
One Piece: Biggest Scum in Marine History

At the Marine internal hearing, Marine executives conducted serious questioning on Marine's "scum" and North Blue Admiral Darren. "You have inappropriate relationships with royal princesses and noble ladies from many countries in the North Blue?" "I care about the people." Marine senior management:...... "Then how do you explain the ridiculously high pay for soldiers in the North Blue Marine you lead?" "Otherwise, relying on the salary from the headquarters, you will let others work for you?" Marine senior management: (ーー゛) "Why does the North Blue fleet possess Germa technology?" "Military-civilian cooperation, Germa 66 was inspired by my justice." Marine senior management: ( ̄o ̄) "How do you explain the unnatural deaths of Celestial Dragons in North Blue?" "Oh, it was a shipwreck... It's so unfortunate and I'm personally deeply sorry." Marine senior management: (‧_‧?) "Last question, how would you describe yourself?" Hearing this, Darren, who was the highest officer of Marine North Blue at the time, bit his cigar and smiled calmly: "I smoke, I drink, I'm greedy, I'm lustful, I fight for power, I cheat, I do everything, but I'm a good Marine." Marine senior executive:? ? ? Garp: The fucking old man can't take it anymore, Sengoku, don't stop me, I'm going to beat this kid up! ! Well, this is the story of a rebellious, depraved Marine scum.

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135 Chs

Chapter 38

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Chapter 38: Kong and the Five Elders

Fleet Admiral Kong was awakened from his sleep by his own soldiers late at night. Despite the irritability that comes with being deprived of sleep, he forced himself to take a ship to the holy land of Mariejois. After sailing on the inland river of the Red Line, he transferred to the official ship of the World Government and then to a horse-drawn carriage. Three hours later, exhausted, Fleet Admiral Marine finally arrived at the inner city of the Holy Land Mariejois: Pangu City.

Although Fleet Admiral Kong was close to 80 years old, he didn't look old or tired. He was hale and hearty with deep eyes, sporting a Mohawk hairstyle. His gray hair stood up like steel needles, and his face was cold and resolute. His burly, open chest displayed muscles that were sharply defined against his bronze skin, presenting a rough and violent beauty. He exuded a majesty that was as imposing as a mountain, with a cloak decorated with golden wheat ears fluttering in the wind on his shoulders.

Fleet Admiral Kong looked up at the staircase that seemed to lead to heaven, puffing his chest and straightening his back in a manner befitting his title. He climbed the holy steps amidst the gaze of countless hidden white ghosts in the dark. He eventually arrived at a Little Garden with birds singing and fragrant flowers, creating a pleasant environment. In the midst of the blooms stood a small western-style building with a white exterior wall, lush ivy in the corner, and a dome as sharp as a giant sword.

"Fleet Admiral Kong," greeted two waiters in black suits and white gloves who stood outside the door, bowing to Kong. He nodded at them, took a deep breath, and pushed the door open to enter the small western building.

Inside the building was an elegantly decorated hall. A pot of boiled tea sat on an intricately carved coffee table. The five old men, exuding an aura of superiority, were not to be directly looked at or challenged. These were the Five Elders, the highest authority of today's World Government.

"Marine Fleet Admiral Kong, greeting the Lord Five Elders," Kong said resolutely as he stepped forward.

He glanced at one of the elders on the far left, a man clad in a black tailored suit with a mustache and a shocking scar on his face. "Congratulations to Lord Damocles, elected to the new position of supreme power with a high number of votes," Kong offered.

"There's no need for such formalities, Kong," replied the new Five Elder Saint Damocles in a hoarse voice. "You are very clear on why we've asked you here."

"Of course, but before that, I have a question for you," Kong responded seriously. "Why did you bypass me, the Marine Fleet Admiral, and directly issue the evacuation order to Headquarters Sengoku? The arrest of Byrnndi Valdo has been long planned and is about to be a success. Miss this chance, and there will be endless troubles in the future!"

"Are you questioning the government's decision?" asked Saint Damocles with displeasure. "The Marine Admiral must act to punish any offense against the Celestial Dragons. Sildus Saint died in North Blue, and we haven't held you Marines accountable for negligence! Do you think the lives of the world's nobles aren't as important as an arrest mission?"

Kong faced the pressure of the World Government's highest power, feeling a chill but standing firm. "The safety of the world's nobles is crucial, but arresting Byrnndi Valdo is also urgent," Kong maintained. "He's ambitious and holds power that could destroy the world. Saint was shipwrecked because of Byrnndi Waldo's attack. If he isn't stopped, these seas will never be at peace. Furthermore, for investigating Saint's death, I could delegate other members of the headquarters..."

"Who could you send?" the blond elder interrupted, sneering. "There are three Admirals at the headquarters, Zephyr has retired, and Garp has refused promotion. Would you send Garp to investigate a Celestial Dragon's death, or would you, the Marine Fleet Admiral, go to North Blue personally?"

As the Five Elders pressed him with their aggressive questions, Kong opened his mouth but, ultimately, found himself at a loss for words.

I felt extremely downhearted.

Despite being the Marine Fleet Admiral, my apparent power was deceptive; there weren't many under my command who could actually be directed by me.

Take Zephyr, for instance. That fellow had already left active service due to the tragedy that occurred years ago. Were it not for his heartfelt pleas, Zephyr might have even left the marines to honor his teacher's memory. Though he retained the rank of Admiral, he had essentially stepped away from naval operations to focus on training new officers.

Even as the Marine Fleet Admiral, I couldn't easily override his personal wishes.

And then there was Garp...

To have him look into the death of Celestial Dragons? What a farce.

Upon hearing the news, that man probably just indulged in doughnuts, laughed, and declared it a "good death".

It seemed that Sengoku was indeed my only viable option.

With these thoughts, he couldn't help but grit his teeth and clench his fists. The threat level of "World Destroyer" Byrnndi Waldo had been evaluated by Naval Headquarters as exceptionally high, surpassing even that of Roger and Whitebeard. 

Although these two had immense strength and influence, they usually did not target civilians or towns. The former, though impulsive, never deliberately harmed the innocent and had even "collaborated" with the marines in the past. The latter, content with little ambition, merely traveled the New World, gathering new members to form his "family".

But Byrnndi Waldo, the madman, was different. His creed was to "destroy everything in my path", and he was merciless. Driven to achieve his goals, he would attack towns, civilians, and even Marine Bases without a second thought. His ambition to topple the world government and the fearsome destructive force of the "More-more Fruit" made him a far greater threat to world peace than Whitebeard or Roger. We were so close to apprehending him...

Damocles Saint, observing his conflicted expression, spoke slowly, "Kong, CP's forces have infiltrated the Ward Pirates. Byrnndi Valdo won't be able to hide anywhere."

Kong was startled by the revelation.

CP had infiltrated Byrnndi Valdo's ranks?

The Five Elders member, bald and casually dressed in a training suit, wiped his samurai sword and interjected calmly, "Enough about this issue, we won't waste any more words. The death of the Celestial Dragons concerns the World Government's reputation. It must be thoroughly investigated, and the marines must cooperate fully to provide us with an explanation. Besides this, seal the information; this incident must be kept confidential."

"I understand," Kong replied, knowing that further argument was futile.

Not every Celestial Dragon was spoiled, pompous, arrogant, and incompetent. Though born with immense power and privilege, which could breed fools, brutes, the disturbed, and egomaniacs, a select few among the Celestial Dragons were talented, wise, and strong. 

Raised with elite education, mentored by the finest teachers in various disciplines, and filtered through rigorous selection processes, they eventually took up key positions within the World Government as adults. Otherwise, if all Celestial Dragons were perverse in that manner, the government would have collapsed long ago, unable to maintain its eight-century-long reign.

The Five Elders, wielding supreme authority, were the crème de la crème of the Celestial Dragons. Their heritage naturally positioned them to perpetuate the Celestial Dragons' dominance and status. It was an inescapable truth.

The Celestial Dragons were supreme, the gods of the sea. This was their unwavering principle and an unbreakable rule. There was no room for negotiation.

Yet, from the Five Elders' last remark, Kong sensed there was more to the story. Keep the information sealed...