
Odin in the Wizarding World

In an attempt to sourvive Ragnarok, the Allfather Odin and his two wives, the Asgardian Queen Frigg Aesir and the Valkyrie Queen Freya Vanir, have their soules transported into the Wizarding World. Reawakened as Edward 'Odin' Granger, the former Allfather starts his life in the wizarding world, as do his wives that have been reincarnated as the Proudmore twins Sibilla and Irena. Only difference between him and them, he has only resently awakened his memories at the age of seventeen, whereas his queens had been born with them. Attempting to reconnect with each other in the wizarding world, soon becomes their greatest challenge yet, as Odins hedonistic ways, destiny and the return of a certain Dark Lord get in their way of happiness... ------------------ Chapter lengh: 1200~1400 words Editing status: 0 (No editor and Grammary makes thinks worse in this case) Release schedule: No idea (Writing these chapters is a ton of research...) P.S. This story in the world of Harry Potter is based solely on the movies (using the books might infringe on J.K. Rollings copyrights) and starts with the Goblet of Fire story arch.

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33 Chs

Chapter 1: Arrival in the Wizarding World

Durmstrang Institute, Siberia 1994...

Coffing out black blood, Edward Granger, awakens in the middle of the night. Disoriented and frightened as sealed memories start to get unsealed, the soul of the Allfather slowly reawakens in an attempt to rid its vessel of deadly poisons. Vomiting out large amounts of black foul-smelling poison, the teenager finally gets some rest after hours of violent vomiting and cleaning, as memories past and present start to merge.

Absorbing memories of the vessel, Odin learns many key facts about this place he reincarnated himself and his wives into. Halfe-Blood born as Edward Granger from London, he has a four-year younger half-sister called Hermine. Contrary to his sister who had been admitted to Howards in Scotland, Edward had been forced to attend the Durmstrang Institute in Siberia for unknown reasons.

Not wanting to dwell too much on his circumstance of birth, Odin starts to think about who might have poisoned him. Thinking objectively about it, he comes up with only two logical conclusions. It had to have been his best friend Victor Krum or Igor Karkaroff the headmaster.

Vicor because despite being best friends was also his ruthless rival, who had never beaten him in any duel. With the Triwizard Tournament coming up, it seems to be in the realm of plausibility that his rival would try to get rid of him with nefarious means.

Karkaroff because not only was Victor is his favorite student, but also Edwards half-blood heritage. With the already mentioned Triwizard Tournament coming up, it could be that the headmaster simply wanted to secure the Krums participation.

The Triwizard Tournament, a notorious and perilous contest to its core, dates back around 700 years. This contest of intelligence, courage and wizards-losing-their-minds-because-there's-a-dragon-half-a-meter-away was traditionally held every five years between the three biggest wizarding schools in Europe: Durmstrang, Beauxbatons, and Hogwarts.

After some accidents, the contest petered out. That was until its revival this year, two centuries later, when extra safety precautions were added by the Ministry of Magic.

Feeling a burning sensation following his puking marathon, Odin takes a look at his skinny left arm. Still having the lingering impression of a strong but crippled arm, he is happy to discover intricate interlinked black nordic runes appear all over his forearm. Rubbing his forearm, the burning sensation gives way for a numb cooling one. As he traces one particular rune representing his two wives, the ink starts to radiate a golden glow as a spell is cast.

Feeling the ether, the source of his magical powers once again flow in his nerves, as he casts his spell Odin feels instantly connected to his wives. Unable to exactly pinpoint their location or figure out their current appearance, he now at least knows that his enchantment on their souls worked as intended. They, like him, had effectively out smarted Ragnarok, their preordained deaths.

Feeling the strong connection to them once again snap into place, the former Allfathers throughs return to his former selves untimely demise. Somebody had killed Edward Granger and he the new and improved Edward would get some payback for him.

Swinging himself out of bed and on to a pair of wirey unsteady leags, he removes his blood and poison covered bed sheats before stumbling into his boxroom sized bathroom that also doubles as a make shift laboratory. Placing the smelly sheats on the sink, Odin finds a sunken wax-like face stair at him from the mirror above the sink. Enforcing his unhealthy corpse like appearance are his very visible ripcage and over all weak physical condition.

Remembering, that his soule had been slumbering inside this unlucky vessel, he suddenly understands his new bodys health problem.

Sucessfully practiced magic for eight year's, despite not being capable of refining ether from external sources to cast spells, draws ether intern, out of the casters body, hence his unhealthy state. Understanding that fact, Odin is even more shocked to realise,that the concep of ether seems to be foreigen to wizards of this world.

One has to know, that in the eye of the Allfather, practicing magic while being unaware of it's origin is akin to heresy. Not only is the practice of magic without knowledge of ether dangerous but also unscientific, since no serious research can be done without knowing the fundamental principles. The Allfathers favourite methaphor for that being the difference between alchemy and chemistry.

Not wanting to further dwell on this wizarding worlds ignorance, he decides to take samples of the poison dispelled from his body before cleaning his bedsheets and going back to bed....

Meanwhile... in France, Beauxbatons Academy of Magic...

The Proudmore twins Sibilla and Irena are suddenly awakened by a burning sensation around their necks. Formelly known as Frigg Aesir and Freya Vanir, the two former godesses had always been aware of their past lifes, since their soules had been awakened since birth. Surpisingly having their mother nearly killed by a Deatheater, while pregnant in the end had it's perks.

Wearing very different nightwear, one being a floaty white nightgown, the other a black sports bra and matching boyshorts, the twins stair at each other wide eyed, saying nearly simultaneously. ''He is back.''

Jumping out of bed, all in black, Irena formally Freya Vanir angrily shouts. ''That god dammed bastard!''

''Calm down sister. We new this day would come.'' Says Sibilla all in white, while swinging her feet elegantly out of bed.

Despite beeing sister wives in their last lifes and twins in this life, the two woman couldn't be more different in both demeanour and appearance. Where Sibilla has preseved her natural long blonde hair, Irena has cut and colored her hair black with a white center streak. In other words, where one is a suttle fairy, the other is very literal demoness, beautifull but deadly.

''How can you be so calm?...'' Asks the former queen of the Valkyries Irena, getting all the more worked up and angry. ''... I wasn't the only one he repeatedly cheated on!''

Fluffing her long hair the former Queen of Asgard Sibilla explains. ''Well, I guess the death of all gods, including all my childen and the destruction of our universe changes thinks. I mean only the three of us sourvived Ragnarok.''

Letting go of her anger for a moment to think straight for a second, Irena admits. ''I guess you have a point...''

Rolling her eyes, Sibilla smirks while saying. ''I always have a point... Remember that ice cream flavour.''

Smirking herself, Irena remembers before purring. ''Strawberry Fairyflower from Brazil. I remember that one.''

''Now, be serious for a moment...'' States Sibilla all seriously scolding her sister before asking her. ''... What do we do about the hole Hubby-Odin problem!''

''Oh?! Now he is a problem?!...'' Teases Irena her sister, before noticing the others underlying nervousness. ''... Wait a minute...'' Sizing her sister up and down, the demoness asks. ''... Are you nervous? Why? You know him longer than me and are married to him longer than I have been. Why be nervous?''

''Yea, well the marriage was prearranged and we only fell in love... with time.'' Confesses the fairy to the demoness.

Shocked and surprised, Irena opens and closes her mouth several times, before saying. ''Oh, damm it.... that kind of makes sense.''

Irritated and mildly annoyedby her sister, Sibilla touches the runes around her neck, while asking. ''What is that supported to mean?''

Shooting her sister a devilish smile, Irena tells her. ''Just that it makes sense that he also married me. I mean with me it was all war and love, before we married. Seems that you where to easy to conquer...''