
Once a Destiny

" I killed her!" "What?!" "Yes ! Are you happy , Baby !" -Who did he killed? "He killed Mom !" A story of a Boy who is Rich Spoilt kid and a Girl who came in the city trying to survive in her career and fulfill her dream of becoming a established person. Both were destined to meet eachother! They were destined together. Both with opposite personalities , yet destiny had already decided to glue them together. What will be happening? stay tuned !!

palettesOv · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs


I ran towards door to open it, and asked mom if everything is fine and why she was shouting ?

She replied with,

" I am not the one who should be blamed, you were shouting !

I was speechless!

(Started thinking)

Am I really getting excited or crazy?

Mom Pinched me taunting..

"You kids dont even know how to control excitement and you guys going overseas. Better take rest and go to sleep now Ov."

I said sorry and went to sleep.

But still this excitement was alive and I thought an idea that I should read a book which will make me sleep .

I took a old book and started reading,

The book was so interesting that I was reading it with much good interest.

The book had short stories like the motivation chapters , I love motivational books although they make me sleep but I can connect easily with them.

While reading the book I suddenly came across a chapter named "The destined"

The chapters 3-4 pages were half torn, it was an old book from the shelf

I started reading the chapter...

(Story on the half torn pages of the book)


The destined boy comes to rescue,

Will meet you ..... the path crossed, no blood relation.....he.....faith in one.


Many lines were vanished , I could hardly read the book... my eyes were heavy and the words hunged up were magical...

I was so intensely reading...

And suddenly a boy popped out from the book....

I was shocked ...  who is he? how did he manage to get in my room?

He looked exactly like a Manga Character.

He had no idea where he came from and I was scared and was hardly able to utter words...

I made up courage and asked him who is he? And why is he here !

He replied with,


My eyes went heavy and I slept.

Early Morning,

Suddenly a thought appeared in my mind about something happened last night, it felt so real,

I could hardly believe that it was a dream.

Mom made breakfast for me,

" I should not think about it may be it was just a bad dream", I murmured.

Mom asking me to sit and have breakfast ;

I was in my own thoughts !

I was totally trying to remember what I experienced yesterday, probably a dream.

After breakfast I wanted to hangout with friends but unfortunately no one was free.

Everyone gave reasons telling they dont have time for such silly stuffs.. so I buyed a hamburger with coke and went to a park alone. I sat on a bench enjoying my delicious meal.

Suddenly a cute dog arrived and sat beside me...

he was so cute I thought I should take him home but thinking his owner might be in search for him so I just thought of playing with him in the park.

The dog looked well mannered and was very obedient and also cute... that cute black eyes with dark black eyebrow.. I guess he was pomeranian.

I played with him for some time, I asked him "Where's your owner baby? "He must be missing you",

I suddenly saw a batch on his neck which had letters K.Y.

His name might be "K" for Kooper But what was "Y" then?

Umm hmm...

I was just passing my time and suddenly Mrs,Parker my neighbour occured. She took a sight of this dog and came towards me with a pamphlet kind of thing.

She said, "This dog is the same in this photo, the pamphlet says that the dog was lost yesterday and the owner is looking for him."

Owner might be searching him, take this pamphlet and contact the owner since u have found the dog.

I said in a cheerful voice "ok Mrs.Parker thnx for your help."

After contacting the owner I was waiting at the same place where I found K.Y.

After an hour a white car arrived , the person had gorgeous height and body, was walking towards me...

My heartbeats raised a height...

I was so happy to see a guy approaching me...

And then comes my luck,

The guy came took his dog said a word which was probably thankyou and took him away in a rush... The end.

Wow I was probably crushed into this fast forwarded approach.

I felt useless thinking that he didnt even properly stopped n said thankyou heartedly.

Now a days , peoples are so selfish !

He came, he took his dog and left. That's it! Was this all I was born for? I was stunned.

I was so frustrated I went home and slept.

I got stomachache so I didn't even have dinner properly and went to sleep again.

I had no dream this time.

It was a fresh new day morning and I was excited to start my day .

Mom called me for breakfast saying that she made my favorite pancakes...

This is what makes me happy !

Aahh...haaa.. the aroma the taste the texture... I was gulping my saliva.

Mom brought the news paper from the door. She loves reading newspapers than that of extreme technology use.

I was drinking my juice..

She was reading..




3) MR. KIM found his dog K.Y. back, expresses happiness with a party arrangement.

4) Peoples auditioning to get the title of their dream Mrs. WORLD.

Suddenly I felt I heard something familiar so I asked mom to repeat..

Mom said , ok !



What happened Ov you wanna adopt kittens? Mom asked.

I said no no the next one.. the dog one.

MR. KIM found his dog K.Y. back, expresses happiness with a party arrangement.

Woah ! " He managed to setup a party just because he found his dog ", Mom sounded surprised.

I murmured,

"I was the one who found out that dog, he should have treated me instead" !

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

Who?, I asked .

"MRS. Parker must have arrived" mom answered .

She opened the door,

and and a tall man appeared saying,

I AM THE OWNER OF K.Y. let me treat Ms. Ov to dinner as a Thankyou !

May I ?... (with addictive crispy voice)