
Obsession is Just Not My Thing

Bakugo is obsessed with Kirishima but refuses to believe it till its too late... “...him trying to hide his little smile made me have butterflies in my stomach. This is not good.“

Crude_Kyle · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Who Would Do Such a Thing?

Kirishima's Pov:

What I saw freaked me the fuck out. I clicked on the article and saw Mina's school photo next to a body of water. I can't believe that Mina is dead. She was just here yesterday, I TALKED to her, saw her breathe, listened to her laugh. There is no possible way she's dead. Who did this to her?

They say they have no idea what happened, the only information that they have right now is that she has burn marks around her neck, blunt force trauma to the side of her head, and that she was found floating. The burn around her neck is so suspicious, like who would do that? How did they do that? The more I read this article the more creeped out I get and the more questions I have… maybe I should stop and go consult with my friends.

I ran into Denki on his way to the common room. He looked shaken. I ask what's wrong and he replies with "I just read one of the articles about Mina and I don't know what to think. I mean how could someone do such a thing?" I totally get where he's coming from. I give him a big ol' hug and we talk about how we felt on our way to get breakfast.

From there we ran into Sero and he looked like he just saw a ghost, we already know what's wrong. Soon everyone came into the common room and we all had the same looks on our faces. Sadness, desperation, bewilderment, rage, guilt? I look over to Bakugo and he looks guilty. What would he be guilty about?

"Hey Bakugo. What's with that look on your face? You look kinda guilty about something." I whispered.

"Hey Kirishima. What the fuck do you mean I look guilty? I don't look guilty, I look 'confused' because that's how I feel." He bit back.

"Alright then… it's alright to feel whatever you're feeling right now by the way. Everyone grieves differently."

"I'm not fucking grieving, I just cant think of who would do such a thing. I mean I guess maybe I feel a little guilty, like maybe if she actually came over to my dorm last night maybe this wouldn't have happened." He sounded serious.

"Hey don't blame yourself, we all wish that we could have done something to stop this but we couldn't have known what was happening. So just be easy on yourself. Okay?" And with that I left to go back to the table.