
Chapter Three : The Girl Covered In Red

The next morning all the omega females got a call by the curvey, scary looking woman who was the head of the omega girls. She was a beta wolf.

"We need flowers for tonight's banquet. But the flower shops and the gardens are already destroyed in the downtown, we need people to go to the woods to collect flowers for tonight's decoration," she was describing the tasks very casually.

"What?!! " but a stir of panic flowed through everyone. Who would go to the woods to die? People started murmuring.

"Banquet?" I asked in low voice.

"Yes, Don't you know? The Alpha is throwing a huge banquet tonight for the celebration of the prince's return," June replied whispering.

"As you all can see, we can't mess up with the cooking, so people who are directly involved with preparing the recipes can't leave," the woman continued. "You there!" she suddenly pointed her index finger towards me, "you, you and you," she randomly picked three of us, "you three are going to the woods. You're not even useful in the kitchen."

"What?!" June almost shouted. "Don't you know that she can't shift? How can you send three girls out in the woods alone? What if something bad happens to them? Is it necessary to have flowers in the middle of a war? " June questioned angrily.

Cathy tried to stop June. I also grabbed her hand, gave her a squeeze to stay quiet. This woman was a beta and she held the power and the authority over the omega girls in her hands. June could be severally punished for her behaviour.

"It's okay, I will go. I have no problem," I said quickly. I didn't want Cathy or June to get involved in any kind of trouble because of me.

"Are you trying to rebel?" the lady asked June ignoring me, frowning her brows together. "If you're so worried about her, then why don't you join her as well? " she asked.

"No! No-" I quickly protested. "I will go alone. They Don't have to come with me," I said.

"I'm coming with you. I'm not letting you go alone, " June said.

"June! Are you on your right mind? Do you know how much it's dangerous out there? The Sapphire bases are everywhere surrounding us. You're just a kid who can't even shift in time, " Cathy shook her violently.

"How can you say this Cathy? Isn't Ella the same? She has already gone through so much, how can you leave her? I'm going," June insisted. Cathy suddenly fell in a deep thought.

I tried to convince them that I would be alright. I wouldn't go too far and would return as soon as possible. The smaller the number the easier it would be to hide ourselves and not to draw any attention. But they both seemed not interested in any excuse to listen. So I gave up. I was having an ominous feeling about it. But they almost forced themselves in and replaced the other two girls.

When we were leaving, we saw an official coming down from upstairs. He took a glance at us and the baskets in our hands.

"Where are you girls going? " he asked.

June and Cathy almost shrunk in fear. They never talked with an official before.

"To get flowers," I replied shortly and ignored him. I knew this guy. He never seemed to like my father. "Cathy, june, come" I said to them and came out of the house.

While leaving the house we heard the conversations between the lady and the official.

"What are you thinking by sending them out there like this? " the official asked.

"Just getting rid of the useless weaklings," the lady replied and started laughing evilly.

"Tch, What a bitch!" Cathy said.

"Ignore them," I said. We continued moving. In no time we came near the pack border. There were patrols everywhere.

"Where do you girls think you are going?" a guy asked.

"We are asked to get flowers from the woods," June replied flatly.

"You can't cross the pack border. It's forbidden, return to the house right now. It's even dangerous out here. We can get attacked anytime," he said.

"We have this pass from the old lady," Cathy said. "If we return without finishing our tasks we will be severely punished. And don't worry about us, we will return soon without making any trouble."

Cathy showed him the pass that the lady gave us for the border. Seeing the pass he couldn't say no anymore. But he was looking worried. Seemed like he was an omega as well. If he was a beta he wouldn't even have cared about the pass. He would just let us slide to die out there. Two or three or more, they wouldn't care even if all the omegas died.

"Alright you can go, but I'm informing this to the authorities as well. If you face any trouble contact immediately through the pack link, okay? " he seemed like a really careful and nice guy.

"Do whatever you want," Cathy said.

"You people are sending us to die anyway," June said quite angrily.

We came out in the woods. It was my first time ever out in the woods. Since I was weak, my father would never let me pass the border. It was so deep that even though it was almost noon, the sun rays were not even touching the ground. It was so dark everywhere.

"What are we doing here? I can't even see any traces of flowers except for the orchids hanging from here and there," June yelled low key in an annoyed tone.

"Don't touch them. Some of them can be very poisonous," I said.

"I think that pig was just making an excuse to get us in trouble," Cathy said.

Suddenly we heard a noise. A very thin one. Like a stick broke somewhere out there. All of our senses became very cautious. I could feel presence around us.

"Oh no," Cathy and June started to panic. "we can't fight them."

"Don't! Don't make noises, and Don't panic,'' I warned them. We stood back to back in an attacking position. I was the oldest one here. All three of us were omegas. And I couldn't even shift properly.

I wasn't even sure if I could use the pack link or not.

" June, Cathy, try to use the pack link and ask for help."

"I'm trying already. Seems like we are not in the range anymore," Cathy said.

June was already terrified. She was almost trembling. Cathy was on the verge of crying as well.

"We can't make it like this," I told them. "You two need to listen and calm down."

But nothing was helping. They were getting more and more panicked. The appearances were becoming visible quickly.

June and Cathy screamed in fear. Those wolves were huge in size. Growling angrily at us. Those sharp teeth, saliva was coming out of their opened mouths. They were preparing to jump on us and rip us apart anytime.

June suddenly tried to run away. I screamed her name to stop her from doing so.

She couldn't even take two steps. She was so afraid that she even forgot to shift. In front of our eyes within a second a wolf bit her down on the ground and ripped of her whole chest. Cathy screamed in anger. She shifted and attacked the one that killed June.

The other wolves attacked on us as well. Cathy was fighting hard. But she was no match for them.

I was so shocked and paused for a moment. My insides were burning with rage. Looking at the dead body of June lying there on blood, I lost my control over my body. My wolf tried to take over. But due to my weak body it stopped in the middle. Half of me had shifted and half of me hadn't. My hands and legs and back were almost in the wolf form. Cathy was still fighting. Almost all the wolves attacked all together. But my rage had taken me to an another level. The first wolf that jumped on me I quickly dodged it and grabbed it by its throat with my claws and ripped its heart out. I never shifted to this form before. But I was so fast. Within a few minutes I almost fought all the wolves and killed them one by one.

The one that was trying to kill Cathy I grabbed it by its neck and ripped out its heart from the back. I was surprised and terrified at my own self. I was like a half beast, half human. I was looking like a terrible monster bathed in blood.

Suddenly I could feel more presence around us. I growled at the direction. Cathy had returned to her human form again. She took June's body in her lap and started crying.

I was about to attack those people. But when they got closer, I saw the future alpha Zen, his two companions and some other wolves of our pack. Looking at Zen my wolf howled in pain again. My body couldn't bear the force anymore. I again slowly turned back to normal. Zen's two companions were with him, Alexander and Dylan. Dylan's mate Lia was also with them.

"Oh my! Who killed all of them?" She asked in surprise looking at the dead wolves all over.

Cathy was still crying over June's body. I still had the heart of the wolf in my hand. My eyes were emotionless. I was standing still. I crushed the heart that was in my hand.

They were shocked by looking at the havoc that took place a few minutes ago.

"I can't believe it. Don't tell me she killed them alone?" Lia asked with surprise again.

"But how can an omega kill the general of the Sapphire's base? And these many wolves alone?" Dylan examined one dead wolf and stated.

Zen's eyes were fixed on me. I can't explain what my wolf was feeling. It was neither hatred nor attraction. My wolf suddenly became so quite inside. I was just standing there like a statue. June's death wasn't hitting me yet. I was not in the state to take a look at her corpse. I wasn't ready to accept one more loss. It was not even too long since I lost my parents.

I was barely being able to take steps. I tried to look back at June. Zen was feeling my emotions. When I was about to turn back he knew I would lose control again, he grabbed my hand to stop me.

This is the first time he touched me. A spark of hatred flowed through every veins in my body. I quickly freed my hand with a jerk.

"Don't touch me! " I screamed at him angrily. My wolf had taken over my voice as well. She absolutely hated the idea of being close to him anymore.

I slowly turned back and looked at June and Cathy. Cathy was mourning in pain. I went to her and kept my hand on her shoulder. But she pushed me away with force.

"Get away from us! Everything happened because of you! You're responsible for all of these. Because of you June died," she screamed at me and then kneeled down on the ground and started crying again.

I couldn't take the force of the push due to my earlier fight. My body lost all of its strength. I was about to fall on the ground. Suddenly I felt a very smooth but strong pair of hands snaking around my body to prevent me from falling. My eyes met with a pair of beautiful eyes. So this is what heavenly beauty looks like. At first from afar I mistook Alexander as a female just because of his feminine beauty.

But I was not in any condition to get mesmerised. I could feel my wolf disliking the idea of him touching me as well. Also I could feel another person growling silently in anger. I could feel the howling of Zen's wolf as well. I could tell that he was barely keeping his cool by gritting his teeth.

I pushed Alex away. Cathy was even despising my existence. Since she was way younger and mentally broken Lia was taking care of her. I tried to take steps alone but failed. Alex quickly grabbed me again.

"Let me help you. Instead of fighting me, fight your pains," he said and gave me a warm smile.

And took all of my weight over his shoulder and helped me to move. I could feel Zen's rage behind. He broke a tree branch near him.

I couldn't tell even after rejecting me, what kind of possessiveness he was feeling. "Does he even have the right to feel like this?" I thought.

My white gown was now dyed in red blood. My face, whole body was dyed in red. When we came back to the pack house a wave of shock and surprise flowed through the whole pack. Everyone started to panic and started asking questions.

Suddenly everyone fell silent by Zen's angry voice.

"Who ordered them to go to the woods?!" he asked angrily.

The Alpha and The royals also came downstairs due to the extreme noises.

Everyone was silent and afraid. The curvey woman was trembling in fear.

"I asked who?! Answer me, right now! " Zen ordered again. An Alpha wolf's order was something that no regular wolf could defy.

The lady came forward trembling.

"What happened, Zen? Calm down, everyone is getting scared. Calm down, " the Alpha said.

Zen didn't reply to his father. Instead he ordered the woman,"Leave this pack right now, and don't show your face here again ever. If you do, your pack mates will be the one taking your life, " Without giving anymore explanation he went upstairs.

The alpha was looking at us confusedly. Alexander's body was covered in blood as well due to carrying me all the way.

"Alexander? " the alpha looked at him confusedly.

I quickly moved away from Alex. I lowered my eyes emotionlessly. Cathy was no where to be seen. Lia took her somewhere to calm her down.

"I will report you everything soon, Alpha," Alex said. The alpha nodded and gave me one last look. It felt like he could read me. Without further inquiring, he went upstairs as well.

I looked at Alex. He gave me a warm smile again. His face was covered in blood, it looked so unearthly.

" So this is the guy who can capture anyone's heart," I thought.

"Try not to over think about today's incident and get some rest," Alex said.

I nodded slowly and then came back to my room. When I came to my room,it hit me hard. June's and Cathy's stuffs were already gone. Cathy was blaming everything on me. Now I was left alone again. The first few hours after that incident became very painful to me. I almost crumbled in pain on my bed.

The banquet was dismissed for that night. I took a bath. I had no dresses except for the ones that June and Cathy gave me. My belongings were still at my previous house. Looking at the white dresses I felt so sad. They used to say that I look like an angel in white. So June would let me wear all of her white ones. I was feeling suffocated in that room. I was thinking about my mom, dad, June, Cathy and also Zen. His rejection. I quickly changed my dress and came upstairs.

I came to the balcony. I was standing at a corner while looking at the evening sky. Suddenly Alex came and stood beside me.

"The sky looks so lonely without any stars, without any clouds, just like you," he said softly.

I turned to him. He smiled at me.

"Feeling lonely?" he asked.

I didn't reply. He suddenly took my hand into his. Our fingers intertwined. I frowned my brows together.

"Try to feel the loneliness in me, it will reduce yours," he said. He took my another hand and placed it over his chest. I was as if being able to feel his wolf. A very strong one. It gave me a spark. An alpha! Yes, this strong presence and authority. It was definitely an alpha wolf. I was looking at him with eyes full of confusions. "This soft, feminine, heavenly beauty, how can this guy be an alpha?" I was wondering.

I could feel his energy earlier in the woods as well. It was so strong. Alex as if knew what I was thinking. He only smirked.

"You're an alpha? " I asked.

"Yes," he replied casually. ''But just like your father, I am not ready to take the responsibilities of this pack."

"Why is your wolf so lonely? A guy like you can have anyone," I asked

"But I just don't want some 'anyone'," he gave me a cheeky grin and replied.

I moved my hand off his chest. But our other hands were still intertwined together.

"Have you really never found a mate? Or is it really because what people say?" I asked again.

"What do they say? " he brought his face a bit closer to mine and gave me a pretty smile and asked.

I was wondering if I should ask him something like this or not. " Do you wish it not to be a girl ? " I asked awkwardly.

I didn't know if it was appropriate to ask him something like that but I did anyway. I wasn't thinking much while asking.

He laughed a bit and looked up at the sky again. "Who knows! I just never found anyone for whom I could be obsessed," he replied.

The moonlight was falling on his face. He was looking like a fallen angel bathing in the moonlight.

Suddenly I felt a presence behind us and turned back quickly. Zen was standing there. His expressions were saying that he was absolutely not liking the view in front of him. His face became dark by looking at our hands that were still intertwined together. Not too long ago he took a shower. His black hairs were still wet, falling on his forehead making him look more handsome.

"Come to my room, right now! " he ordered angrily.

My heart almost skipped a beat by the authority of his voice. Without even waiting for a reply, within seconds, his figure disappeared. He was damn fast. I almost forgot our hands were still connected. I quickly freed my hands and looked at Alex apologetically.

"Let me show you his room," Alex said smiling. "Don't worry, he sometimes gets short tempered a bit but he's not a bad guy, " Alex smiled at me and said.