
One Piece: Bai Ye Deputy Captain of the Straw Hats

Bai Ye, hailing from the mystical Wudang Mountains, is a skilled cultivator. He finds himself in the world of One Piece through the power of an enigmatic book. This twist of fate intertwines his path with that of the charismatic Luffy, the aspiring Pirate King. With his unique cultivation techniques, Bai Ye becomes Luffy's trusted deputy captain. Together, they embark on thrilling adventures, braving the seas to find the legendary treasure, One Piece.

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188 Chs

Chapter 36 Zeff's Dilemma

Author: Xiao Yifeng

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

Truth be told, Bai Ye was overthinking things a bit. He was counting on Luffy's natural charm to coax the truth out of Sanji. However, they hadn't realized that for a man like Sanji, who values "chivalry" above all, Nami would be the perfect person to unravel his secrets. Thus, after much persistence, the Straw Hat crew eventually learned the whole story.

"Zeff sacrificed his right leg to save Sanji. Dealing with such a deep debt of gratitude is quite complicated," Usopp remarked thoughtfully, acknowledging the weight of the life-saving favor.

"Why not choose a different chef? I'm not a fan of that stupid cook," Zoro stated bluntly, reflecting on the quickly evolving dynamics between him and Sanji over the past few days.

Nami swiveled her head towards Bai Ye, inquiring, "Bai Ye, have you considered any solutions? Is there something you can do to restore Zeff's leg?"

At this point, everyone's curiosity was piqued, Nami's included. They knew Bai Ye often surprised them, but regenerating a lost limb seemed far-fetched.

"I have a method," Bai Ye whispered, his words dropping like a bombshell, causing an uproar among the crew.

"WHAT?!" exclaimed Zoro, Usopp, and Nami in unison, taken aback.

"AWESOME!! I knew Bai Ye would have a way," Luffy responded, his eyes sparkling with unflinching faith. He believed that if Bai Ye claimed he could do something, then it was certainly within his capabilities.

With a casual flick of his wrist, Bai Ye confidently declared, "Exactly, now that we're aware of the issue, there's no point in delaying..."

"Let's resolve this situation immediately."

Then, led by Bai Ye, they all headed to Baratie, where they sought out Zeff and Sanji. Actually, their presence wasn't necessary; they were there more out of curiosity than anything else. Regardless, when Bai Ye revealed his intentions, Zeff and Sanji had identical reactions:


Bai Ye, now used to such outbursts, nonchalantly flicked his wrist and produced a pill he had concocted some time ago in his internal space.

Eighth-grade pill - Bone Growing Pill.

While the Bone Growing Pill didn't have miraculous, sky-defying properties, it was perfectly capable of regenerating a severed leg. As Bai Ye explained this, Zeff struggled to contain his excitement, his mind drifting back to the past. After a long pause, he spoke with grave sincerity:

"If this is just for Sanji's sake, I cannot accept it."

Zeff's stance was clear. The prospect of regaining his leg was enticing, but if the sole purpose was to persuade Sanji to join the crew, then it wasn't a fair exchange. In essence, it would burden Sanji with a sense of debt, which Zeff didn't want. His wish was for Sanji to sail freely, living his own life, not weighed down by guilt.

"Hey! Old man, you..." Sanji began anxiously, but Bai Ye cut him off.

"No need for concern," he assured, a sly smile playing at the corners of his mouth as he drew Luffy to his side. "I may have forgotten to introduce him. This is our captain, Monkey D. Luffy. His dream..." Bai Ye trailed off intentionally:

"...is to become the next PIRATE KING!!"

Pointing at Sanji, Bai Ye continued, "And your sous chef here, Sanji, happens to be the cook that Luffy admires."

"In other words, Sanji is destined for greatness, to make a name for himself worldwide."

"So, Chef Zeff," Bai Ye's demeanor turned serious again, "can we perhaps trade this tiny pill to ensure the future Pirate King's cook joins us without any lingering feelings of obligation or worry?"

Silence engulfed the room for a moment.

Usopp whispered to Nami and Zoro, "I've realized Bai Ye might be even more deceitful than I am. Pretending like Luffy could really become the Pirate King."

Zoro, recalling his first encounter with Bai Ye, couldn't help but smirk, "It's not like this."

He murmured, "Bai Ye genuinely believes Luffy will become the Pirate King."

"He's more certain about it than any of us, so he's the right one to make such claims."

Nami observed Bai Ye's back, lost in thought.

Laughing heartily, Luffy clapped Bai Ye on the back, pleased with the praise. "That's right! Sanji is my crewmate. I want him as my chef, no one else!"

Though not always the sharpest, Luffy had a knack for saying the perfect thing when it mattered most.

"The Pirate King?" Zeff echoed, gazing at the young man in the straw hat before him, exuding boundless confidence. He felt the weight of his years.

Turning to Bai Ye, Zeff relaxed, "Well, since you've put it that way, I guess there's no reason for an old man to refuse."

He looked at Sanji with tender eyes, "After all, it's not every day a bad old man gets to send a cook off with the Pirate King."

Sanji's emotions swirled complexly in his eyes, "Old man..."

Bai Ye handed the pill to Zeff, adding a final note of caution, "This process might be quite painful. You'll have to endure."

Chuckling, Zeff responded, "I withstood the agony of losing my leg; this won't scare me." Without further ado, and under the curious gazes filling the room, he popped the pill into his mouth.

Seconds later, a sensation akin to countless ants gnawing erupted in Zeff's right leg.


The point where his leg had been affixed to the wood burst open, revealing a slender thigh.

"AAH!!" Overwhelmed, Zeff couldn't suppress a cry.

"Old man!!" Sanji fretted but held back from approaching.

Then, minuscule granules of new flesh sprouted from Zeff's wound, growing and squirming at an observable pace. Zeff sensed it, not needing to see to know his leg was regenerating, familiar sensations returning.

Ten minutes later, Zeff, standing on two legs, was a picture of disbelief. He marveled at his restored right leg, moving it with ease as if it had never been severed.

"Old man..."

Approaching Zeff, Sanji was on the verge of tears until—


With his newly-regenerated leg, Zeff delivered a kick to Sanji's head.

"You idiot, what are you waiting for?! Go out and seize the sea!"