
Of Diamonds and Rubies

This is a story about a young saiyan Gold who ends up in Remnant with no idea how or when he got there with another wolf faunus Onyx in the same predicament but when they get into beacon, a whole new challenge awaits them and their strange powers (I didn't make DBZ or RWBY).

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Crimson Trailer

In the unknown city of Persia unknown because all the people in the city has magic capabilities and the city is covered in a magical force field that makes it invisible to non citizens and their emotions cannot be sensed by grimm. In the city was celebrating the finals of the u23 martial arts finals.

In the plain white ring which the competition finals was starting.

"For the finals... we have Lisa Crimson against Trevor Whiteman" the commentator said as the crowd cheered "I'm going to win this time... trust me" Trevor said to the girl who smirked from the other side of the ring "We'll see about that" Lisa said she had crimson hair tied in a ponytail that reached the center of her back. She had nice looking features and yellow eyes and she was wearing a tight combat dress that was red in colour with two arm braces and red boots. Her opponent was a teenager with silver hair and turquoise eyes... he had a slim build but he was very handsome. He was wearing a white Long sleeve shirt with a gray armor on top of it with black trousers and boots. "FIGHT" The commentator said as the finalists charged at each other. Lisa landed the first blow as she disappeared and reappeared behind Trevor and hitting him with a double axe handle but Trevor landed quite safely as he fired a white orb at Lisa which exploded as the orb hit her red coloured shield as Lisa created three more clones of herself as they simultaneously attacked Trevor who dodged most of the hits only for the redhead to kick him from behind as she made her clones to explode and used the smoke screen to land a couple of punches before Trevor used his magic to turn invisible as she punched Lisa who was trying to target an area to punch the invisible teenager using her energy sensing ability... but it was futile as she was punched a lot with her aura flickering as a result until she managed to get a hold of his head and used her energy reaping magic to reduce Trevor's magic causing him to lose his invisibility as the fighters charged at each other again as they traded punches while zapping around the ring as Trevor knocked down Lisa who tripped him shortly after before she fired a barrage of explosive orbs causing Trevor to lose a large chunk of his aura as his clothes remained alright as Lisa prepared a final attack as she created three clones of herself which all held Trevor as she fired a red coloured wave which hit Trevor as the clones exploded in a violent fury as Trevor's aura level hit 11 eliminating him and making Lisa the winner for the second time "Trevor Whiteman is eliminated making Lisa Crimson the winner" The commentator announced as the crowd cheered. "Oh COME ON I really thought I was going to win this time" Trevor huffed sadly "That was a tough game Trevor" Lisa said giving him a thumbs up sign "Quit the sportsmanlike behavior... you hid the energy reaping technique from your own boyfriend" Trevor said in a friendly manner as there was no denying that he was still angry at losing the match "You're my boyfriend... but then you're my rival" Lisa said as they both hugged slightly and walked off the ring.

In the outskirts of Persia

There was an... issue, hordes of grimm were gathered outside the city's barrier... not like they could enter or even defeat the guards... but they are not able to sense any negative feelings coming from inside the city... except they are being stationed. However... a few minutes later... a woman in a black dress was hovering and looking down on the city from above... that's also weird...even if you're semblance is flight (as weird as that is) you shouldn't be able to see the barrier and it's as if she is seeing through it... on closer investigation of the lady... she has pale white skin, black eyes with creepy red irises and had weird black lines on her body which flew red once in a while... is this some grimm lady of some sort? After a few seconds, another weird event started happening the guards began feeling weaker... even all the other magic wielders began to lose their manna as a multicolored ball started to form in the sky. If this goes on the shields may come down and the grimm will flood the city full of weakened warriors

In Persia's Palace

"Mom... what's going on" Lisa said as she and Trevor stormed into the throne room where Lisa's mom, the queen was wearing some battle armor "A lady showed up... she's taking the manna of the inhabitants of the city if she isn't stopped (a loud vibrating sound was heard) the shield will go down like it just did" Lisa's mother said as she looked at her daughter. "I want to fight with them" Lisa said defiantly yet expectedly as Trevor nodded "Look... before your father died... he warned me about the queen of Grimm... Salem... she is the one out there and we... Persia does not stand a chance against her.... I swore to protect you Lisa... you and Trevor must leave before she absorbs all your energy" The Queen said as she passed some of her manna to the two teenagers and gave Lisa a large spell book before she left "Let's go Lisa" Trevor said ins way that it sounded urgent but didn't make her angry knowing her father died before she was born and her mother might be next as two of them left the palace

In the city streets

As expected... the grimm had ravaged most of the city killing all in their path as Trevor and Lisa ran through the roads as they avoided flying which would make them lose more energy and expose them to the stronger flying grimm so they were cutting down the grimm on the ground... beowolf to Ursa to deathstalker to boarbartusks and heck even a Goliath although Lisa couldn't help but look at her mother who was dismembered by six nevermores as her manna was drained and this Salem lady laughed maniacally... she immediately started sobbing... one moment you win a martial arts tournament against your boyfriend and the next... some creepy lady devours everything you ever loved except your boyfriend of course and that or the fact they are about to leave the city caused a giant Griffon to fly straight at them "Giant Grimm Dragon Attack" Trevor screamed as they ran faster choosing to evade grimm but the Griffon was edging up on them as Trevor stopped running "What are you doing!" Lisa said as Trevor turned around to face her "I'll buy you the last inch of time you need" Trevor said expecting a negative response "Nononono please... you're the last thing I love that is still alive please don't..." Lisa was saying before Trevor kissed her for a short while as two of them hugged with tears streaming down their faces as Lisa ran before Trevor used up almost all his manna as his to fire a silver beam at the Griffon who shot fire in response as the Grimm's fire slowly pushed back Trevor's attack as he used the last bit of his life force on one more magic ability "I used the last bit of my life force to say this... I will always love you and be with you... Lisa" Lisa heard Trevor's telepathic message as his energy signature faded and she heard Salem's loud maniacal laugh from the other side of the city as she threw the large ball made out of the manna of almost all the people of Persia on the grimm filled city destroying it all as Lisa could only look in horror as she ran away with the spell book as a raven with red eyes watched before it flew away.

Welcome back to my story and thanks for reading. This is the third out of four trailers before the series will begin. This one is about Lisa Crimson another character with VERY strange origins and semblance. Remember... when you're done here make sure you read my other stories Legend of the Starwalker and ENERGIZED RWBYVERSE so she is a magician and her city was destroyed by Salem. I chose Persia because I wanted a European city which was famous in the past but not so popular right now... so that is 3 out of 4 trailers so until the next trailer... PEACE.Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!I tagged this book, come and support me with a thumbs up!Like it ? Add to library!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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