
One Piece - I Am A Different Luffy!

He is Monkey D. Luffy, but not the original Monkey D. Luffy, because in this world, that one is Lucy, his blood sister, while he had a peaceful childhood with his other three brothers. They all ended up following different paths since he didn’t have his memories. It was only when he entered a barrel lost at sea to save himself that he finally began to regain all the knowledge he had of this world from his past life. On top of that, he realized he could use this knowledge to his advantage to acquire everything he needed on his adventure. He was given four chances to summon people to start his journey, and more importantly, he finally received his two devil fruits, becoming powerful from the very beginning, with a plan that stretched to the end of his adventure. This story is the adventure of a man called Monkey D. Luffy, with the goal of becoming the emperor of all the seas in the world. For that, he will find the One Piece and destroy the World Government, for they cannot coexist. Be it the Marines, government agents, CP units, Tenryuubito, Holy Knights, Gorosei, or Im, Luffy will walk over a mountain of corpses. “I want you in my crew. Together, we will change the whole world and turn it upside down.” “Hahaha. Don’t worry, I believe in your potential, that's why I want you in my crew.” “My swordsman already fought you and lost. Now let’s see the strength of the world’s greatest swordsman too, right, Yamato? I hope you don’t mind fighting two rookies at once...?” “Awaken... Awaken my power... and destroy all your enemies...” “It’s good to see you after so long, Grandpa... and you, sister.” “Monkey D.? The most dangerous family in the world!” “Isn’t it a beautiful scene? Two Shichibukai and a Vice Admiral as my trophies! Come on, take a good picture and put it on tomorrow’s newspaper cover!” “I declare this kingdom my territory!” “Enel, you’re nothing but an idiot with a god complex. If you’re a god... then I’m a god slayer.” “As you said, Teach, people’s dreams never end! And if people’s dreams never end, why should I stop?” “Doflamingo... Jake... you’re so far from home. I hope you don’t regret this.” "You narcissistic woman, how can someone be so annoying and arrogant?" "What did you say, you damned man?!" "I now declare you husband and wife." "It's time to return to the Blue Sea, after all, we have a world to shake." "CP9? What a disappointment, Sengoku. I want money for them and Doflamingo... I want 2 billion berries at Enies Lobby in a few days." "Enies Lobby was completely destroyed...?" "I've fought Mihawk, Jimbei, Crocodile, Doflamingo, Hancock, and Moria... you're the only one left, Kuma..." "It seems we've finally met, Rayleigh..." "Let's invade Impel Down!" "I came here to find you, sister, it's time for you to join my crew... Joygirl..." "It looks like we've finally arrived at the war." "Sengoku... you tried to arm yourself to execute my brother, so I'll make an example of this Tenryuubito for the whole world." "You can't do this...!" *BANG!* "He actually did it, that bastard...." "Your chains are loose, move your ass and get out of Marineford!!" "Saturn!!! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!" "I couldn't kill you last time, Akainu... but I'll make sure to do it now." "Destroy the rest of Marineford." "Let's get out of here. When you return, you'll take over this country for your family, Rebecca." "No matter if we're on opposite sides... I will always love you, grandpa." "It's time to start our training." "Let's begin. Now, let's head to the New World, capture territories, and grow our fleet." "Is the entire Straw Hat fleet ready? Now let's head to Wano, after all, we have a war against two Yonkou!" -------------------------------------------- This Fanfic's Schedule for the week, updates on: Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. ----------------------------------------------

RaccoonLeague · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
399 Chs

Chapter 184 - Saint Julius.

[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]

Third Person POV

Somewhere on sea, First Half of Grandline.



I will create a character card for this holy knight.

Name: Saint Julius Armango.

Age: 36 years.

Appearance: Blonde hair, strange hairstyle with a quiff up, and clothes of a tenryuubito with a sword in hand.

Status: Tenryuubito, Holy Knight.

Specialties: Assassination.

Equivalent reward for power: 1 billion.

Abilities: Fencing, six styles, Hakis.


While the wind of the sky hit the faces of Luffy and Enel at that height.

"Who would come like this...?" Luffy murmured, he was caught off guard by this presence and felt that whoever is coming, is dangerous.

"Aren't you scared?" Enel mocked.

"Say what you want, just be careful, this person is a challenge, whether you like it or not." Luffy said without taking his eyes off that area.

"Tsk." Enel scoffed.

A moment later, a small dot appeared in the space and it approached quickly to where Enel and Luffy were, it did not take long for the figure to approach, Luffy just observed seeing that even with a hostile feeling from this person, he seemed to just observe initially and did not attack them directly.

"Monkey D. Luffy. Pirate with 500 million on your head, a pretty high number for a rookie who entered the grandline almost 2 months ago." This person spoke with arrogance and disdain.

"Are you a tenryuubito?" Luffy asked confused, this man did not look anything like the lazy and weak stereotype, after all, he gave a dangerous sensation, although not as much as Kuzan, certainly more dangerous than the Shichibukais and a vice-admiral of the navy. Luffy concluded him to be a tenryuubito by the clothes and arrogance he exuded.

"Tenryuubito, those who call themselves gods of this world that you mentioned before?" Enel raised an eyebrow, he was intrigued that in the blue sea, there was a group of people who claimed to be gods of this world, this angered him, after all, he did not want competition.

"Watch your words, stranger." The man spoke in the same tone looking at Enel as if he was unworthy of his attention and turned back to Luffy.

"Yes, I am a tenryuubito, my name is Saint Julius Armango, one of the 20 holy knights of Merry geoise" He said making Luffy raise an eyebrow.

"That's really quite unexpected, I didn't know your kind had warriors..." Luffy commented.

"We are superior to all creatures of this world, but it doesn't mean we can't have powerful warriors among us, after all, in the holy knights, we are tenryuubitos chosen to train when we are not the heir sons of the families." He said.

Before Luffy could respond, he was surprised that the holy knights were Tenryuubitos, but Enel made a move and went directly to him, tired of his arrogance, his body approached the holy knight.

Saint Julius did not seem worried about this, with a movement, he dodged Enel's swift attack and delivered a punch, making the god spit saliva, while flying to the opposite side, but his neck was grabbed by the Tenryuubito taking his sword out of the sheath with the other hand, it was a high-grade sword.

"I must admit, I am surprised with the logia user of thunder, it has been lost for centuries, but don't worry, I won't kill you, after all, this fruit is dangerous to be reborn anywhere." He said and pointed his weapon at Enel's chest with the intention of injuring him and taking him out of combat.

But before he could do that, Luffy appeared in front of him with Ace embedded with Haki, intending to kill him. The tenryuubito was quick in anticipating the attack directing Enel's sword towards Luffy quickly, the impact seemed to make him uncomfortable as he felt Luffy's strength and made him retreat backwards.

"Hm?! You are stronger than I expected, pirate. I am also surprised that you did not seem to hesitate in killing me. Even though I am a tenryuubito, a being much superior to you." He commented.

"You wouldn't be the first I killed." Luffy commented.

"So it was you..." He said with a dark face, Luffy knew he was talking too much about this to everyone, but he no longer needed to hide it, after all everyone would know in the next few months.

Luffy did not respond and cut the air holding his sword around haki. He quickly reached the holy knight and the swords clashed.

"You have a beautiful sword there... It's Ace, isn't it? The sword of Gold Roger." He spoke while counterattacking.

Luffy parried his attack with equal intensity and smiled. "Yes, I hope to improve my fencing with you, since Kuzan didn't help me much with that, despite our fights." Luffy said and quickly increased the speed of his attacks.

Explosions started to appear in that space with the clashing of swords, Luffy had never fought with such a skilled user of the six styles, as this tenryuubito had spent decades working on the enhanced techniques.

"Is that... you possess the same techniques that I do?" The tenryuubito seemed quite surprised, after all, only the holy knights could possess such techniques, and the pirate in front of him had the same evolved techniques.

"Who knows why..." Luffy just murmured without bothering to answer the man while launching more attacks.

Luffy began to dodge shingan made by the holy knight with his fists, he increased his speed and strength by 30 times and seemed to take the fight with an advantage.

Enel recovered a bit from the previous attack and just watched the fight from that distance, with slightly frustrated eyes, since he had lost so pathetically to another being who claimed to be a god and the Demon seemed to fight the other part so easily.

As the blows rapidly exchanged in the air, Luffy and Saint Julius Armango, the Holy Knight, engaged in an intense and fierce battle. Luffy, with his ability enhanced by the Moa Moa no Mi, managed to keep up with the fast-paced battle, using a combination of fencing and six styles.

The tenryuubito, though surprised at Luffy's ability to match his techniques, was not shaken. With his high-grade sword in hand, he executed precise and rapid movements, forcing Luffy to dodge and block attacks with incredible agility.

The two combatants engaged in an aerial ballet of attacks and counterattacks, the metallic sound of the swords clashing echoed through the sky, creating a symphony of combat.

Suddenly, Luffy surprised Saint Julius with an abrupt increase in the intensity of his attacks. He propelled himself with Geppo, combining it with his increased strength, and unleashed a series of rapid and powerful cuts. Saint Julius could barely keep up, retreating while blocking each blow with tekkai and armament haki.

Luffy, noticing an opening, accelerated even more, wrapping his sword in purple flames and hitting the Holy Knight's defense with full force. Saint Julius' sword vibrated with the impact, and he was forced to step back, surprised by the strength of the blow.

"This is getting tough..." The tenryuubito had to admit quietly, this pirate was not easy to deal with alone.

On the other side, Luffy was thinking, they were still quite close to where Kuzan was, "If the fight drags on, Kuzan might intervene as soon as he feels the battle with his haki, I'll have to finish him quickly." Luffy murmured softly.

He took a deep breath, focusing intensely. His muscles tensed as he prepared to release all his power and end this fight quickly. An impressive aura emanated from Luffy. His body began to transform, assuming the final form of his Akuma no Mi. A burst of purple flames erupted around him, forming a fierce and dominating aura. The holy knight was thrown back by the impact and heat.

Saint Julius Armango, stopping a distance away and observing the transformation, widened his eyes in surprise and caution. He had never witnessed the pirate's power, although it was in the reports, seeing it personally was quite shocking as Ifrit manifested in that sky.

"He finally transformed into the demon..." Enel commented, looking at the distance.

Luffy looked down at the now ant in front of him, as flames danced around his body. He wasted no time and prepared to launch his colossal body against his distant enemy. Despite the loss of speed due to the transformation, he skillfully compensated with the power of his Moa Moa no Mi, multiplying his speed by sixty times. This combination of brute force and speed in his 50-meter form.

With a burst of energy, Luffy advanced towards Saint Julius. The space around him distorted with the intensity of his flame trails, as he cut the air with almost imperceptible speed. Saint Julius, despite his skill and training as a Holy Knight, barely had time to react to Luffy's sudden increase in speed.

The Holy Knight tried to defend himself, blocking the attacks with his sword and using the six styles, but Luffy's agility and strength were too oppressive in this form. Each blow from the pirate was like lightning, relentless and precise, forcing Saint Julius to constantly retreat while suffering burns.

"I can't keep this up..." He murmured as his clothes caught fire. Realizing the growing disadvantage, he increased the intensity of his counterattacks. He moved agilely, trying to find an opening in Luffy's defenses. However, the pirate did not seem to make his task any easier.

Luffy's purple flames expanded across the sky, and Saint Julius, despite fighting with all his strength, began to feel the pressure of the combat. Finally, finding a gap in Saint Julius' defense, Luffy delivered a powerful punch. The impact was so strong that it created a shockwave in the air, sending Saint Julius flying backward at a dizzying speed. The Holy Knight was hurled through the sky, losing control of his trajectory.

Luffy propelled his wings on his back and skated through the sky after his enemy. He concentrated armament haki and his flames around his hand, aiming directly at the Holy Knight.

"What?!" Saint Julius barely had time to react, just managing to raise an arm in an attempt to block the blow as he covered his entire body with armament haki. Concentrating all his strength and energy, his punch exploded on top of the tenryuubito who didn't even know how he died because he was disintegrated the moment the flames with the punch caught him.

The ensuing explosion was colossal and thunderous. A wave of energy and fire expanded, illuminating the sky and the sea with intense light in the middle of the day. The flames of Ifrit consumed everything around, leaving a scorching mark in the air.

"Hm?!" Meanwhile, on the other side, Kuzan was heading to the headquarters with Smoker and Hina when the flames lit up the sky in the distance.

"Those flames..." Smoker murmured.

"Yes, something happened over there, but there are no islands... there. So that attack was at sea."

"Hina is concerned, shouldn't that scale of attack destroy an entire island?"

"You're right, but not even I can defeat that pirate, let's wait for headquarters to decide what to do." Kuzan spoke, unconcerned. He knew that Luffy was not an ordinary pirate from paradise, and was at the level of an admiral in power, but what could he do? He just put on his eyeprotector and went to sleep.

When the light dissipated, Saint Julius Armango lay defeated, his body had turned to ashes in the air, the eyes of Ifrit observed this while he canceled his transformation.

"It looks like you won... Demon" Enel spoke, looking at the chaos created by Luffy's flames and the sea turned to vapor by the intensity of the heat, as Luffy had used enough power to blow up a medium-sized island.

"Yes, let's go now, I'm sure we'll have other fights soon." Luffy was not foolish in knowing that the World Government would learn of the death of a Holy Knight, and he would soon face Jack and Doflamingo. That's why he didn't bring his crew; he wanted to face these people without risking any of them dying in battle, after all, they were still not ready for these forces and needed to focus on Skypiea.


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