
Omega Queen

Kidnapped, Bitten, forced to fight and abandoned. 1,000 Years from when she was turned can the Omega Queen free her people from the oppression of the Alphas or will the King end them all. Will the tables turn and Omegas become the top, will she topple the Alphas.

Annhillann · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 2

So you know last time I said that the shifter spotted scouting would be a problem, well its much more than we thought. Currently I am sat at our conference room with all my deputies let me introduce them. First we have Lestat my Vampire deputy, second 201 shifter deputy, third Flora fey deputy she is a fairy, forth David human deputy (yes we allow humans as well), fifth Delphyne demon deputy she is a serpent demon, Sixth Madock witch/warlock deputy. These are my deputies, these are the main races we have in our community. However if we have other races who are not in these categories they can choose witch ever deputy they wish to represent them. Demons and fey have lots of sub species so thats why they come under one umbrella category. Any way on with the meeting.

"Thank you everyone for convening so quickly, I have called this meeting to address the concerns on the new pack spotted near here by 201s scouts. 201 please give us your report on the pack"

"yes my queen, The new pack is called the blood moon pack and they are a very violent pack who love fighting and bloodshed, they have previously been in conflict with several other packs. That is why the king moved them to up here so they would not be as close to other packs. The Alpha is Zander Moon, he is very violent and desires power. He has challenge the king for his position many times when he was younger but failed. He does not care for weakness in his pack and so treats his Omegas and some of the Gammas as slaves in the pack. His Beta Jack Green has the same views as the Alpha. To put it bluntly we have a big issue with them being this close to our borders."

"Wow 201 it always impresses me that you can gather so much information in so little time, you have to tell me your secret" Delphyne smiles at him darkly.

"Delphyne you know that information is between me and the queen alone" I can sense 201s warning tone.

"Okay enough you two, I need options here what are we going to do about this"

"I could see about creating a magic barrier around our borders that would only allow member of this community through although it would take a lot of power" Madock suggests

"I would be happy to lend some more power to you and some of my people would to"

"Thank you flora that would help a lot"

"Okay well this help us if we get discovered but is there anyway to prevent being discovered" I really don't want to have to get into a fight with the shifter packs and their king.

"My queen, I think it might be time to introduce our community to them and warn them from coming onto our lands"

I look at David in shock "What?"

"Think about it there is no way we can keep ourselves secrete with a violent pack like them near us, why not make the first move and let it be on our terms that we reveal ourselves"

"I agree with David, my queen this might be the time" Lestat looks to me. Im shocked the though of actually being discovered never really crossed my mind, I mean I always new it was a possibility but I hoped it never would.

"what does everyone else say?" I ask the rest. Flora, Madock and Delphyne all look at each other and nod.

"We agree with David to" I sigh.

"201 what about you" my last hope he's the same as me, he knows what they are like more than anyone.

"My queen I know why you hate this idea, but given the circumstances I believe David is right" I can't believe it all my deputies agree with this idea. I sit back in my chair and close my eyes, can this work ? I am going to make it work I'll become the devil to the shifter packs if it will protect my people.

"My queen ?" Lestat asks worried.

"Fine as you are all in agreement let's get this planned out" I can't believe I am going to do this, I am going to have to face the king and the people who ruined my life.