
One Piece - I Am Great Director

{ Warning: This is a translation of a Chinese fanfic and may include some Chinese elements. I've attempted to remove or replace them where possible, but some may have been retained to preserve the chapter's integrity. } In his journey through time, Li Fan unlocked the [Great Director System], allowing him to earn rewards by bringing the scripts it provided to life. Thus, beginning with the direction of the Holy Grail War, Li Fan ascended in strength step by step. Gradually, he evolved into a peerless individual, a formidable figure in both power and entertainment, within this world of pirates. But when the Celestial Dragons demanded a movie exclusively for them, Li Fan's response was clear: "Dream on!" { I don't own any character it's belong to original author. Also i am just translating fanfic and I don't ask for any benifit Original Author - Pirate Radish Source - https://wap.faloo.com/920161.html }

Guardian_Of_Nexus · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
77 Chs

Chapter 70 Princess Nefertari Vivi.

After marveling at the magnificence of Reverse Mountain, Li Fan harnessed his magic power to guide the ship smoothly to the other end.

As Nami and the others reveled in their excitement about entering the Grand Line, a colossal whale appeared before them, widening everyone's eyes.

Li Fan, already aware of its presence, casually adjusted the ship's direction, steering around the whale head blocking their path.

"Is that the Pirate King's ship doctor?" Li Fan pondered as he observed the old man relaxing on a deck chair, reading a newspaper on the beach.

Crocus, the old man, also noticed Li Fan and his companions but initially paid little attention. Having witnessed numerous ships passing through Reverse Mountain to reach the Grand Line, he wasn't easily intrigued.

However, when he spotted Hawk-eye Mihawk leaning on the boat's edge, Crocus's eyes widened.

"No, is Hawk-eye actually on this ship?!"

"Is Mihawk merely taking a boat ride, or do some people on this boat have a connection to Mihawk?"

Confused, Crocus suddenly saw two figures entering his view.

"Really, it's these two guys again." Crocus stood up, observing a small boat rapidly approaching the whale Laboon.

The two men on the boat wielded a dangerous rocket launcher.

"Asshole, I won't let you hurt Laboon."

Determined to prevent harm to Laboon, Crocus rushed towards the whale.

Just then, Li Fan jumped onto the boat, landing behind the two men.

Li Fan's actions left Crocus bewildered.

"What does this guy want to do?"

Crocus's question mirrored the confusion of the two people on the boat.

"Hey, what do you want to do?" The man and woman on the boat turned to face Li Fan with unfriendly expressions.

Li Fan ignored the man in the green suit and crown but focused on the beautiful woman with blue hair.

"Are you Nefertari Vivi, the princess of Arabasta Kingdom?"

"Huh!?" Vivi's eyes widened, incredulous. 'How does he know my identity? Who is he?'

Ignoring Mr. 9, the man in green, an agent of Baroque Works, Li Fan continued, "Hello, Princess Vivi, my name is Li Fan, and I am a film director."

"We plan to go to Arabasta to shoot a movie and build a movie theater. Why don't you join us?"

"Cinema?!" Vivi stared at Li Fan, then replied, "I'm sorry, you've got the wrong person. I'm not the princess of Arabasta. Get out of my way, or we'll be rude to you."


"No 'buts,' you guy, let me take a shot!" Mr. 9 aimed the rocket launcher at Li Fan. "I advise you to get off the boat quickly, or I won't be polite."

Ignoring the threat, Li Fan caught the cannonball with his hand, forming a magic barrier around it. The explosion did no harm.

Li Fan tossed Mr. 9 toward Crocus. "Hey, old man, I'll leave this guy to you for now. Thank you."

Turning back to Vivi, Li Fan asked, "What are you going to do?"

Seeing that Li Fan could catch the cannonball directly with his hands, Vivi looked a little worried.

"Didn't I tell you to join us? I just want to make a movie, Princess Vivi."

Vivi fell silent when she heard Li Fan call out her identity again.

After a long pause, she raised her head and stared at Li Fan.

"Who are you, and how did you recognize my identity?"

"I've seen you before, so I recognize you," Li Fan smiled.

'Although I've seen you in animation,' Li Fan thought to himself.

Vivi frowned and shook her head at Li Fan.

"No matter who you are, I have my own affairs now, and I don't want to return to Arabasta."

"In addition, I hope you will not reveal my identity, okay?"

"That's it." Li Fan held his chin with one hand and raised his eyebrows. "If anything happens to Princess Vivi, I can help you."

"It just so happens that I also want to use your identity to make Arabasta open the door to me."

"So that I can build multiple movie theaters in Arabasta."

"You want to help?" Vivi shook her head. "Although you can catch the cannonball, unfortunately, you can't help me."

"Are you doubting my strength?" Li Fan nodded. "That's understandable. After all, this is our first meeting, and you don't know me yet."

"You can be forgiven for having some doubts about me."

"Okay then, I'll go to Arabasta by myself."

"I heard that the main reason for the civil unrest in Arabasta is the long drought."

"I wonder if my ability to make rain can stop this civil unrest."

With that said, Li Fan turned around and was about to jump on his ship.

"Wait, you mean, you have the ability to make rain?" Vivi grabbed Li Fans's arm and asked in surprise.

"Why, are you interested, Princess Vivi?"


"If you are interested, come with me," Li Fan said with a smile. "Personally, I don't want to see civil strife in Arabasta. It would have a bad impact on promoting my movies in this country."

"But... even if you have the ability to make rain, there is nothing you can do as long as that guy is here." Vivi lowered her head, with a worried look on her face.

"It may even put your life in danger because of your ability."

"Who is the guy you are talking about?" Li Fan asked.

"I can't tell you. Once you know that person is Crocodile, the Shichibukai, he will likely send a killer to eliminate you, putting your life in danger."

"But haven't you already revealed his identity?" Li Fan looked at Vivi speechlessly, "Or did you say it on purpose?"

"Huh?!" Hearing this, Vivi's eyes widened, "No... I didn't mean that, I... I just let it slip."

"Okay, it's okay." Li Fan patted Vivi on the shoulder. "Even if it's Crocodile, I can handle it."

"But if I solve your country's problems, I hope Arabasta will strongly support my film career. This is something you can promise."

Vivi nodded.

"If you can really do it, my father, the king, will definitely agree to your request."

"In that case, come with me to my boat first." After saying that, Li Fan took Vivi's hand and jumped back to his boat.

Tashigi and others, who had been waiting on the boat for a long time, immediately looked over, curiously observing the woman Li Fan brought up.

"Li Fan, who is this guy? Is she your new actor?" Tashigi asked curiously.

"It doesn't count as an actor, but if she is interested, she can play a role. Anyway, there are some roles that we haven't found suitable actors for yet," Li Fan said.

Next, she will go to Arabasta with us. Let's all get along well."

"You say so, Vivi."

Li Fan turned to look at Vivi beside him, only to find that she was looking in one direction in a daze.

Following Vivi's gaze, Li Fan saw Mihawk.

"One of the Shichibukai, the world's greatest swordsman, Hawk-eye Mihawk, why is he here?"

"Oh, he. He is now my passenger and will also star in my movies in the future."

Li Fan's words made Vivi even more surprised.

'Let Shichibukai star in a movie, how powerful this guy is. '

'Wait a minute, this guy can actually let Mihawk star in a movie. Maybe, he really has the power to compete with Crocodile. '

'Even if he doesn't, maybe, I can ask Mihawk. '

'The same Shichibukai, the world's greatest swordsman should be enough to withstand Crocodile. '

The current situation makes Vivi have more hope for solving the problem in Arabasta.

After everyone dispersed, Vivi silently walked to Mihawk alone.

"What's the matter, woman?" Mihawk opened his eyes and glanced at Vivi, his tone was very low.

"Well, hello, Mr. Mihawk, I am actually the princess of Arabasta. I wonder if I can ask you a favor?"

"Regarding Alabasta, that guy Crocodile should be in that country. Why are you asking me for help? Has that guy caused any trouble for you?"

Just as Vivi was about to answer, Mihawk turned and walked away.

"I'm not interested in these things. I'm just taking Li Fan's boat temporarily."

"How... like this!" Vivi looked disappointed.

"If anything happens, you should go find Li Fan." Mihawk said.

"That guy is very strong, and so are the guys around him."

"Since he invited you on board, he will definitely help you."

Mihawk's words made Vivi get out of her disappointment. She raised her head and stared at Mihawk's back.

'Being able to be recognized by Mihawk shows that Li Fan is absolutely very strong. '

'Maybe I'm really on the right boat. '
