

Author's note;

Hello beautiful super readers! So I'm just starting my journey and I hope that you'll walk with me through every step. This book is based on a recollection of real life events and fictitious stories too. Any harm or damage caused to the audience is unintended. More than anything I'd love for you to recommend my book to a friend on a chain, so you could help me win best writer award. This story revolves around romance and drama. I hope you get to enjoy it like I do. I hope you get one or two things out of my story. Also don't forget to comment and vote.

Love Qaht.

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The way those sun rays penetrate right into my bedroom through the window and past my hot pink curtains, it is clear enough that dawn has broken. I've clearly not had enough sleep to my fetish,I roll over to the other side thinking I'd be safe but I fall with a thud hitting my forehead down hard!! "Ouch!that hurts.. Stop being mean will you??!" I talk to the bed hoping it would hear me out and let me be.Kissing my teddy bear,Sky I head to the kitchen to make some breakfast."Uuumh,let's see what's for breakfast.... Sandwiched bread...naaah....brownies.....naaah....cookies....naah...mmmmhh....yes!yes! That's it chapati with scrambled eggs,more like sandwiched chapati,yummy...Ikr!" I actually never knew something like that existed until recently, and here I thought I was the only weirdo lol..Being on a Monday I have not so much to do than just keep watching this series "Suits" oh! don't even get me started with movies! I clean up the table so I could have all the luxury watching the series.I throw the utensils in the sink and walking back to the living room "you'll have to wait until later or tomorrow", I say as I dance my way to the sofa.

I like this suits series because it makes me feel so right,I mean who said only right is right?even wrong could be right and right could be wrong, right?? ' Mike' never went to law school but he could still shit! the hell outta goddamn legit lawyer like 'Harvey' lol,If Harvey heard me now he'd probably say bullshit!!It's been eight hours since I woke up and I've been glued to my set like a zombie not even getting up to go to the WC."Aw!do I really have to take a shower" A frown graces my face as I drag my feet to the bathroom, I have to take a shower especially having been so wasted last night,and my body still fetid of sweat from vigorous dancing.

"Hey you there,can we take it to the next level baby do you dare,don't be scared 'cause if you can say the words I dunnow why I should care, 'cause here I am I'm giving all I can but all you ever do is mess it up...."I like to think I'm a shower kinda singer and get this,not because I'm bad at it but I'm not so good either.One thing is for sure though,if James Arthur heard me doing his jam,he'd take me out for some hot chocolate and marshmallows..... Lmao.

I head to my closet to grab a pair of sweatpants with a sweatshirt but something caught my attention.... Who is she??why is she like that?? She's a pretty lil thing with a baby face but.... There's a but right there.I look in the mirror at a close range,my silhouette stares,I'm wondering why my flaws haunt me this much, I also want to wear crop tops and fitting dresses showing my curvaceous body just like all the other girls, thing is my body is not curvaceous as I desire.This is just part of my demons.