
one piece , a pirates journey

A journey of man in one piece finding power and peace follow ivarr in his perilous endeavours

Captain_deadpool · Komik
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10 Chs



Jamie said as he exhaled a puff of his blunt

"Good to met up with you Pal, been a long time huh?"

"Yup" i said.

It was years since id met Jamie again after his dropping out of college.

He'd become a professional skater while I ( MC), Patrick Ivarr barely managed to get to a job. Despite all that we were still best of friends .I too once tried at skating, Jamie once taught me his subject which is to say parkour and skating which ended in me being on a hospital bed for 3 weeks. Since then i hadnt had any luck on skating.

"Anyways i gotta leave , have some assignments to submit" I replied ,waking myself up from our crazy memories.

30 mins later...

I walked down the road ,an umbrella hoisted to keep me off the drizziling rain

Once i got home , to my apartment I simply flopped down on bed

I see a white flash, i try remembering what happened ...

"Hello , you awake?"

"Is this a dream or am i dead?"

"So you figured it out ?, Good!, Yes ,Patrick Ivar you passed away in your sleep due to and earthquake which crushed your apartments roof on your head..."

I stare blankly for a moment.

"So,whats the next procedure , Do I get reincarnated?"

"You shall be reborn in any world of your choice at any place and time you choose, also you shall be granted a system which will help you grow stronger faster and easily but make no mistakes since the system shall only help you and wont be so revoltingly OP as shown in those novels of your world"

"Ok, so I choose the one piece world, as for the timeline I want it to be a few years before rogers death so i can get strong enough by then."

"What about your location?"

"A calm but dangerous uninhabited island without any interruptions would be good" i said

"Fine,so be it and as always good luck"

"HA HA HA HA" was the last i heard as the whit light shimmered



I opened my eyes to a golden beach strewn with seas shells and the occasional piece of half rotten driftwood. Standing up, I realize I'm around 5 years of age .I'm exactly 5" tall a bit to the thin side , with wavy purplish red hair to my shoulders.

"Status" Nothing



Host System Status:

Welcome to the One piece World, Host !

"You are currently 5 years old and the year is 1490,a decade before the era of pirates. I have placed you in an uninhabited island located near Rubeck Island in the North Blue...

Also ,a gift package has been awarded to you....


Approximately 1 week later

"Alright ,"I said

"System Open"

Host System Status:

Name: Patrick Ivar D. Cocos

Age : 5 years

Current Health : Healthy ,Slightly tired

Species : Fishman Human

Devil Fruit: None

Skills/Abilities: Enhanced Body Cooking , Stealth , Novice swordsmanship , Novice Marksmanship , Rokushiki (Mastery 8/100)

Strength : Blue Sea Pirate Lvl 3

Haki : Tri-Coloured Awakened : None

Inventory : Colt M1911 , Steel Bayonet Knife , Compass , North Blue Map ,

10,000 Belli , Note book

SP(System points): 4500


it's been 1 week since my new life and I've managed to build myself some shelter.

Since the preparations are done, I need to get more stronger....

"System, is there anything I can buy to train?

"The system recommends to buy the one punch man workout and the unarmed combat guide which will be costing a total of 500 SP"

"Fine , buy them"

I felt a rush of adrenaline with new knowledge embedding inside my brain.

"Lets get the party started"

"Just a moment , Host "

"What's it?"

"There is an exclusive offer on paramecia and logia type devil fruits would the Host be interested?"

"Quick , show em!! " I hurried.


"This is Frustrating....

All these good devil fruits ,just soo expensive...


Is that?

"System buy it NOWWW!!

"Yessss, who cares if this fruit appears in canon ,the guy didn't even use it properly.

"Host , the System advices that the Host not consume the fruit as the Host is not Strong enough...."


"Anyways ,lets'train more"


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Also what fruit will it be??

Captain_deadpoolcreators' thoughts