
Chapter 1

"I'm not doing this!" l was walking. really fast on the edges of the road towards. the appartment. about to lose my mind while naruko was glancing around in mix confusion and awe

I was having a normal day decided to go to the store to get some new ear buds. I was walking back when a puff of smoke was heard. then much to my horror a female naruto. appeared

I just wanted a safe simple life was that to much to ask?

" Stop Following me!" I glared

"Why are you being so mean?" She asked

"because your annoying" she pouted "what are you even doing her anyway?" I asked I got the keys in my pocket and walked to my apartment the people around us were looking at Naruko strangely but shrugged it off thinking we've Just been to a cosplay event.

She looked Down Sadly before she told her story.

I Sighed as I rubbed my hand with my forehead. "So let me get this straight, Mizuki gave you a scroll that was forbidden?" She nodded "and not only have you learned the shadow clone Jutsu But you also learned a technique that will summon the strongest being in existence." She nodded "and... instead you managed to reverse summon yourself instead? " she nodded and smiled nervously

"Naruko that's really dangerous" I scolded her " Your lucky I'm Not some evil overlord threatening to destroy all humanity or something, its not just called the "forbidden scroll" for nothing you know"

She scowled "its not my fault the entire village except a few wants me dead, they probably did that on purpose, i failed the academy twice I was desperate!" My eyes widen in surprise at her snarl before I looked at her with pity which made her scowl deepen

"Don't give me that look!" She Snarled

My look vanished and was replaced with a thoughtful frown. Maybe I could train her? give her a better Life.

"Look, Narut-ahem Naruko"

"I will offer a choice You can live with me and my parents. I can train you in the art of ninja and my culture, or you can walk off with nothing and live in the orphanage.

She frowned "What do you know? I could Kick Your ass right now!"

I had a twinkle in my eyes

"Oh really?" I glanced around to make sure Nobody was paying attention then I raised My hand and a rainbow colored flame appeared shocking her she started sweating as the flame reached temperatures hotter than the sun the flames then started cackling as a rainbow colored lightning appeared Sparkling inside I raised My other hand and water formed out of then air the wind started to pick up as I floated a few feet from the ground My eyes glowed rainbow with Power as I Stared at her.

She was Quivering in fear even the Kyuubi, The Nine Tailed Fox that was sealed inside was scared shitless

as every fiber of there being wanted to run away. the only way to properly describe this feeling is DEATH

"OKay OKay I believe you stop!"

I smirked as My power disappeared

"Good!" "Like I said before I will train you in the art of Shinobi This is not going to be easy. Are you ready?"

she nodded

good we start tommarow for now let me introduce you to my family I smiled as I unlocked the door and walked in