


I woke up today feeling all energetic, I change to some adidas tights with a baggy T-shirt and pull up some Nike sneakers and I take to the roads for a morning run.listening to my favourite jam 'Bartender by James Blunt' keeps me sane through my run."Sorry!!I didn't see you there." Oh!my he's so off the hook,the way he helped me get up from the ground just made me get goosebumps, yes I was abit hurt but he was blinding my vision dang!All I could see was his ocean blue eyes staring at me and his so exquisite tattoos covering up his beautiful chest.I wanted him to hold me like that forever, I felt safe in his arms,a spark got ignited in the mere sense of his touch,I was losing my mind already, I wanted to tell him what was running through my head but then the pain.... He hurt me!! "Miss...m..mm..miss are you okay" He asks."Okay??I'm I okay?? What do you think, you almost killed me asshole!!!"I reply with pangs of anger.He spent almost twenty minutes trying to beg for my forgiveness. I was being marveled by the hot mess he was,short curled darkened hair, small pink thick lips, right cheek cute dimple,oh!baby!!What a way to start my morn'n.

My legs were weak already from you know what,and just like that my jog came to an end."Hello?Ssup Qarlon today is girl's night out don't you miss out,we're coming over, Okay bye see you in a few!Lapyuu "Kylie barely gave me a chance to say a word,either way she seemed so excited about today I wouldn't turn her down even if I wanted to.Meet my girl squad;Kylie,she's always updated with latest fashion trends as well as movies more like our tech savvy, Aileen,well if she got food and Ice cream she's just fine, Breen is the nerd of our clique she's more of our brain and she's always punctual unlike Kylie who's always taking half an hour getting ready and then there's me well,I am me not that I'm such a big part but without me there's no 'Le Squad'.Now that e'one had arrived it was time to have mad fun." Qarlon pick out a movie, Aileen make some snacks and get us drinks,Breen....ToD you the coach and the Dj as well and I will pick out dresses for later tonight, you know what that means right??" Kylie said.Such nights are the best, when girls are out alone all they talk about is boys and more boys and just boys, Shit!I was gonna tell èm about the guy I met in the morn'n dang!"Paaaarty tiiiime!!!!"We all replied in unison as we laughed our hearts out.So I picked out a dance movie 'Honey rise up and dance',Aileen made us some snack salad to have in between the session,the drinks were set for the game right after the movie so Breen had really not much work for the meantime. Kylie's connection to her phone was unbreakable,she took so many selfies I don't remember how many,I lost count."Come on Kylie put the phone down....please" I manage to frown at Kylie as she shrugs but still she gives in,"Okay fine!"

I loved every bit of this night but the ToD part was my favorite,I loved the game I always did, I always was unbeatable,Breen was really being so hard on us I mean she always is but it's okay.The rule of the game was tell the truth, take a dare or take a shot, damn I'd do this all day repeatedly I didn't mind."Aileen,I dare you to strip naked take a video and post it up"Breen wasn't sparing anyone at all,Aileen was doing just fine stripping but she couldn't post it up so she took a shot."Kylie I dare you to call your ex and tell him you want him back"Kylie barely choked at the mention of her ex, that man had cheated on her with her younger sister,Paige and now here she was to convince him to come back again!!!!This is so sick! She new it was a game she had to play or she'd take a shot, she dialled up his number and then......"Hello???"The voice of her ex made her stay gazed for a good five minutes, she tried to talk but nothing came out, tears rolled down her chubby cheeks forming a neat number eleven. Aaaaaand there she took a shot. My turn now, I only hoped I'd not fall in Breen's trap,that I'd get my fact right about whatever it was she came at me with."Qarlon,I dare you to expose your deepest secret" There was no way I was going to tell them that, no! my demons would haunt me even more, I couldn't, I wouldn't, not ever!I took a shot instead.

By the time the game was hitting climax,we were all drunken high ask me how Kylie still managed to choose outfits for the party, I don't know and trust me her fashion never goes wrong.We looked ravishing I couldn't help it.What better way to end the day than putting our dancing shoes on and dance the night away.