
One Piece: A Different Luffy

When Luffy boards Thriller Bark and gains the growth-accelerating Cheat, things start to change for the Straw Hat Pirates. In the upcoming major events, the Straw Hats won't be as weak as before. On Thriller Bark, Luffy uses Conqueror's Haki to stun his enemies, even sending a giant bear off guard with an air shot. After arriving at Sabaody Archipelago, Luffy unveils his Fifth Gear form, known as Gear Fourth: Boundman, combining it with his Nika form and mastering Conqueror's Haki. With enhanced physical strength, he effortlessly defeats a Pacifista with one strike and sends Admiral Kizaru flying with a single punch, leaving even Rayleigh astonished. During the Summit War, the Straw Hat Pirates, now reinforced, make a grand entrance. Each member displays an impressive combat prowess, adding to their formidable presence. As they face off against the Marines and Shichibukai, all eyes are on Ace, who stands at the execution platform. In a moment of intensity, Luffy activates his Conqueror's Haki, silencing the chaos of the battlefield with a whispered declaration: "I'm here to end this war." I will update one chapter daily!! MTL name is Opened Fifth Gear On The Sabaody Ground, Kizaru Is Numb

GregariousLion · Komik
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123 Chs

68. Blackbeard, The End


The immense Conqueror's Haki swept across Marineford like a tempest, its terrifying force capable of altering the very fabric of reality. This was the Haki of the Red-Haired Shanks, a man who could command the seas even with a disabled body.

"Shanks?" Bullet's expression shifted, surprise flickering across his face before he settled into a ferocious grin. "Decades have passed, and that little brat has grown into quite the figure," he remarked, his excitement palpable.

Though imprisoned in Impel Down's sixth level for so long, Bullet had no doubt heard of the Four Emperors. Shanks's courage alone was proof enough of his status as a formidable force in the seas.

"End the war? Don't make me laugh, red-haired brat," Sora scoffed, his thick arms crossed defiantly. "Where do you get off undermining the Marines and the World Government?"

"Your authority means nothing to me," Shanks retorted sharply, his gaze piercing. Having recently faced off against Kaido, another Emperor, and emerged victorious, Shanks's resolve was as fierce as ever.

Even Kong, the commander-in-chief, couldn't help but be taken aback by Shanks's boldness.

"The war must cease," Shanks declared solemnly, his gaze sweeping over the battlefield strewn with casualties. "Continuing will only lead to further tragedy for both sides. Look around you—comrades and partners lie dying. Is this the outcome you seek?"

"Cease the fighting. The Whitebeard Pirates will tend to their wounded and return to the New World. Marine, take this opportunity to save those soldiers who still draw breath."

Shanks's words hung heavy in the air, silencing both sides. Even Whitebeard, known for his stubbornness, couldn't refute the logic in Shanks's plea.

His fondness for Ace, his son and potential successor, had driven him to bring the Whitebeard Pirates to Marineford, but he refused to sacrifice his crew needlessly.

Similarly, Sengoku, though not known for his hawkishness, recognized the futility of continuing the battle. Marine's defeat was all but assured in the face of such monstrous adversaries.

The Straw Hat Pirates alone had proven formidable enough to challenge the Admirals, and now they stood alongside Whitebeard, Rayleigh, Bullet, and World—the most terrifying beings to ever set foot upon the seas.

And now, the Red-Haired Pirates step onto the stage.

Despite Shanks's seemingly neutral stance, it's crucial to remember his ties to Fire Fist Ace, the son of his benefactor, Gol D. Roger. If it came to it, the Red-Haired Pirates would undoubtedly align with Whitebeard.

With two Four Emperors crews, a formidable new-era pirate group, and legendary escapees from Impel Down, the odds were overwhelmingly against Marine. Sengoku felt a sense of desperation, knowing that even with Marine's full strength, they couldn't compete against such formidable opponents.

"I promise, Shanks," Sengoku declared loudly, accepting the inevitable defeat.

His words stunned the other Marines. They understood that by conceding, Sengoku was essentially bowing to the pirates, a move that wouldn't sit well with the World Government.

"I'll take full responsibility for this defeat," Sengoku added firmly, silencing any dissent.

Whitebeard concurred, acknowledging that their objectives had been met and further bloodshed was unnecessary.

Shanks breathed a sigh of relief, relieved that Whitebeard was willing to stand down. He had feared the stubbornness of the old pirate might prolong the conflict unnecessarily.

However, Whitebeard had one condition.

Sengoku tensed, fearing Whitebeard's next words might reignite the conflict. But Whitebeard's demand was clear—he wanted to confront Blackbeard himself.

Whitebeard's gaze bore into Blackbeard with a chilling intensity, his anger palpable.

As Blackbeard attempted to assert his alliance with the World Government, Whitebeard's wrath remained unabated.

Blackbeard stepped back as Sengoku delivered the news—he was stripped of his Shichibukai status and all associated privileges. Marine's decision was clear, especially after Blackbeard's blatant disregard for authority and his release of dangerous criminals.

Sengoku, feeling the weight of his actions, was ready to accept the consequences. He had nothing to lose, knowing he would soon retire from his position as Marine Fleet Admiral.

Meanwhile, Whitebeard confronted Blackbeard, his fury palpable. He reminded Blackbeard of the unforgivable sin of killing comrades.

Blackbeard, facing Whitebeard's wrath, tried to appeal to their familial bond. But Whitebeard's anger was uncontainable.

As Whitebeard launched an attack, Blackbeard revealed his Dark Fruit ability, nullifying Whitebeard's powers and striking back with his own strength.

Witnessing Blackbeard's defiance, the onlookers were stunned. Even Whitebeard's closest allies couldn't believe what they were seeing.

But Luffy, ever observant, remained calm, recognizing the true extent of Whitebeard's strength.

As the battle unfolded, it became clear that Whitebeard was not to be underestimated, despite Blackbeard's attempts to subdue him.

In the end, Luffy acknowledged Whitebeard's prowess, recognizing him as a true monster of strength.

As the Blackbeard Pirates rushed to aid their captain, Marco and Ace swiftly intervened, forming a formidable barrier of flames that repelled their attacks. With their cyan and buff flames burning brightly, they stood defiantly in front of Whitebeard, ready to protect him at all costs.

Meanwhile, Shiryu of the Rain attempted to draw his sword, only to be confronted by Vista, whose blades radiated with an intimidating aura. Behind Vista stood a group of Marine elites, their presence casting a shadow over the Blackbeard Pirates.

The Blackbeard Pirates suddenly realized their precarious situation. Without their status as Marine allies, they were nothing more than escaped criminals, trespassing in the heart of Marine territory with its full might ready to strike.

Caught between the wrath of Whitebeard and the overwhelming force of Marine, the Blackbeard Pirates found themselves in a dire predicament. Their attempts to aid their captain had only exacerbated their perilous situation, as they now faced the combined might of two formidable adversaries: the enraged Whitebeard and the relentless Marines.


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