

hey guess what? I watched one punch man today .

It was awesome how he destroys things with one punch, Infuriates people with his  poker face, and Stuns the crowd with his insane power. 

When he said what he did. to getthat power I laughed but then I  thought about it. And realized  that would actually be a good  training regime.

So I trained every day. For 3 years

I did 100 push ups sit ups and 10km run something happened that I did not expect.

Not only did I have saitama power, but I found out  I could control the element's. All element's including tthe sub elements to an Overpowering  extent.  And by that time I thought nothing could surprise me anymore. Well. I was wrong

I find myself face to face with a whiskered blond...only the blond is supposed to be Male.

"My name is Naruko uzumaki-dattebayo"




" you know what I'm done"

I walked away Leaving a stunned Naruko before eyes widened and chased after me