
Oh My Prince—ess!

Gu WenYu closed eyes and took his last breath at the cold prison of one of his enemies after ingesting a special poison that would kill him painlessly and swiftly. Prepared for his death and accepted his life's regrets, Gu Wenyu was prepared to go to his next life... but who would have thought that he would go back to the starting point of his hellish life? P.s: This is a gender bend. If you're uncomfortable please don't proceed. (And I'm not really good at synopsis lol) — • — CREDIT TO THE OWNER OF THE COVER PICTURE!

MayUcee · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Go home

"Where are you?"

A booming voice welcomed his ears the moment he answered it. Gu WenYu rolled his eyes and sat at his gaming chair.

Who in the world would believe that the owner of this voice was close to dying 3 years ago?


He answered boredly. Pushing his chair back and forth. His relationship with his grandfather could be defined in a few words: awkward, distant, and cold.

In short they don't really have a good relationship.

Even back then when they found out what happened to him, instead of focusing to the fact that he was raped and traumatized.

They were more interested to the fact that he is a woman. Yes, a woman. A girl. A person with a vagina and uterus.

Might be shocking as it never came to them that they will do an elaborate plan about his identity. If it weren't for that accident they might not know it until the old mans's death bed.

They were mad at his father and him for deceiving them. They exiled him from the family. That old man even tried to throw him into a camp because he kept insisting that he is a male.

They did blacklist him to any possible establishment he could apply for. Even tainting him an image of an addict and violent, irrational person.

Gu WenYu hated the whole family. He always thought of how he would exact revenge on them, but as time went by those feelings started to disappear.

He didn't forgive them nor forget what they did, he just…feels numb. He unconsciously put it in the deepest part of him and took away his feelings about it.

He was quite thankful that they didn't revealed his identity especially those half-sibling of his.

No hate. No love. No pain. Nothing. But if given a chance, he'll make them experience his pain.

"Home? What home? I am at home right now! Dare to Deceive me! Your cousin called. You didn't show up at school!"

Seriously, why does he care? Gu WenYu sighed and stood up, leaving his room. He's really hungry.

"I'm at my place. I'm not playing. [Just tell me what you want, you talk too much.] And who's [cousin] told you that? They really have a loose mouth."

"You disrespectful child! My heart really can't take you, you think I don't understand English?! You better get home in this instance!"

Gu WenYu nodded at Zhang Fei who's still cooking in the kitchen before heading to the living room. Slouching on his soft sofa.

"[Go home?] I'm at home, what do YOU mean? Grandpa…check your memory, It's getting dull."

He smiled. He even emphasized the polite 'you' that he used. He heard the old man gasp, ha! He must be close to exploding right now.

"You! You, you! Rascal! This is what you learn in America? Disrespec— toot! Toot! Toot!"

Gu WenYu rolled his eyes. Hanging up to that old man will surely make him explode. He's tired of hearing his racist remarks and insulting his way of upbringing.

And he's from Australia, not America. Throwing his phone at the side, he decided to watch some show while waiting for food.

'You're the most beautiful cloud in my sky

Let me keep you behind.

Singing the most dazzling national wind

Let love roll away all the dust—'

Hearing the ringtone, Gu WenYu just took his phone and stuffed it inside the sofa. Let them call, let them call! They're wishing to see a white crow if they want him to answer that.

"[Stupid old man. Ancient man.] Home? You mean the den of evil...but it's not a bad idea…"

Him going home will threaten not only his cousins but also those 'siblings' and that concubine of his father. Plus, he want to see Gu Cheng…that stupid father of his.

"Young master, the food is ready! Please come and eat."

Nevermind. He'll just eat, he's really hungry and sleepy. Those useless thoughts (people) can wait.

"Auntie Zhang, eat with me…"


Gu WenYu looks at the utensils that Zhang Fei dropped. She's looking at him as if seeing a dog talk, What's wrong with her?




Being bilingual is hard! Believe me, especially if you know more than two languages.😩

Enjoy! Add it to your library if you enjoy it, lovies! My update is sporadic.

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