
Omega Queen

Kidnapped, Bitten, forced to fight and abandoned. 1,000 Years from when she was turned can the Omega Queen free her people from the oppression of the Alphas or will the King end them all. Will the tables turn and Omegas become the top, will she topple the Alphas.

Annhillann · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Chapter 1

Shifter, werewolf, Lycanthrope, there are many names for what I am, if I had a choice I wouldn't be any of them. I was a normal human, not that I remember anything from back then. It's been 1,000 years since I was forced to become the wolf shifter I am, and to top it off I am no more than an Omega. I should explain, in wolf society there is a hierarchy like the human class system. Alphas are the top, they are naturally faster, bigger and stronger than all others and the strongest of the Alphas becomes the King of all the shifters. The rest of the alphas lead packs that protect the king and guard the Natural world. After alphas are Beta wolfs they are not as strong or big as alphas but they are fast and make good deputy's to the Alphas. Below them are Gamma wolfs that are like normal wolfs they make up a lot of the populace of shifters but the majority of wolfs are actually Omegas the weakest of the wolfs, now I said I was an Omega and while that is technically true it's not 100% accurate. I am a turned wolf and this means I don't even rank as one of the shifters. Any shifter that id born a shifter no matter the rank is allowed to be part of a pack and is protected, those of us that were turned into shifters are shunned and in most cases killed. We are not natural and we represent the sins of the shifters past. To understand why were are hated is a long Storie and I don't have time for that now so i'll give you a quick run down.

Thousands of years ago the packs were not united under a king and so war after war was waged to assert the packs dominance, however this was taking a toll on the population of the shifters. The Alphas started to kidnap humans and turned them to make them disposable soldiers for the packs. After the war was finally ended the newly appointed king deemed the turned wolfs as abominations and order them to be destroyed. They all fled as far from the pack as they could, the turned shifters had nowhere to go the humans would hate them the wolfs hated them. This is when I took charge and lead as many of my people as I could up north to the snowy mountains, it was hard and unhospitable lands but we watched the wild animals and learned how to survive and we began a pack of turned shifters. As the oldest of the turned I was appointed as queen. Turned shifters have one major difference with born shifters, we don't age. We can be killed the same way other shifter are but while they age very slowly we don't age at all. Probably another reason to hate us and want us gone. Over the years our community (I hate the word pack) has grown, we don't just have turned shifters we have witches, vampires, demons, fey and and born shifters we will take anyone who has been shunned and has fled their home. The only requirement to be part of our community is to leave all prejudice behind and to treat all equally. My life's passion is to ensure our community is never discovered by the shifter king and his council and if we are discovered then I will protect every single citizen till my death.

"My Queen? " ah this is one of my deputies he is a Vampire who fled his creator and found his way to us.

"Yes, how can I help Lestat?" I said as I looked up from my desk with tired eyes.

"You are overworking again, are you sure you can't find someone to share this burden with? " he looks worried again.

"Lestat, I believe thats what you and my other deputies are for" I smile at him I know thats not what he means.

"Your Highness please, I'm worried you have no one to confide in or share yourself fully with" I know he means well but after what I have been through there is no way I can love another the way he thinks I should.

"Lestat, we have already been over this, I will hear no more of it, did you have anything to report to me?"

"fine .... There have been reports from 201 about shifters around our borders" 201 is the name of my shifter deputy, I know he does not have a proper name none of the turned shifters do. We were assigned numbers, after being turned we went through a process that removed all memory of our human lives. We were just told we were once human thats all we know.

"Does he think we have been found out?"

"No he suspects a new pack has been established near by and they were just scouting the area" this is troublesome we can't be discovered.

"Tell him I want a few scouts sent out, we have to know all we can about our new neighbours, make sure they are discrete I don't want them disscoverd"

"As you wish my queen" with that Lestat bowed and left my office, this could turn out to be a big problem just what I need.