
One Piece: Chaos Kong

Discord Link for those interested [https://discord.gg/TGc9yymDJP] Meet Jason, soon to be a widely known infamous pirate called Diddy D. Kong, but before we get that far, let's rewind time a few hours. Jason was just your everyday man, maybe not every day, as he was a large man covered in muscles, infatuated with the concept of strength; however, before he could achieve his dream of becoming the strongest, he died of a heart attack in his sleep, though, luckily for him, that wasn't the end as he was reborn in a world where chaos runs rampant in the form of pirates. Now born in a world where his dream of becoming the strongest is achievable, watch as he slowly carves his way to the top in the body of a powerful race, along with help from some friends that'll accompany him on his journey.

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372 Chs

Chapter 284: Informing Big Mom

It's been a few days since my announcement of launching an all-out attack against the Big Mom Pirates, and since we initially weren't too far away from Totto Land, it shouldn't take long for us to get there; matter of fact, we should be there soon, possibly even today. As for right now, I was sitting on the roof of the fortress, training my haki, something I've constantly been doing ever since I entered the New World; after all, one thing I quickly learned was that if you wished to be the strongest, you needed haki; not some world-destroying devil fruit like Mael's.

Of course, a devil fruit is helpful, and during these two years, we've come across two more devil fruits, none of which any of the crew consumed, at least, not the Frenzy Commanders, and it wasn't tempting to me either so we just gave it to some of our strongest officers.

'Speaking of haki, I should be able to match Shanks's level of haki soon.' Mused Diddy lightly with a frown as he clenched his fist before staring into the night sky, the full moon shining against his lustrous golden brown fur.

Despite having angered Big Mom, the first Emperor of the sea I had come across was Shanks, and he was strong, possibly even stronger than Big Mom; well, at least his haki definitely was; it was even capable of destroying my observation haki, something I never thought possible. Of course, that wasn't enough to scare me, and I fought him, and I obviously lost, though to be fair, by the time I had gotten to him, I was greatly injured from my fight with Beckman, his right-hand man, so there was no way I was going to win.

"Still, what doesn't kill me simply makes me stronger." Stated Diddy with a feral grin as he narrowed his eyes while eyeing the full moon.

As for the last Emperor, Kaido, he's the one I truly wish to fight since he's tilted the strongest creature alive, and after we finish our assault on Totto Land, we're heading straight for Wano, wherever that place is located.

'Hmm, I'm pretty sure the cat and dog know where Wano is; I'll also visit them.' Mused Diddy lightly as he stood up and yawned, stretching himself before leaping onto his hammock.

I've yet to face Kaido in battle, though I've fought against King, his right-hand man, and that was one tough fight; to be honest, it wouldn't have been so bad if I had done the smart thing and decided to attack him when he traded his defense for speed, but, that wouldn't have been as challenging nor fun. In the end, I barely beat him since I learned advanced armament haki in the middle of the fight, which allowed me to ignore his defense and directly attack his insides.

To be honest, I'm still not happy with that win. I wanted to overpower his defense with my raw strength, which was my initial goal, but I was too weak for that.

"I should try again when I go and visit Kaido; it's been a little over a year since my fight with King; I've gotten much stronger, so maybe I can." Muttered Diddy lightly as he closed his eyes, slowly drifting to sleep amidst the night sky.



"Whore." "Dumbass." Said Diddy and Freyja, respectively, as he sat down opposite of her, the two greeting each other like usual.

"So, we should be nearing Totto land, right? How close are we, Trenza?" Asked Scar calmly as he glanced at Trenza, who was playing cards against Janet.

"Yeah, I asked Mony this morning, and she said we should get to Totto land by tomorrow, so we should arrive within Totto land really soon. Tsk, bastard." Replied Trenza lightly as she glanced at Scar, who nodded before glancing at Janet in annoyance, causing her to mischievously chuckle.

"Do tell me, Captain, why are we suddenly launching a raid on Totto Land?" Asked Sebas curiously as he sat down beside Freyja, who rolled her eyes before scooting over.

"Because I'm bored; besides, I'm pretty sure she's the weakest among the Emperors. Granted, I still haven't faced Kaido, but he's called the strongest creature." Replied Diddy blandly as he glanced at Sebas, who nodded with a slight chuckle.

"Hoho, I'm not the least bit surprised, though even if that's the case, at the end of the day, an Emperor is still an Emperor; I wouldn't underestimate any of them, just like how they shouldn't underestimate you." Remarked Sebas lightly as he rubbed his chin with a thoughtful expression while looking at Diddy, only for Mael to suddenly sit down on the other side.

"I call dibs on fighting Katakuri." Said Mael Sternly as he eyed Freyja, who promptly closed her book before eyeing him in amusement.

"Hmph, what?" Added Mael aggressively as he stared at Freyja, who suddenly widened her eyes in surprise.

"Oh, you were being serious? I thought you were just joking. Fuck no. That hunk of a man is going to be my victim." Declared Freyja, her words causing Mael to grunt as he narrowed his eyes while wisps of plasma erupted from his body.

"Hmph, you think that's going to scare me? Why would I be scared of someone weaker than me?" Questioned Freyja lightly as she raised an eyebrow while eyeing him, causing him to grit his teeth angrily.

"Hoho, just because someone is weaker than you doesn't necessarily mean you shouldn't be scared of them; strength isn't the sole deciding factor in a fight. Your wits play a large part as well." Remarked Sebas softly as he glanced at Freyja, who scoffed while brushing her hair behind her ear.

"Hmph, calling me stupid again? You love doing that, Sebas; why don't you ever talk about your strength? Is it because you know you're weaker than me and will always be weaker than me?" Asked Freyja mockingly with a wicked smirk as she leaned in closer to Sebas, whose expression stiffed, yet before things could escalate, a hand rested atop his and Maels shoulder.

"Will you three please calm yourselves? I wouldn't bother interfering, but we're about to enter the territory of the Big Mom pirates. Now isn't the time for this." Said Scar with a slight frown as he held both Sebas and Mael down with his superior haki while eyeing Freyja, who pouted.

"Tsk, maybe if you weren't Freyja's boy toy, you wouldn't always take her side." Said Mael in annoyance as he clicked his tongue and folded his arms, causing Scar to furrow his brows.

"I'm not taking her side; if anything, I'm taking Captain's; besides, what's the point in arguing with her? You should be fighting her; you know how the Frenzy pirates operate." Declared Scar with a slight frown as he eyed Mael, who grunted in anger before suddenly standing up and pushing against him.

"No, I don't know how we operate; teach me, Scar." Said Mael aggressively as he stared daggers at Scar, who furrowed his brows before stepping back and raising his hands.

"Haa, just calm down, Mael; I'm not going to fight you, not right now-" Said Scar lightly, yet he couldn't finish as a glowing golden axe covered in plasma swung down at him, forcing him to stop it with his palm.

"Mael. Don't make things difficult." Stated Scar sternly as he stopped Mael's axe from touching his skin using advanced haki.

"Hehe, as much as I'd love to see you and Scar fight, let's hold off for now; launching an assault on an Emperor isn't something we can do when two of our strongest are injured after fighting." Ordered Diddy with a smirk as he shifted his focus between Mael and Scar, his words annoying the former, though he still listened and retracted his axe.

Once Mael calmed down, Scar returned to talking with Grand while everything slowly returned to normal, though after a few minutes, I suddenly grinned as I stood up from my seat.

"Hehehehe, I can see her." Said Diddy with a feral grin as he looked straight ahead, staring far into the distance.

"See who?" Asked Chala curiously as she glanced at Diddy, whose grin deepened.

"Hehe, Linlin. That fat bitch is doing exactly what I'd expect. Eating." Remarked Diddy with a massive grin, his words causing Freyja to click her tongue in annoyance.

"We haven't even entered Totto Land, yet you can already see her? Your haki just keeps on growing without a limit." Muttered Freyja in slight anger as she eyed Diddy in hatred, causing him to smirk while Sebas chuckled.

"Hoho, I can just some islands within Totto Land." Said Sebas with a chuckle, causing Freyja and Mael to click their tongues.

"Hehe, it wouldn't be fun if I didn't give her at least the chance to prepare herself." Said Diddy with a massive grin as his conqueror's haki exploded out of his body and surged through the sky, heading straight for Whole Cake Island.



"Mamamama, what delicious food." Said Linlin with a large smile as she grabbed a cake, devouring the whole thing in one bite.

With Big Mom completely unaware of the approaching Frenzy Pirates, she continued to indulge in the banquet before her, yet this peace only lasted for so long as all of a sudden, the clouds above darkened as a powerful haki surged through the sky, causing thousands to fall unconscious as it surrounded Big Mom.

"This haki!? Red Haired!?" Exclaimed Big Mom furiously as she narrowed her eyes and stood up, her haki surging as she pushed against the other haki.

"Hehe, I'm coming, Linlin. Best Prepare." Said Diddy, his voice echoing within Whole Cake Island, yet the only one still conscious was Linlin, whose expression contorted into wrath.

"CHAOS KONG!!" Yelled Linlin furiously as a smiling sun and cloud suddenly turned violent, matching her uncontrollable fury.



For those curious about how strong the Frenzy pirates have become, here is a large hint.


Diddy has all three advanced forms of haki, with his haki being the best among the crew by far.

Freyja has advanced observation and intermediate armament haki along with basic conqueror's haki, making her the strongest directly after Diddy.

Sebas has advanced observation and basic armament haki, while Mael is the opposite with intermediate armament and basic observation haki; Scar has both advanced observation and intermediate armament haki, though his mastery is slightly worse than both Mael and Sebas in their respective expertise of haki, either way, they are all roughly on par with each other strength wise.

Grand has intermediate armament haki, yet no observation haki, while Trenza is the opposite with advanced observation haki and no armament haki; Chala has basic armament and observation haki, while Pandemonium has only basic armament haki, causing all four of them to be roughly on par with each other.

Janet is currently the only Frenzy pirate without any haki.


Created a discord server, so if anyone wishes to join, [https://discord.gg/TGc9yymDJP]



Elven Legacy (Chapter 288: Elif's Rebirth) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 170: Nightly Love) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 294: Returning To Fishman Island)|| Marvel's Black Steel (Chapter 204: Victory!) at [patreon.com/Ozonelayer691]

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