
Chapter 5: Rage 3

Despite the fear in his eyes, Kenzo stood up balancing himself on one leg. Blood dripped sporadically from his stump, landing with a squelch on the floor. "I must admit, perhaps I

did underestimate you Rosan. I thought, combined with my surprise attacks and my strength, your neck would have snapped from the blow. I commend you for surviving, but I

cannot accept defeat just yet. My wife and daughter are waiting for me and if I die here, how will they survive?" With that question asked, the Fishman got into a defensive


"The lives of you, your wife, and your daughter mean nothing to me," Rosan said ruthlessly. "If they are strong, they will live. If they are weak they will die. You're so focused on

them, you don't even seem to realize your own situation," the child pointed out coldly.

"You are weak Kenzo, so you will die."

Rosan didn't bother giving him another response. He had a job to finish. He thought about numbing himself, but the pain kept him alert. Satisfied, Rosan crouched lowly and

rocketed off, fully intent on finishing this fight.

He would need to be careful about getting spiked again.

Rosan slid past the incoming punch and ducked under a set of spikes that shot at him. Before Kenzo could withdraw his fist, Rosan dug the blade deep into his arm, severing a


The redhead tilted his body 90 degrees to avoid more spikes and flipped backwards to make distance between the two of them. Kenzo's right arm bled heavily and it hung limply

at his side. The man panted but he still looked determined to win.

He had not yet lost hope.

Rosan smiled.

What happened next, could only be described as a slaughter. It was like watching a dancer.

Rosan would weave in and out, dodging all manner of attacks from Kenzo while surgically removing a part of his body. He would duck under a punch and deliver a cut to his ribs,

Spin from the retaliation of spikes, exit his field of vision and strike his back, Jumping over a desperate headbutt, to land on his overextended head and teasingly cutting the back

of his neck.

Rosan was playing with him.

This was no longer a fight. This was a performance and Rosan was the leading act. The crowd absolutely loved every moment of it. Their cheers could shatter glass with how loud

they were. The redhead was entertaining them more then anyone else ever had with how gracefully he moved in and out.

Rosan didn't care how they reacted. He wasn't doing this for them he was doing this because it was fun.

He was fighting a strong opponent and he was forcing them to submit to him. The power he held over them was fun.

The thrill of the hunt, caused some of Rosan's suppressed emotions to seep through and a psychotic, bloody grin, sharp fangs gleaming, made its way onto the boy's face as he

enjoyed every single moment.

Someone should not be able to move so gracefully, with such an insane look in their eyes. It was unnerving. It was polarizing.

Mod-chan watched this all with acceptance in her eyes. Rosan had always had a bit of a sadistic streak and it seems like this had brought it out to the fullest.

They watched with malicious glee.

Kenzo was currently in an unbearable amount of pain. When he had first seen the child, he thought that perhaps they had used underhanded tactics to win their way to the final.

He had resolutely decided to not fall for such tricks and to put the small human out of his misery quickly.

He knew now that the child was not using such tricks.

Kenzo hated humans, but he respected this child. He looked at him with no bias so he'd end him quickly. A quick conversation had shown that the child cared little for his lineage,

he did not care if Kenzo was a fishman or a human. Kenzo was just an opponent he needed to fight and the Fishman respected that immensely.

The child had caught him completely off guard with the sheer amount of power and speed he possessed. From the start of the match, Kenzo was forced into the defensive.

Contrary to his size and what would have been a preferred method of fighting, this boy, Rosan, had pursued him relentlessly, not even giving him a chance to think about his next

move. Always attacking.

His tactics were utterly overwhelming in nature.

Despite losing a leg, he thought the fight had been as good as over, after he had managed to catch Rosan off guard with his spikes. They were a last resort in case he got cornered

by his master…or by an abnormally strong boy.

Kenzo had the ability to detach and shoot out his spikes to unsuspecting foes. If the spikes themselves weren't enough, then the paralyzing poison, they were laced, with should

have given him enough time to gather his wits and finish the job.

Watching Rosan get up and shrug off all of this, with barely a wince, had filled him with an unexplainable amount of fear. How was he not affected by his last resort attack? The

boy looked slightly uncomfortable but otherwise, he seemed fine.

What had happened to the poison? The spikes? What was he? He found himself echoing the commentators concerns. Was this boy even human? Had Kenzo been set up against

some sort of cyborg?

The redhead before him had decreased the size of the scythe that was far larger than the boy was and Kenzo's eyes widened.

A Devil Fruit user. Fantastic.

That explained his durability at least. If they were near water, this battle would have been far different but alas there was nothing but dirt in this arena.

Rosan told him to die fighting, but he hadn't given up yet. His slave master was a cruel man and relied on Kenzo to do most of the heavy lifting at home. If he died, his beautiful

wife and daughter would suffer his wrath instead.

He had something to fight for and he couldn't say the same for this emotionless boy, who seemed to revel in the battle. He would fight with everything he had and win.

Looking at the condition of the child and the condition of himself, he came to a conclusion.

Rosan wasn't human.

No, he was a demon in the form of a child. That was the trick he had played against his other opponents.

Since he had lost his limb, Kenzo had not been able to get a single attack on the monster in human flesh. Worst, he was being toyed with. Rosan could have ended the fight at any

moment and they were both aware of it. The boy was dancing around his body with minimal effort and littering it with constant injuries.

It was only a matter of time before he actually did die from just bloodloss.

Most of his limbs were rendered useless by the boys relentless assault. He had been completely overwhelmed and there was nothing he could do about it. Looking into the

heterochromatic eyes of this demon, Kenzo shook at the amount of rage they possessed. To make matters worse, the boy was grinning toothily with a bloody mouth.

He was enjoying this, enjoying tormenting the fishman despite having the ability to end this quickly. This was the death he deserved?

Consumed by rage Kenzo made his most costly mistake yet. He jumped and swung his only leg at Rosan with a rage filled scream. For a second, it looked like the blow would

actually connect, but Rosan had been expecting this. After all, every other limb had been rendered useless.

As his leg soared through the air, Rosan, in an impressively display of flexibility, leaned back completely to evade the blow.

Hands touching the floor from this position, Rosan angled both his feet up as he got into a handstand and connected squarely with the mans extended leg. Kenzo was unable to

balance himself any longer due to his one foot being airborne and he fell on his back.

Still in a handstand, Rosan thought "Modify Weight: Lighten," and launched himself upwards with a push. As he practically, floated through the air Rosan began spinning. He

grasped the kama and said "Increase x3," and watched it grow back to its original size.

It didn't stop there however.

The crowd gasped as they bore witness to the scythe growing to ludicrous sizes. Rosan himself couldn't even wrap one hand around the weapon anymore. As he placed both hands

around the handle, the weight of the weapon made itself apparent and began dragging his spinning, lightened, body downward at a rapid pace.

Kenzo tried to muster up the energy to move but he couldn't. Rosan had made sure he'd be incapable of movement. Looking up, he saw a gigantic something flying towards him in

that same buzzsaw motion that had cost him his leg. Closing his eyes, he accepted his fate. Today, he had fought a real monster and lost and this was the price he had to pay.

"Masumi and Kaori, I'm sorry but it seems like I won't be able to make it home soon," the Fishman apologized. "Please stay strong for me, I know you two can do it. I will always

be watching over you both. My only regret is that I wasn't able to free you two and see Kaori grow up into the wonderful woman she would be," were Kenzo's final words as the

buzzing of steel reached closer and closer.

"Masumi and Kaori hm?" Rosan thought to himself. "I will remember those names. Don't worry, they will be safe for years to come. You and your master will both die tonight."

The human buzzsaw was seconds away from connecting and this time he would not be denied. Red and purple glared down uncaringly at his victim as Rosan uttered "Meteora"

and crashed into his target. A cloud of dust rose as the only sound heard was steel connecting with flesh.

Masaru, or Doc as well all knew him, had been watching Rosan for a long time.

It hadn't been intentional, but plenty beautiful things happened by accident. He didn't know about Rosan at all before he received reports about the "Devil Child" traveling in

their area. Doc didn't have any illusions about being able to fight someone able to sink 6 battleships, but it would do good to get info on what she was doing.

Imagine his surprise, when he gained info that she was traveling with someone who seemed to be even younger than her! Another demon perhaps? The new info intrigued him

and in moments he was telling his sources to glean more into the new individual instead.

It had been his best decision yet. Rosan was a masterpiece. At first, he had just been watching Nico Robin in hopes of getting info on what she was planning, but the boy had

stolen the spotlight in a heartbeat. He was the clear fighter between the two and he relished battle. Everything about him was perfect. It was as if all his desires in a weapon were

mashed into this one child.

It was only natural he concocted a plan to capture him. He hired a group of men to tail Rosan and ambush him when he was alone. There was no way they'd be able to fight both

the boy and the "Devil Child". In fact, they probably wouldn't be able to even handle him alone, so he graciously supplied them with an invisible toxin that would render him

unconscious after a certain amount of time while progressively making him sluggish.

The plan had worked beautifully and soon the boy was safely in his clutches.

The boy had proven to be…difficult but Doc would not be deterred. He finally had his desired weapon and so, he'd make it work. Rosan was stubborn but he'd be able to

breakthrough the boy.

What Doc hadn't expected, was for it to be this difficult. No matter how much punishment he inflicted on the child, or how much the child begged him to stop, besides his name he

had not made any progress at all with him. The boy stubbornly believed that Nico Robin would rescue him and that kept his resolve strengthened. The fool had no clue that he was

far, far away from where he got captured.

Daybreak Island was not any easy island to reach.

Doc tried whatever it took to get Rosan to submit. He increased the amount of punishment and progressively got more creative with it but nothing worked. The boy refused to be

broken and the man was at his wit's end. Normally, he'd be impressed that his perfect weapon was so resilient but right now, it was infuriating.

Imagine his surprise, when one day Rosan walked into his lab with a completely different colored eye. Doc had taken one look at him, before he immediately began running

numerous tests on Rosan to get to the bottom of what happened.

He had been able to see various changes in the boy's body but frustratingly enough, he couldn't pinpoint the reason why these changes happened. None of what was happening

made any sense at all. As he ran through his results with Rosan, he let his frustration seep through a bit and he asked, aloud, "Are you even human?"

He had not been expecting Rosan to say "I believe I am human, yes."

The blonde man snapped his gaze upwards as he finally registered the dead gaze that were Rosan's eyes. Could it be? Had it finally worked?

Rosan answered everything he asked obediently and Doc resisted the urge to yell in joy.

He had done it! Rosan had finally been broken! Finally, his weapon could finally begin becoming his weapon.

The 9 year old went above and beyond to prove that he truly was the perfect candidate. Prisoner after prisoner had been nothing more than a nuisance to the boy and he

eliminated them all with an impressive variety of weapons.

His kills were…messy to say the least and he couldn't stomach watching them, but that was why he had a weapon to do the dirty work! It was worth a queasy stomach to see just

what Rosan was capable of.

Though, his wife was proving to be slightly difficult when it came to the boy so that was a concern. She was a pervert and he had no interest in indulging her needs, so she could

do whatever she wanted. They had a marriage out of convenience and what used to be love. The blue eyed woman had too much power though, so if she wanted to have her way

with Rosan so be it.

As long as she didn't negatively affect the boy's performance he didn't care.

Rosan was truly fascinating. The boy was a genius, plain and simple, and he had an incredible aptitude for learning. He would request various books and have them done by the

end of the day, always asking for a new one to indulge in. He did not complain anymore and he didn't even let the pain from tolerance training phase him.

He was exceeding his expectations!

And it had all accumulated to this moment.

Doc had never felt more proud, as he watched Rosan mow through the competition in the tournament. The boy had won over the crowd handily and took out all his opponents

with minimal effort.

All while putting on a show. It was like watching the son, he never had, win an award.

He had been worried when he saw the massive fishman in the finals, to the point where he doubted if even his weapon could win this match. If he died here, all his hard work

would be for nothing!

But watching the fight, he felt his fears assuage a bit. The way Rosan was handling his opponent filled him with a sense of relief he didn't think he ever felt. He even managed to

remove one of the man's legs, much to the joy of everyone viewing!

He noted the sigh of relief his wife let out at how well Rosan was performing. She was watching the fight nearly as intently as he was. He wasn't sure when the two had gotten so

close but he didn't care enough to question it.

The fear returned and magnified tenfold, as he watched Rosan get stabbed by the Fishman's spikes and launched across the arena. Sachie, his wife, had let out a terrified gasp as

her dear Rosan slammed into the arena walls.

He had thought the boy was dead and all his hard work throughout the 6 months went down the drain. Everyone else shared the same sentiment of him being dead, if their

groaning was anything to go by. Doc was filled with a dread and an anger at his prized weapon being defeated.

Should he have waited for him to become older?! Why had he placed him in a tournament after only 3 months of proper training? How was this his fault?! He didn't think there

would be a Fishman in the tournament! Perfect he may be, Rosan was still underdeveloped and a child. If he were older this fight would have been long over and it would be the

Fishman who lay defeated.

But no, the boy got up with barely a wince much to the relief of both of them and everyone there. After removing the spikes and finally using his Saizu Saizu no Mi, Rosan made

his move.

What happened next, was a one sided massacre.

Rosan was the definition of grace and elegance, as he systematically dismantled the Fishman. The Fishman tried but Rosan had an answer for everything he did. The boy's

opponent was just a moving punching bag and, when he finally got tired of this, he launched himself upwards while in a handstand.

Everyone watched with an awed gaze as Rosan soared higher and higher until reaching his apex. Then he began falling and falling and his weapon began growing bigger and

bigger. He closed his eyes before he could witness the gruesome sight. There was a sound of metal meeting flesh, then silence, then clapping, then roaring.

The blonde man didn't even know Rosan could jump that high! Could his Devil Fruit control his weight as well? He didn't know about the mystical fruits but he had to believe that it

could because look at what he was witnessing!

Doc had never felt so proud before in his life. Rosan had killed the fishman and was declared the winner of the Ash and Dust tournament! The weapon, his weapon, was a force

to be reckoned with and there was still room for him to grow.

The crowd gave the boy a standing ovation and Doc joined them. Sachie was looking at the boy with such hungry eyes, he nearly forgot they were married.

His weapon had done its job well and now they were comfortably rich from the bettings and the prize money. After collecting the money tonight, Doc would finally leave this island

with Rosan and continue his research elsewhere. Maybe he could even mend his relationship with…no matter. She would understand once he explained it to her.

Things were finally looking up for him!

Later that Night

Rosan had won the tournament like he said he would.

He felt satisfied, not because he won (only Kenzo had been able to awaken something in him, but not even he could withstand his onslaught) but because that meant it was time.

Tonight, was the night he "freed" himself and killed every inhabitant on Daybreak Island.

He would not delay it any longer.

The redhead would do it tonight, before anyone had the chance leave so that his identity would remain a mystery to the world.

He was currently sat upright on his bed inspecting himself. His skin was still a bit tender from getting turned into target practice from Kenzo but it would heal quickly.

Mom had patched him up and he was glad for his injury because he was positive that if he didn't have it, he wouldn't be in his cell currently. It didn't stop her from her suggestive

touches though, deranged pervert that she was.

"I will not be satisfied until that harlot is dead, Rosan," Mod-chan told him with a fury in her voice that he had scarcely ever heard.

"But of course, Mod-chan. Anything for you," was his easy response. Rosan didn't really care for Mom but if Mod-chan wanted her dead, then she died. She sent him a warm pulse

and Rosan sent her one back.

He had a mental map of the entire island and he decided on the best course of action. Thanks to his bug scouter, he had the entire layout of the island memorized. It had also

found all his belongings in the facility so Rosan wouldn't have to waste time looking for it. Rosan really needed to think of a name for his bug, it was incredibly useful and difficult

to spot.

The redhead sighed at his lack of creativity when it came to names.

"You can't be creative in everything, Rosan," Mod smiled cheekily and the boy rolled his eyes.

His thoughts were interrupted, as the door to his cell was gently and quietly opened. The boy's gaze snapped towards the noise and his face was one of shock.

It couldn't be… but why?

Meiko walked into vision nervously, with both arms held behind her back as she avoided eye contact with him. Rosan's brows furrowed at her as genuine confusion overtook him.

What was she doing here? Even after he told her to stay away...she came back?

"Didn't I tell you not to come back," the 9 year old said bluntly and the girl jumped. He rarely initiated the conversations, content to just let her speak, so he had probably

surprised her.

"U-um actually, y-you said I shouldn't come back a-and I just chose not to listen," Was her meek response. Meiko shut up at Rosan's unamused gaze and shyly removed her arms

from her back to show him the ointment and some gauze.

"I heard you were in the tournament today and you won! I wasn't allowed to watch but I wanted to see if you were injured," the blonde girl whispered softly.

Rosan felt his dormant emotions flaring, like they always did, when he talked to this girl. The redhead sighed and simply said "I have some here actually. Mom patched it up a bit

but she didn't do a very good job," and he pushed his shirt up.

The girls face lit up as she frantically waved her hand and tried to cover her eyes. She failed miserably and, as her eyes peeked through her hands, she gasped at his wounds. The

holes were closing up quickly but they were still pretty noticeable.

A worried look overcame Meiko as she saw his wounds. Not wasting anytime, she closed the distance between the two of them and after sending him a questioning glance, to

which he shrugged uncaringly, she began rubbing her ointment on him.

It stung slightly but it was nothing he couldn't handle. Rosan simply took the time to stare at the humming girl working on him. She was so earnest in her work it filled Rosan with

a strange, inexplicable, feeling.

"I'm sorry," Rosan suddenly said to the diligent girl.

She paused what she was doing to look at him with wide eyes. "Y-you're sorry?" She stuttered and her bright blue eyes stared into his own.

"The last time we met…I attacked you unprovoked and nearly struck you," Rosan began softly. "I replayed that conversation in my head and I was completely out of line," he

admitted much to the surprise of the girl before him.

"It's just...everything about you is different and it irritates me in ways I can't explain. We hardly know each other but it doesn't feel that way and we can read each other like open

books. No matter how hard I try to deny it, you can tell exactly what I'm thinking and that aggravates me but, that doesn't mean I should strike you. For the way I acted, you

have my sincerest apologies."

Meiko gaped at Rosan's confession. She knew the boy had been trying hard to deny the fact and truthfully, the fact that they could read each other so easily, confused her as well.

They just clicked together. The blonde had felt this sensation since she first laid eyes upon his unconscious figure when spying on him being brought in. She couldn't explain it but

she hoped that hanging out with him would help answer some of her questions.

She had never met anyone like this and based on the way Rosan was handling it, neither did he. Unlike him though, who strongly rejected it, Meiko fully accepted it. It felt nice to

be looked at, to be acknowledged. When having their one on one conversations despite his general aversion to speaking, he always focused all his attention on her.

He would even have some things to add to the conversation, which always made her happy!

She liked Rosan. He was so considerate, despite his situation and even though he was dealing with his own things, he still let her talk to him.

"Rosan… you don't have to apologize because I know you weren't going to hurt me," Meiko said with a smile on her face. "This whole experience, I know it's jarring. I don't know if

anyone has had to deal with a situation like this before. I know I haven't. To feel so exposed, is really weird and I can see why you reacted the way you did. That's why I'm not

mad at you," the blonde told the younger boy.

"I meant what I said Rosan, I trust you completely. Deep down, you're a kind person and I hate that this had to happen to you because you don't deserve it. Even still… I know

this is horrible of me to say, but I'm glad I met you."

Meiko grinned brilliantly at him and he felt his chest constrict. It was bright, too bright. Meiko's smile was like the sun and it was blinding him.

She was pure. Too pure for this island. Too pure for Rosan. Despite his nature; his atrocities, his actions to her, she still had that look. Those caring, electric blue eyes focused on

him with nothing but understanding, not a hint of fear in them despite what he was.

Despite who he was.

Rosan hated it.

"Meiko- thank you. You're words, they mean a lot to me and I'm happy that some people still have faith in me," Rosan said. Closing his eyes, the redhead said "I trust you Meiko.

You not telling anyone I lied about my Devil Fruit is enough for me...," Her smile, if possible, got even brighter.

"...which is why I'm sorry," the boy finished after a long pause.

"What? You're sorry?" Confusion overtook the little girl, before realization seeped in. Meiko took a step back in fear as she saw the boy tense. She could feel it, Rosan he was

planning on attacking-

"Modify Target: Rest Mode," a voice behind Meiko said and a hand made contact with her. Looking up at Rosan in betrayal, the last thing she saw was the remorseful look in his


"I trust you Meiko. But, you should never have trusted me."

With that final statement, she lost consciousness.

Rosan caught the falling girl and placed her gently on the bed.

The strange feeling in his pit had refused to go away. In fact, it had only gotten worse at the look in the girls eyes. She had looked so hurt, so betrayed. She truly had believed in

him and he chose to stomp on that trust.

He was a monster... so why did he feel this way? Why did he feel so bad?

"It's because you're not heartless, Rosan. The fact you feel this guilt is proof of it. You are simply doing what needs to be done because of the circumstances

you've been put in. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise," Mod said soothingly.

"You're right as usual, Mod-chan. I'm simply doing what I have to do." But, a small part of him still felt bad for the girl. Meiko didn't deserve the fate that she was about to

receive. She was a good person.

Still, there were things he needed to do. He was getting off this island today and nobody would stop him.

Removing his fake handcuffs and grasping them, Rosan closed his eyes and said "Modify: Form," and watched as they transformed into two humanoid figures. The dual eyed boy

simply modeled them after the easiest thing he knew, which was himself.

Not yet finished, Rosan touched them both and said "Modification: Seed of Life."

This technique was a bit different then when he made the bug or the Blue Jay. The previous two had no will of their own and simply followed Rosan's commands. They would

dutifully do exactly what he asked of them. With Seed of Life, while they were still loyal to the redhead, they were also much more independent.

Rosan watched as he breathed like into the two synthetic copies of himself. Nodding in satisfaction, he pointed at his first clone and told it, "#1, you will retrieve my belongings

and find the money Doc won. Once you find them, go to the closest ocean source and signal me." #1 nodded in confirmation.

The redhead then looked at his second clone and said "#2, your job is to loot everything of value. Begin with this facility and progress to the entire island. If you believe in your

abilities, feel free to take from the people as long as you do not get spotted. You may take your time, I have matters to attend to."

Glancing around Rosan walked over to his bed and tugged the blanket off. "Modify Form," was all he said and the blanket transformed into a bag.

"Modification, Link: User White Rose,"He handed the modified bag over to #2 who accepted it without prompting. "That bag is connected to the White Rose. Wait for #1's

signal, before you begin storing items in there because the ship is shrunken. Ensure that you two are not seen. #1, when you are done, assist #2"

"Yes sir!"They both replied.

Rosan looked at the sleeping Meiko. She looked so peaceful, contrasting the hurt look on her face moments before he put her to sleep. "Rosan… she doesn't have to die. I

know deep down, you don't want to kill her," Mod-chan said worriedly. The boy was conflicted right now and he was leaning towards killing her because of his identity. Mod

didn't care that much about keeping his identity a secret. His own worries were much more important than that and she needed to let him know.

Rosan bent over to smooth out her ruffled outfit and he contemplated what to do with her.

The idea of keeping her alive lessened the feeling in his gut so maybe it was the right course of action? Yes, his body seemed to agree with the notion that she should stay alive so

he wouldn't kill her.

His thoughts were interrupted as something fell out of the girls clothing.

Picking it up, Rosan's eyes widened slightly at what he saw.

Now this was very interesting. He had a hunch but he never delved too deep into it because the girl seemed adamant in not talking about it and he didn't care enough to prod. He

could work with this.

"There's been a change of plans," Rosan said suddenly catching his clone's attention. #2 carry this girl to the White Rose and let her sleep in Robin's room then resume your

previous objective. She will not die tonight." Rosan watched as #2 picked her up with minimal issues and with a nod they both vanished from his sight.

"I won't kill her. My body is very against it anyways and there's no reason for her to die with these people. Though with this new info I've just learned…"

Rosan smiled and vanished from sight. To think the one person he could consider a likeable on this island, was the daughter of the person he hated the most.

Seems he had a friend to visit.

The item he held was an image. On it were 3 people, one was obviously a younger Meiko and the other 2…were Doc and Mom.

Rosan had never been outside the facility before.

The cool breeze on his skin, the glow of the stars, the moon shining in the night, the brilliance of the sun during the day...Rosan had nearly forgotten these sensations in the 6

months he had been held captive. It felt nice…he had found himself missing this feeling. He was always an adventurous boy and outside was one of his favorite places to be.

The boy did love nature after all.

It was silent and there was no sign of anyone but that was to be expected. They had most likely retired into their temporary living spaces, tired from all the energy they had

expended cheering for him during the tournament.

Not to worry, they'd be able to rest to their hearts content.

The unique thing about this island, was that it didn't have citizens in the traditional sense. Daybreak Island was mostly isolated from the world, they were largely self sufficient and

didn't qualify as an actual populated island by the Government.

The "citizens" were just people who had a lot of Beri to spare and were very bored. From what he understood, the only permanent residents were Doc, the prisoners, and a few

other people.

This place was just a vacation spot of sorts to the individuals coming and going as they pleased. The only time they all mutually gathered was when there was a big event going on

and they wished to witness it.

An event like Ash and Dust.

During events like this, everyone who normally inhabited this island would come back en masse to witness the spectacle. Most would place bets on who would win the whole thing,

while others chose to actually enter their own participants for the massive prize pool that the winner got.

Doc had not only bet on Rosan, the man had also entered him into the competition so that he could win the prize in his name. No doubt, he had already collected his prize and was

debating on what to do with all the money he had gotten.

Unluckily for him, Rosan was the one who won. It was only fair that the winner was the one who actually receive their prize. Why would he not deserve it? He did everything, while

Doc just sat there marveling at "his weapon".

Pathetic. He was going to rip that man aparMod chose that moment to strike up a conversation with him.

"Rosan, what will you do after you leave this island?" Mod-chan asked him and the boy stopped to process her question.

"I don't have a set goal in mind, Mod-chan. I will simply travel around, get stronger, and provide for the both of us. I didn't forget that I have to find and apologize to Ace… but I

don't think he's old enough to understand that I'm his brother. He should be about 5 right now? I hope that Marine is raising him well."

"What about Robin-chan?" Mod-chan asked softly and Rosan did a sharp intake.

"…Do not speak that name to me Mod-chan. I can't stand traitors." Rosan said calmly. Mod-chan had seen his memories, she knew what the boy thought about Robin.

"Rosan, surely you aren't upset with her! Robin would never betray you and you know that! That girl…she loves you with all her heart and if she knew what

happened to you, she'd bring hell to this Earth."

"Then where is she, Mod-chan? That's right, you don't have an answer but I do. She's joining other organizations and bringing them down all on her own. She's stopped looking

for me because she has no use for me. In her eyes, I'm expendable. She doesn't need me and I definitely don't need her."

"Rosan you're being unreasonable and you know it! She trusts you with her life and vice versa. She would never stomp on that trust. You would never stomp on

it," Mod-chan begged him but Rosan could not be swayed.

"Unreasonable?! I'm being UNREASONABLE?!" He hissed and felt his anger flare. "Tell me what that trust got me then, Mod-chan. I've been suffering, alone, for 6 months and

she's nowhere to be seen yet, here I am. Free. All by myself. I'm no longer the same idiot who needs to be bailed out when something goes wrong. When things actually went

south, nobody was there to save me and that made me realize that if you want something done, you have to do it yourself and Mod-chan, I can do it myself now."

Mod flinched at the tone he was taking with her. Was Rosan angry with her? H-he had never gotten angry at her before. Truthfully it hurt... a lot but he was being completely

unreasonable! She had accepted that he was no longer the same boy, but to blame his Robin-nee of all people? It was insanity! She needed to try and put a stop to this.

"Rosan, please just listen! Talk to her and I'm sure you won't be disappointed by what she says. This isn't like you at all! I know what happened to you hurt,


"You know?" Rosan asked her and the raw disbelief in his tone made her choke on her next words. "You may have the memories but you will never understand the pain I've been

through Mod-chan. You don't really know anything about what I tried to endure while waiting for someone, for anyone, to save me while I went through hell. Every. Single. Day."

Mod-chan said nothing, too shocked by his hurtful words. What was happening? Why was this happening? R-Rosan he was so angry a-and he was lashing out on her. Tears began

welling up in her eyes, as she unintentionally let out a sniffle.

Rosan heard it but he didn't care. The redhead was too angry to see reason. He seemed to be always be when he got like this.

"You want to know what I want to do about Robin? Fine. I didn't care enough to seek out that traitor but since you want me to see her so bad, if...no, when I do find her, I'll talk

to her just like you want. When she inevitably disappoints and confirms my thoughts, I'm going to kill her and her death will be on your hands, Mod-chan," his voice was

completely icy and devoid of emotion.

Mod was in shambles as she heard the 9 year old lash out at her. Never did she expect a conversation with her dear Rosan to go this south. Tears flowed down her eyes at how

cruel his words currently were. He didn't mean what he was saying right? "R-Rosan? You don't mean that."

"I'm not a liar, Mod-chan. You of all people, should know that."

"Rosan this isn't who you are!"

"This is who I am now Mod-chan. Everyone changes and you need to accept that I'm no longer the same boy I used to be."

"I know that, I really do, but this is drastic even for you Rosan!"

"No Mod-chan. This conversation is over. Please stop bringing it up."


"I said no, Mod-chan." Rosan was beginning to feel frustrated with this argument. Why didn't she understand that things couldn't go back to the way they were. She was the one

being unreasonable right now and the woman didn't see it.

"B-but Rosan-"

"Modification. I. Said. No." His anger boiled over and Rosan called Mod by her full name for the first time since they met.

Shock overcame his features as he realized his mistake too late. There was a silence, then a choked sob tore through his mind and it wrenched his heart.

"Wait Mod-chan, I didn't mean to."

"...I-I understand. I-I'm s-sorry Rosan, I... I stepped o-out of line. I-I'll stop. I-I'll stooo-" She was unable to finish what she was saying, as she abruptly she cut off

their connection.

Silence greeted a wide eyed, guilty Rosan.


He let his anger get the best of him again and this time, he went too far. This was different from when his anger was directed towards Meiko. A random girl was one thing, but his


The redhead never should have lashed out at her like that. She only ever wanted what was best for him and he had chosen to retaliate with pure venom.

Rosan felt like scum. Mod-chan was his closest companion and the one person he knew he could always trust. To be the cause of her pain made him feel worse then all the torture

he had endured.

He needed to get his anger under control, he had never had such a hard time controlling it and it was causing him to make mistakes that he ended up regretting. He just wanted

to apologize now but Mod-chan wasn't even willing to hear him out. An attempt to enter the mindscape proved that she had closed him out from that too.

Double fuck.

Just when he was about to give up, their connection activated again. Mod, obviously still crying, sniffed out "R-Rosan, I-I'm not mad at you…I could never be. I can feel yyour regret, I-I just n-need some time. Please f-focus on getting off this island and then I...I'll be ready to talk. I'm sorry but I won't be of much h-help. I love

you Rosan don't f-forget that."

And with that, she shut the connection back off. This time though, he felt the steady pulse of her presence.

Rosan felt conflicted. He could forcefully enter the mindscape to talk to Mod-chan but she wanted some alone time and the redhead valued her needs. Besides, she was right, he

needed to get off this island.

Their talk could wait for later when he was fully free.

Taking a deep breath, Rosan curbed the rest of his anger in favor of cold rationality. He made a mistake and he would amend that but for now, he had people to meet and an

island to escape.

Rosan idly poured love through their connection and he knew she could still feel it. He needed to make it up to her somehow... and the first step to that, was to listen to her

request. That wouldn't be enough though. He hurt her feelings and that wasn't something he was used to doing.

Damn he really had messed up.

But, that was for later. Rosan focused his attention on the mission at hand.

Standing back up (when had he even sat down?), Rosan headed in the direction of where Doc resided. Despite himself, Rosan allowed a cruel smile to don his face.

It was time for him to have some fun.

When Doc awoke it wasn't pleasant. In fact it was quite the opposite.

A slap connected to his face and he woke with a startled yell. He tried to get up but found that movement was not possible. Looking down he saw the source was a piece of rope

tied around him quite tightly. He was sitting upright in a chair in what appeared to be his living room.

What on Earth was going on?

It didn't take long for his confusion to be answered. "Ah, you're finally awake," A quiet voice said. "Good."

A familiar quiet voice.

Sitting on the kitchen table across from him, idly polishing a knife, was the source of his good fortune itself Rosan. Relief flooded him for a moment as he thought the boy was

here to help him before confusion overtook him as he began to fully shake off his sleepiness.

How was Rosan here? Wasn't he supposed to be in his…cell?! Panic flooded him as he realized the boy was not supposed to be here.

"Greetings Doc," Rosan greeted him with a small wave and a kind smile on his bronze face. "It appears that you've finally noticed the situation," he remarked idly, flipping the

knife up and down.

"You're probably thinking along the lines of why I'm here and not in my cell, yes?" Rosan asked him.

Doc didn't say anything but his surprised gaze was all the confirmation Rosan needed.

Hopping down, from his seat on the table, the boy walked over to his captive and gingerly touched his cheek. "I'm right aren't I?" Rosan asked him softly, tauntingly.

"How are you here boy?! How are you free? Who freed you?!" Doc asked frantically and loudly hoping that someone would hear him and come check.

Rosan nudged his head in a direction and held a finger to his lips. "Shh, you don't wanna wake up your wife, right?" Looking to the side he saw Sachie, his wife in question, resting

in a similar position as he was. She was sleeping peacefully with a blush on her face and muttering to herself perversely.

"Degenerate," was all Rosan said. The boy shook his head and focused back on Doc and told him "If you're being loud to get attention, that won't work. The walls are soundproof,

they can't hear you."

Doc shook his head "That's impossible, These walls aren't designed to be soundproof. You're lying."

Rosan's laughter sent a chill down his spine as he looked at him in pity. "You didn't design them to be soundproof that's true. But I did."

The blonde man was confused by what he meant by that but the redhead didn't deign to give him another response.

Rosan walked over to his wife and delicately stroked her cheek. She was beginning to stir from his touch and Rosan chose that moment to speak again.

"I want to thank you Doc," he began, making eye contact with the Doctor. "You managed to show me the worst side of humanity so early on in my life and I really do appreciate

that," the boy had the decency to sound sincere and that terrified Doc more then he could imagine.

By now, Sachie had fully awaken and she shot him a confused, if not slightly frightened look. She had been dreaming about Rosan and she thought maybe this was apart of her

dream as well, but his touch felt too real.

What was happening?

Rosan either didn't notice the look or he did and he didn't care as he continued to stroke her cheek.

"To show my appreciation, I'd like to give you both a reward! But…I can't do that without knowing you're names. It's not fair that only my name is known after all! We're friends,

yes?" Rosan clapped his hands in false cheer, very reminiscent to Doc himself.

Pointing at Sachie he said "Let's start with you then." Rosan's eyes glowed with malicious intent as his grip on her cheek tightened. "Tell me, what is your name?"

Sachie felt true fear. Despite his cheer, the look in Rosan's eyes was anything but happy. "R-Rosan dear w-what are you doing?" Rosan simply tightened the grip on her as he

continued smiling.

"I asked you a question."

"I don't understand! Didn't you say I was your favorite person dear? You can just keep calling me Mom-"

She was interrupted by Rosan's very audible scoff. "You're more delusional then I thought. I've got you tied up, at my mercy, and you still think anything I said was true? Did you

really believe that I liked calling you Mom?" Rosan asked with a small laugh. "I only did it to get on your good side you pervert. A degenerate like you could never be my Mom.

Only one person is worthy of being called my Mom and it will never be you," He finished cruelly with a grin on his face.

As Rosan tore into her verbally, her eyes narrowed into that same cruel gaze she had donned when he first refused to call her Mom.

How dare he? HOW DARE HE?! He had tricked her?! She had showered him in nothing but love and affection and this was how he treated her? This backstabbing little BRAT!

"Oh? Seems like the pervert is finally mad. Do you plan on doing something about it?" He taunted and she glared at him in pure hatred.

Rosan relished in it for a few more seconds, before growing tired of her refusal to answer his question.

"Modify Target: Sensitivity," The redhead thought to himself and he watched in satisfaction, as her expression shifted from hatred to pain.

He hadn't changed his grip on her whatsoever, all he had done was increase her sensitivity. Where as the grip was slightly uncomfortable before, it was now too painful for her fair

skin to bear.

"Answer my question. I'm not going to ask you again," the boy said, no longer smiling. Those dual colored eyes bored into her as Rosan stared blankly at the woman.

She tried to ignore his question as best as possible. Her silence quickly changed, as Rosan decided to stop gripping her, in favor of sinking his sharp nails into her instead. She

couldn't help the gasp of pain that evolved into squealing as Rosan pressed down harder and harder and harder and harder-

"Sachie!" She squealed and Rosan paused what he was doing. Panting harshly, she said "My name… is… Sachie. Now please stop!"

Nodding in satisfaction, Rosan stepped back, removing his hand from her cheek in the process. He looked down at her with a smile on his face, exuding a staggering amount of


Rosan shook his head and said "Now was that so hard?"

The boy tut his teeth in disappointment. "It's such a shame Sachie, I didn't really hate you all that much but your refusal to answer my question, has netted you quite a bit of

negative points from me," Rosan shrugged helplessly in a "what can you do motion". "Maybe if I was Doc, I'd be willing to forgive you. Unfortunately for you Sachie, I'm not as

"patient" as your dear husband."

With that, before they could register what was happening, Rosan had taken the knife he was holding and slashed her throat.

Rosan stared stone faced at the dying lady.

Mod sent him a burst of satisfaction.

Doc watched in horror, as a spray of blood flow through the air, landing on Rosan's expressionless face.

Sachie mechanically looked down, almost not believing what just happened to her. The woman tried desperately to grasp at her throat but, she was still tied up. The woman let out

a gargled breath as she choked on her own blood.

Looking back up, Sachie was met with a sight that would haunt her for the last coming moments of her life.

Looking down at her, was not a person. No, Rosan was a demon in human flesh. Electric blue stared at an angry blood red that clashed with a frozen royal purple, as the

heterochromatic child looked down at her with an utterly blank face. Catching her eye, Rosan did the most natural thing that came to him.

He grinned.

The bloodied boy grinned at her. "Don't worry Sachie, I'll take good care of your daughter. After all, you taught me everything I needed to know."

Sachie's eyes went wide as he said that. She tried to ask how he knew that she had a child but she only succeeded in coughing up a large amount of blood. No not her daughter,

not Meiko. She hadn't even gotten to completely make it upShe coughed up another glob of blood as thinking became too hard for her.

Rosan knew what she wanted to ask but he didn't deign to give her a response. She deserved to die in the most horrible way possible. Let her imagine the possibilities, they were

probably way worse then what he could say.

The 9 year old walked away from her right and right towards the terrified Doc.

Doc watched all this transpire with an impending sense of doom.

He watched his wife struggle to breath. He watched his wife look towards him, pleading with her eyes for him to help her. He watched as it became too much and her eyes rolled

to the back of her head as she stopped breathing all together. He watched her die. Dead. Just like that. There were no theatrics. She was alive one second and dead the next. At

the hands of the weapon he had been raising.

He felt tears forming in his green eyes at the sight of the corpse.

They didn't love each other anymore, but he still held her in high regards. They had been together for more than a decade, of course he cared for her. They had even raised a child


"H-how do you know we have a child?" He stuttered out in confusion. That wasn't possible, he had never mentioned his only child around Rosan. It was irrelevant information that

he didn't need to disclose yet until they left the island.

So how did he know?

"Oh you noticed that? How astute of you Doc," Rosan mocked. "Meiko and I..." Doc's eyes widened as Rosan said her name "...are quite acquainted with each other," he informed

the man with a smirk.

"When I learned she was you're daughter I was quite shocked! I never imagined a girl as kind as her, would come from people like you! I decided even though you will die tonight,

someone will still be alive to pay for the sins of their parents."

Naturally, this was a lie but the man didn't need to know that. Rosan didn't believe that a child should pay for the sins of their parents. If he did, that would make him a massive


Doc listened to this psychotic boy speak and he finally realized that he had made a mistake. He should never have targeted Rosan. There was a reason he had been traveling with

the Devil Child and Doc should have taken that into account. The boy was unhinged and it was present, even when he still had his sunny personality.

The man had just chosen to ignore it.

Now, his unhinged nature was coupled with that of a cold blooded monster and he was the one who caused this. Doc had given birth to this demon and now he was paying the


Rosan stopped in front of him and looked him in his green eyes. "You wanted to know how I freed myself right?" He asked kindly, bloody grin still on his face. "I bet you're

expecting me to say Meiko freed me. Well your out of luck Doc, Meiko didn't free me, you did."

At Doc's shocked confusion Rosan continued with malicious glee. "I can see your confusion and, since I'm in a good mood, I'll explain," the boy informed him.

"The Saizu Saizu no Mi? Yeah, I lied. That isn't my Devil Fruit. For the sake of maintaining my privacy from the dead, I won't tell you my actual ability but the moment you

released me from my handcuffs, you freed me," the 9 year old finished smugly.

Doc felt like his world was crashing around him as he heard Rosan speak. He freed him when he unlocked his cuffs? He had lied about his Devil Fruit? But that meant that…

"You've finally realized Doc. Everything was a lie except my name and like the desperate imbecile you are, you accepted it as the truth."

By now, Rosan had dropped all friendly pretenses in favor of hissing in rage.

"You thought you could make me submit but I will never submit to anybody. I am Portgas D. Rosan and I will become the strongest in the world so that people like you, won't

think twice about coming after me. Your attempts to break me failed but I wanted to thank you. Your trials have only made me stronger. Being a prisoner in this personal hell has

taught me more than you could imagine."

Rosan touched him again. "But now the tables have turned. You see Doc, even though you're going to die tonight, you won't have the luxury of dying quickly like your wife," he

said softly and his voice was drenched in so much rage Doc began praying.

"No Doc, for you my friend, it will be long, slow, and painful. 6 months of torture in a couple of hours, do you think we can do it?" The redhead wondered.

Modifying his sensitivity Rosan grabbed the knife and made a small cut on his cheek. For Doc it felt like he was losing a limb and the man let out an agonizing yell as Rosan

marked him.

Grinning down at him Rosan, in the ultimate form of revenge, said "Now tell me..."

"...What is your name?"

2 hours later

When Rosan walked out of Masaru's (Doc) home, it was raining hard. The downpour soaked his body and matted his hair but the redhead didn't let that bother him. He quite liked

the rain.

He had done what he set out to do and now his anger had finally been properly sated.

Doc was a screamer, and he lasted much less time then Rosan did too. Though, after about 30 minutes, he had lost his voice.

Rosan had taken a vindictive pleasure in torturing the man within an inch of his life. Since his sensitivity had been increased, the smallest of injuries felt far worse, meaning the

redhead could tease him as much as he wanted and it would still be terrible. Larger inflicted injuries, felt like the man was dying. Rosan had made sure to inflict the maximum

amount of damage to him.

Rosan had inflicted the same hell that he had been dealing with, upon that man and it felt euphoric.

Doc was slowly bleeding out now. He no longer had any limbs, and Rosan had instantly cauterized a majority of them so that he could die slower. Rosan had decided against killing

him because he had something much better planned for him. Something that he would be putting into action right now.

While torturing Doc, Rosan had been waiting to receive another signal from #1 and #2. He had received one earlier but he wanted to make sure they were now off the island.

When he did receive it, he had wrapped up his business with the man and now here he was.

It was time to begin.

Crouching onto one knee, Rosan placed his palm on the wet concrete of the floor. The Mod Mod no Mi user concentrated and said "Modify State: Oil" and the floor changed.

All across the island, the floor transformed. With the assistance of the heavy downpour it had been made much easier. His pants and boots had been unfortunate enough to get

caught in the crossfire but that was okay.

He wouldn't have to worry about that soon enough.

Rosan got up and took a moment to gather himself.

That…was draining, extremely so. He had never modified on such a large scale and he was getting dizzy because of it. The boy took a moment to compose himself and regather

his energy.

He wasn't done yet though. There was still something he needed to do.

Rosan could have just set the island on fire from here and be done with it, but Rosan was a show off at heart and he was thorough. It was why the crowd loved him and as such

he would do nothing less but entertain.

The redhead staved off his dizziness and leapt on top of a random roof. He closed his eyes and activated Modification again, only this time it was on himself.

Rosan had an epiphany. For 5 years he had been trying to achieve one goal that he just could not do. He had been unaware about why he couldn't do it and it honestly left the

little boy stumped.

He was normally a quick learner so to be unable to achieve this, left him a bit doubtful of whether it could actually be done. What had he been doing wrong? Where did the

technique mess up? What was he missing?

Now, Rosan had an inkling as to why he couldn't do it. He didn't have a good enough base to rely on. He was also lacking the resolve to properly latch onto a certain emotion that

was needed to achieve this transformation.

Now he had both.

Latching onto rage, Rosan snarled to himself...

"Modification: Ragnarok."

For just a moment, the world stilled. Then Rosan began to change.

Rosan hunched over as black scales formed across his body and his hands began transforming into claws. He fell to his knees as two large (much larger than the boy) black wings,

with red streaks , sprouted from his back. A large and long tail with a similar black and red color scheme to the wings burst from his tail bone.

Gritting his, now sharp, teeth Rosan drew blood as he began to grow larger and larger. The building he was on couldn't hope to handle his new weight and with a rumble, it

collapsed, crushing anyone that was currently inside. Soon, he was an intimidating 20 meters tall.

Rosan's human form was gone and in his place, was a large black dragon with streaks of red coursing through his body like visible veins.

Large sharp claws, massive wings, and a long spiked tail dominated his frame. The only thing the dragon had in common with Rosan were the large heterochromatic slits that

made up his eyes. One was a blood red, the other a royal purple.

He hoped Mod-chan had saved a picture of this for future viewing. He wanted to see it from a different perspective.

With one experimental flap, Rosan took to the skies and basked in the feeling of finally flying. He had always been jealous of avians for having the ability to soar through the sky.

This was freedom.

Alas, he couldn't fully enjoy the feeling just yet because it was time to finish the job. By now, a commotion was beginning to stir and people were exiting their homes. Whether it

was due to the sound of the building collapsing, or realizing their possessions had been stolen, islanders left the "safety" of their homes and they bore witness to the massive

mythical creature flying above them.

They were looking up at someone greater than them, someone better than them. This was the view that the strong earned and this was the fate that the weak inherited.

Rosan roared. It was one of pure rage. One of the pent up anger, of a boy who had been denied his freedom for far too long.


The people screamed and tried to run, but Rosan had oiled the floor for 2 reasons. They slipped and fell and panicked as they realized running away was near impossible. Even if it

were, where would they be able to go? Making it to the ships would take too long and for the people who did, they had no delusions of being able to take on a Dragon.

They felt a primal surge of fear as they looked at the large draconian figure in the sky. Rosan snorted at them and, on his new figure, it was more akin to a deep rumble.

They were trying to beg for mercy? Pathetic but Rosan understood where they were coming from.

He would give them mercy.

Rearing his head back, The dragon began gathering energy into his throat. It didn't take but a few moments to answer his call and soon, the rainy night sky lit up brilliantly.

The people paled as they noticed, what looked to be, the sun dominating their vision.

At night.

The screams of terror only grew louder as they realized it was the mysterious Dragon preparing an attack. An attack for them.

Impending doom encroached upon them all, as they saw the Dragon, that appeared out of nowhere, gather a large amount of energy in his long maw.

Some people cried, some prayed, others even tried shooting at the Draconic figure.

All of them failed and when that failed, they were reduced to praying to a God.

But, at this moment the only god that could save them…was Rosan.

And Rosan was no God.

The obsidian dragon finished gathering energy and, as he pointed his head downwards, the world froze for everyone there.

A single moment of eternity, that didn't last long enough.

Rosan opened his mouth and the world burned.

"ANNIHILATION" The dragon roared as an absolute gigantic amount of flames, burst out of its mouth. The rain did nothing to diminish the flames. As the flame soared through

the air, it finally reached its target.

Daybreak Island.

Rosan watched as his own personal hell folded under the pressure of his immense draconic flames. It was sweet irony, that this hellhole of an island was now burning.

The people screeched in agony as the monstrous flames connected with them. His enhanced sense of smell, detected charring flesh and the agonized screaming was like a chorus

of imps. Rosan hoped that in his last moments, Doc felt this fire, this rage.

Masaru did. The near catatonic man felt every last moment and the knowledge that he caused this would haunt him even in the afterlife.

Rearing his head back one last time Rosan let his victorious roar sing through the night.


Daybreak Island, the man made island, was no more. Brought to ruin by a monster of its own creation.

By Portgas D. Rosan.

Rosan landed on the White Rose, now in his human form, naked as the day he was born.

Unfortunately, his clothes were not able to survive his long awaited transformation.

Well no matter, he hadn't grown at all in the 6 months captured so he had a spare set of clothes. Even if he did grow, he could just modify his outfits so that they could fit.

Though, it would be inconvenient if his clothes ripped every single time he transformed. He'd need to find a way to circumvent that.

Looking at #1 and #2, Rosan thanked them for their work. He was about to demodify them, when he thought better of it.

"Actually, you two can prove useful to me. As such, I will keep you both," The boy told them with a nod of acknowledgement. Both clones saluted as they heard that.

"Thank you sir!" They said in unison.

"We will need to add some key differences though you two look exactly like me and I would much rather not have that," Rosan said idly. He didn't mind that they looked like him,

they were his clones after all. But being a carbon copy was not something he needed.

After a moment of deliberation, he turned to #1 and turned his eyes royal purple, like his right eye, while changing his outfit to a white cloak. "#1 You will now be Angel," Rosan

informed his first clone.

"Thank you sir." The now dubbed Angel said and Rosan nodded in satisfaction.

Turning towards #2, he repeated the same process with different results. Rosan turned his eyes blood red, like his left eye, and gave him a black coat instead. "You will be Demon,


"Your wish is my command, Master," Demon said with a low bow.

Satisfied, Rosan stepped back. "You two manage the ship and make sure we make it to the next island in one piece. I will be having a talk with Mod-chan and then, our guest of


"Sir!" They saluted.

With that they went their separate ways.

Rosan allowed one last smile to appear on his face. This one was a victorious one.

Finally, finally they were free. It was a minor setback but it was essential for his growth. Rosan entered his room and closed the door behind him.

He had work to do.

Chapter End


The Misadventures of Robin and Rosan – 1

This takes place right after the end of chapter 3. Robin and Rosan are 8 and 4 respectively!

Robin was mortified from the events that had happened last night.

She remembered everything. From watching a 4 year old systematically destroy a crew of pirates, to crying herself to sleep in the large chest of his pretty Devil Fruit.

The same large pair of breasts she was waking up in right now.

"Finally awake?" A soothing voice said and Robin looked up to find Mod-chan looking down at her with a gentle smile on her warm face. Robin, noticing their compromising

position, turned beet red and hastily removed her head from the woman's chest.

"Ah! I'm sorry I didn't uh mean to fall asleep there!" Robin stammered out an apology. She hadn't planned on crying herself to sleep and now she had probably gotten snot and

tears all over the ice queen!

Mod-chan let out a soft chuckle and her long purple hair bobbed in time with her laughter. "It's okay Robin-chan! I really don't mind. You barely bothered me and I know you really

needed that." Mod-chan said understandingly.

"Besides, you looked so cute, I couldn't dream of waking you up," Mod-chan finished, with a larger smile this time.

Robin blushed an interesting shade of red at being complimented, but hesitantly put away her worries and looked around. "Mod-chan…where's Rosan?" she asked, looking for any

sign of the little boy.

Mod-chan got up, still carrying an even more embarrassed Robin in her arms, and made her way out of the mindscapes house. "Rosan is training right now. Your words really lit a

fire under him and he wants to get as strong as possible to protect you!" Mod told her.

"R-really? He's training…for me?" Robin asked hesitantly.

Mod merely nodded with a bright smile on her face, as they found the boy in the forest clearing trying to rapidly modify a piece of wood into various objects.

"Of course! You're one of our precious people now, Robin and, whether you like it or not, Rosan has attached himself to you," Mod said cheerfully before her face shifted into a

more serious expression.

Robin looked slightly intimidated by how serious the woman looked and she awaited her words. "I hope you're tolerance levels are high Robin."

Robin's eyes widened as she said that. "W-why? Is something wrong?" She asked in confusion.

Nodding in sympathy Mod-chan said, with full confidence, "Yes. Rosan is clingy, possessive and selfish. Whenever you do something please keep in mind, those 3 important


Robin couldn't help the sweatdrop that appeared on her face. She had been expecting something a bit more serious not…that. Despite the absolute confidence Mod-chan

displayed, Robin found herself doubting what she said.

Mod-chan, sensing her doubt, simply said "You'll see," and they continued watching the boy train.

Surely Rosan wasn't that bad right?

Rosan was that bad. The groaning bodies surrounding them was a testament to that.

Robin took a deep breath to stave off the urge to choke the cheerful boy in front of her. She had known that his idea, while reckless, was too good to be true.

Rosan had suggested they use her reputation to sneak into organizations that desired her abilities. After some time gaining their trust, the redhead would show up, in his disguise,

and they would work in tandem to destroy them from the inside out.

They would then take all of their valuables, while Rosan left an anonymous tip of their whereabouts to the Marines.

It was a good plan, which surprised Robin considering hyperactive 4 year old Rosan, was the one who thought of it. She figured there had to be a catch but disregarded it because

there wasn't an obvious one she could point out.

It was going smoothly and Robin figured she'd have their trust after about a week, based on what she saw. That was when the catch, she couldn't spot, reared its head full force.

Rosan couldn't stand the thought of her not being with him so much so that, not even a day later, he had invaded and beaten down all the people in this organization just to get

her back.

When she asked him what he was doing here so early, his reply was "I missed you so I came to get you," and that was that. There was no worry for her being in danger, no

thought that she could have been captured, just a desire to get her back at all costs.

Robin looked on in sheer disbelief at the audacity of this boy. He was the one made this plan and he was the one messing it up?!

Who did that?!

Robin turned and walked away. She pointedly ignored Rosan calling her and the smug "I told you so" from Mod.

She was beginning to regret working with these two. They were definitely insane.

"You don't mean that!" Mod said in mock offense.

"Robin-nee come baaaaaack!" Rosan called.

Yep. Definitely insane.

Bonus End

Character Sheet: Rosan

Current Age: 9 (His birthday is March 12th! He turned 9 sometime during his 6 month imprisonment)

Summary: Found and raised as an abandoned orphan, by Portgas D. Rouge, not much is known about his origins or who his actual parents are. Previously, he had a larger than

life personality but due to the actions of being imprisoned he is a shell of his former self. Suppressing all but rage it is not wise to cross this monstrous 9 year old. His current goal

is to become the strongest in the world so that no one dares mess with him or his loved ones.

Devil Fruit: Mod Mod no Mi

Type: Paramecia.

Description: Turns Rosan into a computer man that allows him to modify anything he can touch. The nature of this fruit is unknown. Due to the stress of being captured, Rosan

has fused even further with his Devil Fruit and the result has turned his left eye a blood red.

Appearance: Tan, nearly bronze skin. Wears a form fitting long sleeved black shirt, long cargo pants that are tucked neatly into some steel clad boots.

Height: 4'4

Hair: Spiky long red hair that's soft to touch. Tends to keep in either a ponytail that reaches his mid back or a bun with strands over his face.

Eyes: Right eye is a chilly royal purple. Left eye is a angry blood red.

Likes: Rouge and Mod-chan

Dislikes: Traitors, Having his freedom restricted, the World Government, Needles, and people using him.