
Once Above All

A programmer ends his life early and is reincarnated into a world where magic exists. 'Maybe magic could be an interest for me to live.'

PaleCrow · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

I'm baby, are you?

'Well, this amount of effort should be fitting as a baby.'

"That's my champ! Onwards, my child!"

"Honey, take it slow, okay?"

"Hmpf, you're better than I expected, lil brudda."

As three of the family continue to watch their youngest walking his first steps, a few knocks could be heard by the door.

"Huh? Who could it be at this hour of the evening? Let's pause for a bit, alright champ?" Gareth questioned, as he proceeded to walk and opened the door.

"Hello Gareth, mind if we come in?"

"Tess! I didn't know you were coming! No, of course not. Come in, by all means. Good to see you, Jen."

"Greetings, Grand Warrior Gareth, please excuse our intrusion."

"Come on now, Jen. Didn't I tell you to call me Uncle Gareth?" he mentioned as he led the two individuals who came about in the period of dinner inside.

"Tess! Jen! What brings you two here? Care to join us for dinner?"

"Aunt Tess! Jenny! It's been awhile."

"Good to see you too lady Elizabeth and Pleres. We're here to have a little check up on your youngest, Avel. I believe it is his first birthday today, is it not? We've brought a little mana core as a gift for him. And yes, we'd like to join you for dinner, if you wouldn't mind having us."

"Of course not, we've made more than enough for the four of us. I'm sure we have plenty for two more. Thank you for remembering his birthday, we really appreciate it."

"Thank you for having us." She announced as the group of family and guests shared a meal together. Today's special dish from 'the rock' was extravagant and had plenty for the two extra mouths to feed. In the midst of the peaceful dinner however, Avel was contemplating on his current situation.

'Hmm, she mentioned something about a little mana core, does that mean that she'll be checking on my mana veins as well?'

'If that's so then my situation isn't looking good. I've just barely made the extent of my mana capacity to reach a whopping 100%, but my current mana efficiency is at a rate of 33%.'

'If I am unable to hide it, my plans of being an average baby would be gone just like that, just because I'd be considered a talented mage.'

'Shit. What do I do?'

'If by chance a miracle which allows me to somehow control mana efficiency to an extent that it'll cause my mana capacity to be at a lower rate, I have to think of something else.'

'What can I do? Forcefully close the gaps that I've just opened and losing all progress I've once made? Or expel mana out of my body, in which it would seem as if my mana capacity was the way it once was, 62%?'

'But how will I expel mana without 3 known mages noticing? It may as well be 4 since the lady's aide may be studying magic.'

'I need some sort of distraction that'll allow me to do so, but what?'

"It was a lovely meal, Gareth. You're a great cook, as always."

"Haha. Of course, Tess! To be a great warrior, one must be ready to fill its stomach with the nutrients it requires!"

"I see. Now then, shall we proceed to verify the condition of your baby's health?"

'Well.. guess I'm screwed...'

"Nu-uh, since you ladies are here, the rock will especially make a grand event of providing special desserts!" he announced, as he began to skilfully spun his knives around, showing off his culinary expertise. However, it was all for naught as he brought out a box concealing a cake inside of a what seems to be a replica of a refrigerator, a magic gem embedded freezer.

Yet, due to the showboat that was being done, Avel had made use of the opportunity and expelled mana out of his body, as close as he could towards his father, making it seem as though Gareth was expelling mana with his culinary prowess instead.

This made the 3 known mages to be surprised as they did not know that Gareth was able to sense and produce mana out of his own body.

"Gareth! I didn't know you could do that!"

"What can I say, I'm a natural."

Although the situation came to be a misunderstanding, no one questioned the former for his skills, perhaps it was only just for 'show'.

'It seems that I'm in the clear for now. That was close.'

After the singing of 'Happy Birthday' done in the tradition and culture of Fulirwe, it seemed to have been sung under the melody of 'baa baa black sheep' instead. Avel also decided it was time to pronounce his first words by calling out his mother. This made her tearful and emotional, although his father seemed to be more encouraged on bringing out an updated version of 'fly'.

"Although mana users are commonly identified due to their blue eyes, it is not as if those that are of a different colour, cannot use mana.

With the use of this concentrated mana core, we'd be able to verify if he is able to absorb mana naturally." Tess stated, grasping the baby's hand and placing a blue coloured small orb, the size of a grape, onto it.

'Should I will the mana from this orb into my body? I wonder if I should just take in all of it or just a little. Well, I'll just do it gradually and judge any further action from their reactions.'

Avel then began to absorb mana from the blue mana core until it turned solid green, then proceeded to stop.

"Magnificent. It seems that he is capable of being a Magus, although most Magi would absorb it until it is red or yellow, it is understandable since he is a baby."

Cheers could be heard from the family, knowing that their youngest had the potential of being a Magus and enrolling into the Magic Academy, where Pleres is currently attending.

After a magic spell is casted upon Avel, which could've been casted by his own mother, Tess reassured the family that there wouldn't be any health complications coming from the child, as he is growing in a steadily manner. She also stated that there wouldn't be a need of an intervention to his mana 'circuits', which led to a gasps of relief from the family, but a question deep within Avel's thoughts.

High Mage Tessa, is currently known for being Lutchberg's medical specialist. A healer specifically assigned to the village itself. With her reputation and from what she had just claimed, comforted the hearts of the family, knowing that Avel's growth rate will turn out to be fine.

The family enjoyed the company of the healer and her aide for the rest of the night, but Avel remained in a state of confusion and left to ponder upon what Tess had said earlier and, his current understanding of the world.