
Once Above All

A programmer ends his life early and is reincarnated into a world where magic exists. 'Maybe magic could be an interest for me to live.'

PaleCrow · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Harem? What say you?

The next few years went on without a hitch. Avel had turned 5 not too long ago and, he was just about to leave for the city with his mother.

Over the past few years, Avel had managed to reach his mana capacity and efficiency to a 100%. As such, he was able to proceed on project MEMPHIS 2.0 and upgraded his mana veins to be larger. With every gradual increase of his mana veins, his mana efficiency would fall to just about 79% to 82%. However, Avel kept maintaining his progress and now, he would be able to fit 7 trains in the entirety of his mana veins, under a red-skinned train.

'The results of purifying mana is thrilling and addictive. Every change in colour would greatly affect my physical body. Not only is my vision capable of seeing further, my current strength is more than capable of lifting an average adult, easily. Right now I'm at an orangey-yellow state of colour.'

'However, I feel as if I shouldn't take this strength for granted.. I should exercise my physical strengths and test my limits, so that I'm able to maintain endurance even when I'm exhausted of mana.'

As Avel strolled on the streets, grasping onto his mother's left hand, they reached the city. For the first time, Avel would know the reason as to why his family would rather not go into the city.

Reaching the gates of the city, Avel and his mother lined up with a few other visitors, to gain entry into the city. Although not much had happened, a patrolling guard who had recognised Liz's face would cause an uproar.

"W-w Lady Winters! I greet the Lady Elizabeth of the Winter family!"

A crowd of gasps can be heard from the line of visitors, as well as the guards that are on standby.

He saluted and remained in that position awaiting a response from Liz.

"At ease, soldier. Besides, you do not need to greet me that way as I am retired."

"I-I would like to politely refuse Lady Winters! As a member of family that has greatly contributed to the saving of humanity from the calamity, I would like give the same level of respect to Lady Winters and her family!"

"Haah, very well then. Do as you wish."

"Thank you, Lady Winters! Please follow me."

"Hm? Where to?"

"Ah, Since you are recognised as members of the Winters' family, you do not need to queue in a line such a this, please follow me so that I can grant you access to the city easily."

"Oh, no need. We would like to remain here in this queue, then. Although we are recognised, we do not want to abuse the power of our family name is such a manner. Plus, I don't want to spoil my baby too much."

"Whoa! I would like to give deepest respect and also request an apology for my rude behaviour. I greet the youngest member of the Winters' family. Please excuse me." he bowed and left the scene, continuing his patrol, with a face filled with enlightenment.

"I'm sorry, sweetie. I should've worn a mask out today."

"It's fine, mum. I like being able to see you smile without a mask."

"Aww, you're so sweet. Hmpf, I wonder where'd you learn to speak that way."

"Ahaha, are there many smitheries in this city, mum?"

"Hmm, although it's been awhile, I only know one of them since we were both of the same team, a few years back. We'll check to see if he still has a place open. If not, I'm sure there are plenty of others that are in this city."

'A former comrade of mum when she was in the frontlines?'


Although there wasn't necessarily a requirement of the visit to the city, Avel wanted a chance to see the city for the first time and procure a training sword for himself. Not only does he want to see the other stores containing magical books or items, he wanted to know the advancement of current technology in the city.

Not long after, the two were granted access into the city and continued to walk on the path that seemed to be made of cement.

"Okay, where first, honey?"

"Hmm, since the weapons would be heavy, can we check out the some of the magic stores first?"

"Sure, sweetie."

Although they were without guards, Liz was a well known Arch Magus, who is more than capable of protecting herself and her son. As they proceeded on walking in the Main Street that seemed as if it would go in a full circle, they were met with a shop that had a sign signifying an emblem of a magical wand.

They entered a shop which had a welcoming host of a man that seemed to be in his 60's. He had a long white beard, and was wearing a brown wizard hat, which matched his brown attired loose dress. Making it seem as if he was of a wizard cosplay, all that was missing was an old staff.

"Welcome! What brings you here today?"

"Hello, my child would like to have a look, if you wouldn't mind us intruding."

"Of course not, feel free to look."

"Thank you very much, sir."

As Avel walked around the shop with, his mother proceeded chatting with the man on the topic of the city and its' current situation.

'This.. this place is like a yard sale... there's really not much that's of use to me.'

'There's a bunch of weird trinkets and the like but nothing that I need.. Hm? What's this?'

A ring that seemed to look rustic and old stood out from the bunch of trinkets that were laid out around.

'There's no way this ring is something that would contain a subspace, right?', he picked it up and suddenly, a voice could be heard next to him.

"Ah, I see that ring has caught your attention, hasn't it?"

"Hm? Sorry, I didn't realise you were done talking with my mum, old man. May I know about this ring?", though he was caught in a surprise, he couldn't resist not knowing what the ring could hold.

"Ah, you see this ring is considered to be a ring of fate. It is said that the creator of this made it in such a way that anyone who would own and possess it, would be filled with 'Harem'. Although I'm not sure what 'Harem' means."

"Huh? Then how did you come up with the word, then?"

"I'm told that degenerates would often buy it without hesitation upon hearing it."

"I see..", Avel said as he placed the ring back to where it was originally placed.

'No way I'm getting it, sounds like a cursed item. No system, no subspace. Will there ever be a chance for me to get lucky?'

As he turned around, facing towards the old man and wanting to give his thanks, he was instead met with nothing. After looking through a little more of the items around the shop, he met up with his mother by the counter, not purchasing anything, and leaving the shop.

"Interesting kid..", a voice uttered by himself not long as the two left the shop.

"Alright, let's just get a training sword so that we'll be back for dinner."

"Aw, sweetie. We could have dinner here, if you want. It'll be a little date for the two of us."

"Um, we'll see. Maybe there's a good restaurant nearby."

As the two continued on the Main Street, shortly after, they arrived at the smithery, owned by a former comrade of Liz. The smithery had its doors opened, and a sign on top in its language which conveyed, "Harley's Smithy".