
Chapter 6: Confusion

This was the 2nd time Mod-chan hadn't been there to greet him and it kind of stung. He was in the expansive rainforest by himself and his only company was the rain that

constantly hit him. The rain didn't bother him, in fact he liked the feeling of the cool water against his skin.

The redhead had no right to feel hurt though. He had been the cause of this after all.

After shutting the door to his room and getting dressed, Rosan had wasted no time laying on his bed and entering his mindscape. He needed to apologize to Mod-chan for how he

acted. She was the last person Rosan ever wanted to explode on and the fact that he did, made him feel horrible.

Mod-chan was his closest companion and the one person he knew would always be there for him.

He shouldn't have let his anger get the best of him and he definitely shouldn't have directed said anger towards Mod-chan. He needed her to know that he truly was sorry.

It didn't matter if she already forgave him.

Walking towards where her presence felt the strongest, Rosan made it to their home and after a moments delay he entered. Switching on the lights, the redhead noted that Modchan wasn't in the lounge. The 9 year old frowned slightly and made his way to the bedroom.

As he neared, his enhanced hearing picked up a tiny gasp and some slight rustling, as Mod-chan no doubt felt him approaching. Rosan's frown deepened at that.

She hadn't felt him the moment he entered? Just how badly was she affected by what he said?

"You mean everything to her, of course she'd be affected by what you said, idiot," he thought to himself.

Knocking on the door once, Rosan patiently waited for Mod-chan to allow him entrance. After a moment, a hoarse voice said "Come in."

Rosan softly pushed the door open as he made his way inside the room. Mod-chan was sitting on the bed, with a brave expression on her pretty face, as she watched him enter

the room. They stared at each other for a few seconds, before the purple haired woman averted her gaze.

His frown deepened. He hated that he caused her to react like that.

"Mod-chan, can you please look at me?" Rosan asked softy. She hesitated for a moment, before taking a deep shuddering breath and focusing back on him. As soon as they made

eye contact again, her mask broke and she let out a strangled sob as she turned away from him.

"I-I'm sorry Rosan I don't know what's wrong with me!" Mod sobbed. "I'm r-really not u-used to f-feeling l-like this! I really don't understand b-but I'm… I'm so sad!" She couldn't

continue speaking as she wailed.

Rosan suddenly knew why she was so badly affected and it made him feel worse. In hindsight, the reason was simple.

Mod-chan wasn't used to being sad.

She had felt sadness before but he had never been the cause of it. Rosan had never made Mod-chan genuinely upset. The boy was always happy to go along with whatever the

purple haired woman said and vice versa.

This was the first time they disagreed so severely on something and she was unprepared, for the influx of emotions an argument like that would cause. It didn't help that Rosan,

the boy who she loved and valued the most, was the one who caused it.

She was likely being overwhelmed by the negative emotions.

Before Rosan had eaten her fruit, Mod-chan had admitted that she lacked any emotions and she only gained access due to Rosan giving her so much freedom in his body. Not only

did Mod-chan feel everything he felt, the Devil Fruit also had her own emotions to deal with. A combination of his rage and her sadness?

It made sense why she reacted so negatively now. She wasn't used to feeling sadness on such a level coupled with his rage. Rosan was the first person to ever make Mod-chan

feel this way.

He wanted to throw up at the thought.

Mod-chan valued Rosan above all else, even herself. He was the person that she loved the most and she always wanted the best for him. She was older then he was but her grasp

of emotions were practically on the same levels as his. Disagreeing so heavily with the person she loved the most, must have destroyed her.

He would have to fix that.

Walking slowly, so as to not startle her, Rosan slowly wrapped his arms around her in an embrace. She stiffened slightly, but slowly relaxed as Rosan stroked her hair the same

way he liked getting his own stroked. Rosan whispered softly to her "I'm sorry Mod-chan…I let my anger get the best of me and took it out on you. It was wrong of me to misplace

my anger on you and you didn't deserve that. You aren't used to this and I chose to completely disregard that."

Hesitating a bit, the redhead said "But I think… I think this is a good thing." At her confused glance he explained "Up until now, we've never actually disagreed with each other, but

it's fine if we do. We don't always have to agree. We're not the same person and that's okay."

Taking a deep breath, Rosan continued "What's not okay, is how the argument escalated and that's solely my fault. I refused to listen to reason and I got annoyed when you kept

trying to press the issue. I willingly pushed the situation out of hand and that was childish of me, especially when I said I would stop acting like one."

"It won't get to that point again Mod-chan, I swear it," Rosan promised to her.

He meant it too, Mod-chan was far too important to him and he would never jeopardize their relationship. He wouldn't disregard what she said like that ever again. Rosan tried to

imagine a world where he didn't have her unconditional love and the mere thought made him clutch her tighter. "You're my best friend Mod-chan and I appreciate you more than

you could ever imagine."

Throughout his comforting words, Mod could only clutch him tightly as she cried harder. The purple haired woman was unable to keep herself upright anymore and she dragged

the both of them down onto the bed. She clutched him like a stuffed animal as she blubbered "I'm sorry too, Rosan!"

Clutching him harder she said "I knew y-you were getting upset but I ignored it! I-I'm so used to you always agreeing with me… I couldn't accept the possibility that you really

didn't agree with me. I refused to stop and that's why you got so upset with me! Still e-even knowing all that, i-it still hurts so bad!"

"I know, Mod-chan," Rosan soothed the older woman. Stroking her hair, he continued by saying "That's why I'm here, so that it can hurt less. When Mom died... I was hurting

really bad. I was filled with so much pain and resentment. I thought to myself, why would she leave me? Didn't she promise we'd always be together? Why did she choose Ace

over me? If that line of thought continued… I would have hated Mom for lying to me. For leaving me."

Mod-chan let out a sharp intake as she heard the confession.

"But because of you Mod-chan, you made sure I didn't go off the deep end. You kept me sane, you keep me sane. Even if you had just acquired emotions, you knew exactly what

to do for me and I'm eternally grateful for that. Now...now I'm here for you."

Holding her possessively, Rosan said "I'm sorry Mod-chan. You were incapacitated so the sudden shift in our dynamic must have caught you off guard. It needed to be done

though. Before, we were more akin to mother and son. That's not what we agreed on Mod-chan and it's my fault for making claims that I couldn't back up."

"From now on we'll be equals like we agreed to be in the first place. You won't have to focus so much resources on keeping me safe, alright? I've learned a lot while imprisoned. I

can take better care of myself now," Rosan told her confidently and she nodded in agreement.

"I've changed Mod-chan… there's no avoiding that fact. I'm no longer the same Rosan I used to be… but I'm still Rosan.We can argue, we can disagree, and we can even get angry

with each other. But one thing that will never change, is the care and respect I have for you. I love you Mod-chan and no matter what happens to me, that will always stay the


Mod-chan felt her sobs renewing at his heartwarming speech. "I've always hated how good your speeches are. Y-you always know the right things to say," she said with a watery

smile. Unable to respond anymore, the Devil Fruit simply held onto Rosan and let her cries ring through the night.

Rosan let her without a complaint. She needed this, Mod-chan was so used to being his pillar that she had begun to neglect herself in favor of raising him right. Always strong,

never doubting, picking him up when he fell, teaching him. She was a constant presence in his life and she never allowed herself to be weak.

All for his sake.

It wasn't right.

Rosan was being extremely selfish and while he normally was a selfish person, he refused to be with Mod-chan. He was over reliant on his Devil Fruit and she carried that weight


Well no more. Mod-chan shouldn't have to shoulder both of their worries on her own.

He would still rely on her, of course he would, but not on the scale he had been using her before. It was not healthy for him to always look to someone else when he was in trouble

and it definitely was not healthy for her to bear the weight of two people.

The redhead didn't know how long they had been there but Mod-chan was steadily getting more quiet. Eventually her sobbing had reduced to slight hiccups and then quiet, nearly

inaudible snores. Within moments, his Devil Fruit companion was fast asleep.

Rosan didn't even think about leaving. He didn't think he could even if he wanted to. Mod-chan had a steel grip on him. Moving around to get more comfortable, the 9 year old

prepared to fall asleep as well. He had been up for quite a while anyways so he needed to rest.

Growing boy and all that.

Looking at Mod-chan one last time, Rosan allowed a small, fond, smile to appear on his face.

It was the first time he had seen her fall asleep before him.

Mod awoke to a ticklish sensation on her chin. Too tired to laugh, she instead sluggishly looked down, only to be greeted by a shock of red hair rustling against her.

The owner of the red hair had their head buried in the nook of her neck and a rather possessive grip on her black dress. She realized this wasn't much by choice because she was

crushing Rosan into her taller frame.

Mortified by what she was doing to her wielder, she hastily released him. In hindsight, that probably wasn't the best decision considering that Rosan hadn't been free for even a

full day.

Rosan's eyes snapped open and he quickly shot up, in prime position for combat. Eyes glowing in a telltale sign of Modification, he quickly glanced around. His fist were clenched in

preparation to strike, before his eyes landed on her.

Rosan relaxed his stance and instead, adopted a confused, and particularly, vexed expression.

Mod had the decency to blush a bit at her oversight and she sheepishly apologized to him. "I saw how tight the grip I had on you was so I… wanted to make you more

comfortable. Pushing you away, was probably not the best idea."

Rosan sighed in exasperation and sat back down, guarded expression gone. Mod resisted the urge to laugh at his sleepy gaze.

"Or, you were just embarrassed about how tight you were crushing me and pushed me away in a panic," Rosan pointed out causing her blush to deepen. Huffing a bit, Mod simply

turned away from the boy. She didn't have to give him an answer if she didn't want to.

She felt much better, better then she had in a long time. Rosan's words last night, were just what she needed and she found her love for the boy, if even possible, growing.

Rosan was right. He had changed and she knew that better than anyone else due to having access to his memories. He made it abundantly clear that it was okay though.

As long as Rosan loved her, he'd never stop being the Rosan she loved.

Curse his charisma! His speeches always inspired such a strong reaction out of whoever he was talking too. Robin was one of the main victims of this and could attest to being


It was good to see that he retained that ability.

It hurt to see his personality change and it filled her with nothing but satisfaction, to see justice delivered to the people who caused it. Mod had naively hoped that Rosan would

revert back to his previous self, but it was not fair to expect him to stay the same after what he had gone through. It would be more odd if he did stay the same.

That didn't mean it was any less sucky.

Honestly, it was only natural he reacted that way to Nico Robin! Mod sometimes forgot that Rosan was only 9 years old. Robin and Rosan had made a promise to always protect

each other, and in the eyes of the boy, Robin had betrayed him.

Rosan, while mature in many areas, was still just a child and he acted as any kid would. Even if it wasn't true, the redhead was unnaturally stubborn and he wanted something to


She'd just hoped that Rosan found Robin when he was older and he was able to process his emotions easier. If they found each other right now…in his current mental state, she

feared for the girl's life.

Mod wanted to find Robin as soon as possible but, with Rosan like this, it wouldn't be the best idea. For now, she would evade bringing her up again so Rosan could cool down and

think things through.

Like Kami themselves was testing her, Rosan abruptly said "Mod-chan, I wanted to talk to you. About Robin."

The redhead must have noticed her freeze in worry because he hastily reassured her that it was nothing as serious as last night.

Mod relaxed at that. She may have understood that arguing was healthy but she didn't really want to have another argument ever with Rosan. It hurt too bad to see him direct his

anger towards her.

Nodding hesitantly, she let Rosan say what he wanted to say.

the redhead took a deep breath and said "I've decided I won't kill Robin… I'll talk to her like you wanted me too. Even if I don't like the response, as long as you want her alive, I'll

keep her alive."

The purple haired woman allowed a surprised look to appear on her face at Rosan's words. It was soon replaced by a look of fondness as the boy looked away. He really was

making an attempt for her sake and she appreciated it.

Mod, unlike Rosan, still very much loved Robin and understood that it was likely out of the girls power when it came to rescuing Rosan. She was sure that deep down, the 9 year

old knew that too but he would never see reason until they talked.

Rosan was stubborn in his beliefs and just the fact that he was willing to accommodate her wish, was a win.

Scooping the still smaller then her (she had to savor the time he was this small!) boy in a hug, Mod-chan nuzzled Rosan lovingly. "Oh Rosan there's no rush. Take as long as you

need. Although I must ask, what if Robin didn't betray you? What will you do?"

Rosan hugged her back like he always did. "Of course Mod-chan, I'd do anything for you and you know that. Even if I can't stand it I'll make an attempt only for you," he replied

warmly before he thought about her question.

"If she hasn't betrayed me… I will offer my sincerest apologies. I know how much you still love her so, on the off chance she doesn't hate me, I'll ask to travel with her again. I will

not force her to accept however," was his honest response.

Mod nodded, chest warming at the effort he was putting it. They shared another touching moment before finally separating.

The Devil Fruit felt much better after this entire ordeal and promised to be more open to him in the future. He couldn't really hide anything from her so the fact that she was

hiding things from him was simply not fair. She knew he didn't mind his lack of privacy though.

It's why Mod-chan loved him so much. He was unique in that things that would bother anyone else, didn't bother him at all, as long as he liked you. The average person would be

much more wary of a Devil Fruit suddenly intruding on their privacy. Most people didn't enjoy feeling so exposed. She didn't blame them at all. It was quite the jarring experience

when your thoughts weren't privy to just you.

But Rosan…he didn't think like that. He just saw her as a companion and that's why she was so loyal to him.

It reminded her of a conversation they had years ago.

4 years ago

"Rosan why do you trust me so much?" Mod suddenly asked the 5 year old.

Both Rosan and Robin looked up in surprise at her question. She didn't blame them, the question had come out of the blue and they weren't prepared for it but this would ensure

that his response was more truthful.

The Devil Fruit ignored the voice in her head telling her that Rosan hated lying. She wanted to hear what he had to say. Mod was an intruder in the boys body and yet, despite

that, Rosan loved and cared for her as if they were actual flesh and blood. The boy had even willingly given her full access to his body!

Nobody in their right mind should ever do that!

Still floored by her question, Rosan asked in return "What do you mean Mod-chan?" The boy looked genuinely confused by what he, no doubt, considered a stupid question. She

had a tendency to ask him questions like this and his response was always the same "Do I need a reason to trust you?"

It always made her feel a bit silly when he answered like that. This time was different though. The Devil Fruit wanted a reason and she refused to take no for an answer. Mod

wasn't sure what was happening to her but she attributed it to her ever growing emotional capacity.

Her emotions... the purple haired woman found that they were getting out of control lately and she was struggling to rein them in. The only way to currently get them under

control, was to fulfill what that emotion desired. When she was angry, she'd take control of Rosan's body and let her frustrations out on some unsuspecting criminal.

When she was sad, she'd take Robin and Rosan and cuddle the life out of them until she felt better. When she was happy she'd hug the life out of them and generally acted much

like Rosan did. It always gave Robin a nice headache, when there were basically two Rosan's running around.

Right now, she was a weird mix of sad and afraid? The idea that Rosan could grow up and realize she was a nuisance, made her scared. That's why she needed him to confirm her

thoughts. She wouldn't be satisfied until Rosan answered her question. Mod needed to hear it from him or she might go insane.

"Yes Rosan, you do. I know you're only 5 but you should be more wary of what I am! You haven't doubted me even once since we've met!" Mod exclaimed in indignation, a frown

set on her face. "Surely me being your friend, isn't enough of a reason for you to give me so much control of your body!? Shouldn't you be more concerned?! We're literally called

Devil Fruits!"

Robin stayed silent as Rosan's face shifted into one of understanding. The Hana Hana no Mi user sensed that this was between Rosan and Mod-chan and so she would stay out of


She wouldn't need to intervene anyways, Rosan had this handled. The boy was a natural empath, he was very good at reading people and picking up on what they were feeling.

In truth, she was curious too. From what she understood, Rosan and Mod-chan had not been together for that long when she had first met them yet, the boy had absolute faith in

everything she said.

It was odd but, to be fair, Rosan also trusted Robin enough to let her enter his mindscape after only a few hours of knowing each other. The boy was trusting, worryingly so, but to

not even question the fact that he had a so called "intruder" was odd.

She wanted to see what answer he'd come up with and if it was enough to assuage Mod-chan.

He did not disappoint. "Mod-chan is that what has you so worked up? Do you think I'm going to just throw you away one day?" Rosan asked her softly with a hint of anger.

Mod-chan narrowed her eyes at Rosan but nodded stiffly. Rosan let out a fond sigh and said "Dummy! I trust you because not once have you ever given me a reason not to trust


Oh? What did he mean by that? Judging by the wide eyed gaze of Mod-chan, she was confused too. Rosan continued, completely unfazed by her reaction.

"From the moment we started talking, you've been helpful to me Mod-chan! You offered to help me before I even knew you existed so why wouldn't I trust you?"

Mod-chan had a flushed expression on her face as she tried to argue "W-what if I was just using that as an opportunity to get close to you? What if that's was all a lie? W-what if

I'm lying right now"

Rosan would not be deterred as he shook his head in a "no" motion. "That's not possible. You suck with emotions, Mod-chan," She blushed and pouted as he said that. "You're like

me! We don't like lying. When you first spoke to me, it seemed like you didn't get to talk to people often and that must have been so lonely."

"You're just like me, Mod-chan," he said softly.

"That's why I wanted to be your friend! You were so surprised that I wanted to be your friend, that's how I knew you weren't faking it!" The boy grinned at her and she felt a

strange sensation pulsing through her body.

What was this feeling? She was unable to identify it so she let Rosan keep talking in hopes that it would become clear to her.

"Besides, you didn't ask to be here Mod-chan!" The redhead laughed, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. "I'm the reason you're here! When you were just a fruit, I ate you

without really thinking about it. If anything, you aren't an intruder, you're a prisoner! My bad!" He apologized, clearly not meaning it in the slightest.

Robin sweatdropped at how insincere his apology was.

Mod resisted the urge to grab her head.

"I don't regret anything though Mod-chan! If I could, I'd eat your fruit again! You asked me why I trust you so much? I trust you because you trusted me! You're my first and one

of my bestest friends, Mod-chan!" Rosan said passionately, with a beaming grin on his childish bronze face.

It was relief. That was the strange sensation she had been feeling. Mod was relieved that Rosan accepted her so readily. She had thought that maybe, just maybe, it was an act

and he was just the same as her previous wielders.

But no, that wasn't the case at all. Maybe he'd throw her away after aging, maybe she'd willingly let him die like the rest of them. The thought that Rosan and her's relationship

could reach that point one day, filled her with nothing but pain.

But no that wasn't it. Rosan wasn't using her for his own personal gain. Rosan knew she was lonely and he simply offered her his hand. To him, she really was just "one of his

bestest friends" and not the weapon she was intended to be.

Tears welled up in her eyes and she scooped up the boy in a bone crushing hug. She let out a watery laugh as Rosan flailed in her grip, before the boy gave up and settled on

hugging her back. "I'm sorry for being a dummy, Rosan. Will you forgive me please?"

Rosan pat the middle of her back and laughed. "Of course! Don't be silly Mod-chan! You stop me from being a dummy so I have to stop you from being one too!"

The two laughed together as they embraced.

Robin let out a relieved sigh herself at how easily it had been resolved. That was the thing about Rosan, it was hard to let a problem stew because of his blunt and perceptive

nature. If he thought something was wrong, he'd immediately call you out on it and solve the problem right there.

The redheads reasoning was so him. The boy was so earnest, that it really did make you feel dumb when you doubted him. Both of them noticed her relieved sigh and, without

haste, they dragged her into the hug as well. Robin yelped as she was unceremoniously forced between the two people.

Never mind, they were both still idiots.

Looking into the dual colored eyes of Rosan, Mod smiled to herself.

He was different. That much was obvious but he was still her Rosan. No matter what he had gone through, Rosan still trusted her with his life and that's why she loved him.

No matter what, Rosan would always have her loyalty and she would always have his. All they needed was each other and they'd be alright.

For now though, they had other things to focus on. Such as the one sleeping figure on their ship. "Rosan that girl… Meiko what do you plan on doing to her? I recall you telling her

parents that you'd take good care of her in quite the sadistic tone…?"

Rosan waved a hand dismissively. "Oh that. Don't worry, I was lying to them," was all he said.

Mod sweatdropped at that. The boy had been lying to them? The boy had always had a bit of a mean streak but this was downright vengeful.

Seeing her question gaze, Rosan simply said "I simply told them that so that even in death, they couldn't rest easily. I don't plan on doing anything with the girl. To blame her for

the sins of her parents, would make be the biggest hypocrite in the world. I simply thought of it when I saw her family photo."

Rosan looked strangely at her. "Mod-chan are you alright? Shouldn't you already know this information? Are you still upset?" He asked, a bit worried about her well being.

Waving her hands frantically, Mod said "No! I feel much better thanks to you Rosan, there's no need to worry! It's just…" Mod looked away embarrassed "...I noticed that you were

receiving some of my emotions as well. So when I begun feeling sad I cut off our connection. As a result, I was only able to catch a few things and was not privy to your true


The redhead nodded and his face morphed into a thinking expression. "Mod-chan how do you feel about this partial fusion? Do you have a better idea of how it happened?" He

asked her.

Mod thought about his question. How did she feel about it? She knew Rosan didn't mind so she already knew how she felt. "I'm totally fine with it Rosan. I wouldn't want it to be

anyone else and I'm sure you feel the same way!"

"Now as for how we fused? I looked a bit more into it since our last talk and I've come to some conclusions. Seastone does not get rid of your abilities, they simply suppress it.

Externally you lost your abilities, but internally your body still operated as if it had Modification just… more subdued, it's very likely that to get to previous levels of performance,

Modification partially combined the two of us."

Rosan hummed in acknowledgment. A forceful evolution to circumvent the effects of seastone. It would explain why he felt so much stronger. When the seastone had been

removed, his bodies performance returned to normal and it combined with the enhanced state his suppressed form had. It still didn't explain everything such as how he wasn't

fused with her in the first place, but if Mod didn't want to reveal that information, he wasn't going to force her.

Weird but he could roll with it.

"I'll likely drop Meiko off on the next hospitable island and give her a partial sum of the money we got so she can live comfortably," the boy decided.

Mod-chan smiled at that. It was incredibly thoughtful of him to give her money so she could manage.

There was one problem with that though and it was the fact that Meiko was a normal 11 year old girl. She wasn't Robin or Rosan. There was no way she could manage by herself

unlike the resourceful duo.

It was unfortunate for the girl but it seems like she would have to.

"It's day time now Rosan and I imagine our guest of honor is going to be waking up soon. Try and avoid dying to her," She said cheekily.

"You don't need to remind me. She probably hates me but I deserve it. I tricked her after all but what's done is done. I won't be surprised if she attacks me," Rosan said.

The boy stood up and closed his eyes.

Waving at him Mod simply said "Good luck!" and he vanished.

This wasn't her room.

The smell was more akin to coffee and flowers, lavenders to be exact, in contrast to her room that smelled of fruits and fragrance from her perfumes.

The 2nd thing that tipped her off that she wasn't in her room, was the bed. This bed was far more comfortable and much larger than hers!

She almost sunk into it! It felt so good that if not for the fact that she knew something was wrong, she'd have gone back to sleep.

Probably the most damning fact that Meiko wasn't in her room, was the fact that her room didn't move. Wherever she was, most likely a ship, was steadily swaying as she slept.

That couldn't be right…

Memories of what happened last night came rushing to her and the blonde girl shot up in haste, before grabbing her head. She had a pounding headache and it took her a few

seconds to get it settled.

The blue eyed girl glanced around and she confirmed that this was in fact not her room. Whoever this room did belong too, seemed to really like violet and black. It dominated a

majority of the room in a dark display.

Shakily standing up, she unsteadily walked towards the door of the room. Quietly opening the door, she stepped outside of the unknown owners room. Out of curiosity she turned

around to inspect the door. It was purple with black circles on it. A simple sign read out "Robin".

So she had been sleeping in someone named Robin's room? "Robin-san, sorry if I messed up anything," she thought.

Meiko turned around only to see another door directly in front of her. This door was shut tightly with an insignia of a red rose on it. In big bold letters, it said "ROSAN'S REALLY


She flinched a bit as she saw that name.

That's right, Rosan...he betrayed her…

Meiko felt tears well up as she tried not to think about it and she held her sobs in.

Why would he do that? She really did trust him and for him to say she shouldn't have ever done that felt like a slap in the face. The girl had wanted to help him escape! She even

managed to steal her father's key on the night he knocked her unconscious...

Her only reprieve, was that she knew he genuinely regretted it. There was an unmistakable remorse in the boys eyes as he attacked her. It also helped that he had decided to take

her with him! She did want to travel with the boy who intrigued her so.

If he chose to escape with her, then maybe he did like her?

It's not like Mom and Dad would care if she was missing (Mom definitely would, the woman actually cared about her daughter). In fact, if they did come searching, it would more

likely be for Rosan himself.

To them, their daughter barely existed in their world. Maybe Rosan taking her from them wasn't that bad of an idea after all. At the very least, she enjoyed being in his presence.

It's why she visited him so often.

Mom and Dad could shove it! She didn't want them searching for her after all!

Wiping her tears, Meiko blushed as her stomach rumbled. Maybe she could find the kitchen and make some food. She wasn't tied up, so she doubted she was being held prisoner…

maybe she should make some breakfast for Rosan too, in that case. It was the least she could do since he had given her the freedom he had been lacking for 6 months.

Mind made up, the blonde tiptoed past Rosan's room and headed to where she thought the deck was.

Her hunch was correct because soon enough, she was met with the glare of the sun. Shielding her electric blue eyes from how bright it was, she basked in the cool breeze.

It felt so nice outside! She had never been on a boat before, always staying on Daybreak Island, and she was regretting that decision. The salty tang in the air, the breeze, the

endless expanse of the ocean, the seagulls!

Meiko was beginning to fall in love with the sea. It was so...big!

It looked to be early morning, which was good! She could make breakfast for them if it was early! She smiled to herself as she looked around to get a hint on where the kitchen

was, and immediately froze as she saw the black clad figure of Rosan himself.

The redhead was currently facing away from her, looking out at the sea and Meiko wondered if he was steering the helm? She didn't see anything there but the blonde was still a

bit tired so that could explain it. He didn't seem to notice her, as he focused on making sure they stayed on course.

The blue eyed girl thought to speak up, but something seemed off about him… he seemed a bit...lifeless? Rosan had always been pretty stiff though but she couldn't feel any sort

of connection to this one.

She wasn't 100% sure but this wasn't the Rosan that she knew. Did he have a twin? They looked exactly the same!

Slowly turning around, Meiko crashed into something bright. Looking down slightly she saw… another Rosan?!

This one had on all white instead of black and she noticed that both his eyes were purple like how Rosan used to be when she first met him. This one felt just as lifeless as the

other and, though he was practically a carbon copy of Rosan, she knew this wasn't him.

"You're awake," Light Rosan said. His voice was flat, conveying absolutely nothing. She couldn't even tell what he was thinking, which was unlike the conversations they normally


"I-I am. You… you aren't Rosan right?" She asked hesitantly. Footsteps alerted her and she turned around and came face to face with Dark Rosan.

This one looked much like the other two Rosans but unlike Light Rosan, his eyes were a piercing red like Rosan's left eye. "I noticed her when she walked out but she didn't seem

to pose a threat, so I let her be," Dark Rosan said.

Oh…guess he had noticed her...

White Rosan nodded and assessed her. "Correct, I am not Rosan. My name is Angel," the now dubbed Angel said. "Why are you roaming the ship? What are you planning on

doing? Is it harmful? Will I have to eliminate you?"

Her eyes widened at his questions and her expression turned a bit pale at how casually he spoke about killing her. Waving her hands frantically she hastily said "I-I'm not trying to

hurt anyone I swear! I-I'm just really hungry and I thought I'd make breakfast for Rosan and I!"

Angel stared at her, expression unchanging, before he nodded. "Very well, Demon will lead you to the kitchen. He will be watching you to insure you do not try and do anything…

dangerous. I trust these conditions are fair." With that, he walked away to who knows where and vanished from both of their sights.

Meiko turned towards the red eyed Rosan and smiled shakily at the black clad clone. Demon was much scarier than Angel, it's probably why he had that name. Despite looking the

exact same and carrying the same expression he managed to look meaner and more menacing. "N-nice to meet you Demon. I'm Meiko! I hope we can get along!"

Demon seemed a bit surprised at how cordial she was being. Meiko wondered why but he bowed slightly and said "A pleasure Meiko. This way please." He turned around and

started heading, presumably, to where the kitchen was located.

Not wanting to be left behind, Meiko followed hastily. Maybe she'd make some eggs and bacon if they had any? She hoped Rosan wasn't allergic to anything. Maybe she could ask

Demon… being a clone of Rosan, he'd surely know.

"Demon does Rosan like eggs, bacon, and pancakes?"

To her surprise, he answered without delay. "Master will eat all of that without fuss. He likes his eggs scrambled and his bacon slightly crispy."

"Great! Do we have all the necessary ingredients? Can you show me where they are?" She asked excitedly up at the surprisingly polite clone.

"Very well, I will show you when we arrive."

"Awesome! Now, how about…"

When Rosan woke up, it wasn't to someone trying to kill him so he took that as a good sign. Getting up, Rosan did some light stretches to get his body warmed up.

He scanned the ship in a small vicinity and blinked when he noticed Meiko was not in Robin's room.

Modifying the scope of the scan Rosan quickly located her in the kitchen along with…Demon? Hm. What was she doing? Trying to blow up the ship? He doubted it, the White

Rose was made of sturdy stuff. If Demon was watching her, then he had nothing to worry about.

Rosan donned a simple white tee and black shorts and began his journey to the kitchen. His bare feet connected with the cool floor and Rosan embraced the simple feeling of

moving freely.

It felt good to be free. The 9 year old had missed the feeling of being allowed to go wherever he wanted.

Mod-chan sent him a pulse of happiness and he readily sent one back.

As he got closer to the kitchen, his enhanced sense of smell (had transforming into a Dragon made it stronger?) picked up the scent of eggs and bacon.

Was she cooking? Before he could enter the corridor, that led directly to the kitchen, he ran into Angel.

"Greetings, Angel," Rosan greeted his white clad clone with a small nod.

"Master." Angel bowed in respect. "I trust you are doing fine today. Meiko has awoken and elected to make breakfast for the two of you. Seeing no harm in it, I allowed her too,

with Demon keeping an eye on her of course. If you are unhappy with my decision please let me know!" He bowed deeper and the redhead looked at him oddly.

Rosan waved his hands dismissively at the clone. "You did nothing wrong. Meiko is a gentle soul, she wouldn't hurt a fly. She is far too genuine so it's likely that she is actually

making breakfast. Though I'm surprised, I thought she would be far more upset."

Angel looked at him and with slight hesitance, said "Master… I don't think Meiko is aware of what you've done to her home."

Ah. Yep, that would do it.

Rosan sighed and said "I'll explain the situation to her then. There is no point in lying to her, she can see through me regardless."

Running a hand through his soft spikes, he thanked Angel and sent him on his way.

"Sir!" Angel saluted before going to the main deck.

Rosan prepared himself for the mess that was going to happen with a deep sigh. "Wish me luck Mod-chan. I can't imagine how she'd react."

"Don't worry Rosan. It's going to be bad but not nearly as bad as you expect it to be," were the Devil Fruits reassuring words.

Somehow, Rosan doubted that.

Finally making it to the kitchen, Rosan quietly opened the door and stepped inside. As if sensing him, Meiko suddenly whirled around. The redhead flinched at the pure happiness

in her gaze, before she remembered what he did and her expression became far more reserved.

Far more hurt.

It… stung? Rosan didn't like seeing her like that.

Nervously, the blonde waved a hand at the redhead. "Hi Rosan… I'm pretty sure you're the real one, at least. I made some breakfast. Demon told me you had no problems with

eggs, bacon, and pancakes so I made some for us."

Glancing at Demon, Rosan tilted his head questioningly. Sensing his intent, Demon replied "The food is safe to eat Master. I watched her every step of the way. Now if I may?"

Rosan gave him the go ahead and his black clad clone bowed, before leaving the room.

Focusing his attention back on Meiko, Rosan lightly sniffed. He had to admit the food smelled incredible and he was quite hungry so he would eat what she offered. Better than

making his own food at least.

Meiko blushed in appreciation for some reason before he realized.

Right, she could probably feel his satisfaction. This was why he decided to just tell her the truth about Daybreak, hiding anything from her was not possible.

But first, he would eat.

"I-I'm not sure how much you eat so I made a lot. If it's too much, we can save it for later! Please tell me if there's anything I can do to improve on it," Meiko said, her nervous

energy palpable.

The blue eyed girl looked genuine, like she actually valued the opinion of the person who kidnapped her. The person who betrayed her.

This girl was stupid. So stupid. If it were anyone else, they'd readily take advantage of herShaking his head, Rosan simply said "Thank you, Meiko. The food smells great and I look forward to eating it. You don't have to worry about how much you made, I eat a lot."

With that, he took the offered plate and walked over to the dining room.

He heard tiny footsteps as the blonde followed him with her own plate as well.

They ate in silence only breaking it once when Rosan praised her on how good her food was.

She blushed a deep shade of red and said "It was nothing. I cook all the time for myself." Forcing her face down, she started shoveling her food at a rapid pace.

Rosan looked at her in amusement. He got the sense that she was incredibly happy at his praise.

She probably wasn't used to it.

The redhead got up and applied light slaps to her back, as she began choking on the food.


"T-thank you," She shot him a grateful look to which he merely nodded and then ate at a much more reasonable pace. Rosan had already finished a majority of his plate so he

opted to just stare at her.

Her blonde twintails were messier then normal but it looked good on her. Her sailor outfit was navy blue this time and her tie was black. She noticed his staring and the blush, that

seemed to always be on her face, deepened as she looked away.

"She's adorable," Mod-chan gushed and Rosan agreed with her. She was adorable. He was starting to believe Angel's claim that Meiko didn't understand the full scope of the

situation. She harbored no hatred for him currently and that was too odd for what he had just done.

If he had to guess, she probably thought he took her away from her neglectful parents and wasn't aware that they were both very dead.

Well she had wanted him to be more honest and he agreed. Lying was annoying, he'd only do it if he had to so he'd acquiesce with her wish. Now was as good as any time to


This was probably going to suck.

"Meiko…" Rosan began, easily grabbing her attention. The girl was so attentive to everything he said, probably from the lack of attention she received. She sensed his tone and

her blush vanished as she looked at him with a serious, if not slightly fearful, expression. Seeing that he had her focus, he asked her "How much do you know about what

happened last night?"

She adopted a thinking pose, her eyebrows furrowed and her button nose scrunched up. Rosan could practically hear Mod-chan cooing. Oh wait, never mind she actually was


"N-not much honestly. I-I only remember…you knocking me unconscious…" She whispered. "Why Rosan? Why did you do that? You betrayed me when all I wanted to do was

help..." Her voice turned wobbly and the hurt in it was unmistakable.

She truly felt betrayed by his actions.

Rosan resisted the urge to flinch, as his heart wrenched. Forcing a stony expression on his face, the redhead said "You chose to trust a prisoner. One who wanted to escape from

all the torture he was receiving in the span of 6 months. You have nobody to blame but yourself Meiko. I simply did what I had to do, to ensure you didn't jeopardize my plans of


"I told you not to trust me, but you chose to ignore my warning," he finished coldly.

She flinched back clearly affected by his words as tears pricked her eyes. "D-did our talks mean nothing to you Rosan? Was all of that a lie? I-I really did enjoy speaking to

someone who didn't treat me like a nuisance or look at me like I'm a failure…" She sounded heartbroken as she continued.

Her emotions were clouding her. Otherwise, she would have been able to tell that Rosan was barely holding up himself.

The boy struggled to keep his composure, he didn't know why but this girl affected him in ways that he just couldn't explain. Why did he feel so bad?

"That's not true. Talking with you, was something I did enjoy Meiko," Rosan said reassuringly and wasn't that a thought. Why was he trying to reassure her? Was it really that big

of a deal if she thought these things or not?

Apparently, his mind thought so.

Mod-chan was oddly quiet. Rosan didn't notice.

"I don't think your a failure and I do enjoy speaking to you," the redhead said honestly. "You provided me a brief respite from that living hell and I'm truly grateful. Who knows

how much worse I could have ended up if not for your ointment?" Rosan watched as she wiped her tears away to continue listening to him.

"I didn't lie that night Meiko. I trust you. I really do, it's why you're still alive right now. But…you shouldn't trust me. I'm a monster now, your late father made sure of it."

As he hoped, Meiko had latched onto some very key words. With shaky breaths, she hesitantly asked "Why I'm still alive? Late father? R-Rosan? What happened?" she looked so

confused, that Rosan was tempted to have Demon explain it to her.

But no, he had to be the one to do this.

Better to rip the band-aid off immediately then. "Daybreak Island is no more. I destroyed it and killed every inhabitant, besides you, on it. You are the sole survivor," Rosan said

bluntly and he instantly regret his decision.

Meiko was sitting but she felt like she was falling. That couldn't be possible. What was happening to her? H-he had said late father right? Maybe she misheard him maybe he was

just jok-

"Daybreak Island is no more. I destroyed it and killed every inhabitant, besides you, on it. You are the sole survivor." Rosan's words slammed into her like a train. Faintly, Meiko

realized that she was having trouble breathing. She then realized she was hyperventilating.

"Daybreak Island is no more."

"Destroyed and killed every inhabitant on it."

"You are the sole survivor."

It was completely overwhelming her. Killed? Rosan, h-he killed them? H-how did he do that? The redhead was so much younger then them all! How could the 9 year old joke like


As she looked at the younger boy however, his remorseless gaze reached her and she realized Rosan was telling the truth. He had really killed them all and he didn't hold an ounce

of regret in him.

Her parents…Mom and Dad they weren't good people and they neglected her but she still loved them with all her heart. They were here parents after all! She didn't wish bad on

them, she just wished they'd stop being bad people.

B-but they couldn't make that decision anymore b-because they were dead.

A choked sob escaped her and she quickly covered her mouth to stifle it. She couldn't cry she just couldn't. She wouldn't cry in front of-

"You are the sole survivor."

"I-I just need a moment t-t-to myself. I-I'm sorry b-but I have to-" another sob wracked her body, interrupting what she was trying to say. Without waiting for Rosan to say

anything, she rushed past him and quickly vanished from sight.

She ran past Demon, who looked a bit worried for her but she didn't stop running. She eventually made her way back to Robin's room and slammed the door with more force than


Apologizing quietly to the object, she placed her back on the door and collapsed. "I'm okay I'm okay I'm okay I'm okay," she repeated the mantra to herself repeatedly, even as

the tears fell down her eyes.

"I'm okay I'm okay I'm okay I'm okay I'm okay I'm okay."

"I'm not okay." and she could no longer hold it back. Wails of agony ripped through her body and the 11 year old cried her heart out.

It wasn't fair! Why?! Why did people have to die?! Why couldn't everyone just get along with each other? W-why did they push a child to the point where he would willingly kill

them all just for the chance of freedom?!

Meiko had no answers to this question. She didn't think there was a right answer to that question. So she cried and cried.

Worst of all, she couldn't put the blame on Rosan. How could she? He didn't ask to be there! They had kidnapped the boy and corrupted him with months of torture. He didn't have

to kill them, but they had put him through so much, it was only natural he retaliated in the way that he did.

Rosan hadn't always been like that, they had just turned him into this.

Still the reality of what he did, shook her to the core. A 9 year old should not be capable, or even willing, of doing what he had done.

The death of her parents...it hurt more than she could imagine. She missed when Mom would read to her and sing her sweet nothings when she was younger. She missed when

her Dad would grab her into a hug after she fell and hurt herself always telling her not to cry and that it would be okay.

Why did they have to change so suddenly?! If they never changed, they wouldn't have paid the price for becoming bad people…they wouldn't have forced Rosan's hand at killing


They wouldn't have abandoned her so easily.

But none of that mattered anymore, because now they were dead and even if she wanted to go back to those times she couldn't anymore.

Tears renewed as she sobbed miserably. "Mama, Papa I miss how things used to be," The poor girl said, as she curled into herself and cried.

"That was harsh Rosan." Mod-chan said neutrally.

"You're right, Mod-chan," Rosan agreed with her because she had to be right. How else could he explain this feeling in his gut. He had been feeling terrible since the tone had

turned serious and watching Meiko rush out, barely restraining her sobs, had affected him more than he liked to admit.

Rosan let his stony expression fall, as he recalled their conversation.

He didn't realize he was being so harsh to her… Rosan lacked the tact and as a result, she suffered for it. He had always been like this but now it was coming to bite him. Maybe…

maybe he could be a bit more thoughtful in the future.

The only time he felt such a scale of emotions was when around her. He couldn't stand not being in control of them. Since his change, he normally had such a firm grasp on them

and she threw all of that into disarray.

Sighing, Rosan raked a hand through his hair and idly grabbed his bun.

What's done, was done. He would have to apologize to her in some way but he couldn't take back what he said. For now, he'd give her the space she needed and just wait for her

to approach him.

He needed to get his thoughts situated anyways. Maybe some training would take his mind off of it.

Mind made up, Rosan made his way to his spacious room. He made a show of opening and closing it loudly to alert Meiko to his whereabouts.

Rosan glanced around his room. Nothing had changed since it had been confiscated by Doc but that didn't surprise him. They probably didn't even know the toy ship was the

White Rose. Even if they did, it was too small to make changes to.

His room was spacious, surprisingly so, Rosan had modified the dimensions to make it much larger then a ship this sizes room had a right to be.

He had decorated it black and red and had an assortment of collectibles he had amassed from his journey. The reason it was so spacious however was so that he could have room

to physically train himself. It would do no good if he crashed into anything so a large part of the middle room was bare, allowing him to freely train.

Rosan got straight to work as he began stretching his body out.

A knock on the door, interrupted Rosan from his push ups. Standing up, Rosan wiped a thin bead of sweat off his forehead and looked down at his body in wonder.

Rosan had always had quite a lot of stamina. It eclipsed Robin's and he had been victim to many of her complaints. The redhead took great joy in rubbing his superior stamina in

her face at any opportunity where it was appropriate.

But this was ridiculous.

He had been going through his routine for about an hour and he barely felt winded. Lunges, sit ups, squats, planks, jogging, etc. Rosan had done all these in a steady interval and

he barely felt winded. Even now, before he got interrupted, he had been reaching the 100 record on his push ups just to see how much he could do and he felt like he could do

much more.

For now, he'd probably have to think of a new workout. Weights were still out of the question though...growing boy and all that.

Walking to the door, Rosan half expected to see Angel or Demon preparing to update him on their status. Had they seen an island? Unlikely, they had only been sailing for one day.

Perhaps they were passing by a ship…

Imagine his surprise when he opened the door and on the other side, was Meiko herself.

She was ready to see him? So soon?

That couldn't be right.

The fair skinned girl was a mess. Her blonde hair was messy, her clothes were ruffled, she was trembling uncontrollably, her face had tear streaks, and her electric blue eyes were

red from crying.

Rosan had heard her crying, he was sure everyone on the ship heard her crying. To give her some more privacy, he had modified the walls, closing any gaps in them, and made

them soundproof (it was how he made Doc's home soundproof!). Seeing how useful it was, he had made sure to apply it to the entire ship.

Her electric blue eyes were more dim as she quietly asked "Can I come in...?"

Rosan nodded, stepping aside and allowing her to come inside.

Despite her obvious distraught, the girl was still able to show her appreciation for the room and she looked on in wonder. Rosan felt a little pride at how starstruck she looked but

that quickly vanished as her gaze landed on the bounty poster of Nico Robin.

To Robin's embarrassment, Rosan had gotten her bounty poster as soon as he could. He was so proud that Robin had such a high bounty, he took one and framed it! She tried

stopping him but Rosan could not be deterred. It sat proudly on his nightstand, surviving all forms of attacks from Robin herself.

He'd have to destroy it now.

As Meiko's gaze lingered on it, she no doubt began to form obvious connections. If she knew the name of who's room she was sleeping in, it wouldn't be difficult.

Rosan softly asked "Did you want to talk to me?"

Her blue eyed gaze snapped to his dual eyes and when they made eye contact, she averted her gaze.

Rosan felt a twinge at that, before coolly brushing it off. Keeping his face blank, Rosan patiently waited for her to speak.

He didn't have to wait very long.

"Um…I'm sorry for running away so abruptly," Meiko said quietly, voice even lower than his.

Rosan couldn't fight the shock that appeared on his face as the girl started off with an apology of all things. "I-I just needed to gather my thoughts a little bit. There was a lot I

needed to think of," She finished.

Enough. There was no reason at all for her to begin with an apology.

"Meiko, I'm sorry for being so harsh with you," Rosan said, surprising her greatly. She looked up with wide eyes, as he said "You have been nothing but kind to me and I've been

nothing but cruel to you. You don't deserve that and I shouldn't have delivered the news to you like that."

Rosan took a deep breath as he bowed shallowly. He never bowed but she deserved this much. "I know you hate me but bear with me for a little longer. Once I find a suitable

island, I will give you a generous amount of beri and leave you alone for the rest of your life. You will never hear from me again."

The 11 year old froze as those words slammed into her.

Suitable island? Never hear from him again? L-leave her alone? Meiko felt horror creeping upon her as Rosan told her that he'd be leaving her all alone on some random island. No.

No no no no-

"No!" She suddenly exclaimed surprising him. The sheer terror on her face as he finished his sentence, was enough to give him pause.

"No?" He asked, genuinely confused.

"P-please don't leave me you're all I have left! I-if you leave me I'll really have nothing," the blonde begged as she quickly closed the distance. Those blue eyes looked at him with

such fear that he was left momentarily speechless.

Rosan narrowed his eyes at her words.

She didn't want him to leave? Did she even know what she was saying? Did she not register the words that he told her?

"You would stay with the person that you hate, simply because they are the only one you have left?" Rosan asked incredulously. "Have you developed Stockholm Syndrome? I've

read that it normally takes longer then one day for a person to develop it but you are also an oddball."

The girl looked genuinely shocked as Rosan spoke. She waved her hands frantically and said "Wait wait wait! I don't hate you! I don't hate you at all! Where did you even get that

idea?!" After a moment she added "And I definitely don't have Stockholm Syndrome, please don't be silly!"

Rosan refused to believe what she was saying was true. Somehow, she was using this connection they had to appear truthful but Rosan was fed up with her actions. People like

her just didn't exist.

She didn't hate him? There was no way she didn't.

He called bullshit.

"You're telling me, that you don't hate me at all?" Meiko nodded with wide, fearful eyes, sensing his impending eruption, and Rosan let out a disbelieving snort as he growled out

"Are you fucking stupid?!"

She flinched as the redhead finally grew tired of everything about her. An unbelievable pressure began to wash over her and the girl fell to her knees as she struggled to breathe.

W-what was this feeling? Rosan's presence… it w-was so daunting. How was he doing this?! She felt like she was about to blackout!

Rosan didn't even seem to realize he was releasing this pressure. He was far too angry to notice much of anything at the moment.

No one could act like this. No one. This was a ploy by her so that he could let his guard down. He rarely cursed but she seemed to bring out the worst in him and he couldn't stand

it. He didn't know how she did it but she just did.

Mod-chan refused to speak up, interested in seeing how this conversation would turn out and not wanting to manipulate Rosan's choices.

"Do you honestly think I believe that you don't hate me?!" He snarled. She tried to speak up but Rosan wouldn't let her.

No she needed to be exposed of all her lies.

"I just revealed that everyone you know and love is dead and that you're currently on the ship with the one who did it."

"Your mother, Sachie..." she flinched as he said her name "...and your father Masaru, or as I like to affectionately call him Doc, were my main tormentors when I was stuck on this

hell. When I freed myself I found them both and I tortured them."

A sadistic smile appeared on Rosan's face, as he held up his hand and clenched it into a fist. "6 months of pain repaid back in one night! Tell me, did your parents tell you what

they did to me? What they caused me to become? Or maybe you feel regret because you do know what they did and you wish to atone?" He questioned her ruthlessly with a

raised brow.

"I don't need you to atone, the sins of a parent should not apply to their innocent child. You can take your charity and you can fuck off. I don't need your sympathy and I definitely

don't need you to repay a debt that doesn't exist."

Finished, Rosan panted slightly, still glaring at the older girl. He was satisfied to see that she was glaring back at him. Like this, the redhead could see the startling resemblance

she shared with Sachie.

Hm. Seems he had finally gotten under her skin. Good now he'd see her true colors. He wondered what she actually thought of hi-

"You're wrong."

Rosan was stunned into silence as Meiko finally spoke. He didn't detect any rage in her voice it was…determination?

"Rosan, Mom and Dad…they were bad people and I know that more than anyone," Meiko sad, glare still on her face. "I-I don't know the full extent of what happened to you

because they didn't tell me anything but I don't want to stay with you because of that. I want to stay with you because you're the only person who understands me!" The blonde

exclaimed and she actually looked frustrated with him!

"Even though you were a prisoner and you were in so much pain, y-you still thanked me for tending to your wounds! No one has ever thanked me so sincerely and the fact that

you were able to fight through the pain to do that, meant so much to me."

The girl paused to take a deep breath. Rosan couldn't muster up the strength to say anything and the boy just opted to stare wide eyed at her.

Meiko didn't notice his sheer shock due to how focused she was on what she was saying and so, she kept going. "N-not only that but, do you understand how sorry I am to find

comfort in a prisoner of all people?! You were dealing with your own things a-and yet you still took time to speak with me. You made me feel like I existed..." she admitted quietly

and Rosan's dual eyes unwittingly went soft.

"I hate that someone as kind as you, was forced to meet people as bad as my parents," the blonde girl admitted. "Rosan…how could I possibly hate you when I know you had no

choice? I don't blame you Rosan for becoming what you had to become. As much as it hurts me to say…Mom and Dad are fully to blame. You were just caught up in their schemes

and as a result you had to suffer…"

Tears had begun welling up in the girls eyes as she spoke. Tears for him. Was she actually… crying for him? Again? Even after everything he had done…?

"I don't want to stay with you to atone, Rosan. I want to stay with you, because I trust you. I always have Rosan and you keep trying to push me away!" Meiko shouted at him,

clearly upset with his stubbornness.

"Well, I won't let you! I'm staying with you whether you like it or not because I like you!" The blonde declared with the most confidence he had ever seen her display.

Her eyes widened at her slip up.

Rosan didn't think it was possible, but her face turned as red as his hair. He swore he could see steam pouring out of her ears. She tried hard to cover up her mistake by saying "II mean, you um...you could have left me for dead on Daybreak Island but you chose not to a-and I appreciate that...so that's why I like you and oh…"

Her head slumped in defeat and Rosan couldn't help it, he let out a small chuckle that evolved into full laughter. Her head shot up as she heard Rosans laughter for the first time.

It was at her expense but still hearing his boyish laugh filled her with an unexplainable feeling.

"Kahahahaha!" Rosan laughed in genuine joy at her antics.

She really was an idiot. But, she was a genuine idiot.

Meiko decided, in that moment, that she really liked his laugh. She hoped she got to hear it more often in the future.

Rosan understood why Meiko got under his skin so easily now. Besides the strange connection they had, she was what he had been except that when facing hardship, she was a

person who stuck to her beliefs. Rosan couldn't say the same for himself, he had tried and failed and maybe that's why he couldn't stand how pure she was. He thought she had

ulterior motives, but he was just being an idiot himself.

Rosan might have been more powerful then she was, but she was alot stronger than him.

He told her as much and she frantically waved her hands in denial. "I don't agree at all! I think you're so much stronger then you give yourself credit for!" Meiko said with an

admiring gaze.

"6 months is a really long time, Rosan! I would never have been able to retain my sanity if I went through what you did. You're really resilient and you won't bend to anyone's will.

If it were anyone else… they'd be a slave in just 1 week! I'd love to have your fortitude!" She exclaimed vehemently and the girl meant everything she said.

"She's right Rosan," Mod chimed for the first time that conversation. "For 6 months you endured that hellish torture with no one but yourself. Please give yourself

some more credit," The purple haired woman praised.

"Oh? And where have you been hiding, Mod-chan?" Rosan asked accusingly.

"Me? I was here this entire time just reveling at the fact that you got hit with a taste of your own medicine. I didn't think I'd ever meet someone who gave such

heartfelt speeches like you but here we are."

"Oh? So this must be how you feel when getting a speech from me."

"Absolutely. You don't know how satisfied I am to see such justice served."

Still chuckling, Rosan said,"I assume this means you approve of this girl? You sure do love picking up strays."

"You don't have to assume I get taken with every sweet child I see Rosan!"



"Yes I approve of this girl."

With that, she shut off their connection to go sulk somewhere.

Honestly, Mod-chan was such a child sometimes. Rosan stopped laughing and he took the time to catch his breath. It had been a long time since he had laughed like that and of

course it was because of this strange girl before him.

Only Meiko could invoke such emotions out of him so he'd acquiesce with her wishes. The blonde deserved that much.

"Alright, you can stay with me Meiko," Rosan said simply, with a shrug of his shoulders.

Her eyes widened before a large smile overtook her features. Rosan watched as she quickly closed the distance again and wrapped both arms around him. The 9 year old went

stiff, before slowly allowing himself to relax as he realized she was just hugging him and he shook his head.

She really was the strangest person he'd ever met.

Meiko still felt it through their odd connection and jumped back as if burned. "Sorry! You must not have positive memories of getting touched! Next time, I'll ask for your

permission." The girl bowed deeply, as she apologized.

Rosan snorted and waved her off. "It's nothing, don't mind it. I've allowed you to touch me before, so I don't really care. You just caught me off guard is all. You don't need to ask

me for permission. After all, you said you like me right?" His tone turned a tad bit mischievous as he said that.

Predictably, Meiko's face turned scarlet. "Rosan please stop teasing me!" She whined.

Rosan smirked at her but truthfully he was contemplating things. She liked him huh? Judging by her reaction, Rosan assumed she was slightly romantically interested in him. It

would explain things a bit but, Rosan wasn't sure how much was attributed to this strange connection.

He needed to figure out more about it but he wasn't really sure where to start.

Did he like her? No. Not romantically at least. Maybe in the future that would change but right now, Rosan couldn't afford to be romantically interested in anyone.

"Keep an open mind Rosan. You deserve happiness and if I learn you aren't pursuing this because of me, I won't forgive you."

Nodding, Rosan figured that was fair enough. He'd keep an open mind, if he found himself liking her then he'd have no problem pursuing her. The redhead was a boy that knew

what he wanted and knew what he didn't.

He had plenty of time, he was only 9. It's what Mod-chan wanted and he had been hesitant because of his desire to keep her safe but since she wanted him to keep an open mind,

he would.

Meiko was interesting in a way he had never witnessed so Rosan had no problem keeping her around. He found himself wanting to learn more about the girl and why she was the

way she was.

She'd still have to do things though. He wouldn't tolerate anyone being useless. Maybe he could ask her to teach him how to cook? She was damn good at it and he enjoyed eating

her food.

Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea.

Chapter End.

The Misadventures of Robin and Rosan – 2

Rosan and Robin are 4 and 8 respectively.

Robin learns about Rosan's past.

Rosan was clingy.

Robin knew that first hand. It was probably his most annoying trait and it was still kind of adorable to her.

Still, even Robin had her boundaries and right now, as Rosan burst into the bathroom, towel covering his indecent spot, loudly exclaiming they bathe together, Robin finally put her

foot down.

One firm scolding later, a sulking Rosan had his head down as Robin soaped it up.

The Devil Child had wrapped a towel around herself and she gently lathered up his hair. Despite the spikes, his hair was soft and she always marveled at that fact. Robin didn't

stay mad at him for long because he genuinely looked remorseful at invading her privacy.

He probably didn't know better, he was 4 after all. Still, she had to wonder why he was so clingy?

"Rosan?" Robin asked as she washed the shampoo out of his hair. The boy looked up at her teary eyed and, with wobbly lips, said "Yes Robin-nee?" and her heart melted at the


She sighed at how adorable the boy was. He was making her feel bad at his, albeit genuine, mistake! He had to learn that somethings were not okay though.

"I'm not mad at you Rosan. I just wanted you to know, it's rude to burst into the bathroom when someone else is using it," Robin explained patiently. Rosan was 4 so it was up to

her and Mod-chan to teach him what was acceptable and what was not.

"I'm sorry Robin-nee… I'm so used to bathing with Mama, I didn't think about how it'd make you feel. I don't like bathing alone so I figured you didn't either," he said, looking

absolutely gutted.

Robin's gaze turned sympathetic. She didn't know much about what happened to Rosan's mother but if it was anything like her own, then she was probably no longer with them.

It was understandable that she hadn't yet thought of telling Rosan about things like this.

She probably thought they had more time.

"Oh Rosan," she rubbed his shoulder soothingly "It's okay. I understand now so how about this? On some days I'll bathe with you okay? But sometimes I need some alone time

and I'm used to bathing alone."

Rosan's eyes lit up and he nodded vigorously. "Okay Robin-nee! It won't happen again, you can count on me!"

Robin smiled at him and softly rubbed his hair. He was a precious boy and with Mod-chan helping, they would help him grow into an exceptional man.

Rosan was clingy and there were times when it was annoying.

This was not one of those times.

Robin had been having a bad day. They were still sailing and she had been kept awake by a particularly vicious nightmare. The bags in her eyes were pronounced and she shakily

tried to make herself coffee to stay awake. She steadfastly ignored the fact that an 8 year old should not be resorting to such things to stay awake.

It was the same nightmare as always. Ohara in flames, everyone she loved dying, ice and magma, d ship being destroyed, a giant being frozen...

This one was a bit different however. In this one all her loved ones…they had surrounded her, blaming her for their deaths. None of them had eyes but she still felt their gaze

judging her harshly.

"Why were you the one who got to live?"

"Why did we have to die Robin?"

"It hurts so much Robin please help us!"

They never failed to shake her to the core. But the worst were always when Saul and Olvia chose to speak.

"Giving birth to you was a mistake Robin. I should never have came back."

"Why did I try to escape with you? I died for you Robin!"

"Why Robin? Why Robin? Why Robin?" They'd chant over and over again, getting closer and closer to the trapped child.

Robin had woken up with a fresh wave of tears from it.

She knew it was just a dream but it felt so real. She shakily got up, knowing she wouldn't be getting anymore sleep and decided she needed a drink. Looking outside she saw how

dark it still was and concluded she still had a couple more hours before it was daytime and Rosan woke up.

Now, here she was, in the kitchen, trying to make herself some coffee to make it through the day.

She was used to this but that never made it easier. As she poured herself a cup, tiny footsteps alerted her to an approaching presence.

Had she woken Rosan up?

The boy in question, rounded the corner still rubbing his eyes. He yawned out sleepily "Robin-nee?" and she froze, like a deer in headlights.

Rosan took one good look at her and immediately, he was fully awake. Closing the distance between the two of them, glowing purple eyes gazed worriedly at her face. Robin tried

to look away but she could still feel his piercing gaze.

"Rosan, I didn't expect you to be awake at this time," Robin said, surprise on her face. "Is something wrong?" The 8 year old asked conversationally. She covered up just how tired

and affected by the nightmare she was to avoid worrying him but she should have known it was for naught. Nothing seemed to ever escape those odd eyes of his.

Rosan frowned at her and bluntly said "You're not okay. What's wrong?"

The brunette knew she wouldn't be able to hide it from him. Rosan was incredibly talented at detecting issues in a person and it was a detail he abused without remorse. Modchan had told her not even his mother had been safe from his perceptiveness.

That wouldn't stop her from trying.

"I'm fine Rosan. I just couldn't sleep so I thought I'd start the day early," Robin smiled, painfully fake, at him. She hoped it would be enough for him since she told a half truth but

she should have known better.

Rosan's worried gaze turned into a judgmental glare as he stared her down. "Robin didn't I tell you not to lie to me," he chastised the older girl and she flinched back. "I don't like

liars. What happened? You can tell me."

She held Rosan's gaze for a minute, before deflating. Her mask broke as she whispered "I had a bad dream…it was about Ohara."

Rosan's gaze immediately turned understanding. He was like that, always so understanding towards her and always knowing just what to do.

Case in point, he took the coffee out her hands and dumped it in their sink. She tried to protest at the waste of a drink, but he ignored her.

Job done, Rosan took both her hands into his tiny ones and guided her out of the kitchen. Robin, seeing no point in resisting, let herself get dragged away by the smaller boy.

They made their way to his room and Robin watched Rosan open the door and softly tug her inside. "Sit," was all he said pointing at his bed. Robin climbed the bed and sat down

and after a moment Rosan climbed after her.

"Lay down," Rosan said lying down himself. Robin didn't see the point in this but went along with it regardless. Now lying down, she watched the tiny boy scoot closer to her. He

enveloped her in a hug and she sighed at how soft and warm he was. He smelled fresh, like flowers. "Close your eyes," he whispered and she listened.

After a moment she felt reality shift and slowly opened her eyes. They were back in the mindscape and were now lying on the bed in the house. Robin wondered where Mod-chan

was but her curiosity was soon answered as the woman in question opened the door holding 2 warm cups of something.

She approached them both and handed the cup over to Robin. Upon closer inspection Robin identified it as warm milk. She looked questionably at Mod-chan and said "How is it

possible that you have milk?"

Mod-chan shrugged, just as lost as her. "Rosan thought it was unfair that I didn't get to eat in here and this was the result. I can get you a cookie if you want as well. For some

reason, it actually works. Though it fills you up as if you are eating real food, you'll still have to eat in the real world because your body hasn't actually consumed anything," was

her response.

"But… can't you just possess his body and eat like that?" Robin asked curiously.

"I could, Rosan says that doesn't count as me eating. I decided it's hopeless to argue otherwise," Mod said, looking defeated.

Robin just accepted it as Rosan being Rosan and took the cup. Drinking it, she gasped slightly at the fact she actually could taste it. She gulped it down and Rosan followed suit.

Soon they both finished their cups and with a relieved sigh, they put them down.

"Tell me about your dream Robin-nee," Rosan said out of the blue. She flinched at his request but when she saw the sincerity in Rosan's eyes, she relented.

She told him everything. About how she couldn't stop having nightmares about Ohara, how they plagued her and kept her awake, how this one in particular was more vicious, how

she had to drink coffee just to stay alert. Rosan listened to it all intently, expression never shifting only nodding along thoughtfully.

When Robin finished, she let out a massive sigh.

She had to admit, talking about it with someone who cared felt like a huge weight was lifted off her shoulder. Talking to Rosan always felt good because the boy was a very good

listener. He let her speak her mind and when she got to parts that caused her to choke up he was always there to sooth her.

"I have bad dreams too Robin-nee," Rosan told her causing Robin's eyes to widen. Rosan hesitated slightly, as if debating telling her, before nodding resolutely. Robin watched the

flash of emotions and her eyes widened as the implications hit her.

Was he? "The reason I'm out at sea is because my Mama…," Rosan choked up a bit. Remembering what he did for her, Robin softly soothed him and told him to take his time.

Mod-chan was sitting on the bed now and they both worked in tandem to help him.

"My Mama was pregnant," Rosan eventually said. Robin looked on in dread when he said that. He couldn't mean? She hoped not.

"She was pregnant with my little brother, Ace. He was supposed to be born much longer ago but…but the Marines stopped her."

"Stopped her how?" Robin asked him confused.

"There were rumors that the son of the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, was conceived on that island. As a result, they started taking all the pregnant women on Baterilla and killing their

unborn children," Mod-chan informed her sadly.

Robin recoiled in disgust at that. "That's not fair though! What do the children have to do with that!" She paused for a while as another piece of information came to her. Gol D.


She thought his name was Gold Roger...?

Rosan nodded in agreement. "Kids shouldn't bear the sins of their parents but they don't think so. Mama did everything she could to keep Ace safe so she… she hid the fact that

she was pregnant for 20 months."

Robin gaped as he said that. 20 months?! T-that was impossible!

A person could only hold a child for 9 months! There was rarely a case of someone exceeding that time especially not by 11 months! That was inhuman!

Just who was Rosan's mother exactly?

"Mama's name was Portgas D. Rouge," Rosan said. Robin's eyes widened as she heard that initial again. What did that D. mean? What power did it hold?

"Holding a baby for 20 months it's not supposed to be possible...," Rosan mimicked her thoughts "...but Mama did it and she suffered because of it. After I ate the Mod Mod no

Mi I tried to help her as much as I could but…"

Robin hugged Rosan tightly as tears began forming in his eyes.

She understood why Rosan so strongly resented the Marines now. They had caused his mother nothing but suffering and were likely the cause of her death due to just being

there! Weren't they supposed to uphold justice?! What they did was barbaric and inhumane.

Coupled with what they did to Robin…it was a wonder Rosan hadn't assaulted any yet. Mod must have played a key part in that.

"Mama eventually gave birth to the baby. But the stress of holding him for so long, was too much for her. She…she died after he was born," the redhead said miserably.

"I think she knew she wasn't going to survive because she didn't tell me that she was having the baby. I was looking all over for her and I used Mod-chan to spy on her. T-That's

when I saw it...I-I-I saw Mama die," Rosan let out a broken sob as the pain became too much for him.

He had... seen it?

Rosan had witnessed his mother die.

This little boy had to watch his mother die and the implications, made Robin begin to truly hate the world. Robin had known Rosan's reason for being out on sea was bad but this

went beyond that.

This was just terrible.

Rosan had been raised by Rouge and probably loved her more then anything and he had been forced to watch her die giving birth. It must have hurt the boy so much, to see the

one person who's been a constant in your life, vanish. Robin felt tears well up and she clutched the sobbing boy even tighter.

He had been through so much at such a young age.

She shot a grateful look at Mod-chan for being there for him. If she wasn't there… Robin didn't even want to think about what would have happened to Rosan.

"A-a super strong looking marine took Ace and he was coming after me too!" Rosan admitted with tears streaming down his eyes.

"Mama entrusted Ace to him but how could I ever trust the people who killed my mother?!" The boy wailed and he was shaking so terribly. "I-I wanted to take Ace b-but… I was

scared, scared that he'd take me and discover Mod-chan. How can I c-call myself a big brother, when I'm not even w-willing to risk myself for him!"

"The World Government, they want Mod-chan too! They want her for their own greedy hands and I can't let them have her! S-so I left Ace behind. I left Ace to save Mod-chan

because I promised that I would protect her."

Rosan clutched both her and Mod-chan possessively. "I-I already failed Ace but I can't fail you two."

To be forced to make such a heartbreaking decision at such a young age… Robin's heart went out for Rosan and she found herself becoming equally possessive of the boy.

Everything was beginning to make sense now. His love for Mod-chan, his attachment issues, his clingy tendencies, his possessed fervor at becoming the strongest. Rosan was

doing all this for the sake of others. It was polarizing how selfless this selfish boy's goal was.

One thing stuck out to her however.

"Rosan you didn't fail Ace at all! You did what you had to do! Leaving him with the strong marine was the best course of action. It's unreasonable to blame yourself for being

unable to retrieve him. To sail the seas at your age while watching a newborn, is suicide!" The Hana Hana no Mi user exclaimed.

Rosan shook his head vehemently in return. "That's not why!" he shouted, shocking her into silence. "For a second Robin…for a second, I blamed Ace for killing Mama. I can never

forgive myself for that. T-that's why I left him alone. I'm not fit to be his older brother!"

Oh. Oh. That… wasn't very good.

Robin could see why Rosan was so distraught now. Anyone in his position, would be guilty for blaming the death of a parent on their younger sibling.

Still, by his words, it seemed like he realized his mistake immediately. He was upset with himself for no reason because his reaction was natural for a boy his age!

"Rosan you're not at fault," Robin said firmly. The boy sputtered in protest but Robin wasn't having it. "You know that Ace isn't the one who killed Rouge right?" Rosan nodded

hesitantly. "So why are you still so guilty?"

Rosan immediately said "B-because I blamed him in the first place!"

Robin shook her head and shut him down "You had a natural reaction Rosan. You have to remember that you're 4 years old. You weren't thinking straight and it caused you to lash

out at the most obvious choice. That's okay Rosan, as long as you know you were wrong you can't possibly be blamed. You know who is at fault yes?"

"The Marines and Papa," Rosan said automatically with a surprising amount of venom in his tone.

Robin nodded and said "Exactly. So stop beating yourself up about it okay? If you don't I'll really be mad at you."

"NO," Rosan suddenly exclaimed making her jump. "I don't want you to be mad at me so I'll stop! You're right Robin-nee... I just have to apologize to Ace and hope he forgives


Robin and Mod both nodded approvingly. "Good job Rosan! I knew you coul- wait Papa?"

Why was Rosan's father to blame?

Rosan nodded in fury with such hate in his eyes, that Robin recoiled. "Yea Papa! If he wasn't acting like such an idiot and he hid his presence better, the Marines wouldn't be there

in the first place," he snarled.

Robin felt a sense of vertigo as she started connecting the dots. Was Rosan implying what she thought he was implying?

"Rosan… is your father Gold Roger?" Robin asked him hesitantly.

"Nope!" Rosan said and Robin let out a breath she hadn't know she'd been holding. "Papa's name is Gol D. Roger!"

Nope, that feeling was back again. Robin was torn between strangling Rosan or glaring at Mod-chan for, no doubt, purposely withholding this information. Settling for the 2nd, all

she got was a sheepish grin in return from the woman in question.

Rosan, sensing something was up, clarified Robin "Oh but Roger isn't my real father!"

"I'm adopted and Mama found me when I was a newborn! I don't know who my real parents are, because they abandoned me in a forest."

It was as if Rosan was trying to force her to cry. Every time she learned something about him, she found herself growing even more depressed for the boy. To make matters

worse, sometimes the boy didn't even realize how bad the things he said were.

Rosan had been adopted by the Pirate King and his wife. His little brother was the only child of the late man and a Marine already knew that.

Robin hoped that whoever had taken him in, did a good job at hiding his identity. If the Marines found out who Ace was, no matter what he did, they'd kill him. As she ran that by

him Rosan shook his head slightly.

"I think Mama found me on her own. I don't really know Roger like that. Apparently, I met him a few times when I was younger but I only call him Papa cuz Mama loves him. I

really don't like him much, he killed mama."

Robin was glad that Rosan trusted her enough to tell her this information. She understood completely why they had been a bit hesitant to tell her about it.

Being the son of the Pirate King, was a big deal and would put a massive target on your back. Robin could imagine the troubles the 4 year old would have if the Admirals decided

to come after him.

She shuddered at the thought of Vice Admiral Kuzan suddenly paying him a visit. The boy wouldn't stand a chance against the iceman that effortlessly killed a Giant.

Rosan probably wanted to get a lot stronger before that information was revealed to the world. She understood his fervor for training now (besides the fact that he was a battle

junky). The boy was a huge target! Not only was his alleged father Gol D. Roger, he had Mod-chan, a highly prized devil fruit who appeared to be guarded jealously by the World


The redhead was important and, despite the danger he was in, he had dragged her into his mindscape, given her a glass of milk and opened up to her to keep her at ease.

All because she couldn't sleep. The Devil Child smiled to herself as her care for Rosan reached uncomfortably high levels.

He was truly one of a kind.

Speaking of which, Rosan beamed at Robin and said "It's day time Robin-nee! Your body should have gotten a lot of rest while we were in here so you'll be less tired then before!"

Was it really daytime? Had that been Rosan's goal all along? Distract her long enough so that her body could get some much needed rest?

"From now on you can sleep or we can talk in here! Your safe with Mod-chan and I!"

Robin was stunned at just how amazing Rosan's personality was. The 4 year old had found a way to prevent her from having nightmares and he had practically extended the

invitation to her permanently.

The brunette beamed at the redhead and gladly accepted his offering. Rosan cheered and grabbed them both into a group hug.

Rosan was clingy, but he was the sweetest boy she had ever met.

His empathy was rarely seen in this world and she was lucky that she had him.

Robin didn't have nightmares for years to come.

Bonus End!

Character Sheet: Meiko

Full Name: Suzuki Meiko

Current Age: 11

Gender: Female

Summary: Daughter of Suzuki Sachie and Masaru, Meiko, unlike her parents, is much more caring then either of them. They used to always spend time with each other but one

day her parents became consumed by their research and, not wanting to involve her due to her kindness, she was neglected as a result. Very gentle in nature, she is a sweetheart

who is against violence. She has a crush on Rosan because she feels like he is the only one who treats her like a person and values what she has to say.

Devil Fruit: N/A

Appearance: Has fair skin and is almost always wearing a sailor outfit with different variation of colors.

Height: 5 ft (152.4cm)

Hair: Golden Blonde hair that is a darker shade then her fathers. It's matching in length with her mother. Normally styled into twintails.

Eyes: Electric blue like her mother. Like her father, they lack pupils.

Likes: Her parents, Rosan, cooking, helping people, and the color red.

Dislikes: Violence, the way her parents acted, being ignored, and being abandoned.

Dream: She wanted to join the medical squad in the Marines so that she could actually help people. Now she wants to stay with Rosan and help him open up more.

Fun Fact: She believes her parents hate her but they both wished to make amends with her after successfully leaving the island with Rosan.

Fun Fact #2: Her birthday is May 10th.