
One click shinobi system in the world of one piece

My life was good, I had friends, a loving family, and a good job, I loved my life and my world, so why did God send me into this world filled with super-powered assholes, almost all corrupt marines, and noble assholes who all seem to be want my ass? - I have no taboos, which means that I will have no problem talking about things like gore, r*pe, torture, racism, and other things like that. That doesn't mean I condone those things. That's about all I wanted to say, so enjoy your reading. (No harem)

kingx_xdrk · Komik
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8 Chs

Objective decided

"Please, please, ple...." The rat doesn't have time to finish these pleas when my fist goes through its head, leaving a gaping hole in the middle of its face.

The guys finish on their side, turning the surroundings into a scene of human butchery and despite that, my anger is not at all calmed down, I know I shouldn't feel so angry, after all, I'm not the one who was treated like a toy by those fucking pigs.

Unfortunately, knowing the truth, the system saw fit to give me the memories of the former owner of this body, as a former mercenary, I've seen my share of dirty stuff.

And I've always hated what I've seen, I'm not a saint, I've done my part of dirty things and I have a dark side like any human being, but what those bastards did to him, what they did to me, that, I can't take, and they're going to pay for it, especially the bitch that "I belonged to".

"Are you all right, Captain?" Cain's voice snaps me out of my thoughts while the islanders approach us fearfully.

"Yeah, let's go, no need to linger on this island, let's get back to the boat." I say as I leave, quickly followed by my three comrades to the ship, talking with the locals is a waste of time, I've done my quests, so I'm out of here.

Now, I have a goal, to reduce the government to ashes and to tear the head of Im of my bare hands, but for that I will have to become powerful, much more powerful, but I do not worry, thanks to the system and my will as well as my allies, I will succeed.

Arrived at the dock, we quickly climb on the ship and leave, once a little further, I decide to accept my rewards.

[A quest has been completed, here are your rewards:

Doton - The Wall of Mud: creates a wall of dirt to protect yourself from an attack or corner your enemy.

Doton - The stone fist: transforms your chakra into stone, forming a large stone fist around your fist.

Medical Jutsu - Cell Regeneration: Allows you to regenerate cells after a serious injury.

Sexy jutsu: Allows you to transform yourself into a young naked woman

Chi Control Manual: Manual contains the teachers for the use of the vital energy that exists in all beings.

Summon Card X1, allows you to summon a character from the multiverse who will be under your command]

I frown when I see that there is a missing reward, but sigh as I remember that I have a shaky system, knowing that there is no point in crying, I use my summon card hoping that I will have cheat characters.

[Launches in progress..... Congratulations, you got Queen Maeve, members of the seven, and Kagan, a real chimera]

A light appears for a second before disappearing immediately, leaving only two people standing on the bridge.

The first is a tall blonde woman with blue eyes and a more than prominent chest, she is dressed in a blue and silver armor that shows a lot of skin, which only makes her sexier, those eyes seem to show boredom and contempt as those eyes scan the surroundings.

The second person is also a rather tall woman and also very scantily dressed, her gray skin emphasizes a lot those black eyes and those blood-red irises the whole sublimated by a wild mane of black hair and a slender silhouette, those eyes make me think of a predator looking for a prey to hunt.

Like the three idiots, both of them kneel down in front of me when they see me, but stop when I tell them not to do that anymore.

I look at them all one by one with a serious look, a look that all easily manages to catch if I am to believe their silence in waiting for my word.

"I think you got the general information about this world when you were summoned, didn't you?" They all nod as I begin to speak again. "Good, because I'm telling you right now, we're going to mess things up and reach the top and destroy the government, any of you against it?"

I nod as I see their big smiles, clear signs that they are ready to take on the world alongside me.

It's good to know that I have people to rely on unlike my home world, it makes me in a festive mood. "Well, before we start training, let's go to an island to celebrate the new members."

While everyone seems excited, a problem quickly arises that could slow down our adventure.

"Do any of you know how to sail?"

There is a long silence for a few minutes, we spank the realization that we are in trouble before Cain breaks it with his usual teasing, but cold tone. "I can."

We all look at him as he just smiles.



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