
One Piece: Almost Exposed That I Am Stronger Than Roger

In the first year, he did not reveal his strength, and was rewarded with Conqueror's Haki! In the second year, he did not reveal his strength, and was rewarded with a Zanpakuto! In the third year, he did not reveal his strength, and was rewarded with the Eight Gates! [Congratulations to the host for the first day of not revealing your strength, you’ll be rewarded for your great efforts!] As long as I hide deep, I won’t be discovered. Even if someone finds out that I have the strength of an Emperor, I shouldn’t reveal it, let alone the strength to conquer One Piece! Please give this novel 5 stars review and power stone ;) Read a few chapters ahead on readfanfic.com Read up to 30 chapters ahead on p atreon. https://www.p atreon.com/akiraninja99 Our community on discord: discord. gg /t66agbE

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256 Chs

Excuse me, Is There Anything Else You Want

Chapter 12: Excuse me, Is There Anything Else You Want?

Although Katz is still worried about Solo going to Marineford alone and advocates accompanying him. But under Solo's righteous speech, Katz had to stay in Loguetown and take charge of the security work.

In the end, Solo chose a patrol ship with the smallest size, took a dozen crew members of the Buggy Pirates, and set off from Loguetown to Marineford.

It is worth mentioning that the real limitation of Solo's [Hidden Strength System] is his full strength.

For example, the Conqueror's Haki he released when encountering Dragon before was just a part of Solo's full strength, it didn't count as exposing his true strength.

So after the incident ended, Solo did not lose the chance to get the next reward.

Based on this mechanism, although Solo said he wanted to be a dog of the Marine, he was not as cautious as others. More often, Solo's mentality is more similar to a casual salted fish rather than that of a cautious attitude.

After confirming the sailing route through the Eternal Pose, Solo's patrol boat set off.

But most of the time, Solo shut himself in the room, it took less than two days to go to sea.

Solo's door was kicked open, and several pirates rushed in holding various table knives, then retreated towards the sides like a tide, making way.

A pirate wearing a blue and white checked scarf walked in calmly. The corners of his mouth turned up in a smug smile. It is the Chief of Staff of the Buggy Pirates, Cabaji.

For this person, Solo has some impressions.

I didn't expect him to appear on my patrol boat. How did Katz do it? Didn't he say that all the people who were arranged were old, weak, sick, and disabled?

"Excuse me, what's the matter?" Solo looked at the comer and asked casually.


On the contrary, Cabaji looked confused. Does the marine in front of him know what's happening? They have thrown off their shackles and are now in control of the patrol ship.

"Now this ship is under our control, Marine."

Capaji took a deep breath, "We will definitely not go to Marineford!"

Everyone knows that Marineford is located in the Marine Headquarters. Once these pirates go there, they are in big trouble. So when they first heard that the marines were going to send Solo to Marineford, Capaci planned a mutiny.

He disguised himself as a wounded and easily got on board the ship. Plus Solo didn't care about most things giving the pirates plenty of time to prepare.

But, Capaji didn't intend to kill Solo directly. He wants to ravage this guy and make him pay for his ego. Thinking of this, the corners of Cabaji's mouth rose, and a smile appeared.

He already had a lot of drama prepared in his mind, the other pirates also showed grinning expressions. An ordinary marine fell into the hands of a group of pirates. It is tantamount to a sheep entering the tiger's mouth!


However, just when Cabaji was about to let Solo kneel in front of him in an orderly tone. A cold light flashed, and a button flew straight to Capaji's forehead, the speed was unexpected.

The next second, the button went straight through Capaji's brain, leaving behind an inconspicuous bloodstain.


The buttons continue to fly and are eventually nailed to a solid wall. The depth of strength can be seen!

Capaji's eyes widened suddenly, and his eyes rolled as his breathing and heartbeat stopped. Blood gushed out from his forehead and the back of his head, splashing onto the faces of the other pirates.

Every pirate's eyes were drawn to them, and they watched Capaji fall straight.


With a muffled sound, Cabajii's neck hit the threshold, and blood continued to flow out, forming a pool of blood.

Capaji is undoubtedly the strongest here. This rebellion was also the result of his careful planning. However, such a backbone was instantly killed by Solo with a single button.

What the hell, how terrifying is the strength of this navy?


The pirates rolled their throats one after another, swallowing a mouthful of saliva nervously.

Don't talk about talking, even by breathing, they dare not take a breath. It wasn't until this moment that they suddenly realized. Why did Solo, a marine, dare to let pirates like them drive this pirate ship. The reason is extremely simple, simply because Solo's strength is strong enough!

As long as he wanted, he could kill them all!

From the beginning to the end, Solo did not show any panic. To him, killing people was as easy as breathing, it was natural.

For a while, the atmosphere became quiet and eerie. Every pirate seemed to be petrified in place, staring at the spread of Capaci's blood.

"Excuse me, is there anything else you want?"

Solo's voice sounded again, breaking the silence at this moment. Moreover, his voice still did not fluctuate in the slightest. On the contrary, Solo's tone even gave people a lazy feeling. It was as if killing Capaji was just an insignificant matter to him.

The pirates present were still silent, not knowing how to answer Solo's question.

What should we do?

Solo was not in a hurry, he leaned his back on the bed and watched them quietly for a while.

"If it's nothing important, please help me deal with the floor. By the way, bring my lunch to my room. Ok?" The corners of Solo's mouth turned up, revealing a smile.

Whether it's the tone of his voice or manner of speaking, he is as elegant and polite as possible.

However, comparing this with the scene in the room, Solo's smile in the eyes of these pirates where like a devil, no, this guy is the devil! The kind that kills without blinking an eye!

Even they themselves don't know how they left the room with Capaji's body. How did they clean the place spotlessly, and finally put Solo's lunch on the table respectfully?

All they know is—on this day, half of their feet stepped into hell!

In the following voyage, Solo naturally got along very well with these pirates. Until one morning—


A burst of extremely exaggerated loud noise woke Solo from his sleep. Immediately afterward, the patrol boat began to bump, it was like being bombarded.

Boom boom boom!

Soon, there was a hasty knock on the door.

"Could it be that I encountered a pirate..."

Solo thought to himself while quickly putting on his uniform.

"It is obvious that the marine flag is hung, is there really a pirate group that is so blind?"

After two or three breaths, Solo came to the door and opened it. A pirate who looked very embarrassed was standing in front of Solo, panting heavily.

"Reporting, we encountered a pirate group!"

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