
One Piece: Battle of Trafalgar

Trafalgar Law's little sister survived but she has the soul of a very ancient being, the former Empress of a different realm. How will the future be impacted after adding the troublemaker in mix.

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39 Chs

Auction House: Struggle of Amelia and Olivia

A group of young girls led by a purple-haired thief were running around the building trying to find an exit and avoiding the guards who were closing in.

Carina was currently leading the girls they found in the room next to the auction house. They were all scared and confused as they found themselves in the middle of a battlefield.

The main building was collapsing and burning in flames, adding to the chaos and danger. Carina was running with the girls, pushing them to hurry and stay together.

They had to avoid the guards and the flames that spread across the building.

The battle between Who's Who and the Nova siblings was intensifying and Who's Who found himself losing the upper hand.

Olivia and Amelia were fighting with all their might, trying to bring the Saber tooth down. Amelia turned her whole body into a cloud that filled almost the entire room, while Olivia dived inside the cloud and used it as cover while she rained bullets on Who's Who.

' These girls know how to synchronize their attacks, also what the in hell is inside those bullets! ,' thought Who's Who as he coated his entire body with Haki, trying to defend himself.

However, the Nova siblings have been training for years to master their Devil fruits and fighting skills. Their teamwork was flawless as they knew each other's strengths and weaknesses.

Who's Who was starting to feel overwhelmed as he couldn't keep up with the two sisters. It was then he heard one of his subordinates offering to assist him however, the subordinate was quickly shot in the head by Olivia.

After seeing one of his subordinates get killed, Who's Who lost his cool and charged inside the cloud, determined to take the sisters down.

As soon as he entered the cloud, he was met with a barrage of attacks from the sisters which he could barely dodge.

He Launched himself toward Olivia, only to be kicked back by Amelia, who turned her leg into a giant mace made of cloud that sent him crashing into the wall.

The situation was getting out of hand as he continued to struggle against the Nova siblings.

Two figure stand meters apart from each other, locked in a battle of strength and endurance. Alexia and Azula both refused to go down without a fight, their eyes blazing with determination and fury as they traded blows.

Their clash sent shockwaves that could be felt across the entire building. The intensity of their battle was both awed and feared by those who witnessed it.

Azula was starting to feel fatigued as she continued to clash with Alexia. However, she refused to give up and she wanted to push Alexia to her limits.

Seeing the building lit up in flames from her own attacks, Azula decided to launch herself into the sky, initiating an aerial battle.

Alexia quickly followed as she flapped her wings and took into the air, her eyes fixed on Azula as they continued their battle in the vast sky.

The display of their power was a sight to behold as one could see a fire demon battle it out against the feathered serpent.

Their movements were so fast that they were almost a blur as they dodged and countered each other's attacks.

Inside the building, another battle was underway as Reiju faced off against Page One who looked like he was on his last legs.

Page One had suffered immeasurable damage from Alexia before he started his battle against Reiju and that has led to him being severely damaged and weakened.

Despite his condition, he refused to give up and continued fighting against Reiju with all his might. But Reiju was relentless.

Her attacks were quick and precise, and she didn't give him a chance to catch his breath. She coated poison on her attacks, which weakened his body further.

She jumped into the sky ready to deliver the final blow as she started to spin around and coated her legs with poison, creating a deadly vortex of destruction that came crashing down on Page One.

The attack sent Page One flying out of the window and crashed on the ground, defeated. Reiju looked down upon his defeated body with satisfaction, knowing she has defeated such a strong opponent.

She turned her attention back to the building that was still ablaze and headed toward the direction that Carina and the girls went off.

Reiju knew she couldn't let them out of her sight, especially with the chaos that was still unfolding around them.

Lami and Oven were still engaged in their battle and it looked like the ice was starting to overwhelm the heat. ' This girl is getting better at handling her ice and the battle keeps going, thought Oven as he melted the ice that was surrounding him.

As the battle continued, Lami was getting better at using her fruit power and she started to gain the upper hand in her battle of the elements. Her ice powers were getting more refined as the battle went on.

It seemed like she was starting to control the environment around them as ice spikes started to erupt from the ground, surrounding Oven. Lami was a force to be reckoned with and Oven needed to come up with a new strategy.

The battle continued to intensify as the two clashed in a display of power and determination. Their attacks were fierce and showed no sign of stopping any time soon.

Vice-Admiral Fujimura was finished evacuating the civilians and rushed back to the scene. " I was getting bored of watching my brother fight, I hope you can entertain me," spoke Snack with a grin as he was watching the intense battle between Lami and Oven from the sidelines.

Fujimura turned his attention toward Snack, " If I'm correct you're the former Sweet commander of the Big Mom pirates," he said, his tone indicating that he was ready for a fight.

The grin that Snack had turned into a frown as he moved toward Fujimura, " Just because I lost my title doesn't mean I'm a pushover," he retorted as he charged toward the Vice-Admiral with his huge sword drawn.

Fujimura was ready for an attack as he unsheathed his sword and took a stance, " My aim wasn't to fight but if I must defeat you to save the civilians so be it," he replied calmly as he blocked Snack's attack.

The part of the building that Lami and Oven were fighting on was filled with smoke and flames that came from their battle and also the flames from Azula that were spreading across the building.

' There's too much heat in here I need to cool down the entire room,' thought Lami as she concentrated and mixed her Qi with her new ice powers to create a massive wave of coldness that froze everything in sight including the guards that were in the area.

Oven's body was also affected by the ice around him and he struggled to move, his flames diminishing. Lami continued to press her advantage and successfully froze Oven in place, rendering him unable to move.

Carina and the girls were running as fast as they could, trying to escape the burning building.

They could hear the sound of explosions and gunfire all around them, and the smoke was so thick that it was hard to see.

"This way!" Carina shouted, leading the girls down a hallway. They ran past burning rooms and bodies, and Carina could feel the heat of the flames on her skin.

However, as they were running the floor and the walls suddenly got covered by ice and the flames were extinguished. Lami had managed to cool down the entire area, making it easier for them to breathe and see.

However, for others the ice wasn't a pleasant surprise as the ice was attacking them without warning, freezing them in place and rendering them unable to move.

They finally reached a door at the end of the hallway, and Carina pushed it open. They found themselves in the direction of the shore where they docked their ship, and Carina could see the ship in the distance.

"We made it!" Carina said, relief in her voice. She turned to the girls and smiled. "Now let's head over to the ship."

The girls nodded and started to run toward the ocean. Carina followed close behind, and they soon reached the shore.

They stopped and looked back at the burning building. The flames were getting extinguished by the ice, and Carina could see the smoke rising into the sky.

"I can't believe we made it out of there," one of the girls said. "Me neither," Carina said. "But we're safe now." They turned and started to walk away from the burning building.

Carina took a deep breath of the fresh air, and she smiled. They had made it out alive, and that was all that mattered.

As they walked, Carina thought about everything that had happened. She had been through a lot in the past few days, but she had also learned a lot.

As she looked out at sea, Carina's expression turned grim as she saw the number of ships that were approaching the island.

Olivia and Amelia stood against Who's Who who turned out to be a strong opponent. ' What is up with this guy and that weird Haki of his,' thought Olivia as she tried to dodge another Fang Pistol attack from Who's Who.

However, the attack was moving too fast to dodge so she chose to block it with her arm trifle, only to realize that was a mistake.

The force of the impact sent Olivia flying and she crashed into a nearby wall, wincing in pain. The attack was too strong that it broke through her rifle and blood started spilling down from her arm.

" Neesan!" cried out Amelia as she used her ability to create a cushion for Olivia who was knocked back by one of Who's Who attacks.

Amelia's heart was racing as she helped Olivia. " Calm down it's not that bad, it will grow back in a few hours, right now we need to focus," spoke Olivia with a determined voice.

Nico Robin watched from afar with a worried expression. She felt guilty watching others get hurt in her place. She didn't know whether to flee for her life or to try and save the girls that were risking their lives protecting her.

Lami who had completely frozen Oven with her ice powers was interrupted in her celebration as she saw Oven suddenly look like magma was coming out of his body.

The heat was intense as Oven melted the ice that was able to freeze him to the bone. Snack was shocked when he saw his brother use his full power and he knew that it meant he was in trouble.

Oven's whole body was glowing in heat even the ice started to melt in the room. The situation was looking dire, but Lami looked unaffected by the intense heat.

< Heat Man Burn>

Oven was now in his awakened state and was more dangerous than before. Ice and heat kept clashing and producing steam, making it difficult for anyone to see.

Lami was enjoying the intensity as she hoped that it will push her powers to the limit. She also hoped to awaken her fruit powers the first time she tries them out.

The intense battle continued with both sides not willing to give up. The room temperature kept on rising as Oven used his powers to the max and Ace also contributed to the heat getting intense.

' How can a mere rookie push me to this extent?' thought Oven as he tried to catch his breath.

Oven was shocked at the power display of Lami and he knew he had to respond with everything he has in his arsenal. He knew he couldn't lose to her as that will affect the reputation of the Big Mom Pirates.

Oven gathered his remaining strength to deliver the final blow to Lami. He charged toward her with his whole body engulfed in flames ready to end the battle once and for all.

Lami stood her ground and lifted her hand which was glowing in a bright blue light. She concentrated all her Qi and Devil fruit energy on her hand and unleashed a powerful ice blast that engulfed Oven and froze him solid.

The blast made its way through the entire building and froze the walls and the floor.

Who's Who stood before Amelia and Olivia who were shocked at his display of power. ' The training with the young master has paid off,' thought Who's Who with a smirk on his face.

' We need a way to deal with that abnormal Haki of his,' thought Olivia as she got up on her feet.

Who's Who looked at them with a sense of superiority, knowing that he was now stronger than both of them. He charged toward Olivia with his claws extended ready to strike.

Unfortunately, he was blocked by a shield made of cloud and coated in Haki. It was Amelia who jumped in front of Olivia to protect her.

Who's Who didn't stop with his attack and kept pushing forward. Amelia's shield crumbled under the pressure and they were sent crashing to the ground.

'It's that weird Haki again, it's similar to how Alexia uses her Qi energy to generate shockwaves,' thought Olivia as she got up on her feet.

She knew they needed a plan to defeat Who's Who, and fast. Who's Who jumped in front of Olivia and placed his fists near her abdomen and shouted, "It's over, Rokougan!"

The attack sent shockwaves inside Olivia and damaged her internal organs, causing her to cough up blood and fall to the ground.

Amelia who saw the sight lost it, she stood up and charged towards Who's Who sending powerful lightning attacks his way.

The attacks were fierce and fast, as she summoned the full extent of her Devil Fruit powers to unleash a barrage of lightning bolts.

Who's Who struggled with the attacks and tried to dodge them, but they kept coming at him non-stop.

The attacks eventually proved to be too much for him to handle, and he fell to the ground defeated.

Meanwhile, Vice-Admiral Fujimura and Snack were still fighting. The battle was evenly matched, and neither side was able to gain an advantage.

"You're not half bad," Snack said, panting. " But you're no match for me."

"We'll see about that," Fujimura replied, blocking another attack.

The two continued to fight, their attacks becoming more and more powerful. The ground around them was shaking, and the air was filled with the sound of clashing metal.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Fujimura landed a decisive blow. Snack was knocked to the ground, and he didn't get back up.

Fujimura sheathed his sword and walked away from Snack. " My mission is over," he said. " The reinforcements have arrived."
