

A genius from earth gets transmigrated as a slave from the world of his favourite anime and manga series One Piece. Let's see what awaits him in his second life and if he can fight for what he never had in his first life... FREEDOM! Notes: -No Harem -No system This is my first work. English isn't my first language. If you like it please leave a review!

xXyan · Komik
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22 Chs

A New Adventure awaits!

As we were making our way through the city the people were staring at Hancock who stood behind me, my body shielding hers. I gave mean glares to everyone looking at us. After 10 minutes of travelling my observation haki sensed a powerful person. I made my way through the city until we were in front of Shakky Rip-off bar. We quickly entered the bar.

"I didn't expect to see young people coming here" a female voice said.

I looked at the counter and I saw Shakky, the Amazon Lily's former empress.

"We are looking for a Silvers Rayleigh." I confidently said.

"He's not here." the woman said as she took a puff out of her cigarette.

"You are his wife, aren't you? Where can I find him I need to get this girls to Amazon Lily" I said.

"Hmm, I don't know where he currently is. You can try to search for him or you can wait here for him to return." she responded

I looked back at the Boa sisters.

"We will wait." I hesitantly said.

We spent the day at Shakky bar, when I told her the Boa sisters were from Amazon Lily she told us we can sleep here until Rayleigh comes back. We slept for a few days in the bar. On the second day me and Hancock went to buy clothes with borrowed money from Shakky which I promised I will pay back one day. I bought myself a simple white shirt and some baggy pants that can stretch well. Hancock went all out and bought 3 sets of clothes for all her sisters and made me carry the bags back to the bar. I am now severely in debt...

On the third day whilst I was working the counter trying to pay back my debt an old man with glasses, goatee and white hair came into the bar. I knew he was Rayleigh.

"Who are you?" he asked slightly confused.

I bowed 90 degrees.

"I am Sora Minamoto, sir!"

Out of the backroom came Shakky.

"Have you lost all your money again" she asked in a disappointed tone.

"Wahahahaha, you know me so well!" Rayleigh replied with a smile.

I interrupted their banter and bowed again.

"Rayleigh, please take my friends to Amazon Lily!"

While I was still bowing Hancock and her sisters were sitting behind me at the bar talking to Shakky. The Gorgon sisters befriended her quickly after they found out she is from Amazon Lily.

"I like you kid!" he said with a grin his face.

Some days later Rayleigh prepared a ship to take the sisters back to Amazon Lily. Rayleigh told me to say my goodbyes.

"BIG BROTHER!" cried Sandersonia.

"WE WILL MISS YOU, BIG BROTHER!" exclaimed Marigold. After exchanging a few more pleasantries they went on the ship

After Mariogold and Sandersonia left, I was left alone with Hancock.

We were both staring at each other and a awkward silence ensued. She suddenly hugged me.

"I will miss you!" she said with teary eyes.

The sight of her with teary eyes made my heart skip a beat.

"It's not like we'll never see eachother again" I replied trying to make her feel better.

"I promise you I will become Amazon Lily empress!" she said with determination.

"Hahaha! That's the spirit! Next time we meet I am sure you will be a strong and beautiful empress " I said with a gentle smile.

She blushed an looked away.

"Close you eyes." she said shyly

I complied. The I felt a soft sensation on my lips. After a while The feeling stopped. I reopened my eyes. My face began to heat up. The most beautiful woman in the world just kissed me! Hancock was covering her face with her hands. She then quickly ran to the ship leaving me alone and confused. I felt someone put their hands around my shoulders.

"You remind me of myself in the good ol' days, Wahahaha" It was Rayleigh! He then started walking towards the ship himself. I left back to the bar with Shakky.

For the next day I worked the counter at Shakky's bar and spent my days training my observation haki. I hit a standstill I did all the training I could in observation Haki I just need experience and I am confident I can awaken future sight. I will ask for training from Rayleigh when he gets back. He can probably explain things like armament emission, internal distruction and how to control my conquerer's haki. As for my devil fruit I need to come up with new abilities and I'm out of ideas. I will reflect upon that in these 2 years of training. I have a lot of training to do and I have a lot of room for evolution.

Finally after 3 days of waiting Rayleigh came back saying that he successfully delivered the 3 girls to Amazon Lily but on his way back he shipwrecked and had to swim all the way back. I still can't believe how strong this old man is. After talking for a bit I asked the big question:

"Rayleigh, can you please teach me advanced armament and conquerer's Haki!"

"I knew you were strong when I first saw you! I will train you because you remind me of myself" he responded.

With that my training with Rayleigh-sensei began. He took me to an island in the Calm Belt.

I was sure it wasn't the same island Luffy trained in as the geography was different and the climate even rougher. The seasons changed almost daily as I had to endure this hell for almost 2 years. I managed to get a hang of emission and internal destruction. As for my conquerer's haki I could somewhat infuse my weapon with it but I still had a lot of work to do. In 3 months I would return to Sabaody Archipelago where I would buy a ship with the money I will obtain from selling the various beasts hides and important body parts, I would talk to Rayleigh about getting a free coating and go to the New World where new adventures awaited me. Even though I was almost constantly training, I took time to admire the scenery, and reflect upon my newly gained freedom. I still had the slave mark on my back and the claw marks on my chest but instead of seeing this as shameful I see it as progress and it reminds me of how far I've come from the little slave boy that couldn't even kill a giant lion. The mark on my back also reminded me of Hancock and my little sisters on Amazon Lily and the time I spent with them.

I got taller, I am now standing at 203 centimeters, I don't think I'll grow much anymore, I am already 18 years old after all.

My physique remained the same after all this years, I had lean hard muscle, I wasn't to bulky, but not to thin. An overall athletic physique. My fighting style also remained the same. Fast and powerful sword srikes or punches. I gave up on my plan to use the staff as I found out that it hinders my movement and it isn't worth wasting time to learn a new weapon fighting style. I still generated a katana made out of reinforced bones as my sword. It never failed me after all.

Time flew quickly and before I even realised I was back in Sabaody Archipelago buying a ship. I managed to buy a decent sized ship with canons, good enough for sailing as pirates. I didn't have a grandiose personal goal like becoming Pirate King but my dream was more of a collective one, bringing joy and freedom wherever I sailed and to ensure freedom I had to be strong, yonko-level strong. I bought a ship and docked it in the port. I also made a Jolly Roger, a white skull with ashy hair and two katanas going across it a a bone one and a steel one representing the founding members, me and Reimei.

As I was walking through the market I also bought a dark blue captain's cloak with the spare money I had. I had a pretty good outfit. A white shirt with black pants and blue captain's cloak, the black and white went well with my natural ashy hair. The blue captain's cloak goes well with my eyes.

When I got back to the bar, Shakky informed me that Boa Hancock was made empress of Amazon Lily and she invited me, Rayleigh and Shakky to her banquet. I really wanted to see her again so I said that I would gladly go.

The next day we used a small boat to sail to Amazon Lily, the hull of the ship wasn't even reinforced to survive the sea kings, I just kept my conquerer's haki activated the whole trip, no Sea King dared to come close.

Boa Hancock POV:

I wonder if Sora would come. I miss him very much. When I was struggling, I always thought about his handsome face and beautiful eyes and smooth hair and manly scent... Kyaaaa!

3rd person POV:

As Boa Hancock was still in her room hugging a pillow and shaking in her bed. Elder Nyon came in her room:

"Hancock! Get ready!" the elder scolded.

"Don't tell me what to do you old hag!" Hancock replied from her bed. Suddenly they both could feel a huge aura approaching. What was this presence!? It gave a feeling of dread that demanded authority. They quickly dressed and made their way to the shore. The kuja pirates gathered at the coast and out of the horizon a small fishing boat could be seen approaching the island. The air was tense and the kuja pirates were ready for battle.

When the ship got close they were confused. On the ship were their former empress, Shakuyaku, her husband the dark king Rayleigh and a tall man with blue eyes, pale skin and ashen shoulder length hair.

"Hit that sea king next, wahahahahaha" Rayleigh exclaimed while laughing.

"Are you sure this is ok master?" the boy asked with an hesitant tone.

"Who cares?" The Dark King said with a grin on his face.

"I guess..." the boy responded as an oppressive force washed over the kuja pirates, some of the weaker willed pirates even fell on their knees and about to pass ou, but thankfully the force went away as soon as it came. Suddenly three giant sea kings started surfacing. The boy killed three giant sea kings without even touching them...

Elder Nyon and Hancock made their way to the front.

"What strong presence... Is this the power of the king?" Elder Nyon mumbled.

Hancock has been tense the whole night, between thinking about Sora coming or not and this new threat she couldn't even throw a good party. She assessed the threat but to her shock instead of a big marine or pirate ship there was a small fishing boat approaching the island on the deck on the ship was... Shakky? Next to her was sitting Rayleigh and a tall man with ashy hair and... brilliant sky blue eyes... She couldn't be mistaken! She dreams about those eyes at night! That was Sora! He really came to my banquet! Stray thoughts were going through her mind as she had to restrain herself from jumping in the air with joy. Elder Nyon was weirdly looking at her.

Through the kuja warriors Marigold and Sandersonia made their way to the front of the crowd.

"ELDER SISTER! What is happening?" asked Marigold.

"Who is th.... BIG BROTHER SORA!" exclaimed Sandersonia.

The ship got close enough to the coast as the overwhelming presence stopped and three figures jumped up on the island. The kuja pirates were shocked... their former leader and empress Shakuyaku and her husband, Silvers Rayleigh and the unidentified man made their way to Hancock and elder Nyon.

"Good to see you again, Elder Nyon." said Shakky.

Shakky, Rayleigh and elder Nyon exchanged pleasantries as Hancock made eye contact with Sora. She began walking towards him.

"You got taller!" remarked Sora. Boa Hancock was a tall woman being close to 190 cm tall.

"You're are as tall as ever" Hancock said. He was always about one head taller than Hancock and this persisted even now.

"I see you have become empress rather quickly!" Sora remarked.

"I tried my best." she responded cooly.

The situation was rather awkward as they couldn't have a real conversation in front of all the kuja pirates so Hancock tried to defuse the situation.

"Let the party begin!" She loudly announced.

The crowd separated into groups leaving Hancock and Sora alone. They made their way back to the palace. Hancock ordered for the finest sake to be bought to her room. They then moved to Hancock room where they could have private conversation without being disturbed. The night became a blur as the good sake made time fly fast....


Where am I? I feel as if someone bashed my head against a wall multiple times. I shouldn't have drunk so much sake... I feel something clinging onto me. I look down and I see that I am naked... strange...strange indeed. I look to my left... How did I even get in this situation? A naked Boa Hancock was tightly clinging onto me. She seemed to slightly move and now she was completely on top of me! I couldn't escape this situation I have to wait for her to leave. She kept moving her hips onto me and mumbling my name in her sleep.

It took another few hours for Hancock to wake up. While I was thinking about to do after I start my adventure. I felt Hancock moving.

"Are you awake?" I asked in a kind tone.

"Yes, yes I am!" Hancock exclaimed while getting off my chest.

"My legs hurt! You were really rough last night! Take responsibility and marry me!" she said in an demanding tone and a blush on her face.

"I am too young to get married. How about this: I promise to not have romantic relationships with other women and when I become an emperor of the sea, I'll come back and we'll get married." I casually said.

Hancock blushed and burried her head in my chest.

"I guess that's ok." she shyly muttered. How cute!

"We'll I'm leaving today so let me get ready." I said trying to make her let go of my naked body.

"5 more minutes" she demanded.

I just sighed and let her hold onto me for now. I made up a plan. I'll go through the New World and recruit crew members. I'll sail the New World, travel through some islands that weren't shown in the anime as I want to get my own authentic New World experience, and then free Wano, kill kaido and establish my territory there as my I am from technically Wano.

When I get enough power and influence I will probably claim Amazon Lily as Hancock surely won't like being a warlord.

I don't care about the prophecy of Joyboy awakening in Wano. If push comes to shove I'll fight Luffy until he awakens his devil fruit.

One of my favourite characters from One Piece was Ace so I will make sure he will live. So my first target is probably Kaido and after that I'm going for Big Mom. I will not touch the Whitebeard pirates and I'm not sure about the red-hair pirates. First I need to gather a strong crew. I already have a first mate. I need to ask for information about Reynolds Leywin. I keep my promises after all. I should search the first part of the New World for him. I am also not rushing, I need to enjoy the journey after all.

After staying in bed for another 2 hours I finally got up, much to the displeasure of Hancock.

"Do you really need to go? You can stay a few more days~" she said as she seductively looked at me.

"Hahahaha! It isn't that easy so seduce me! The new world awaits me" I happily exclaimed while pulling up my pants.

"The New World can wait! I don't know when I'll see you again!" she exclaimed while covering herself up with the blanket while puffing her cheeks.

"Don't worry! I'm sure we'll see eachother soon!" I said as I finished putting my shirt and coat on.

I approached her and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Even though I won't be with you, don't feel sad! Distance makes the heart grow fonder."

With that said I left the room and went to search for Rayleigh. I found them at the coast next to the boat ready to leave. After saying my final goodbyes to everyone we boarded the ship and sailed back to Sabaody Archipelago.

I can't wait to set sail to a new adventure!