captain?" asked Laffitte


I started thinking.

"Hm? There is no plan."

"Huh? But you always have a plan." said Robert

"I just don't see a reason for a plan. If anyone attacks you, just annihilate them. That's all there is to it."

"That's a plan I can get behind." said Ace

"Brook, I will go with you. Lead me to that samurai guy."

He nodded and started leading the way.

"Be careful, ya all."

Brook and I disappeared.

[Gecko Moria P.O.V.]

I'm eating my breakfast when Hildon suddenly flew in from the window.

(Hildon is that vampire guy. He just flies around and delivered messages whenever he needs to. He also scouts the ship for intruders.)


"What is it? Can't you see that I'm eating?"

"I'm sorry to interrupt your breakfast, sir, but we have big trouble."

"Did someone enter my ship?"

He nodded.

"Who is it?"

"It's the Azure Demon Pirates!"

"WHAT! What are they doing here!"

"I don't know, sir, but that skeleton is with them."


I hit the table, destroying it.

"Tell everyone to come here and tell them not to approach the enemy!"

"Yes, sir!"

He flew out through the window.

'This is bad! I heard that their captain knows Haki, so there won't be anyone here strong enough to stop him.'


'Why am I so worried. I can easily take care of this rookie. I've fought head to head with Kaido after all. Until I meet him again, I won't let anyone defeat me!'

(Gecko Moria can't use Haki btw.)

[Ken P.O.V.]

Brook and I arrived in a tower and walked into a room where we saw someone sitting on the ground with his eyes closed and a sword on his lap. He looks like a zombie, and he has a lot of bandages.

"Is he the one?"

"Yes, he is the one with my shadow. He is Ryuma."

Ryuma opened his eyes and stood up.

"Yohohohoo, have you come back for round two, former master?"

Brook unsheathed his sword from his cane.

"I have trained hard these last two years to defeat you!"

Ryuma unsheathed Shusui.

'I can immediately feel the quality of Shusui. It's definitely one of the 21 Great Grade swords.'

"You're not the only one who has been training."

He looked at me.

"But it seems like you're not so confident in your abilities."

I sat down against the wall.

"I'm just a spectator."

Ryuma smirked.

"Yohohohoo. It seems like your ally has abandoned you."

"I told him not to interfere. But let's stop talking and start fighting already."

They got into their fighting stance. Brook glared at Ryuma, but Ryuma just smiled.

I took out a book from my jacket and started reading it. The title is "Looking Cool for Experts".


Brook was the first one to make a move.

He appeared in front of Ryuma and started stabbing toward him. Ryuma started blocking and counterattacking.

"Are you sure that you've trained for two years? You're still just as weak as back then."

"Shut up! You've still seen nothing!"

Brook's stabs started becoming faster. Ryuma had trouble keeping up. But Brook didn't manage to hit him even once.

Ryuma jumped back.

"Yohoho, you might have improved a little bit after all."

"Ey Brook, what are you doing?"

"What do you mean, Captain?"

"I can feel your emotions being all over the place. Unlike you, Ryuma is completely calm. He is using your emotions against you. Just stay calm. Try to be calm and cold like ice. Each strike has to be done with complete confidence. Throw whatever you're thinking about away. Just focus on your enemy."

"I thought that you were just a spectator." said Ryuma

"Hm? Are you afraid of losing once he's got his shit together?"

"Yohoho, of course not."

"Do you have any more advice, Captain?"

I put my book away.

"He has a big advantage in strength, but you have an advantage in speed. So use your advantage to defeat him. Don't attack him head-on like an idiot. And remember that you two are the same. He knows everything about you, so that also means that you know a lot about him. Come here, and I'll tell you how to beat him."

Brook kneeled down next to me, and I whispered something in his ear hole without Ryuma hearing it. He was just standing there, waiting for us to finish.

"What is that for idea!? How am I supposed to do that!? It's impossible!"

"I said it because I believe you can do it. You have the determination, and now all you need is courage and a brain."

He looked at me with a deadpan look.

"But Captain, I don't have a brain remember. I'm a skeleton, after all. Yohohohooo."

"Sigh. Then just use your soul. I believe that you can do it, so show that arrogant prick what you can do."

He stood up.

"You can count on me, Captain!"

He stood opposite Ryuma.

"Are you two finally done coming up with a useless plan.

Brook didn't answer and just got in an attack position.

I smiled.

'He learns fast for a grandpa.'


[Brook vs Ryuma! Will Brook be able to stand a chance with Ken's advice, and what did Ken whisper to Brook?]

(I'm adding a little variation in the quotes.)

Anime Quotes:

"The world isn't perfect. But it's there for us, doing the best it can….that's what makes it so damn beautiful."

– Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist)

"Life is not a game of luck. If you wanna win, work hard."

– Sora (No Game No Life)

"Sometimes I do feel like I'm a failure. Like there's no hope for me. But even so, I'm not gonna give up. Ever!"

– Izuku Midoriya (My Hero Academia)

(Is there anyone else who got mad at Izuku for abandoning Eri when she bumped into him? This happened in Season 4.)