
Omni Dimensional Incarnation System (Tower of God)

A lost soul stumbles upon an opportunity to get a system. That soul then starts his journey to become a Ruler of countless dimensions with the help of the system. Dimension visited: Fate/stay Night Tower of God ******** This is my first fanfic and I am just writing it for fun. So don't come with high expectations for it or something, keep them low since I am not that talented of a writer. Some plot things will be quite AU because I am making stuff up for some things. So if you don't like that sort of stuff don't read this. There might be some uncomfortable themes here and there in the story, you have been warned. P.S. the cover is not mine, I am not an artist after all.

KenTheSlayer · Komik
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37 Chs

Finally settling things

The class ends with a bell toll and this brightens up the atmosphere for some of the students in the classroom. Today was Monday so I can understand their feelings about being a bit more exhausted than usual since Sundays make you relax a bit too much. Of course that doesn't include me but that's fine.

It's been 5 days already since I got Primordial Runes, and I have been gradually familiarizing myself with them and have even tried to do delicate stuff with it.

I have enchanted my sword and spear with some special effects that make them very deadly, but it's not like I will really need them. The runes are enough for me to do whatever I want. I just bought A-ranked Memory Partition and Thought acceleration to facilitate its use from the system.

Anyway today is the day, I decided to take action. Of course I won't go all guns blazing like an idiot, because that would be foolish to the extreme. After my main goal isn't to fight but rather save. I might be much more powerful than the enemy but if I fail in my main objective, then even if I kill or completely destroy it wouldn't really matter.

I start to leave the classroom after taking my bag while thinking about what I will do. I am so absent minded at the moment that I bump into a guy coming out from another class.

I just say "Excuse me" to the guy without even looking at him, and go on my way quickly at a brisk pace while ignoring the loud chatter of students around me but still being mindful of the surroundings unlike before.

As I leave the school, suddenly a hand grabs onto my shoulder with a strong grip and a voice comes from behind me.


I am irritated at this but keep dissatisfaction to myself and turn around to look at who this person is. I am shocked and speechless as soon as I look at who it is but don't let it show it on my face.

"You dropped this."

The guy says this after taking out an ID card, my ID card.

"Thanks man. What do I call you?"

"My name is Emiya Shirou of class 1-A, you can call me however you like Matou."

"Emiya then. I am Matou Shinji of class 1-B, nice to meet you."

I say that and shake hands with the guy in a noble manner.

"Now if you don't mind Emiya but I have some urgent stuff to do, so I will thank you for this at another time."

"Oh no, there is no need for that. It was only natural for me to do that."

"Nonsense if I say I will treat you then I will treat you Emiya. You saved me from a troublesome situation so it's natural that I thank you in some way, my pride won't allow otherwise."

"Well if you insist. See you later then, Matou."

"See you later Emiya."

We part at the school gate and go our separate ways.

Hmm I knew that Emiya was at my school but I didn't think that my first meeting with the guy would be today of all days.

Is this an omen?

Well whatever the case, I won't change my plans because of such an unusual coincidence. After all Emiya Shirou doesn't have anything to do with the Matou family at the moment. I am not sure if I want to be friends with him or not. The only benefit I see from a friendship between us I good and healthy food, and that is something worth considering.

Anyways let's go home.


After coming home and having dinner with the family, I part ways with Sakura and go to my room like always. Byakuya will soon start Sakura's training tonight.

I change into my usual comfortable white shirt and black pants quickly and go out and head towards the basement area.

On the way, I see Byakuya taking Sakura towards the basement. Oh well good timing, he also has had his last meal so it's all good.

Byakuya looks at me and then narrows his eyes.

"What are you doing here, Shinji?"

"What I should have done, a long time ago."

I say to him in a confident voice, further confusing him. I accelerate my thoughts and start computing all the different processes and actions that I will take in the next few seconds. I also prepare counters for any possible counters in less than a millisecond.

I first throw a lightning bolt at him to paralyze him, I didn't do any elaborate spell since they would take time even with runes so simple was best. At the same time I make a one way barrier around us, with which we can affect outside but outside can't affect inside. This is a very complex barrier and almost all my calculations were related to this.

I then take out my sword out of inventory much to shock and horror as seen on Byakuya's and then I proceed to behead him. He doesn't deserve to be tortured that much so I give him a quick death. As soon as his head separates from his neck a notification pops up in front of my face.

[You have killed Matou Byakuya. You gain 300 SP]

Wow, this guy isn't really worth much huh. Honestly for my first human kill, I am not affected that much by it even if half of my shirt is stained with blood.

I then proceed to incinerate the body. I then hear a scream from behind me.

"It hurts!"

I turn towards and get her to lie down. Sakura's distressed face gives me more pain than the fact that I killed my sort of biological father.

"Don't worry, I will save you from this but it will cause you pain."

I then use runes to make a complex spell which will heal, protect and purify Sakura's body and soul while applying death to the concept of Matou Zouken. This spell will trace it back to the origin of Matou Zouken and attack him too. This took almost all my magical energy and almost all the mystery cultivated for who knows how many years in the mansion.

After applying the spell, I wait. For a minute there is a lot of screaming from Sakura due to pain but then she calms down. After about another couple of minutes, colours return to her.

[You have destroyed the soul of Matou Zouken. You gain 40,000 SP]

[You have completed your first Main Mission. Rewards are being calculated...]

I turn off the notifications for the time being and look at Sakura's condition.

"Sakura? A-are you feeling alright?"

"Y-yes, actually I have never felt better before. Thank you for that."

I sigh with relief at that, since that is the only thing that matters.

After making sure she is okay, we then proceed to go to my room. We don't really talk about why I was able to do what I did, neither did she ask me why I killed but rather she just kept grabbing my arm.

We then sleep on the same bed while she hugs me.

...At least that's what Sakura thinks but I am not that interested in sleeping when I can check my rewards.


Main Rewards: Third Magic Heaven's Feel or Marble Phantasm (Brunestud version)

Optional Rewards: 2 premium gacha spins

Additional benefits:

1) Dimensional Incarnation is now unlocked.

2) Main body has ascended to become a Conceptual Ruler.

3) Since this dimension is the root of your being, you are allowed one skill that can be used in all of magic based dimensions. Choose the skill.]

Hmm that's nice. Well I will check that benefit out later. Let's check the main reward.

'System what will happen if I take Brunestud version Marble Phantasm, will there be any consequences to that? Or will I just simply get the Marble Phantasm without any consequences?'

[If the host chooses that reward, there is a 100% chance that the host will mutate and become a nature spirit. Specifically the host will become a True Ancestor.]

Okay, as much as I like vampire genre in the stories. I am definitely not going anywhere near that. After all becoming a True Ancestor is a trap in itself, no matter how perfect or powerful of a True Ancestor I become.

First of all, if I become a True Ancestor I would probably have to deal with the pesky vampiric impulse that haunts them. Plus even if I overcome that and become more perfect, who's to say that Crimson Moon won't take over my body.

True Ancestors were made as a contingency by Crimson Moon in the event of his death after all. So yeah, while having a Marble Phantasm seems fantastic I am not that interested in it.

'I choose Third Magic Heaven's Feel.'

[Host, are you sure?]

'Yes, do it. Integrate it.'

As soon as I command that mentally, I start feeling my body changing at a fundamental level. I feel my mind elevating to a place where I can see everything in that instant. I can see the passage of time and all the different timelines. But I can see myself leaving the cycle of that swirl of information.

My soul materializes and becomes a perpetual motion machine creating energy for all my needs.

I also get all the knowledge in soul manipulation forced into my mind and soul.

By the time, I come back to myself it's morning and Sakura is looking worriedly at me.

"What happened?"

"You didn't wake up for a long time, when I was waking you up. So I was worried."

"Oh you don't need to worry about anything anymore, your brother will take care of you from now on. Since Zouken and Byakuya are dead, I will lead the family as I told you before."

"Ojii-sama is dead?!"

"Don't call that old monster that, he doesn't deserve it. Anyways let's wash up and get ready for school."

Sakura just meekly nods at that and goes with it.

For now, let's check my status.


Incarnation Name- Matou Shinji

Age- 12 years

Sex- Male

Race- Transcendent Human, Magician

Origin- Gamer

Attribute- Absorption, Almighty

Element- Wind


Strength: D

Endurance: D+

Agility: D

Magical Energy: EX (Infinite)

Luck: A+

Noble Phantasm: None

Skills- Presence Concealment (C), Instant Dungeon Creation (B), Reinforcement (B), Ambidextrous, Curse of Restoration (A), Instinct (A), Wind Barrier(A), Binding(A), Battle Continuation(D), Primordial Runes, Memory Partition (A), Thought Acceleration(A), Third Magic: Heaven's Feel]

[Current System Balance: 1,443,100 SP]

Isn't that amazing? Oh boy this will be fun. Honestly with this transformation, I am basically unstoppable in the entire world if certain old men and shotacons don't interfere.

Anyway I have no grand plans on what to do for now. Nor am I interested in getting another incarnation for the time being. I suppose it's time to enjoy my life from now on.

Ruminating over many thoughts like these, I get ready and have breakfast with Sakura and then go to school part of the way with her.

Of course I have now forcefully taken control of the old boundary field at our mansion. I also told Sakura that I am a magician, obviously she didn't understand what I meant but I further explained to her that I am much more powerful than Zouken. For her protection I gave her a charm made up of runes enchanted by me in my workshop. It has many functions upon activation, mainly notifying me about her position, it creates a protective shield strong enough that it can hold itself at an attack at anti-castle level and finally it retaliates against the enemy at full force depending upon the level of enemy. A fully powered attack can destroy a town but Sakura's safety is more important to me than the safety of town.

That's a pretty fucked up viewpoint I know, but I am a selfish person so I don't really care about unknown people. Sakura is my only family, so this much protection is only natural in my humble opinion.

After dropping her at her elementary school, I head towards my own, while thinking about the future.

And so ends the part 1 story of the Fate arc. Honestly I thought adding Zouken before killing him but I scrapped that idea because it was kinda pointless and also insects disgust me. For those who were thinking there was going to be some epic fight for this part of the story, I can only call those readers idiots. Zouken isn't really an enemy which has much battle potential. He is just difficult to kill, but

Primordial Runes can attack concepts so there you go. Did you like the chapter?

KenTheSlayercreators' thoughts