
Omega to Luna

Her life was barely a life at all. He got everything he dreamed of. Under the circumstances that they meet will they be able to push past there differences and learn to accept each other or will they go there separate ways as rejected wolves? Zaraphine Knight is the second daughter to Alpha Jasper Knight of Blue Moon pack. Atticus Black took over as Alpha when he turned 18 of Blood Moon pack.

Kirsten_Raymond · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
51 Chs

Chapter 29

Esther's POV

*Before the rogue attack on Blue Moon*

"Honey come down here please. I have someone that needs to speak with us." I heard my mate, Jasper Knight yell for me. I rolled out of the bed and slid my feet into my light pink fuzzy slippers before walking to the living room. "Who is it?" I question him as soon as I walk in. "Esther please meet a dear friend of mine, Selene, Goddess of the Moon." He says smiling brightly at the women beside him.

"The Moon Goddess? Darling have you officially lost it? Everyone knows the goddess does not leave her temple." I state matter of factly. What kind of fool does he believe me to be, I question in my head. "Why hello child. I understand this may be surprising but it is true. I am Selene, and I am truly sorry for the intrusion but I would like to ask for a favor from the both of you." She says never letting her pearly whites disappear. "Anything Goddess. What can we do for you?" My husband eagerly asked this women.

'I don't like her. They're too close!' I growled to my wolf. 'I'm not sure if I trust it either.' She responded hastily. "How do we know you are truly the Goddess of the Moon? Anyone can claim to be such a women asking for favors." I spit out harshly, showing my aggression towards her. She lets her smile fade slightly before raising her head, looking me directly in the eye. "Child I understand your uncertainty but I can assure you I am who I say I am. If you do not trust it then so be it. But in all truth I do not need you for this task I am asking of your mate. Jasper can handle it on his own if he must." She says just as aggressively.

"Esther enough. She has visiting for years! She is the Goddess. You must show respect!" Jasper say harshly using his Alpha tone on me causing my wolf to lower her head in submission. "Yes Alpha." I whisper distastefully, "What can we do for you Selene?" I show off the fakest smile I could muster, looking directly into her gaze. "I have given birth to a child. A child that must stay away from the temple, for now. I am asking you to raise her as your own for the sake of the wolf species. She mustn't know about her true origins until the time is right. Can I trust you with this Alpha Jasper and Luna Esther?" She asks pridefully. "Of course Selene! It would be a great honor." My mate says smiling bigger than I have ever seen.

"Why can she not stay with you at the temple Selene? I do not understand. Are there issues amongst the gods that we should be worried about?" I question her seriously, raising an accusing eyebrow. "None that shall concern you. I simply do not wish for her to grow up as a goddess. I, along with all of you need her to see the job she will be taking over first hand so she can exceed accordingly." She states calmly. 'She's lying!' My wolf growls out angrily.

"When can we meet her Selene? And what is her name? Will she take my surname? How will we explain the sudden appearance of a child when Esther can not bear child after the birth of our only daughter." Jasper questions curiously. "I will take care of that. Nobody will find out that she is not your daughter. Only the two of you will know and it must remain that way until she becomes of age to take my place with her mate." She says looking at me distastefully.

"I will have my second bring her to you in the late evening of tomorrow. Her name is Zaraphine Knight." She explains smiling at my mate.