
One Piece: Chaos Kong

Discord Link for those interested [https://discord.gg/TGc9yymDJP] Meet Jason, soon to be a widely known infamous pirate called Diddy D. Kong, but before we get that far, let's rewind time a few hours. Jason was just your everyday man, maybe not every day, as he was a large man covered in muscles, infatuated with the concept of strength; however, before he could achieve his dream of becoming the strongest, he died of a heart attack in his sleep, though, luckily for him, that wasn't the end as he was reborn in a world where chaos runs rampant in the form of pirates. Now born in a world where his dream of becoming the strongest is achievable, watch as he slowly carves his way to the top in the body of a powerful race, along with help from some friends that'll accompany him on his journey.

Ozonelayer · Komik
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379 Chs

Chapter 298: Diddy The Fist

While Sebas and Mael fought against Ryokugyu, leaving Kizaru free to do as he pleased, he surprisingly didn't try to attack either of them, nor did he try to attack me; instead, he simply sat on the ground and watched from a distance with a look of boredom. Though, on second thought, it wasn't that surprising; I've had a few run-ins with Kizaru in the past, and one thing I've learned is that he's incredibly lazy; not once has he ever fought against me seriously; it's also one reason why I'm not nearly as interested in fighting against him as compared to the other two Admirals.

'Well, I can forget about them right now as I've got a much more interesting foe.' Mused Diddy with a feral grin as he approached the older marine, who was looking at him with an ever-present faint smile.

Standing opposite of the man known as the Hero of the Marines, I observed him, and although he was quite old, he was still an absolute monster; if it weren't for his old age, I've got no doubt he could go toe-to-toe with an Emperor of the Sea.

'Hell, he could probably do that right now; he just won't win in the long term.' Mused Diddy with a smirk as he stretched his back and cracked his knuckles.

"Sebas has told me that you used to fight with Roger and Whitebeard in your younger days." Stated Diddy with a curious gaze as he looked at the older marine, who raised an eyebrow before chuckling while rolling up his sleeves.

"Haha, that sure brings back memories; those were the times." Remarked Garp with boisterous laughter as he removed his marine cape while eyeing Diddy, who excitedly licked his fangs.

"He even told me something known as the God Vally incident happened where you and Roger were required to team up to defeat a single pirate. Rocks D. Xebec." Said Diddy with a curious glint, his words causing Garp to furrow his brows, prompting him to rub his head.

"Ugh, now that isn't a memory I exactly wish to remember; I learned quite a lot during that incident, and it changed my outlook on how I viewed the world. Though, how'd you come across such information? Did Linlin tell you? Nah, you said Sebas did, right? Huh, how'd he do that?" Remarked Garp with a frown as he shook his head before glancing at Diddy with a raised eyebrow only to adorn a thoughtful expression.

"Heh, he has his ways." Replied Diddy with a feral grin as he lowered himself onto all fours while tapping his head with his tail, only to suddenly lunge towards Garp like a bolt of lightning.

Since my opponent was only using his fists, I did the same too; it would make things more interesting; leaping towards Garp, I clenched my fists and punched him with just a normal attack with no haki whatsoever, while he responded in kind, which proved to be the wrong move as I managed to force him to take several steps backs.

"Damn, that hurt, heh; it seems my old age really is catching up with me; I can't even stop a light punch from a brat." Said Garp with a faint chuckle as he shook his hand lightly, his words causing every nearby marine to widen their eyes in shock.

"D-Did Vice-admiral Garp just say light punch? T-That attack punctured a hole into a battleship!" Remarked a marine in shock as he pointed towards a sinking battleship with a large hole in it, prompting everyone aboard to quickly abandon ship.

Despite clearly having the upper hand in that exchange, I didn't underestimate Garp and lunged back towards him, attacking him in the same exact way, yet this time, he used armament haki, and well, it was rather obvious to both of us how that was going to end.

"Ahh, f-fuck, that hurt." Muttered Diddy with a grin as he shook his hand while eyeing Garp, who chuckled.

"C'mon, let me give you what I like to call the fist of love." Said Garp with a smile as he lunged towards Diddy, who coated his arms in haki, the two aggressively slamming into each other.

Grabbing each other's hands, we tried pushing against each other, attempting to overpower the other, but neither side was able to do so with ease, causing me to grin as I surged lighting through my body and into Garp's, causing him to wince in pain, allowing me to gain a slight edge as I slowly forced him back, only for him to suddenly head butt me in the nose.

"Haha, just 'cause I'm old doesn't mean I'll be so easily defeated…" Said Garp with a grin as he pushed Diddy back slightly while occasionally wincing in pain, only for a tail to suddenly hit him in the stomach.

"…Heh, neither will I, Grandpa." Added Diddy with a feral smirk as he fell onto his back before kicking Garp into the air, followed by him springing into the air after him with his tail.

Kicking the air, I continued to lunge towards Garp, who was doing the same, causing us to slam into each other once more, but thanks to my tail, I was able to overpower his momentum as we continued higher into the sky.

"C'mon, teach me why they call you Garp The Fist!" Declared Diddy with a grin as he coated his fist in armament and conqueror's haki while converging all of his strength to his arm.

Punching Garp in the face with a beast fist, I flung Garp far through the sky, causing him to leave behind a faint trail of blood, only for him to reorient himself in the air while wiping the blood that leaked from his nose.

"Heh, aren't you one special brat?" Said Garp lightly as he coated his fist in both types of haki, causing Diddy to grin.

"Galaxy… IMPACT!" Yelled Garp loudly as he punched at Diddy, releasing a ferocious amount of haki that violently surged towards him.

Seeing the incoming punch heading right for me, I couldn't help but grin widely as I opened my arms instead of trying to block the attack; in fact, I didn't even use haki to defend myself. I wanted to fully experience the attack for myself, and that turned out to be a mistake as I was promptly forced out of the air and flung towards Impel Down, smashing right into the island while coughing blood.

"Urgh, that fucking hurt." Muttered Diddy painfully, with uneven breathing, as he wiped his mouth and slowly exited from the crater.

Once I exited the crater, I violently shook my body, removing all the dust and pebbles stuck in my fur before gazing at Garp, who landed on the ground in front of me; yet, just when he was about to attack me, I raised my fist into the air and coated it in both types of haki, causing him to momentarily freeze while his eyes slightly widened.

"Hehe, what comes around goes around… Galaxy Impact!" Stated Diddy with a feral grin as he punched Garp in an almost identical manner to how he had previously done.

As my haki violently surged towards him, he quickly coated his body in both types of haki, protecting him from the attack, though that didn't stop my attack from completely obliterating the several marine battleships behind him.

'Hmm, my attack is rough around the edges and could definitely be improved upon, though I've only seen it used twice, so I didn't expect much.' Mused Diddy lightly as he eyed Garp, who was staring at him in astonishment, not only him but so was his disciple, who just so happened to be fighting against Scar.

"D-Did Choas Kong just copy G-Garps Galaxy Impact!?" Exclaimed Koby in astonishment as he stared at Garp and Diddy while Scar faintly chuckled.

"Heh, that's my Master and Captain for you; I've never seen a technique or unique attack he couldn't copy, well, except for ones that required specific weapons like swords or devil fruits." Said Scar with a smirk as he glanced at Diddy before shifting his focus toward the right, launching a sharp wind blade at some unfortunate marines that tried to sneak attack Grand.

Chuckling at Garps surprised expression, I spat blood onto the ground while my body arced with lightning.

"Hehe, so, what else do you have for me to copy?" Asked Diddy with a smirk as he dashed towards Garp, forgoing his own techniques and instead using only the one he had copied.

"Well, I now somewhat understand why you have such a high bounty." Muttered Garp as he lunged towards Diddy, the two engaging in a rather violent fistfight that shook all of Impel Down every time their fists clashed.



"Tsk, god dammit, it feels like the entire building is about to collapse; can't Captain control himself a little?" Muttered Trenza in annoyance as she used a nearby pole to keep herself stable while Janet wasn't too far away from her.

"Maybe you aren't satisfying his sexual needs, and he's venting it through fighting?" Said Janet lightly as she glanced at Trenza, who scoffed before aiming her pistol at her.

"Don't take it there, Janet; do you know what it's like to be fucked by Captain? Every time he pounds me, it feels like he's rearranging my guts; also, if you haven't noticed, he isn't exactly interested in gentle sex." Remarked Trenza in annoyance as she eyed Janet, who rolled he eyes.

"Oh please, you're always moaning like a bitch, don't say stuff like that, you're enjoying every second of it; and speaking of sex, we are here to free Freyja, not to talk about Captain gouging your insides out." Stated Janet with a shake of her head as she used a nearby railing to help keep her stabilized amidst the intense shaking, causing Trenza's expression to twitch.


Created a discord server, so if anyone wishes to join, [https://discord.gg/TGc9yymDJP]



Elven Legacy (Chapter 295: Leaving Phoenix Clan) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 177: Guardian of Azarath) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 308: Momonosuke The Coward!)|| Marvel's Black Steel (Chapter 204: Victory!) at [patreon.com/Ozonelayer691]

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